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1. Process is … ?

A. program in High level language kept on disk

B. contents of main memory
C. a program in execution
D. a job in secondary memory

2. Fork is .. ?

A. the dispatching of a task

B. the creation of a new job
C. the creation of a new process
D. increasing the priority of a task

3. Interprocess communication

A. is required for all processes

B. is usually done via disk drives
C. is never necessary,
D. allows processes to synchronize activity
4 ............ is a large kernel, including scheduling file system, networking,
device drivers, memory management and more.

A) Monolithic kernel
B) Micro kernel
C) Macro kernel
D) Mini kernel
5. With ................ only one process can execute at a time; meanwhile all
other process are waiting for the processer. With ....... more than one
process can be running simultaneously each on a different processer.

A) Multiprocessing, Multiprogramming
B) Multiprogramming, Uniprocessing
C) Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing
D) Uniprogramming, Multiprocessing
6................. is the ability of multiple process to co-ordinate their activities
by exchange of information
A) Synchronization
B) Mutual Exclusion
C) Dead lock
D) Starvation

JOIN TELEGRAM : @Educationkey86 & @YTEducation . YouTube: Education key86 /YT Education

7. Which of the following are the states of a five state process model?

i) Running ii) Ready iii) New iv) Terminate v) Destroy

A) i, ii, iii and v only

B) i, ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii, iii only
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v

8. Following is/are the reasons for process suspension.

A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request
C) Timing
D) All of the above
9. Process Management function of an operating system kernel includes.

A) Process creation and termination.

B) Process scheduling and dispatching
C) Process switching
D) All of the above
10. Which of the following is not the function of Micro kernel?

A) File management
B) Low-level memory management
C) Inter-process communication
D) Process management
11. State whether the following statement is true.

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a process.

ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication between different
executing programs.

A) i-True, ii-False
B) i-True, ii-True
C) i-False, ii-True
D) i-False, ii-False

JOIN TELEGRAM : @Educationkey86 & @YTEducation . YouTube: Education key86 /YT Education

12. In process scheduling, …………………… determines when new processes

are admitted to the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling
C) short term scheduling
D) none of the above
13. File management function of the operating system includes
i) File creation and deletion
ii) Disk scheduling
iii) Directory creation
iv) Mapping file in secondary storage.

A) i, ii and iii only

B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
14. Operating System means........................

A) a set of programs which controls computer

B) a way of computer drives works
C) a set of devices and programs
D) All of the above
15. The process that are residing in the main memory and are waiting to
execute are kept on a list called............

A) job queue
B) ready queue
C) wait queue
D) device queue
16. Which of the following describes the ability of an OS to support
multiple, concurrent paths of execution within a single process?

A) Multiprogramming
B) Multiprocessing
C) Multitasking
D) Multithreading

JOIN TELEGRAM : @Educationkey86 & @YTEducation . YouTube: Education key86 /YT Education

17. A thread is a.................... Process.

A) heavy weight
B) Multiprocess
C) light weight
D) inter thread
18. Which is the first program run on a computer when the computer boots

A. System software
B. Operating system
C. System operations
D. None
19. The primary job of the operating system of a computer is to

A. command resources
B. manage resources
C. provide utilities
D. be user friendly
20. In ______ OS, the response time is very critical.

A) Multitasking
B) Batch
C) Online
D) Real-time
21. Which technique was introduced because a single job could not keep
both the CPU and the I/O devices busy?

A) Multiprogramming
B) Spooling
C) Preemptive scheduling
D) Time-sharing
22. Information about a process is maintained in a _________.

A) Stack
B) Translation Lookaside Buffer
C) Process Control Block
D) Program Control Block

JOIN TELEGRAM : @Educationkey86 & @YTEducation . YouTube: Education key86 /YT Education

23. Main function of shared memory is:

A. to use primary memory efficiently

B. to do inter process communication
C. to do intra process communication
D. none of above
24. Which process can be affected by other processes executing in the

A) cooperating process
B) child process
C) parent process
D) Independent process
25. Messages sent by a process :

A. have to be of a fixed size

B. have to be a variable size
C. can be fixed or variable sized
D. None of these

JOIN TELEGRAM : @Educationkey86 & @YTEducation . YouTube: Education key86 /YT Education

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