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A Study Presented to

the Faculty of the College of Criminal Justice Education

University of the Cordilleras

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree








August 2023


Cover Page. . . . . . . . . .1

Table of Contents. . . . . . . . .2

I. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . .3


Statement of the problem . . . . . .8

Theoretical and Conceptual. . . . . . .9

Research Paradigm. . . . . . . . 10

II. METHODOLOGY. . . . . . . . . 11

Research Design. . . . . . . . . 11

Population and Locale Study. . . . . . . 12

Data Gathering Procedure. . . . . . . 13

Data Gathering Tool. . . . . . . .13

Treatment of the Study. . . . . . . . 14

Ethical consideration . . . . . . . . 15

References . . . . . . . . 16

Chapter I

The Problem


Technological advancement played an important role in the world of

law enforcement and its success contributing to become more effective in

enforcing laws as well as solving crimes. As technological innovations continue

to arise, many technological equipment is introduced which aids the work

loads of police officers. The benefits of it are now endured by police officers in

terms of crime detection, prevention and others. According to Borrion (2018),

the use of technology has, however, been an important part of police work,

and technological innovation has gone hand-in-hand with the evolution of

police practice.

Despite the emerging advancements of technologies, the scope of it is

limited in terms of police works, especially those who work on field. The

insufficiency of such equipment may impact their work success and may also

put their lives on peril. Using the correct equipment for work not only ensures

the safety of the user but also increases staff productivity and efficiency.

Especially when a worker is involved in a high-risk task. The right equipment can

make the process fast and save you from injuries ( Martin., 2022)

In relation to their work, as to the arrest of criminal offenders, suspects,

fugitives, and etc. Each of them has different behaviors and intellect. Some of

them are cooperative and some are not. These types of people being violent

is inevitable, they tend to resist officers and try to fight back which results to an

officer drawning his firearm and even death of a person to being arrested

caused by shooting. An ex-Philippine soldier disobeyed a policeman’s order

and pulled out a handgun before being shot dead at a COVID-19 quarantine

checkpoint in Metro Manila, authorities said that the national police and army

opened investigations into the shooting (Navsles, B. S a. M., 2020). In other

cases, the death of a person to be arrested is due to an instance which the

person was shot because they tend to escape from authorities.

Policing is one of the most dangerous professions, and in fact, sometimes

police officers are killed or injured because of uncooperative and/or abusive

offenders. According to Robb et al. (2009), Police officers are regularly called

upon to deal with violent and dangerous people. Physical restraint by police

personnel or physical constraint with guns may be used. In safeguarding their

communities, law enforcement personnel must respond to occurrences,

pursue and catch offenders, and handle violent situations. Their lives are often

in danger when enforcing laws. Policing is a dangerous job. According to the

Bureau of Labor Statistics' National Census of Fatal Occupation Injuries in 2016,

work-related deaths among police and other protective employees increased

by 32% between 2015 and 2016, with police murders increasing by 50% over

the same time period. According to Upson (n.d.), Tasers will probably reduce

the amount of pistol rounds that law enforcement personnel fire, lowering the

likelihood of significant injuries and fatalities. At the same time, it could lead

authorities to punish those who simply commit small offenses unjustly.

Police brutality is one of the problems that law enforcement officers

often face when dealing with suspected fugitives. Sometimes the police can

hurt or kill someone when enforcing laws and regulations. Well, in fact,

watching the news in the past years, there have been cases wherein people

were killed by police officers while conducting an arrest. The worst case is that

sometimes innocent people were affected or killed in the enforcement of laws.

And according to Kreuzer (2018), Shooting suspects by the Philippine National

Police nearly never results in their incapacitation.

The use of taser guns is not limited to restraining criminals but can also be

used during behavioral emergencies, like those involving people with mental

illness, or when responding to a person who is intoxicated with alcohol.When it

comes to reacting to various emergency circumstances, especially behavioral

emergencies, police have a special role in the community. Alcohol or other

drugs are typically a factor in behavioral emergencies involving people who

have either recently developed mental illness or a history of mental illness

(O’brien and Thom, 2014).

Instead of using guns and/or other deadly weapons that may hurt or kill

offenders, there are safer and less lethal methods of restraining offenders

without the use of deadly weapons like firearms. Less than lethal weapons Use

of fire arms as the choice weapon by police officers have been around since

the late 1800s. Police departments started issuing firearms to police officers in a

response to better-armed criminal populations, (Bulman, 2010). Recent studies

have shown that less lethal weapons decrease the rate of police officers and

suspect injuries. Because evidence supports less lethal weapons for police

officer, many law enforcement agencies have agencies are stressing the use of

less-lethal weapons. In the early 19th century, the less than lethal weapon of

choice was the wooden club, (Bulman, 2010). Less than lethal weapons have

evolved to technology such as conductive energy devices (CEDs), commonly

known as the Taser.This is why tasers are a form of safe, effective and non-lethal

weaponry for law enforcement and the use of such weapons should be

supported with proper training.

The use of lethal weapons in apprehending offenders, like guns, is

regarded around the world as a crucial component of military strategy. These

weapons have been given to police agencies throughout time, and some of

the injuries they have inflicted have been classified as severe. Less-lethal

weapons are portrayed as having undeniable advantages for both offenders

and law enforcers. According to Tumbill (2006), Law enforcement personnel

have benefited from alternatives to lethal force. For controlling chaotic

circumstances, there are several less-lethal solutions available. They have

proven to be among the most effective innovations in contemporary law

enforcement. He also added that Taser-equipped law enforcement agencies

experience a decrease in injuries to both police and criminals.

Taser weapons are a great addition to police officers' kits for a number

of reasons. According to Tumbill (2006), the first reason is that it can be used up

to 21 feet from the offender, allowing less contact between the officer and

assailant. The second is that Only the individual who received the shock is

affected. and most importantly, it can be used in hospitals and courtrooms

without worrying about injuring others aside from the offender.Taser weapons,

an alternative to deadly weapons for electrical shock and immediate

incapacitation, enable law enforcement to make an arrest without

substantially, gravely, or permanently causing injury to the suspect, the


arresting officers, or unknowing bystanders.Taser devices are crucial because

deadly weapons are occasionally employed in situations when they are not


This is why tasers are a form of safe, effective and non-lethal weaponry

for law enforcement and the use of such weapons should be supported with

proper training.According to the findings of a study conducted by Boseman

et al. (2007), more than 99% of participants do not sustain serious injuries after

using an electrical weapon, the TASER GUN. Though there are people who

oppose the use of the taser gun because according to them it is dangerous

but based on studies taser gun are much safer from both the offender and the

police officer. In the study of Boseman et al. (2007) out of 1125 participants

1113 of them did experienced Mild or no injuries after conducted electrical

weapon use.

Griffith (2009) claims that TASERs are intended to produce discomfort

and render a person immobile by interfering with their ability to operate their

muscles voluntarily. Police personnel initially supported the use of TASERs as a

kind of less-lethal force against aggressive or violent individuals. We the

researchers want to modify this Taser guns by adding a camera recorder and

laser sight. The camera, laser sight, and Taser gun are all contained within a

housing that may be moved for sighting purposes onto a suspect target. They

are all connected to a control center either by hardwire or wireless


The purpose of this research is to resolve an issue concerning police

personnel on field subject for the maintenance of peace and order of the

community in handling criminal offenders, suspects, fugitives, and etc. in

relation to arrest and restraints. This study aims to eliminate such situation by

introducing an innovative equipment which will aid the problem of police

personnel on their field work concerning the use of such technology in

restraining certain person.


The objective of this study is to create and introduced an innovation that

would help the police personnel in restraining person subject to an offense and

to reduce the risk that would peril the life of Police Officers and to eliminate the

possibility of police personnel in drawing his firearm that can cause the life of

a person subject to an offense restraining. It sought to answer the following


1. What are the impacts of taser gun as equipment be used by police officers

as a means of restraining violent offenders?

2. How can the taser gun contribute to the justice system of the Philippines?

3. Does the use of taser gun by police officers in performing an arrest of violent

offenders considered a reasonable force in conducting arrest? Why?

Significance of the Study

The primary objective of this study is to provide a solution to a problem

involving police officers working in the field to maintain community peace and

order when dealing with criminal offenders, suspects, fugitives, and other

individuals in connection to arrest and restraint. By presenting a cutting-edge

tool that will assist police officers in their field work on the employment of such

technology in restraint, this study seeks to end such a situation. This study aids

future researchers by serving as a tool in preparing for any potentially difficult

situation or complication that may arise.

Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework

Broken Window Theory

According to the Broken Window Theory, excessive police force actually

encourages greater criminal behavior among the general public rather than

bringing about social order. Therefore, excessive and unfair enforcement

serves more as an incentive to commit crimes than a deterrent. This occurs

because people who live in environments with heavy policing have

psychological tendencies to rebel rather than conform (Jenkins 2016). As a

result, the employment of electrical stun devices (Tasers) by the police to

apprehend violent offenders has no value for either the police or the general


experiential theory

A particularly helpful framework for further analysis of police officers'

attitudes toward and responses to aggressive individuals is provided by

attribution theory. People seek to identify the perpetrators of crimes when such

a circumstance arises. According to Timmer (2005) and Timmer and Visser

(2014), the so-called monopoly of violence gives the police the right to employ

reasonable force. The Police Act and official instructions outline the guidelines

and requirements for this. Police personnel may occasionally need to use

force, for instance, to defend both others and themselves. However, police

officers are typically able to resolve conflicts and situations pleasantly, for

example, by speaking or issuing verbal reprimands. However, every police

officer will treat residents differently. This may be shown in an officer's career

use of force as well as in how patient they are with the public.

Paradigm of the Study


Police officers Administering of

experience interview
Basis in introducing
Regulations Data collation TASER Gun

Competence Data analysis and Innovation


Existing studies
Figure 1.

This conceptual framework shows the input, process, and output

approaches of the study. The input is the independent variable, which

includes the police officer's experience, Regulations, Competence, demand,

and Existing studies. The process includes the tools and analyses used in

gathering the data, while the output is the outcome based on the results of

the study.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the nature of the study and the methodology that will be

employed. The proposed research design, population and locale, data

gathering tool, data gathering procedure, treatment of data and ethical

considerations are also discussed in this chapter.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers will use a qualitative research design

specifically case study. It involved obtaining information by collecting,

analyzing, and interpreting participants’ personal opinions and experiences

about their field of work that is directly related to the current study titled

"Introduction of taser gun to police personnel as a Means of restraining violent

offenders”.The main feature of qualitative research is that it is best suited for

small samples, and its results are not measurable or quantifiable. Its primary

advantage, which also serves as its primary distinction from quantitative

research, is that it provides a comprehensive description and analysis of a

research subject without limiting the scope of the research or the nature of

participant responses (Collis & Hussey, 2003).


Population and locale of the study

The research study will be carried out in Baguio City. This study’s population will

be 10 police officers of Baguio City who ensures the peace and order of the

community and who responds to criminal activities. The researchers would use

purposive sampling to select participants. Purposive sampling is a kind of non-

probability sampling in which researchers use their discretion in choosing

members of the population to participate in their survey. The interview will be

done in the availability of the participan. The study was conducted in the

Cordillera Region, where the Baguio City Police Office is located. The reason for

choosing this city is because it is where the researchercurrently resides and for the

easy gathering of data.

The locale of the study is specifically the City of Baguio. The participants

were interviewed personally. Furthermore, the interview will be done from the

month of September to November 2023.


Data Gathering Tool

The interviewwas the primary data gathering instrument. An interview guide

will be constructed by the researchers, comprising of open-ended

questions that will cater to the objectives of the study. The potential

participants were asked regarding matters concerning the issue,

introduction of taser gun to police personnel as a means of restraining


Data Gathering Procedure

A request letter was sent to the concerned heads of offices. Upon

approval of the request, the researchers will meet with the prospective

participants to discuss the purpose of the study and obtain their consent. A

specific date will be set for the conduct of an interview with those who

consented to participate in the study. Further, the factual and truthful

answers of the participants gathered will be transcribed and coded for

data analysis and interpretation.

Treatment of Data

To be able to analyze more onto the impacts of taser gun as

equipment be used by police officers as a means of restraining violent

offendersin Baguio City thematic analysis and triangulation will be used.

Kiger and Varpio (2020) defined thematic analysis as a method for

analyzing qualitative data that entails searching across a data set to


identify, analyze, and report repeated patterns. This research seeks to

understand and know the impacts of taser gun as equipment be used by

police officers as a means of restraining violent offenders.

Bhandari and Mathew (2023) defined triangulation as the means of

using multiple datasets, methods, theories, and/or investigators to address

a research question. It’s a research strategy that can help to enhance the

validity and credibility of your findings and mitigate the presence of any

research biases in your work. Triangulation also has been viewed as

qualitative research.

For this study proximity triangulation was used. Proximity triangulation

is a qualitative research technique in which researchers study events or

behaviors close in time to each other. By doing so, researchers can

compare similar events or behaviors throughout a specific period in one

setting without having to move from one source to another. This minimizes

the occurrence of researcher bias in the study. (Triangulation In research: 7

Common Types, 2022).


Ethical Consideration

The participation of the participants in this study was voluntary. Also,

informed consent was obtained prior to the gathering of data. The

participants may withdraw from the study at any stage. In addition, all

information will be kept confidential.



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