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“Irrigation & Drainage Engineering Lab”


BATCH 2019
Section (CV-B2)

Submitted By:

Asjad Adil 17L-4639

Abdul Moeed 19L-0767
M.Awais Naseer 19L-0797

Submitted To: Engr. Fahad Haseeb



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We have put our efforts in this project. Indeed, it would not have been achievable without support
and help from the university and many individuals. We would like to say heartfelt thanks to all of

We would also like to express our gratitude towards our parents & Engr. Fahad Haseeb for her
kind co-operation and encouragement which helped us in completion of this project.

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I declare that the work presented in this report belongs to us completely. In case any of the
information provided is found plagiarized or copied from any source, we are aware that we may
be held liable for it and serious actions can be taken against us.

Dated: 30 March 2023

Name: Asjad Adil 17L-4639

Abdul Moeed 19L-0767
M.Awais Naseer 19L-0797

Signature: -----------------------

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Table of Contents:

1. Problem Statement ............................................................................................................................ 6

2. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Components of the Barrage ............................................................................................................... 6
4. Design Considerations: ...................................................................................................................... 9
5. Schematic Diagram of Problem Statement ..................................................................................... 10
6. Given Data ....................................................................................................................................... 11
7. Assumptions Taken ......................................................................................................................... 12
8. Design of Main Crest and Under Sluices: ....................................................................................... 12
9. Determination of water levels and energy levels: ........................................................................... 14
10. Methods for fixing D/S floor level ................................................................................................. 15
11. Scour protection............................................................................................................................. 15
12. Design of guide banks: ................................................................................................................... 15
13. Design of Sheet Piles and Exit Gradient Check ............................................................................ 15
14. Calculation of uplift pressure after applying correction .............................................................. 16
15. Calculation of uplift pressure after applying correction (Second Intermediate Sheet Pile) ........ 16
16. Calculation of uplift pressure after applying correction (D/S Sheet Pile) .................................... 16
17. Calculation of thickness of floor .................................................................................................... 16
18. Summary of the Design.................................................................................................................. 16
19. Uplift Pressures Summary: ........................................................................................................... 17
20. Calculations: .................................................................................................................................. 17

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Table of Figures:
FIGURE 1: PLAN VIEW OF A BARRAGE ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
FIGURE 2: CROSS SECTION OF A BARRAGE ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
FIGURE 3: LONGITUDINAL VIEW OF THE BARRAGE ........................................................................................................................................ 11
FIGURE 4: SCOUR DEPTH CALCULATION USING LACEY FACTOR............................................................................................................ 13
FIGURE 5: DISCHARGE CALCULATION FORMULA .......................................................................................................................................... 13
FIGURE 6: RATING CURVE FOR DSWL ................................................................................................................... 14

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1. Problem Statement:
It is required to take off three canals one from left and two right side of a river, all the three canals are
required to carry a maximum discharge of 3500 cusecs. We are required to design a head work (Barrage)
that will be capable of raise the water level in the river and to divert it into these canals. Following are the
properties of river that will be used in designing the barrage.

2. Introduction:
Barrages are typically constructed in flat areas and involve the use of gates to control water levels
in a river. The top of the solid obstruction is kept low, and during floods, the gates are raised to
prevent floodwaters from rising too high. By doing this, there is less silting and the weir can better
manage and control the water. These structures are typically built on permeable soil like alluvium,
silt or sand, allowing for seepage under the floor and giving uplift pressure. It is important that a
barrage is designed to be safe against subsoil flow and overflowing water.

The main reasons for building a barrage across a river are:

i) to divert the required amount of water from the river to canals
ii) to increase the water level to allow for gravity flow of water to irrigate the proposed area
iii) to enable effective silt control
iv) to provide permanent headworks for the canals, which can be completely closed during floods
to protect them.

3. Components of the Barrage:

Following are the components of barrage listed below for which the design is done:
 Main Barrage Portion:
a. Main body of the barrage, normal RCC slab which supports the steel gate. In the X-
Section it consists of :
b. Upstream concrete floor, to lengthen the path of seepage and to project the middle
portion where the pier, gates and bridge are located.
c. A crest at the required height above the floor on which the gates rest in their closed

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d. Upstream glacis of suitable slope and shape. This joins the crest to the downstream floor
level. The hydraulic jump forms on the glacis since it is more stable than on the
horizontal floor, this reduces length of concrete work on downstream side.
e. Downstream floor is built of concrete and is constructed so as to contain the hydraulic
jump. Thus it takes care of turbulence which would otherwise cause erosion. It is also
provided with friction blocks of suitable shape and at a distance determined through the
hydraulic model experiment in order to increase friction and destroy the residual kinetic

 Divide Wall:
 A wall constructed at right angle to the axis of the weir separating the weir proper from
the under sluices (to keep heavy turbulence at the nose of the wall, well away from
upstream protection of the sluices)
 It extends upstream beyond the beginning of canal HR. Downstream it extends up to the
end of loose protection of under sluices launching apron)
 This is to cover the hydraulic jump and the resulting turbulence. 
 The divide walls are costly structures
 These walls are likely to be subjected to maximum differential pressure when the full
discharge of the river is passing through the weir, (there will be difference in water level
on the two sides ).
 Also there may exit difference in silt pressure on the two side . The values of differential
pressure are taken arbitrarily say 1.0 m for water heads and about 2.0 m for silt pressure

 Fish Ladder:
 Fish ladder or fish passes are generally provided to enable the fish to ascend the head
waters of the river and thus reach their spawning grounds for propagation or to follow
their migratory habits in search of food.
 For movement of fish (negotiate the artificial barrier in either direction)
 Difference of level on the upstream and downstream sides on the weir is split up into
water steps by means of baffle walls constructed across the inclined chute of fish ladder.
 Velocity in chute must not be more than 3 m/s
 Grooved gate at upstream and downstream - for effective control.
 Optimum velocity 6-8 ft/s
 Plenty of light should be admitted in the fish-way
 The water supply should be ample at all times.

 Sheet Piles:
Made of mild steel, each portion being 1/2' to 2' in width and 1/2" thick and of the required length,having
groove to link with other sheet piles.

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 Upstream Piles:
Situated at the upstream end of the upstream concrete floor driven into the soil beyond the
maximum possible scour that may occur.

 Intermediate Sheet Piles:

 Situated at the end of upstream and downstream glacis. Protection to the main structure
of barrage (pier carrying the gates, road bridge and the service bridge) in the event of the
upstream and downstream sheet piles collapsing due to advancing scour or undermining.
They also help lengthen the seepage path and reduce uplift pressure.
 Downstream sheet piles: Placed at the end of downstream concrete floor. Their main
funtion is to check the exit gradient. Their depth should be greater than the possible

 Inverted Filters:
 Provided between the downstream sheet piles and the flexible protection. Typically 6"
sand, 9" coarse sand and 9" gravel. Filter may vary with size of particles forming the
river bed. It is protected by placing over it concrete blocks of sufficient weight and size.
Slits are left between the blocks to allow the water to escape.
 Length should be 2 x downstream depth of sheet.

 Flexible Apron:

 Placed downstream of the filter

 Consists of boulder large enough not to be washed away by the highest likely velocity
 The protection provided is enough as to cover the slope of scour of 1 1/2 x depth of scour
as the upstream side of 2 x depth of scour on the downstream side at the slope of 3.

 The under sluices:

Following are the functions of under sluices

1. As the bed of under sluice is not lower level than rest of the weir, most of the day,
whether flow unit will flow toward this pocket => easy diversion to channel through
Head regulator
2. Control sil entry into channel
3. Scour the silt (silt excavated and removed)
4. High velocity currents due to high differential head.
5. Pass the low floods without dropping
6. The shutter of the main weir, the raising of which entails good deal of labor and time.
7. Capacity of under sluices:

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8. For sufficient scouring capacity, its discharging capacity should be at least double the
canal discharge.S
9. Should be able to pass the dry weather flow and low flood, without dropping the weir
10. Capable of discharging 10 to 15% of high flood discharge

 River Training Works:

To ensure smooth and axial flow of water, to prevent the river from out --------------- the works due to change
in its course.

 Guide Banks:

Force the river into restricted channel, to ensure almost axial flow near the weir site.
(Embankments in continuation of G-Banks. To contain flood within flood plains)

 Marginal Bunds:
Provided on the upstream in order to protect the area from submergence due to rise in HFL,
caused by afflux.

 Groans and Spurs:

 Embankment type structures constructed transverse to river flood, extending from the
banks into the river (also transverse dykes)
 Protect the bank from which they are extended by deflecting the current away from the
bank. 

4. Design Considerations:
There are two aspects to the design of a barrage.

 Surface flow or overflow consideration:

Following considerations are assumed in case of over flow consideration:

1. Estimation of design flood.

2. Length of the barrage.
3. Retrogression.
4. Accretion.

 Subsoil flow:

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Uplift pressure Barrages or diversion dams are normally built on the porous subsoil, normally
occurring 'in river beds such as silt, fine sand or gravel. These are low head structures not
requiring rock foundations and they can be built on porous soil, with the provision of necessary
safeguards against uplift pressure. This is defined as the residual pressure of the seeping water
acting vertically with the effect of trying to lift up the body of the barrage. Therefore, in the case
of gravity floors, the thickness of the aprons or the glacis must be of greater weight than the
uplift pressure.

There is another way in which the seepage flow underneath the structure may endanger its
stability and is called piping phenomenon. When the seepage velocity in the microscopic flow
channels in the subsoil under the apron is such that the seepage force at the exit point becomes
greater than the submerged weight and friction of soil, very fine soil particles become displaced.
His can be observed as muddy water emerging from the soil surface continuing process and a
subsoil consisting of fine particles surrounding larger particles, the removal of the fine particles
causes unequal settlement of the subsoil and ultimately the collapse of the structure due to
piping. The river discharge over, the barrage further aggravates the situation by washing away
the loosened soil due to the excessive exit gradient. The problem consists therefore in controlling
the seepage force so that it cannot carry away the foundation material.

5. Schematic Diagram of Problem Statement:

Figure 1: Plan View of a Barrage

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Figure 2: Cross Section of a Barrage

Figure 3: Longitudinal View of the Barrage.

6. Given Data:

 Maximum discharge Q= Roll no+475000 (cusecs)

 Minimum discharge 12,000 cusecs
 Riverbed level (RBL) 582.00 ft
 Highest flood level (HFL) 600.00 ft (without barrage)
 Lowest flood level (LFL) 587.00 ft
 Minimum pond level 598.00 ft (After construction of barrage/ on FSL)

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 Number of canals on right bank 2
 Number of canals on left bank 1
 Maximum discharge of one canal 3,500 cusecs
 Slope of river 1 ft / mile
 Soil type in riverbed is medium coarse sand

7. Assumptions Taken:

 Number of Bays 49
 Width of the 1 Bay 60 ft
 Width of Fish Ladder 26 ft
 Number of Fish Ladders 1
 Number of Divide Walls 2
 Width of one Pier 7 ft
 Afflux Assumed as 3 ft
 Height of crest above river bed, P (Weir Height) Assumed 6 ft
 Width between abutments 3318 ft
 Crest Level of under sluice = 3ft below main weir

8. Design of Main Crest and Under Sluices:

 The crest level is fixed by the requirements of the total head required to pass the designed
floor over the crest.
 The pond level is taken as the high flood level. Since the width of the river is known and
the maximum depth can be calculated from Lacey's scour formula, in fps system:

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Figure 4: Scour depth Calculation using Lacey Factor

For MKS System:

Figure 5: Discharge Calculation formula.

From the rating curve we have computed DSFL for main weir and under sluices respectively for
3 different states.

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Figure 6: Rating Curve for DSWL

9. Determination of water levels and energy levels:

As previously discussed 3 different stages water levels and energy levels are computed

 Retrogressed State
 Normal
 Accreted State

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10. Methods for fixing D/S floor level:
For three different stages we should consider take discharges with maximum flood with 20 %
concentration, maximum flood and 50 % of the Maximum discharge.

The DSFL that satisfies the worst-conditions for the formation of the jump, i.e., the lowest
floor level, will be finally selected. Further Details are attached in the excel sheet and the
summary of the report

11. Scour protection:

Discussed in Summary for further details refer to Excel Sheet.

12. Design of guide banks:

Discussed in Summary for further details refer to Excel Sheet.

13. Design of Sheet Piles and Exit Gradient Check:

This exit gradient is said to be critical, when the upward disturbing force on the grain is just
equal to the submerged weight of the grain at the exit. When a factor of safety equal to 4 or 5
is used, the exit gradient can then be taken as safe.

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14. Calculation of uplift pressure after applying correction:
Discussed in Summary for further details refer to Excel Sheet.

15. Calculation of uplift pressure after applying correction

(Second Intermediate Sheet Pile)
Discussed in Summary for further details refer to Excel Sheet.

16. Calculation of uplift pressure after applying correction

(D/S Sheet Pile)
Discussed in Summary for further details refer to Excel Sheet.

17. Calculation of thickness of floor:

Discussed in Summary for further details refer to Excel Sheet.

18. Summary of the Design:

Description Value
Minimum stable wetted perimeter 1842ft

Calculation of Lacey's silt factor 2

Fixation of crest level 486424.5 cusec
For main weir
Design of under sluices 478711.57 cusecs
d/s Floor level(blench method) 569 ft

d/s Floor level for under sluices 567 ft

Length of d/s floor(crump method) 30ft (for Maximum)
Length of d/s floor(crump method) 56 ft (for Minimum)
Length of d/s floor for understudies (crump 58 ft (for Maximum)
Length of d/s floor for understudies (crump 108 ft (for Minimum)
Length of apron to cover a surface scour on d/s 45.88ft

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Length of d/s stone apron in horizontal position 33 ft

Length of apron to cover surface of scour at 1:3 26.22 ft

Length of u/s stone apron in horizontal position 19 ft

Size of concrete blocks 4’x4’x4’

Length of guide banks 5101ft
Elevation of W.L. at nose of guide bank 609.88 ft
Elevation of Top Guide Bank at Barrage 607 ft
Elevation of Top Guide Bank at d/s end 609ft
Thickness of stone apron 5 ft
U/s water level at nose of guide bank 616.88 ft
level of flood embankment 621.88 ft
Depth of sheet piles at u/s 35 ft
Depth of intermediate sheet piles 47 ft
RL of sheet piles at d/s 536 ft
Exit gradient 0.136
Floor Thickness 35 ft

19. Uplift Pressures Summary:

ФA 69 %
ФB 66 %
ФK 66 %
ФL 36 %
ФM 35 %
ФN 39 %
ФP 32 %
ФQ 24 %
ФR 6 %

20. Calculations:
Following are the Results of excel sheet shown below.

Step 1 : Minimum Stable Wetted Perimeter

Pw = 2.67 x Qmax^0.5 1849.134518 ft
Lacey's Looseness Coeffecient (LLC) 1.8
Width between abutments (Wa) 3328.442133 ft

20 | P a g e
Number of Bays 49 ft
Width of the 1 Bay 60 ft
Width of Fish Ladder 26 ft
Number of Fish Ladders 1
Number of Divide Walls 2
Width of one Divide Wall 15 ft
Width of one Pier 7 ft
Total number of Piers 46
Total Width of Bays 2940 ft
Total Width of Piers 322 ft

Width Between Abudements Wa 3318 ft

Discharge Between Abutments qabt=(Qmax/Wa) 144.56 ft
Discharge Over Weir Crust qweir=(Qmax/Wbays) 163.14 ft

Step 2 : Calculation of Lacey Silt Factor

S= (1/1844) * f^5/3 / Q^1/6 2.03
Lacey Silt Factor, f 2

Step 3 : Fixation of Crest Level:

Afflux Assumed as 3 ft
Height of crest above river bed, P (Weir Height) Assumed 6 ft
Scour depth, R = 0.9(qabt^2 / f)^1/3 19.68 ft
Depth of water above crest of the weir, Ho = R- P 13.68 ft
Approach velocity, Vo = qabt / R 7.35 ft
Velocity head, ho = Vo^2 / 2g 0.84 ft
Eo (Energy over the crust) = Ho + ho 14.51 ft
Do = HFL - RBL 18 ft
E1 = Do + ho + Afflux 21.84 ft
Level of E1 = RBL + E1 (USEL) 603.84 ft
Crest level = Level of E1 (USEL)- Eo 589.32 ft
Maximum d/s water level (DSWL) 600 ft
h = DSWL - Crest Level 10.68 ft
h/Eo 0.74

21 | P a g e
From Gibson Curve
C'/C 0.84 Approx
C'= C*C'/C 3.8
Q = C' x W clear(Bays) x Eo^1.5 518888.9 cusecs

Check : OK

Step 4 : Design of Undersluices

Difference between Main weir and Undersluice 3 ft
Number of undersluices (N1) 2
Number of bays for one undersluices (N2) 5
Crest level of undersluices 586.32 ft
Width of undersluice b1= N1 x Bay Width*N2 300 ft
Discharge through Under sluice( qus) 195.77 cusecs
Scour depth, R2= 0.9(qabt^2 / f)^1/3 24.08 ft
Approach velocity, Vo = qabt / R2 8.13 ft/s
Velocity head, ho = Vo^2 / 2g 1.03 ft
(USEL)= RBL + E1 (ho+Do+afflux) 604.03 ft
Eo =USEL-C.L.(Undersluice) 17.70 ft
h(Weir Submergence) 13.68 ft
h/Eo 0.77
From Gibson Curve
C'/C 0.76
C'= C*C'/C 2.89
Discharge through under sluice Q1 and Q3 129051.07 cusecs
Discharge through Main Weir Q main weir 412993.25 cusecs
Total Discharge =Q1+Q3+Qmain weir 542044 cusecs

Check : OK
Step 5: Determination of Water Levels and Energy Levels:

Main weir

Crest level = 589.32

Discharge DSWL Afflux USWL qweir V ho Ho Eo h h/Eo C'/C C' Eo3/2 q weir Q
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
For normal

575,567 601.6 3 604.6 22.60 195.77 8.66 1.17 15.28 16.44 12.28 0.747 0.82 3.12 66.66 207.72 610692.3

479,639 600.1 3 603.1 21.10 163.14 7.73 0.93 13.78 14.70 10.78 0.733 0.83 3.15 56.38 177.83 522818

239,820 597.2 1.4 598.6 16.60 81.57 4.91 0.37 9.28 9.65 7.88 0.816 0.78 2.96 29.98 88.86 261242.1

119,910 592.2 2.3 594.5 12.50 40.79 3.26 0.17 5.18 5.34 2.88 0.538 0.93 3.53 12.34 43.62 128238.5

575,567 595 7 602 20.00 195.77 9.79 1.49 12.68 14.16 5.68 0.401 0.96 3.65 53.30 194.45 571672.6

479,639 596 5 601 19.00 163.14 8.59 1.14 11.68 12.82 6.68 0.521 0.93 3.53 45.90 162.22 476935.8

239,820 591 6 597 15.00 81.57 5.44 0.46 7.68 8.13 1.68 0.206 0.97 3.69 23.20 85.52 251426.5
For accreted

575,567 604 2 606 24.00 195.77 8.16 1.03 16.68 17.71 14.68 0.829 0.75 2.85 74.52 212.38 624411

479,639 602.5 1.5 604 22.00 163.14 7.42 0.85 14.68 15.53 13.18 0.848 0.71 2.70 61.20 165.11 485421.2

239,820 601.5 0.6 602.1 20.10 81.57 4.06 0.26 12.78 13.03 12.18 0.934 0.5 1.90 47.04 89.38 262770.6

Crest level (CL) = 586.32

Discharge DSWL Afflux USWL qweir V ho Ho Eo h h/Eo C'/C C' Eo3/2 q weir Q
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
For normal

154,861 601.6 3 604.6 22.60 258.10 11.42 2.03 18.28 20.30 15.28 0.752 0.8 3.04 91.47 278.06 166836.7

154,861 595 6 601 19.00 258.10 13.58 2.87 14.68 17.54 8.68 0.495 0.94 3.57 73.46 262.41 771499.7
For accreted

154,861 604 1.5 605.5 23.50 258.10 10.98 1.87 19.18 21.05 17.68 0.840 0.75 2.85 96.57 275.22 809143.3

6) Fixation of DSFL using blench

Main weir
USWL + ho DSWL + ho USEL-DSEL Blench Cr. DSEL - E2
207.72 605.77 602.77 3.00 20.34 582.43
177.83 604.03 601.03 3.00 18.86 582.17
88.86 598.97 597.57 1.40 14.1 583.47
194.45 603.49 596.49 7.00 22.14 574.35
162.22 602.14 597.14 5.00 18.96 578.18
85.52 597.46 591.46 6.00 13.77 577.69
212.38 607.03 605.03 2.00 20.01 585.02
165.11 604.85 603.35 1.50 16.89 586.46
89.38 602.36 601.76 0.60 11.48 590.28

USWL + ho DSWL + ho USEL-DSEL Blench Cr. DSEL - E2
278.06 606.63 603.63 3.00 22.6 581.03
262.41 603.87 597.87 6.00 26.8 571.07
275.22 607.37 605.87 1.50 23.1 582.77
7) Fixation of DSFL for normal barrage sectionusing Crumps approach
max: DSWL min DSWL
= 479,639.00 479,639.00
DSWL (Corresponding to Q) = 602.5 596
USWL = 604.00 601
USEL = 604.85 602.14
582.00 582.00
Crest level =
589.32 589.32
DSFL = 576 576
Dpool DSWL - DSFL = 26.5 20
d/s V Q/(Wabt*Dpool) = 5.45 7.23
d/s V head = 0.46 0.81
DSEL = 602.96 596.81
K =
USEL - CL 15.53 12.82
L =
USEL - DSEL 1.89 5.33
qweir =
Q/Wweir 163.14 163.14
Dc Critical flow depth = 9.38 9.38
Hl/Dc =
0.20 0.57
K+F/Dc Crumps curve = 1.94 2.48
F =
2.68 10.45
Location of
HJ CL - F 586.65 578.87
E2 =
DSEL - Loc HJ 16.31 17.94
Submergency of HJ =
Loc HJ - DSFL 10.65 2.87
Length of glasis d/s of jump =
sub. Of HJ * slope 31.94 8.61
Length of d/s floor(4.5 E2 - (Submergency * slope of
glasis)= 41.47 72.12 -
d/s floor length Say 80 ft

26 | P a g e
8) Fixation of DSFL for undersluices using Crumps approach
max: DSWL min: DSWL
154861 154861
604 595
605.50 601.00
607.37 603.87
582.00 582.00
586.32 586.32
572 572
32 23
8.07 11.22
1.01 1.96
605.01 596.96
21.05 17.54
2.36 6.91
258.10 258.10
12.74 12.74
0.19 0.54
1.92 2.33
3.42 12.15
582.91 574.18
22.10 22.78
10.91 2.18
32.72 6.53
66.73 95.98
110 ft

27 | P a g e
9) Ceck aqequacy of
DSFL using conugate
depth method

φ = 1 φ= 1
DSFL = 576 Design Discharge 50% of Design Discharge DSFL = 572

Q 479,639 239,820 154,861

80 % Q 383,711.2 191,855.6
Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum
DSWL 602.5 596 601.5 591 604 595
USWL 604 601 602.1 597 605.5 601
USEL 604.85 602.14 602.36 597.46 607.37 603.87
E USEL - DSFL 28.85 26.14 26.36 21.46 35.37 31.87
q Wunderslice) 163.98 163.98 81.99 81.99 258.10 258.10
Dpool DSWL-DSFL 26.5 20 25.5 15 32 23
E^(3/2) 155.0 133.7 135.3 99.4 210.4 179.9
f(z) q/E3^2 1.058 1.227 0.606 0.825 1.227 1.435
Conugate c.e s'
(from tables) z 0.15 0.17 0.08 0.11 0.17 0.2
z' 0.6432 0.671 0.5041 0.5732 0.671 0.7062
depths d1=z*E 4.33 4.44 2.11 2.36 6.01 6.37
d2=z'*E 18.56 17.54 13.29 12.30 23.74 22.50
submergency Dpool - d2 7.94 2.46 12.21 2.70 8.26 0.50
Jump is
submerged Jump is submerged is
is all cases all cases

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10) Scour protection

Assume 20 % concentration (1.2 * qweir) = 195.77

depth = 24.08
Up stream
Down stream scour protection protection
Scour depth R' (safety factor i.e 1.75 * R) = 42.15 (R*1.25) = 30.11
Min USWL for
Min DSWL for Qmax = 596 Qmax = 601
u/s apron level
down stream apron level (DSFL) = 576 (USFL-RBL) = 582.00
Depth on
apron (USWL -
Depth of water on apron D' (DSWL -DSWL) = 20 RBL) = 19.00

Depth of scour below apron (R' - D') = 22.15 R'-D' = 11.11

Length of apron to cover a surface scour Length of
at 1: 3 = 70.04 apron reuired = 35.12
Length of d/s stone apron in horizontal position = 50.03 lenth of apron = 25.08

Thickness of apron

To be selected form the table below

Fall in inches/ mile 3 9 12 18 24

Sand classification Thickness of stone apron
coarse 16 19 22 25 28
coarse 22 25 28 31 34
medium 28 31 34 37 40
fine 34 37 40 43 46
very fine 40 43 46 49 52

for 1 in 0.00020 5,000.0000 slope, t = 34 inches

thickeness of stone apron (t * 1.75)' = 4.96 ft

29 | P a g e
Total length of d/s apron = 50.03
4' thick block apron (1/3 of total length) = 16.68
4.96 ft thick apron of length = 33.35
Total length of u/s apron = 25.08
4' thick block apron (1/3 of total length) = 8.36
4.96 ft thick apron of length = 16.72

30 | P a g e
11) Inverted flter design
Provide 4'*4'*4' thick concrete blocks
9'' thick shingle (3'' t0 6'')
9'' thick shingle (3/4'' to 3'')
6'' thick shingle (3/16'' to 3/4'')

31 | P a g e
32 | P a g e
33 | P a g e
34 | P a g e
15) Fiation of depth of sheet piles

Sccour depth; R (for specific discharge b/w abutments) = 19.68

Depth of u/s sheet pile below HFL = 1.5 R = 29.51

provide = 30.00

RL of u/s sheet pile (HFL - depth of sheet pile) = 574.00

Depth of intermediate sheet pile below HFL (2 R) = 39.35

provide = 40
RL of intermediate sheet pile (HFL - 2 R) = 564
provide d/s sheet pile below RL of int. sheet pile = 545

16) Calculation of exit gradient

differential head causing seepage; H = HFL -

(d/s bed-scour depth) = 32.00
depth of d/s sheet pile (d/s floor level-d/s
sheet pile level); d = 31

H/d = 1.03
Concrete floor length; b = 205.27
α=(b/d) = 6.62
1/nλ (Khoslas curves) = 0.18
Exit gradient; should be b/w 1/7 to 1/5 for 1:1 flotation
(h/d)*(1/nλ0.5) = 0.19 gradient

35 | P a g e
17) Thickness of floor

36 | P a g e
37 | P a g e
38 | P a g e

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