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Detailed Lesson Plan Template

Prepared by: Lanie L. Valaquio

Rex L. Valaquio
Dinah O. Vesales
Angela V. Villanueva
Course Subject: The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Course, Specialization and Year: BSED FILIPINO 3

I. Objectives;
At the completion of the course, the students be able to:
1. Define various concepts of curriculum.
2. Articulate some fundamental concepts and principles of school curriculum.
II. Contents:
Topic: Fundamental Concepts and Principles of Curriculum
III. Learning Resources:
Laptop, projector, visual aids, marker, coupon band paper, and glue.
IV. Procedures
A. Preliminary activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings/ Classroom arrangement
3. Attendance
4. Motivation
B. Lesson Proper
Present a power point presentation about the topic and explain the fundamental
concepts and principles of curriculum.
C Post Lesson Activity
D. Generalization

Teacher’s Role and/or Learners’

Instruction Activity/Possible
Detailed Lesson Plan Template

Review and/or Lesson A. Preliminary Activities

Presentation Prayer
-Everybody stand up. Lead the -In the name of the father and
prayer___ of the son and of the holy
Dear Heavenly Father, As we
gather here today, we invite
Your presence into this
classroom. Lord, bless each and
every student here, as well as
our teacher, as we embark on
another day of learning. Please
give us clear minds and open
hearts so we can grasp the
knowledge and lessons set
before us.
 Greetings/Classroom
-Good morning class. -Good morning teachers, good
morning classmates.
- Before you take your seats - Yes teacher.
kindly pick up the trashes you
can see inside the classroom
and put it in the trash bins.

After a minute….

- You may now take your seats -thank you, teachers.

 Attendance
- Before anything else, let me - Yes, teacher.
check your attendance. Say
present if your name is called.

After a minute….

 Motivation
Your task is to encircle those
words that describe the word

After 5 minutes….

- Very good! I am very pleased -teacher, I notice that our

you were able to make and activity is all about curriculum.
complete the activity. Now, lets
discuss your answers. Anybody
who can tell me what was our
activity all about? Yes, ____.
Detailed Lesson Plan Template

Objectives Introduction and


Discussion/ B. Lesson proper

Exploration - Before proceeding to our main
topic class, lets read our
objectives for today.
- Thank you. So, our topic for
today is all about Fundamental
Concepts and Principles of
Curriculum. But first what is -curriculum is the total learning
curriculum based on your prior experiences of the learner under
knowledge? Yes,____. the guidance of the teacher.

- Okay, Very Good! So class,

curriculum is what taught in
school, a set of subjects, a
content, a program of studies, a
set of materials, a sequence of
course, a set of performance
objectives, everything that goes
within the school.

Fundamental concepts of

 Curriculum as a cumulative
tradition of organized
 Curriculum as an

 Curriculum as an
instructional plan

 Curriculum as an
instructional outcome

Fundamental Principles for

Curriculum Contents
1. Balance- content should be
fairly distributed in depth and
breath. This will guarantee that
significant contents should be
covered to avoid too much or
too little of the contents needed
with in the time allocation.
2. Articulation- as the content
Detailed Lesson Plan Template

complexity progresses with the

educational levels, vertically or
horizontally, across the same
discipline smooth connections
or bridging should be provided.
This will assure no gaps or
overlaps in the content.
3. Sequence- the logical
arrangement of the content
refers to sequences or order.
This can be done for deepening
the content or horizontally for
broadening the same content.
4. Integration- content in the
curriculum does not stand alone
or in isolation. It has some ways
of relatedness or connectedness
to other contents.
5. Continuity- content when
viewed as a curriculum should
continuously flow as it was
before, to where it is now, and
where it will be in the future.
6. Scope- the breadth and depth
of the curriculum content are
vital in a curriculum. Scope
consists of all the contents,
topics, learning experiences
comprising the curriculum.

Foundations of Curriculum
1. Philosophical Foundations-
educators, teachers, educational
planners and policy makers
must have a philosophy or
strong belief about education
and schooling and the kind of
curriculum in the teacher’s
classrooms or learning
2. Historical Foundation- where
is the curriculum development
coming? The historical
foundations will show to us the
chronological development
along a time line. Reading
materials would tell us that
curriculum development started
with Franklin Bobbit (1876-
1956) wrote the book “The
Detailed Lesson Plan Template

3. Psychological Foundation of
Curriculum- psychology
provides a basis to understand
the teaching and learning
4. Sociological Foundation-
education is one of the
significant elements of the
society. It is regarded as one of
the aspects of cultural and
social change. Education
reflects the cultural, political
and social conditions ass well
as attributes of a change. Since
the education system of a
society is the reflection of the
culture and values of that
society, the basis for the system
gets provided by the same
social and cultural values.

Deepening -Did you understand our -Yes, teacher.

discussion, class?
-so, to understand it better and
deeper we’re going to asked
you some questions.

-what is the importance of -The curriculum identifies the

curriculum? learning outcomes, standards
and core competencies that
students must demonstrate
before advancing to the next
level. Teachers play a key role
in developing, implementing,
assessing and modifying the

-are those foundations are -Yes. In summary, the

interrelated? foundation upon which
curriculum is based are
educational philosophies,
historical developments,
psychological explanations, and
societal influences. All of these
foundations are interrelated to
each. Objectives and activities
should group together when
tasks are clarified.
Detailed Lesson Plan Template

-how does curriculum impact - Curriculum can increase

student’s learning? student outcome as it plans for
and aligns the student's full
curriculum. This is done by
accounting for prior knowledge,
the current objective, as well as
what will happen next.
Developing Mastery  Drills and activity
(Assessable Activities that will - and if that so, we will be
allow learners to demonstrate having a short quiz. Please get
learning) 1/4 sheet of paper and answer
the following. You will be
given 5 minutes to answer.
Fill in the blank the missing
word in each number.
1. Curriculum as a
cumulative____ of organized
2. Curriculum as an _____
3. Curriculum as an ______
4. Curriculum as an
instructional ______

After a minutes… - (students followed)

-Very good class. You all got a

higher scores.
-Now, group yourselves into
four (4).

Demonstration of Skills C. Post Lesson Activity

(Finding Application/Relevance  Application
leading to appreciation and Message relay
valuing) Instructions:
1. Divide the class into four
2. Each leader of the team will
pick one message inside the
3. The leader will whisper the
message on to the next member.
4. Then, the last member in the
line will write the message in a
clear coupon bond as soon as
she/he receive the message.
Detailed Lesson Plan Template

5. The group who got a lot of

correct answers after five (5)
minutes will be the winner.

- You’re given two (2) minutes

to prepare.

After a minute…

-Are you done class - yes, teacher

- Okay, let’s start with your

After that…

- Very good presentation class! -(Student clapped their hands)

Give yourselves around of
Generalization D. Generalization
-Now, I want you to test if you
really understood our topic.

-what is curriculum? Yes, ____ -curriculum is what is taught

inside and outside school
directed by teacher, everything
planned by school, a series of
experiences undergone by
learners in school or what
individual learner experiences
as a result of school.

-Okay thank you. What are the -balance, articulation, sequence,

Fundamental Principles for integration, continuity
Curriculum Contents? Give me
at least 4. yes, ____

-Okay, thank you. Enumerate -philosophical foundation,

the four foundations of historical foundation,
curriculum. Yes, ____ psychological foundation,
-very well said____ sociological foundation

-excellent class!
Assessment/ Evaluation 1. What is the primary purpose
of curriculum development?
A) To keep students busy
B) To meet the needs of
learners and society
C.) To follow a strict set of
D) To prioritize teacher
Detailed Lesson Plan Template

Answer: B) To meet the needs
of learners and society
2. Which term refers to the
overall plan or design for a
course of study?
A) Syllabus
B) Lesson plan
C) Curriculum
D) Textbook
Answer: C) Curriculum
4. In curriculum development,
what does the term "alignment"
refer to?
A) Adjusting the font and
layout of materials
B) Ensuring that curriculum
components work together
C) Maintaining a straight line
on a document
D) Ignoring the needs of
Answer: B) Ensuring that
curriculum components work
together cohesively
4. What is the role of
assessment in the curriculum?
A) To make students nervous
B) To measure student learning
and progress
C) To assign grades randomly
D) To increase teacher
Answer:B) To measure student
learning and progress
5. Which principle emphasizes
the importance of considering
the diverse needs and
backgrounds of learners?
A) Flexibility
B) B) Relevance
C) Inclusivity
D) Efficiency
Answer: C) Inclusivity
6. What is the purpose of
formative assessment in the
To assign final grades
B) To provide ongoing
Detailed Lesson Plan Template

feedback for improvement

C) To compare students against
each other
D) To create stress for learners
Answer: B) To provide
ongoing feedback for
7. What does the term
"constructivism" refer to in
curriculum philosophy?
A) Strict adherence to a
predetermined curriculum
B) The belief that knowledge is
actively built by learners
C) Ignoring student
D) Relying solely on textbooks
for learning
Answer: B) The belief that
knowledge is actively built by
8. Which factor is essential for
curriculum relevance?
A) Ignoring technological
B) Sticking to traditional
C) Regularly updating content
to reflect real-world changes -
D) Ignoring student feedback
Answer: C) Regularly updating
content to reflect real-world
9. What is the significance of
differentiation in curriculum
A) Treating all students the
same way
B) Adapting instruction to meet
diverse learner needs
C) Excluding students with
different abilities
D) Ignoring individual learning
Answer: B) Adapting
instruction to meet diverse
learner needs
10. Which term refers to the
systematic process of
evaluating the effectiveness of a
Detailed Lesson Plan Template

A) Assessment
B) Grading
C) Evaluation
D) Testing
Answer: C) Evaluation
IV. Procedures

V. Remarks
Give the school curriculum models. Write it in a one whole sheet of paper.
VI. Reflections
The fundamental concepts and principles of curriculum revolve around the idea of
providing a framework for organizing and delivering educational experiences. As I reflect on
these concepts, I recognize the importance of curriculum that is both relevant and
meaningful for students.
The curriculum ensures that students are provided with the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes necessary to succeed in their future endeavors. By aligning the curriculum with the
intended outcomes, educators can effectively guide students towards achieving their goals.
This principle emphasizes the importance of recognizing and valuing individual uniqueness,
fostering an inclusive learning environment. A curriculum should also promote various forms
of engagement and active participation. It should be designed to capture students' interest and
motivation by incorporating practical and real-world applications. By doing so, it not only
enhances students' understanding but also encourages critical thinking and problem-solving
Furthermore, a curriculum should be cyclic and flexible, allowing for regular
evaluation and revision. This ensures that it remains relevant and reflects evolving societal
needs and educational research. It also provides an opportunity for educators to reflect on
their teaching practices and make necessary adjustments to optimize student learning.
As educators, it is essential to understand and apply these fundamental concepts and
principles when developing and implementing a curriculum. By doing so, we can create a
learning environment that caters to the needs of all students and promotes lifelong learning.

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