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Ms word notes and shortcurt key

01.Define subscript and superscript?

A subscript or superscript is a character (such as a number or letter)
It is usually smaller than the rest of the text.
Subscripts appear at or below the baseline, while superscripts are above.

For example: (h20),(a2+b2).

02.Define compare and merge document?
You can compare two versions of a document to see how they differ. You
can also merge two versions of the same document into one new document.
In both cases, Word shows the differences with revision marks.


03.Define hyperlink ?
A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image that you can click on to jump to a
new document, or a new section within the document, or to a webpage,

04.what are the type of breaks and explain?


Ms word notes and shortcurt key

05.Define f(x) bar

Add a formula to cells to perform a simple calculation
Such as total.
06.Define page border and page color?

Page border:

Page color:

07.Define water marks



Ms word notes and shortcurt key

08.Mail mirage document wizard

The three main components of the merging process are the main
document, the data source, and the merged document.
1. The main document contains the main body of your letter, field names,
and merges instructions. The basic information within the main
document remains equivalent.
2. The data source (or Recipients’ list) stores the knowledge that changes
for every document. This information is inserted in the main document
one by one. An example of the data source is a name and address list
from which the program gets what you want to include in the main
3. The merged document contains the main text from the main document
and data from a data source.

09.write a program for if…else statement:

Sub statement()
Dim a, b As Integer
a = CInt(InputBox("Enter the a number:"))
b = CInt(InputBox("Enter the b number:"))
If (a > b) Then
MsgBox "a is greatest number:"
MsgBox "b is greatest number:"
End If
End Sub
10.write a program for even or odd statement:
Sub factrial()
Dim i, f, n As Integer
n = CInt(InputBox("Enter the factrial number:"))
For i = 1 To n
Ms word notes and shortcurt key

MsgBox "factrial number:" + Str(f)

End Sub
11.write a program for vowel or not vowel statement:
Sub vowel()
Dim a As String
a = InputBox("Enter the character :")
If (a = "a" Or a = "e" Or a = "i" Or a = "o" Or a = "u") Then
MsgBox "vowel "
MsgBox "not vowel"
End If
End Sub
12.write a program for area of circle statement:
Sub area()
Dim byee, radius, c As Integer
byee = 3.14
radius = CInt(InputBox("Area of the circle "))
c = byee * raius * radius
MsgBox "area of the circle :" + Str(c)
End Sub
13. Shortcut key

To do this Press
Open a document. Ctrl+O
Create a new document. Ctrl+N
Save the document. Ctrl+S
Close the document. Ctrl+W
Cut the selected content Ctrl+X
to the Clipboard.

Copy the selected Ctrl+C

content to the Clipboard.


Ms word notes and shortcurt key

Paste the contents of the Ctrl+V

Select all document Ctrl+A
Apply bold formatting to Ctrl+B
Apply italic formatting to Ctrl+I
Apply underline Ctrl+U
formatting to text.
Decrease the font size by Ctrl+Left bracket ([)
1 point.
Increase the font size by 1 Ctrl+Right bracket (])
Center the text. Ctrl+E
Align the text to the left. Ctrl+L
Align the text to the right. Ctrl+R
Cancel a command. Esc
Undo the previous action. Ctrl+Z
Redo the previous action, Ctrl+Y
if possible.

Adjust the zoom Alt+W, Q, then use the Tab key in

magnification. the Zoom dialog box to go to the value you
Split the document Ctrl+Alt+S
Remove the document Alt+Shift+C or Ctrl+Alt+S
window split.


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