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Northern Christian College, Inc.

The Institution for Better Life

Nurtured in Christ, Centered in Christ, Commissioned in Christ


Course: Literary Criticism Units: 3

Name: Mavill Joy M. Carreon Schedule: 9:00-10:30 am TTH

Analysis in the characters and culture using the classicist theory on “The Small Key”

By: Paz Latorena

"The Small Key" is a short story written by Filipino author Paz Latorena. Published in
1927, the narrative explores themes of love, betrayal, and the complexities of human
relationships. Applying classical literary theory to analyze the characters and culture in the story
can provide valuable insights.
Classical theory often emphasizes the presence of archetypal characters. In "The Small
Key," the protagonist, Felice, can be seen as a tragic hero. She experiences a downfall due to her
own flaws, namely jealousy and insecurity. Her journey mirrors the classical tragic arc. Felice's
unwarranted jealousy and suspicion can be seen as her tragic flaw or hubris. Her nemesis is her
own mistrust, leading to the eventual breakdown of her marriage.
Classicism often explores societal norms and expectations. The story is set in a
conservative Filipino society, reflecting traditional gender roles and expectations. Felice's
husband, Guido, embodies the patriarchal figure, while Felice struggles with societal
expectations of being a submissive wife. Classical literature often delves into fatalistic themes.
The cultural backdrop in "The Small Key" may reflect fatalistic elements in the characters'
actions and the ultimate outcome of their choices. The inevitability of the tragic events may echo
classical fatalism.
The key in the story can be analyzed using classical allegory. In classical literature,
objects often carry symbolic weight. The small key symbolizes secrets and hidden aspects of the
characters' lives. It becomes a metaphor for the locked emotions and truths that Felice discovers,
leading to her tragic realization.
Cassicist literary theory to "The Small Key" can unearth deeper layers of meaning within
the characters and culture presented in the story. Examining archetypes, cultural norms,
symbolism, and tragic elements enhances the understanding of Paz Latorena's narrative through a
classical lens.

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