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Describe your proudest accomplishments. *

My proudest accomplishment is leading a team of interns during my internship to prepare a valuation report
for a pre-revenue company seeking acquisition. Despite limited time, we mastered M&A modeling through
online resources, impressing our supervisor. My dedication to learning and adept task delegation enabled us
to secure USD250,000 in strategic funding for the company successfully. This experience showcased my
ability to manage stress and lead a team effectively.

Describe a situation where you faced failure, what lessons did you learn from it? *

I entered a university-level research competition during my undergrad, which didn't place me in the top 5.
Reflecting on the experience, I recognized several shortcomings in my approach. I learned the importance of
gathering primary data rather than relying solely on secondary sources and ensuring the data I used was
current and relevant. Moving forward, I prioritized collecting up-to-date primary data and conducting
thorough quality checks to enhance the credibility of my research reports.

How does your application benefit the 5 member schools? Please specify if you have a preferred choice
among our member's schools and why.*

My academic acumen, highlighted by scholarships received during high school, certifications in Economics
and Finance, and experience working in various sectors in an investment banking firm, will allow me to add
value to classroom discussions. My commitment to learning French highlights my dedication. Every school
in SAI has an equal academic rigor and reputation. ESCP would be ranked slightly higher due to the
campus's global presence, which would help me get extensive international exposure.

Did you take part in any extra-curricular activity these past years? (Hobby, non-profit, sport etc..)*

My stint as a cultural head in the penultimate year of graduation built my creativity and improved my
planning and coordination skills. I was also engaged in pro bono financial consulting for an NGO working to
convert plastic into oil. Apart from this, I am actively learning the flute, and mixing Western music with
Indian classical music is my favorite pastime. Engaging in debates and elocution competitions has helped
me build my communication and analytical skills.

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