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Edge computing
Edge computing involves processing data closer to the source of its
generation, rather than relying solely on centralized data centers. By
bringing computational power closer to where data is produced, edge
computing reduces latency, conserves bandwidth, improves
reliability, enhances privacy and security, and enables scalable and
distributed architectures. It's particularly useful in IoT,
telecommunications, manufacturing, healthcare, and smart cities for
its efficiency and responsiveness.

Possible components of edge include:

Edge devices: We already use devices that do edge computing every
day—like smart speakers, watches and phones – devices which are
locally collecting and processing data while touching the physical
world. Internet of Things (IoT) devices, point of sales (POS) systems,
robots, vehicles and sensors can all be edge devices—if they compute
locally and talk to the cloud.
Network edge: Edge computing doesn’t require a separate “edge
network” to exist (it could be located on individual edge devices or a
router, for example). When a separate network is involved, this is just
another location in the continuum between users and the cloud and
this is where 5G can come into play. 5G brings extremely powerful
wireless connectivity to edge computing with low latency and high
cellular speed, which brings exciting opportunities like autonomous
drones, remote telesurgery, smart city projects and much more. The
network edge can be particularly useful in cases where it is too costly
and complicated to put compute on premises and yet high
responsiveness is required (meaning the cloud is too distant).


1. Low Latency: By processing data closer to where it's generated,

edge computing reduces the time it takes for data to travel back and
forth to centralized servers, resulting in lower latency and faster
response times.

2. Bandwidth Conservation: Edge computing can help conserve

bandwidth by processing data locally and only transmitting relevant
information to the cloud or central data center, reducing the volume of
data that needs to be transferred over the network.

3. Improved Reliability: By distributing processing tasks across

multiple edge devices, edge computing can improve system reliability
and resiliency. If one edge device fails, others can continue to operate
4. Privacy and Security: Edge computing can enhance privacy and
security by processing sensitive data locally, without the need to
transmit it over a network to centralized servers. This reduces the risk
of data breaches and unauthorized access.

5. Scalability: Edge computing enables scalable and distributed

architectures that can easily accommodate growing numbers of IoT
devices and sensors without overloading centralized servers.

Edge Computing Applications

Edge computing finds applications across various industries due to its
ability to process data closer to the source. Some notable applications

1. Internet of Things (IoT): Edge computing enables IoT devices to

process data locally, reducing latency and conserving bandwidth. It's
used in smart homes, industrial IoT, wearable devices, and smart
cities for real-time monitoring, analysis, and decision-making.

2. Telecommunications: Edge computing helps telecom operators

deliver low-latency services like augmented reality (AR), virtual
reality (VR), and gaming by placing content and processing closer to
users. It also supports network functions virtualization (NFV) and
software-defined networking (SDN) for more efficient and flexible
network management.

3. Manufacturing: In manufacturing, edge computing facilitates real-

time monitoring and control of equipment, predictive maintenance,
quality control, and supply chain optimization. It enables factories to
operate more autonomously and efficiently.
4. Healthcare: Edge computing is used in healthcare for remote
patient monitoring, medical imaging analysis, personalized treatment
recommendations, and managing medical devices. It ensures timely
data processing and helps healthcare providers make informed

5. Retail: Edge computing enhances the retail experience through

personalized marketing, inventory management, cashier-less stores,
and customer analytics. It enables retailers to offer seamless, real-time
services to customers.

6. Transportation: Edge computing supports intelligent

transportation systems (ITS) by providing real-time traffic
monitoring, route optimization, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)
communication, and autonomous vehicle control. It improves safety,
efficiency, and sustainability in transportation networks.

7. Energy: In the energy sector, edge computing is used for smart

grid management, energy monitoring, predictive maintenance of
equipment, and optimizing energy consumption. It enables better
utilization of renewable energy sources and improves grid reliability.

8. Edge AI: Edge computing combined with artificial intelligence

(AI) enables on-device processing of AI algorithms for tasks like
image recognition, natural language processing, and anomaly
detection. It's used in surveillance cameras, autonomous vehicles,
drones, and personal assistants for faster and more efficient AI
Similarities : Dissimilarities :
Proximity to Data Source: Location of Processing:
Both edge and fog computing Edge Computing: Processing
involve processing data closer to occurs directly at or near the data
where it's generated, rather than source, such as on IoT devices,
relying solely on centralized data gateways, or local servers located
centers. This proximity reduces at the network edge.
latency and conserves bandwidth Fog Computing: Fog nodes,
by minimizing the need to which are intermediate
transmit data over long computing nodes, are positioned
distances. between the edge devices and the
centralized cloud. These fog
Real-Time Processing: Both nodes are located closer to the
paradigms enable real-time edge devices than traditional
processing and analysis of data, cloud data centers but are more
allowing for faster decision- centralized than individual edge
making and response to events devices.
or stimuli. Scope of Deployment:
Edge Computing: Edge
Distributed Architecture: Edge computing focuses on processing
and fog computing architectures data at the nearest point of
are distributed in nature, with generation, typically within a
computing resources deployed at single device or a local network.
various points within the Fog Computing: Fog computing
network. This distributed extends the edge computing
approach improves system paradigm by introducing a
resilience, scalability, and fault hierarchical architecture with
tolerance. multiple fog nodes deployed
across a broader geographical
Support for IoT: Both edge and area. Fog computing involves a
fog computing are well-suited more distributed deployment
for IoT applications, where large model compared to edge
volumes of data are generated by computing.
sensors and devices distributed Level of Hierarchy:
across different locations. By Edge Computing: Edge
processing data closer to IoT computing typically involves a
devices, both paradigms enhance flat hierarchy with processing
the efficiency and effectiveness taking place at the device level or
of IoT deployments. at local gateways. It's
characterized by a more
Enhanced Privacy and decentralized architecture.
Security: Edge and fog Fog Computing: Fog computing
computing can improve privacy introduces a multi-layered
and security by processing hierarchy with fog nodes serving
sensitive data locally, rather than as intermediate points between
transmitting it over public edge devices and centralized
networks to centralized servers. cloud data centers. This
This reduces the risk of data hierarchical structure allows for
breaches and unauthorized more granular control and
access. optimization of computational
Scalability and Flexibility:
Edge Computing: Edge
computing architectures are often
more lightweight and scalable,
suitable for deployments with a
large number of edge devices or
Fog Computing:
Management and
Edge Computing: Management
and orchestration in edge
computing environments may
involve more decentralized
approaches, with individual edge
devices responsible for self-
management and coordination.
Fog Computing: Fog computing
environments typically involve
centralized management and
orchestration of resources across
multiple fog nodes, enabling
centralized control and
optimization of computing

Process Of Edge Computing In IOT:

The process of edge computing in IoT involves several steps to enable
efficient and effective data processing and analysis at the network
edge. Here's a simplified overview of the process:

1. Data Generation: IoT devices, sensors, or machines generate data

based on their sensing capabilities or interactions with the
environment. This data could include sensor readings, environmental
conditions, equipment status, or any other relevant information.

2. Data Collection: The data generated by IoT devices is collected

and aggregated at the edge of the network. This can be done using
local gateways or edge devices that act as intermediaries between the
IoT devices and the network infrastructure.

3. Data Filtering and Pre processing: Once collected, the raw data
is filtered and preprocessed at the edge to remove noise, irrelevant
information, or duplicate data. This preprocessing step helps reduce
the volume of data that needs to be transmitted to centralized servers
for further analysis, conserving bandwidth and reducing latency.

4. Local Analytics and Decision-making: After preprocessing, edge

computing platforms or edge devices perform local analytics and
decision-making based on predefined rules, machine learning models,
or algorithms. This allows for real-time insights and immediate
responses to events or anomalies without the need to send data to the
cloud for processing.

5. Data Storage: Edge computing systems may also include local

storage capabilities to temporarily store processed data or historical
records. This local storage helps maintain data continuity and allows
for offline operation in case of network disruptions.

6. Integration with Cloud Services: While edge computing handles

most of the data processing and analysis locally, it can also integrate
with cloud services for tasks that require additional computational
resources, long-term storage, or advanced analytics. Processed data or
relevant insights may be selectively transmitted to the cloud for
further analysis or archival purposes.

7. Feedback Loop: Edge computing systems can provide feedback to

IoT devices or adjust their operation based on the insights gained
from local analytics. This closed-loop feedback mechanism enables
continuous improvement and optimization of IoT deployments.

8. Security and Privacy: Throughout the entire process, edge

computing systems must ensure the security and privacy of data. This
includes implementing encryption, access control mechanisms, and
compliance with relevant data protection regulations to safeguard
sensitive information.

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