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Essay 1

My immediate goal is to venture into management consulting, seeking comprehensive exposure to the
consumer and retail industry, preferably in companies like MBB, Kearney and Accenture. I am
particularly interested in engaging in projects related to pricing strategy, market research, supply chain
management, marketing, and sales. This move aligns with my inclination for diverse experiences and
presents an opportunity to refine the skills I lack.
Therefore, I recognize the intrinsic value of pursuing an MBA from IESE to bridge these knowledge gaps,
especially with courses such as Pricing and Revenue Management, Business Model Innovation, and
Managerial Decision Models. The 2020 IESE Insights article "Retail Revolution" deeply resonated with
me, aligning with my current business focus on leveraging data for strategic advantage. In my current
role, utilizing data strategically, poses challenges. The article echoes Professor Victor Martinez de
Albeniz's emphasis on small businesses predicting customer behaviour. Besides IESE's potential impact
on my personal and professional growth, I value its networking opportunities. This includes opportunities
to connect with industry leaders and like-minded individuals within my cohort and the ongoing support
offered by the IESE Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center.
In the mid-term, I aim to leverage my expertise to advance my venture, HKV Enterprises, which
encompasses two distinct labels, June and Harshitha Varma. We specialize in promoting slow fashion and
ethical wear, and my goal is to apply insights from various sectors to create an innovative business model.
The focus is on disrupting sustainability and ethical fashion, addressing waste reduction in production,
particularly customized clothing. Another crucial aspect is reforming harmful dye practices, with a
specific emphasis on creating sustainable alternatives, which is integral to the overarching vision of the
During my tenure at Power Fusion Pipeline, I had the opportunity to take up my first international
assignment. Tasked with leading a large-scale construction project in Dubai Parks, a renowned multi-
themed leisure and entertainment destination, I found myself in uncharted territory. This operation
introduced me to previously unfamiliar aspects of engineering, such as design consultation, resource
management, and pipeline construction. As an introverted individual, learning to navigate client
interactions was particularly challenging, yet it compelled me to acquire new skills and broaden my
professional network.
But within 3 months of posting at the site, I was one of the most sought-after employees. The clients were
impressed with my ability to get things done, even without having much experience. At one point, I had 8
direct reports and 12 indirect reports. While building such relationships, I was also made aware of the
personal problems that the blue-collar employees were facing.
I found myself confronted with a pressing issue during this tenure concerning the egregious living
conditions faced by our contract employees. I divulged the issue to our clients, showcased the dire
conditions through photographic evidence, and relentlessly pursued remedial action. This pursuit bore
fruit as our clients issued a formal decree to the irresponsible sub-contractor, demanding immediate
improvements as per Dubai's labour law.
Post these modifications, I visited the camps and was gratified to witness a complete transformation. This
positively impacted our team's productivity by a stunning 50%. The role I was able to play here
inculcated in me the value of advocacy and ensuring justice for all, regardless of their status within the
workplace. These principles have since remained central to my professional ethos and continue to guide
my management strategy, helping me maintain one of the lowest attrition rates in our sector.
Why do you think you deserve a scholarship?

While I acknowledge that my academic grades may not be exemplary, I firmly believe that my diverse
professional background demonstrates my potential and commitment to making a meaningful impact.
The financial constraints I face have been a constant in my life, shaping my understanding of the
transformative power of education. I see the scholarship not just as financial assistance but as a gateway
to breaking free from economic limitations, enabling me to contribute more significantly to my
community and the broader business landscape.
My professional journey began as a Mechanical Engineer in Abu Dhabi, an experience that went beyond
the technical aspects of my role. It instilled in me a strong work ethic, resilience, and adaptability in
navigating diverse professional environments. This experience has been crucial in shaping my character
and providing me with a foundation of practical skills that extend beyond the classroom.
In my current role as a Senior Investment Compliance Analyst, I have continued to build on my
professional expertise. This position demands a meticulous understanding of financial regulations and
compliance matters. My experience in this field has not only sharpened my analytical skills but also
deepened my knowledge of the intricacies of the financial sector, further preparing me for the challenges
and responsibilities that an MBA at IESE would entail.
Beyond my professional roles, I am a co-founder of "HKV Enterprises," a venture dedicated to promoting
slow fashion and ethical wear. This initiative is a testament to my commitment to responsible business
practices and sustainability in the fashion industry. Being a co-founder has provided me with valuable
insights into entrepreneurship, strategic planning, and the importance of ethical considerations in business
While my academic grades may not reflect my full potential, my professional experiences and
entrepreneurial journey underscore my determination and ability to excel in dynamic and challenging
environments. I am driven by a desire to leverage the opportunities presented by an MBA at IESE to
further contribute to ethical business practices, sustainable fashion, and responsible leadership.
Securing a scholarship is integral to my pursuit of an MBA at IESE, as it addresses significant financial
constraints that have been a persistent aspect of my life. The scholarship serves as more than just
monetary assistance; it represents a transformative opportunity to overcome economic limitations. By
alleviating financial burdens, the scholarship enables me to fully immerse myself in the MBA program,
focusing on academic excellence and active participation in extracurricular activities. This support
ensures that I can make the most of the learning experience without the distraction of financial worries.
Moreover, the scholarship acts as a catalyst for broader impacts. It will empower me to contribute more
meaningfully to my community and the business landscape by facilitating access to quality education. As
I aspire to drive positive change in ethical business practices, sustainable fashion, and responsible
leadership, the scholarship becomes a key enabler of these ambitions. It fosters an environment where I
can leverage my diverse professional background and entrepreneurial spirit to its fullest potential,
ultimately translating into tangible contributions to IESE's academic community and, by extension, the
global business arena.
In conclusion, I am not just seeking a scholarship for personal advancement; I am seeking an opportunity
to enhance my skills, contribute meaningfully to the IESE community, and use the knowledge gained to
drive positive change in the business world. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to the
prospect of being a part of the IESE MBA program.

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