Research Paper-1 Farmers Livelihood

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Shrikrishna S. Mahajan
Shivaji University, Kolhapur A++


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EISSN 2277-4955


Dr. Shrikrishna S. Mahajan,

Department of Commerce & Management, Shivaji University, Kolhapur,

Prof. Amol H. Bobade,

D.A.V. Velankar College of Commerce, Solapur,

Indian agriculture dependent on monsoon which is always flexible. It leads to operating risk in cultivation of
different crops. Natural calamities may affect on the yield from agriculture sector. To cover the risk which may
occur in future, there is need to some provision and crop insurance is only mechanism available to safeguard
against production risk in agriculture. For fulfilling this need thep Government of India has made experiments &
efforts by introducing various schemes of crop insurance. Since the year 1999-2000, National Agricultural
Insurance Scheme has been launched by National Agricultural Insurance Scheme Corporation of India. This
research paper has made attempt to study the growth and development of National Agricultural Insurance Scheme
and to examine the important features and performance of NAIS.

Key words: Crop Insurance, Agriculture, NAIS, India.

INTRODUCTION: (1985-1999), Experimental Crop Insurance Scheme

Agriculture played vital role in economic (1997-1998), Pilot Scheme on Seed Crop Insurance
development of India. At present 70 per cent And National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (1999-
population of the country dependent on agriculture 2000 onwards).
but Indian agriculture dependent on monsoon which
is always flexible. It leads to operating risk in THE STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM:
cultivation of different crops. Natural calamities may The Government of India has introduced the
affect on the yield from agriculture sector. To cover innovative schemes on crop insurance but these
the risk which may occur in future, there is need to schemes are failed to meet the expected results due to
some provision and crop insurance is only the low policy implications, unawareness of farmers,
mechanism available to safeguard against production unsatisfied performance of implementing agencies as
risk in agriculture. For fulfilling this need the well as limited State and central Government.
Government of India has made experiments and National Agriculture insurance scheme has been
efforts by introducing various schemes of crop introduced by Government of India from Rabi season
insurance such as First individual approach scheme 1999-2000. But it also failed to influence the farmers
(1972-1978), Pilot Crop Insurance Scheme (1979- as well as work effectively. According to Jennifer Ifft
1984), Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme in her paper entitled ‘Government v/s Weather the


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True Story of Crop Insurance in India’ National Agricultural Insurance Scheme. This study
Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme has been is depending mainly on secondary data.
replaced National Agricultural Insurance Scheme.
The NAIS is considered to be an improvement over METHODOLOGY:
the CCIS but it has simply replaced one flawed The case study method has been used in this paper.
scheme by another slightly less flawed one. It is the The paper has made an attempt to analyse the growth
need of the moment to evaluate the performance of & performance of National Agricultural Insurance
National Agricultural Crop Insurance Scheme. Hence Scheme of 19 seasons from Rabi 1999-2000 to 2008-
in this paper an attempt has been made to focus on 2009. It is mainly dependent on secondary data but
the analysis of performance of National Agricultural supplemented by the discussion with some officials
Insurance Scheme in India. of banks, insurance companies, academicians & some
The present study is significant for potential REVIEW OF LITERATURE:
beneficiaries from those villages which have not The crop insurance should link with credit on a
much awareness of crop insurance scheme. It will compulsory basis. Dandekar (1976) found that the
also helpful to small and marginal farmers to protect crop insurance scheme offered insurance against a
their interest in crop against natural calamities and chance occurrence. The chance phenomenon
getting benefits under this scheme. It will also assist underlying a crop insurance scheme is the
the insurers, bankers & policy makers for policy fluctuations in the output of from one year to another
prescription & policy intervention. or from one crop season to another. According to
Shivrami Reddy & Narasaiah (1998), crop insurance
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: is needful to the farmers & it provides financial
1. To study the growth and development of support to the farmers in the event of crop failure &
National Agricultural Insurance Scheme. make them credit worthy for the next crop season.
2. To examine the important features, trend They described the operation of Comprehensive Crop
and performance of National Agricultural Insurance Scheme in Andhra Pradesh. The national
Insurance Scheme. Agricultural Insurance Scheme introduced since
3. To suggest the possible remedies to make Kharif 2000, it appears very slow in taking roots in
this scheme more effective. the southern states. (The Insurance Times, 2001). G.
Venketesh (2008) stated that, in USA, crop insurance
SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY:- is clearly identified as risk management option and
The present study confined to coverage of National Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) policies are
Agricultural Insurance Scheme in India from Rabi available for most insured crops. According to R. K.
1999-2000 to Rabi 2008-2009. The topical scope of Ray (1987), the level of education of among the
this study is limited to growth & performance of farmers and their awareness is important to make
crop insurance effective. Insurance should be limited


EISSN 2277-4955

to crop yield and not directly cover the income from However, none of the states was in favor of the
such yield. The insurance should be limited to a few scheme because of very high financial obligations.
major crops and to selected areas but with sufficient
spread of risk and then gradually extended to other The first ever crop insurance scheme by an insurance
crops and areas. Insurance should cover all major company was introduced in the country in 1972 by
natural hazards. The crop insurance scheme shall be the General Insurance Department of Life Insurance
made viable by spreading the risk horizontally by Corporation of India on an experimental basis. The
enrolling all the farmers in a locality in the scheme. scheme covered H-4 Cotton in selected centers in
The scheme should attractive; credit linked, and Gujrat state. It continued up to 1978-79 and covered
should have support facilities like a reinsurance only 3110 farmers for a premium of Rs.4.54 lakh
package (Manojkumar K., Shreekumar B., against claims of Rs.37.88 lakh. The General
Ajitkumar. G. S., 2003). S. S. Raju & Ramesh Chand Insurance Corporation of India introduced Pilot Crop
(2008) opined that agriculture production and farm Insurance Scheme in 1979. The scheme was
income in India involves several risks. Crop implemented in 12 states till 1984-85 and covered
insurance is the only mechanism available to 6.23 lakh farmers for a premium of Rs. 195.01 lakh
safeguard against production risk. If the crop against claims of Rs.155.68 lakh in the entire period.
insurance program is to be made an important tool in A crop insurance scheme linking institutional credit
agricultural risk management, the present level of (crop loan based on area approach) was suggested by
coverage will have to be improved at least by 3-4 Prof. Dandekar in 1976 and this scheme called as
folds. Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme, which was
implemented from Kharif 1999 and it covered 763
The above review of literature reveals that there was lakh farmers for a premium of rupees 404 crore
need of the present study in changing scenario of against claims of Rs.2303 crore. During 1997
agriculture insurance. Experimental Crop Insurance Scheme was introduced
in 14 districts of 5 states. The scheme covered 4.78
EVOLUTION OF AGRICULTURAL lakh farmers for a sum insured of Rs. 1.72 crore and
INSURANCE IN INDIA:- the claims paid were Rs. 39.78 crore against a
The question of introduction of a crop insurance premium of Rs. 2.86 crore.
scheme was taken up for examination soon after the
independence in 1947. An assurance given in this NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE
regards by the Ministry of Food & Agriculture in the SCHEME:
central legislature to introduce crop and cattle The government of India in co-ordination with
insurance in the country, a special study was General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) had
commissioned in 1947-48. In 1965, the government introduced scheme called the National Agricultural
introduced a crop insurance bill and circulated a Insurance Scheme which commenced from Rabi
model scheme of crop insurance on compulsory basis season 1999-2000. Agricultural Insurance Company
to constituent state government for their views. of India Ltd. (AICIL) which was incorporated in


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December 2002 and started operating from April b) Scheme is available both borrower and non-
2003 took over the implementation of the NAIS. borrower farmers.
Salient Features of the NAIS: c) The scheme is operating area approach for
a) Crops are covered under scheme are; all widespread calamities and individual
food grains, oilseeds, & annual approach for localized calamities such as
horticultural/commercial crops which are hailstorm, landslide, cyclone, flood etc.
sugarcane, potato, cotton, ginger, onion, d) The premium rates applicable on the sum
turmeric, chilies, coriander, cumin, jute, insured are:
tapioca, banana, & pineapple etc.
Season Crops Premium Rates
1) Kharif Bajara & Oilseeds 3.5% of sum insured or actuarial rate whichever is less.
Other Kharif crops 2.5% of sum insured or actuarial rate whichever is less.
2) Rabi wheat 1.5% of sum insured or actuarial rate whichever is less.
Other Rabi crops 2% of sum insured or actuarial rate whichever is less.
3)Khaif + Rabi Annual Commercial/ Actuarial rate.
Horticultural crops

e) Small and marginal farmers entitled to phased out and at present only 10 per cent
subsidy of 50 percent of premium charged to subsidy is available to small and marginal
be shared equally between central farmers.
Government and State Government. The f) Indemnity shall be calculated as per the
subsidy on premium has gradually been following formula:

Shortfall in yield X sum insured for the farmers

Threshold Yield
Shortfall in yield = Threshold yield – Actual yield for the defined area

ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION: Scheme of 19 seasons from Rabi 1999-2000 to 2008-

The paper has made an attempt to analyze the growth 2009. It has also studied the growth and development
& performance of National Agricultural Insurance of NIAS.


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Table 1
Season-wise Growth NAIS from Rabi 1999-2000 to Rabi 2008-2009

Assure Premiu
Farmers Area d m Claims
Covered Covered (Figur (Figur (Figur
(Figures in (Figures es in es in es in
Season Lakh) % in Lakh) % Crore) % Crore) % Crore) %
1999-2000 5.8 7.8 356 5 7.7

2000-01 20.9 260.34 31.1 298.72 1603 350.28 28 460.00 59.5 672.73

2001-02 19.6 -6.22 31.5 1.29 1498 -6.55 30 7.14 64.65 8.66

2002-03 23.3 18.88 40.4 28.25 1838 22.70 39 30.00 188.5 191.57

2003-04 44.2 89.70 64.7 60.15 3049 65.89 64 64.10 497 163.66

2004-05 35.3 -20.14 53.4 -17.47 3774 23.78 76 18.75 160.6 -67.69

2005-06 40.5 14.73 72.2 35.21 5070 34.34 105 38.16 338.4 110.71

2006-07 49.8 22.96 76.32 5.71 6542 29.03 143 36.19 516 52.48

2007-08 50.44 1.29 73.88 -3.20 7467 14.14 159 11.19 809.5 56.88

2008-09 61.7 22.32 88.65 19.99 11013 47.49 290 82.39 1237.5 52.87


2000 84.1 132.2 6309 207 1222.5

2001 87 3.45 128.9 -2.50 7502 18.90 262 26.57 493.5 -59.63

2002 97.7 12.30 155.3 20.48 9432 25.73 325 24.05 1824.3 269.67

2003 79.7 -18.42 123.6 -20.41 8114 -13.97 283 -12.92 652.7 -64.22

2004 126.9 59.22 242.7 96.36 13170 62.31 459 62.19 1038.2 59.06

2005 126.7 -0.16 205.3 -15.41 13518 2.64 450 -1.96 1060 2.10

2006 129.3 2.05 196.73 -4.17 14759 9.18 467 3.78 1774.9 67.44

2007 134 3.63 207.55 5.50 17008 15.24 524 12.21 913.4 -48.54

2008 129.84 -3.10 176.93 -14.75 15658 -7.94 512 -2.29 2371.6 159.65

Kharf +

1999-2000 5.8 7.8 356 5 7.7

2289.3 16549.
2000-01 105 1710.34 163.3 1993.59 8506 3 235 4600.00 1282 35


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2001-02 106.6 1.52 160.4 -1.78 9000 5.81 292 24.26 558.15 -56.46

2002-03 120 12.57 195.7 22.01 11270 25.22 364 24.66 2012.8 260.62

2003-04 123.9 3.25 188.3 -3.78 11163 -0.95 347 -4.67 1149.7 -42.88

2004-05 162.2 30.91 296.1 57.25 16944 51.79 535 54.18 1198.8 4.27

2005-06 167.1 3.02 277.5 -6.28 18588 9.70 555 3.74 1398.4 16.65

2006-07 179.12 7.19 273.05 -1.60 21301 14.60 610 9.91 2290.9 63.82

2007-08 184.43 2.96 281.43 3.07 24475 14.90 683 11.97 1722.9 -24.79

2008-09 191.54 3.86 265.58 -5.63 26671 8.97 802 17.42 3609.1 109.48

CGR 41.87% 37.73% 60.71% 88.4% 69.78%

(Source: Based on the data collected from AIC.)

Note: Annual growth has been analyzed in percentage.

Table 1 shows the percentage growth of Rabi and Rs.4428 crore against claims of Rs.15230.5 crore.
Kharif season of National Agricultural Insurance Average compound growth of farmers covered in
scheme implemented in India since Rabi 1999-2000 entire period is 41.87%. Growth of area covered is
to 2008-2009. At initial stage only 9 states/ UT’s 37.74%. Average growth of farmers benefited is
were participated in this scheme and covered only 5.8 58.12% and average compound growth of claims
lakh farmers for a premium of Rs.5 crore against admitted is 69.78 per cent. In Rabi 1999-2000 only 9
claims of Rs.7.7 crore. After Rabi 1999-2000 the states were participated in NAIS. But since 2005-06,
coverage under NAIS increased widely but we the scheme is being implemented in 26 states which
compare the figures in Rabi seasons against Kharif, it is shown in Table 2. It also reveals that 1345.69
shows coverage under Kharif season has been higher farmers were insured in 26 states under this scheme,
than Rabi. Reason behind it that, in Kharif season out of this, Maharashtra stood first with 19.03 per
farmers go for insurance during 1st April to 30th cent and Andaman & Nikobar Island last with only 1
June. In states like Maharashtra or Andra Pradesh it thousand farmers. Madhya Pradesh 20.26 was spotted
is a period of low rainfall hence there is need to first rank in area covered and Maharashtra19.03 per
protect their crops so farmers opted for crop cent, Andra Pradesh 15.96 per cent, Rajasthan 10.17
insurance in Kharif season. The figures show that per cent and Utter Pradesh 11.19 per cent. These six
there is not satisfactory growth of NAIS after 2005- states accounted 76.61 per cent area out of 2109.16
06. Because at initial stage this scheme is on lakh hectare. The claims of Rs. 15230.5 crore were
compulsory basis for non-loaner farmers now it made admitted out of which, Andhra Pradesh contributes
optional for both non-loaner and loaner farmers. 17.07 %, Maharashtra 9.73 %, Gujarat 19.97 %,
Karnataka 9.23 % & Tamil Nadu 7.69 %. Thus these
During the period from 1999-2000 to 2008-09 NAIS five states accounted for 56 per cent of total claims
covered 1345.69 lakh farmers for a premium of admitted. According to table Maharashtra, Andra


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Pradesh, Gujarat, Utter Pradesh, Karnataka, and NAIS as compare to other states.
Rajasthan are dominating by implementation of

Table 2

State-wise Performance of NAIS from Rabi 1999-2000 to Rabi 2008-2009

Farme Farmers
rs Area Sun Benefit
Cover Cover Assure Premiu Claim ed
ed ed d m s
(Figur (Figur (Figur (Figure (Figur (Figure
es in es in es in s in es in s in
State Lakhs) % Lakhs) % Crore) % Crore) % Crore) % Crore) %
Pradesh 189.2 15.96 297.4 14.10 29294 19.76 833.4 18.69 2600.4 17.07 39.6 10.98

Assam 1.4 0.12 1 0.05 155 0.10 40 0.90 5 0.03 0.2 0.06

A& N Islands 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 1.6 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.006 0.00 0.0006 0.00

Bihar 37.3 3.15 45.3 2.15 6227.4 4.20 141 3.16 1045.8 6.87 12.7 3.52

Chhatisgarh 57.6 4.86 119.4 5.66 4225.8 2.85 109.3 2.45 242.8 1.59 12.3 3.41

Goa 0.06 0.01 0.1 0.00 2.3 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.007 0.00

Gujarat 92 7.76 217.4 10.31 18501.9 12.48 767.7 17.22 3041.1 19.97 31.3 8.68

Harayana 5.3 0.45 6 0.28 537.3 0.36 14.7 0.33 31.9 0.21 1.1 0.30

esh 1.7 0.14 1.3 0.06 122.6 0.08 2.6 0.06 10.5 0.07 0.8 0.22

&Kashmir 0.2 0.02 0.3 0.01 18.9 0.01 0.4 0.01 0.1 0.00 0.01 0.00

Jharkhand 37.5 3.16 17.3 0.82 1160.3 0.78 29.2 0.65 165.4 1.09 9.1 2.52

Karnataka 91.8 7.74 155.1 7.35 10377.9 7.00 330.8 7.42 1406.1 9.23 38.5 10.67
Kerala 3.2 0.27 2.7 0.13 436.3 0.29 9.2 0.21 21.9 0.14 0.7 0.19

Pradesh 1.6 0.13 427.2 20.26 16963.2 11.44 501.9 11.26 876.4 5.75 33.6 9.31

Maharashtra 225.6 19.03 211.2 10.01 12478 8.42 475.5 10.66 1481.7 9.73 72.5 20.09

Meghalaya 0.2 0.02 0.2 0.01 23 0.02 1.3 0.03 0.3 0.00 0.01 0.00

Orrisa 91 7.68 93 4.41 9257 6.24 230.7 5.17 489.4 3.21 16.4 4.55
Puducherry 0.2 0.02 0.4 0.02 50 0.03 1 0.02 2.3 0.02 0.05 0.01

Rajastan 120.5 10.17 258.8 12.27 12760.6 8.61 353.4 7.93 1171.1 7.69 30.1 8.34


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Sikkim 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 2 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.0009 0.00

Tamil Nadu 23.9 2.02 34.4 1.63 4686.7 3.16 104 2.33 1111.7 7.30 11.4 3.16

Tripura 0.2 0.02 0.09 0.00 19.2 0.01 0.6 0.01 0.6 0.00 0.03 0.01

Utter Pradesh 132.6 11.19 182.4 8.65 14698.7 9.91 299.4 6.72 687.8 4.52 32 8.87

Utterkhand 1.4 0.12 1.6 0.08 264 0.18 0.5 0.01 19.8 0.13 0.5 0.14

West Bengal 70.9 5.98 36.3 1.72 6014.8 4.06 211.9 4.75 818.4 5.37 17.9 4.96

100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Total 1345.7 0 2109.2 0 148274 0 4428 0 15230.5 0 361.4 0

(Source: Based on the data collected from AIC.)

Note: Annual growth has been analyzed in percentage.

Table 3 indicates the claim premium ratio of NAIS are more than 3.5 times of premium received. Hence
from Rabi 1999-2000 to 2008-2009. Total claims there is huge loss in this scheme, even without
admitted under this scheme for above period considering the administrative cost. In 2000-01 &
amounted to rupees 151230.45 crore. And premium 2002-03 the ratio are 5.46 & 5.53, it means the claims
paid under this scheme amounted to rupees 4428 were more than 5 times of premium received for
crore. The claims premium ratio of total claims and above period.
premium is 3.44. It clearly indicates that claims paid
Table 3
Claims Premium ratio of NAIS From Rabi1999-2000 to 2008-2009
Year Claims Premium Claims/
1999-2000 7.7 5 1.54
2000-01 1282 235 5.46
2001-02 558.15 292 1.91
2002-03 2012.8 364 5.53
2003-04 1149.7 347 3.31
2004-05 1198.8 535 2.24
2005-06 1398.4 555 2.52
2006-07 2290.9 610 3.76
2007-08 1722.9 683 2.52
2008-09 3609.1 802 4.50
Total 15230.45 4428 3.44
Source: Based on the data collected from AIC.


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Table 4
Percentage of claims reported to sum assured under NAIS From Rabi1999-2000 to 2008-2009

Year Claims Sum Assured Claims/

Sum Assured (%)

1999-2000 7.70 356 2.16

2000-01 1282.00 8506 15.07

2001-02 558.15 9000 6.20

2002-03 2012.80 11270 17.86

2003-04 1149.70 11163 10.30

2004-05 1198.80 16944 7.08

2005-06 1398.40 18588 7.52

2006-07 2290.90 21301 10.75

2007-08 1722.90 24475 7.04

2008-09 3609.10 26671 13.53

Total 15230.45 148278 10.27

Source: Based on the data collected from AIC.


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This percentage ranges from 2.16 per cent to 17.86

Table 4 shows the percentage of claims against sum per cent. But if calculate the premium / sum assured
assured under NAIS from Rabi 1999-2000 to 2008- percentage which is 939croer (premium)/ 148278
2009. Total sum insured are Rs.148278 crore out of crore (sum assured)* 100 = 0.63 per cent. This
it, claims admitted of Rs.15230.45 crore, 10.27 per indicates a loss of 9.63 per cent of the assured value
cent claims have been admitted against sum assured. of output.

Table 5
Percentage of subsidy to premium under NAIS From Rabi1999-2000 to 2008-2009

Year Subsidy Premium Subsidy/ Premium


1999-2000 1.70 5 34.00

2000-01 55.60 235 23.66

2001-02 55.40 292 18.97

2002-03 51.60 364 14.18

2003-04 30.60 347 8.82

2004-05 24.20 535 4.52

2005-06 25.60 555 4.61

2006-07 34.60 610 5.67

2007-08 41.40 683 6.06

2008-09 103.04 802 12.85

423.74 4428 9.57
Source: Based on the data collected from AIC.


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Table 5 reveals the percentage of subsidy to premium 4.52 per cent to 34 percent. Percentage of subsidy
under NAIS from Rabi 1999-2000 to 2008-2009. The decreasing every year except in 2008-09. It means
percentage of subsidy against premium ranges from every year the benefit of subsidy is reduced.
Source: Based on the data collected from
Table 6
Percentage of Farmers benefited to farmers Table 6 shows the percentage of farmers benefited
covered under NAIS From Rabi1999-2000 to against farmers covered under NAIS from Rabi 1999-
2008-2009 2000 to 2008-2009. The percentage of farmers
Year Farmers Farmers Farmers benefited against farmers covered ranges from 10.34
Covered Benefited Benefited/Farmers per cent to 43.58 per cent. It indicates good numbers
Covered (%) of farmers are benefited under NAIS. In 2002-03,
43.58 per cent farmers are benefited which is highest
1999- percentage of above period.
2000 5.80 0.60 10.34


01 105.00 41.70 39.71 1. Farmers face the problem of droughts, pests,

diseases, and other natural calamities when
they require to manage the risk where
02 106.60 22.00 20.64
agriculture insurance is a catalytic tool.
2002- 2. The adversity of weather is the important
03 120.00 52.30 43.58 enemy of farmers in India, weather

2003- conditions are not in hand of the farmers,

04 123.90 38.15 30.79 and they can’t control them. Hence crop
insurance is a risk management tool that
farmers can use in today’s agricultural
05 162.20 34.60 21.33
2005- 3. Since 1972, government of India tries to
06 167.10 36.50 21.84 protect their farmers by implementing
various schemes of crop insurance. Hence
farmers have been option of crop insurance
07 179.12 45.25 25.26
scheme but every crop insurance scheme has
been flawed.
08 184.43 31.70 17.19
4. Commercial banks are not performing their
2008- designed roles because of which the entire
09 191.54 58.60 30.59 process of crop insurance is suffering. Banks
Total 1345.69 361.40 are not prompt to collect, compile & submit


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the premium amount to lead banks on optional for both loanee and non-loanee
scheduled time, which caused delay in farmers.
compiling list of insured farmers. 12. Bankers and agricultural officers failed to
5. Monthly, co-ordination meetings of convince the farmers for crop insurance.
government of department are not being 13. The deficit between premium paid and
held properly which is mandatory at district insurance claims amounted to Rs.10802.5
level. crore from Rabi 1999-2000 to Rabi 2008-09.
6. Co-operative banks are performing well as 14. Only 5 out of 26 states have earned premium
comparison with RRB’s and commercial higher than claim, which is also negligible.
banks. Inter-department co-ordination is 15. The premium rates of NAIS are varying
very poor; this scheme is multi-departmental from 1.5 to 3.5 from crop to crop. Premium
approach which needs a strong co-ordination rates era higher than CCIS and other
amongst various departments. previous scheme but this premium are not
7. They need to compliment on each other still enough to cover claims.
work & if there is lack of co-ordination 16. Many farmers are unaware of crop
between the entire processes gets hampered. insurance due to illiteracy. Hence there is
(M. K. Singh, Coordinator, Economic need of counseling camps at local level to
Justice Campaign). increase awareness of farmers. They need to
8. The commercial banks and co-operative acquire the detail knowledge about crop
banks played vital role for implementing the insurance scheme.
NAIS especially loanee farmers & the 17. Crop insurance in India is a multi-agency
distributing the amount of indemnity to the program which includes the state
affected farmers. government, central government, National
9. The lack of enthusiasm on the part of the Bank for Agricultural and Rural
banks to conduct the business in fact they Development (NABARD), General
are paid service charges. Insurance Corporation (GIC), cooperative
10. The Bankers was direct beneficiaries of crop banks, commercial banks have a crucial role
insurance in case of loanee farmers because in development of crop insurance program.
indemnity payment of loanee farmer’s was 18. The main problem is that all crop are not
directly credited to farmer’s loan account or covered under NAIS are subjected to Crop
bank account. Cutting Experiments, other is that delay in
11. Even after the 10 rears of launching the the timely availability of data as many
program there is lack of awareness of departments and layers of administration are
farmers about scheme. Only loanee farmers involved. There is lag between crop cutting
and Kisan Credit Card holders covered by experiments and release of official figures.
default but non-loanee farmers are not much
aware about scheme, and now NAIS is SUGGESTIONS:


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1. There is need of an agent at local level for from commencement, yet NAIS failed to
helping the farmers for claims assessment move.
and receiving the indemnity payment.
2. Gram Panchayat should be made CONCLUSION:
accountable for admitting claim of insurance Since 1972 so many schemes of crop insurance have
and disbursement of claims to farmers. It been launched in the country but they failed to
can act as an authorized institution to influence the farmers and share the risk of farmers.
presenting the scheme. It also declared Now days some farmers are committing suicide due
disaster and assess losses. to lack of risk management. And they are selecting
3. Farmers should pay indemnity as early as the option of suicide rather than crop insurance.
possible like within 2 to 3 month from loss. Hence there is need of serious concern of this
Hence they can make preparation for their problem of sharing the risk of farmers and protecting
next crop season. Hence there is need to their crops against adverse weather and natural
proper co-ordination between bankers and calamities. On this background, NAIS has been
implementing agency. introduced since Rabi 1999-2000. There are so many
4. There is need of interaction between all of expectations from NAIS but it also failed to meet
the agencies involved in this scheme. farmer’s expectations.
5. NAIS should seek to have a alternative way
of assessing yield. If the damage done to the Government of India constituted a joint group to
crop is extensive, dependable procedure for overcome shortcomings of NAIS. The group made
concurrent monitoring and payment have to in-depth study and made important recommendation
be sought. Interviews with experts / like reduction in the unit area of insurance to gram
knowledgeable person may help in assessing Panchayat for major crops, improving the basis of
the damage to a crop at difference points. calculation of threshold yield, higher indemnity level
Other indicator can also be used and more of 80 per cent and 90 per cent coverage of pre-
than one agency could be needed to involve sowing / planting risk and post-harvest losses.
in this process. Personal accident insurance cover and package
6. There is also need to look in to the unit of insurance policy etc. based on the recommendation of
indemnity payment. Under NAIS indemnity joint group and views/comments of various stake-
is calculated as the difference between the holders, proposal of Modified National Agricultural
area yield and the threshold yield multiplied Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) was prepared and sent to
by the liability. This is an acceptable the Planning Commission. Planning Commission was
procedure. The main thing is that decided that the MNAIS will be implemented on
determination of area. Presently the yield non-plan side. But all these recommendations are
estimation is determined at Mandal/ Block remain on the paper and once again government
level. NAIS was expected to move towards failed to improve crop insurance program.
Panchyat/village level within three years


EISSN 2277-4955

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experimenting with new methods and approaches. Internship Paper no. 10.
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the organizational and the functioning level. Two in Agricultural Insurance”, The Insurance
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coordination between at all stakeholders at state pp-3-8.
level, there is need to active state level advisory 5. Manojkumar B. & Ajitkumar G. S. (2003),
body? Another important thing is that the presence of “Crop Insurance Scheme: A Case Study of
AIC at district level. The person recruiting at district Banana Farmers in Wayanand District”,
level should be carefully selected and properly Discussion Paper no. 54, Kerala Researh
trained who can play an important role for Program on Local Level development,
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premium received is always less than claims under “Progress and Problems in Agricultural
NAIS. The premium rates are needed to cover pure Insurance”, Economic and Political Weekly,
risk, administrative cost and reasonable returns. May 26.
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improving viability in crop insurance. Insurance and Prospects”, National Centre for
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SHGs of farmers this scheme may be made cost 8. Raju, S.S. & Chand, Ramesh (2008), “A
effective at grass-root level. Hence proper knowledge Study of the Performance of National
and implementation of crop insurance scheme can Agricultural Insurance Scheme and
increase the food grain production in India and can Suggestions to make it more effective”,
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Volume-21, January- June, pp. 11-19.
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EISSN 2277-4955

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