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Raise the Bar Challenge:

Building Breadth and Depth

In this module, you explored: Self-awareness
• The impact of group membership In the past, which of these perception traps have you fallen into?
• “Sorting” as a technique to analyze situations
from different levels of possible influence
• Perception traps
Let’s revisit the perception trap definitions below
and then answer the questions at the right. What could you do to adjust your thinking when you
If I didn’t see it, it must not have happened. notice you are heading for a perception trap?
Just because you didn’t see it or experience it does
not mean that it did not happen. It’s important to
honor and validate the perceptions of others as
that is often the reality they are experiencing.
Yeah, but…
Immediately countering what someone
shared minimizes your ability to actively listen. Empathy
Inclusiveness means listening for the full Why is it important to give people space to share their thoughts
meaning (verbal and nonverbal) and allowing and feelings? What might you learn from listening?
the perception or reality to exist on its own.
Why don’t you…
If someone is sharing their experience with you and
they happen to be from a different group membership
than you, know that they may just want to share
the situation and not need you to resolve it.
How will you display empathy to connect with others,
Perfectly Logical Explanation (P.L.E.) even if your initial perception differs?
There may be, in fact, a perfectly logical explanation
as to why someone did not get a new assignment
or did not get promoted, but the group member
may not be open to hearing that at first.

Strengthening a Culture of Inclusion e-learning, Module 2, Building Bredth and Depth | For Amazon internal use only.
A critical way to support inclusive behaviors is to be
able to look at situations from multiple levels and Curiosity
perspectives. This practice is called “sorting.” Think about a situation that you were recently
engaged in with a customer or team member.
Sorting involves analyzing situations from
different levels of possible influence: What parts of your thinking came from some aspect of your individual


What parts of your thinking came from some aspect of your group

What parts of your thinking came from your organization culture’s


When you have completed this challenge, save your document by choosing File > Save or click the Save File icon in the toolbar at the top of the document window.

Strengthening a Culture of Inclusion e-learning, Module 2, Building Bredth and Depth | For Amazon internal use only.

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