Continuous Vs Interval Aerobic Training in 8 To.32

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Laboratory of Human Movement Studies, Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, Lille 2 University, Ronchin,
France; 2Laboratory of Human Movement, Interactions, Performance, Nantes University, Nantes, France; and 3Laboratory of
Exercise Biology, Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France

ABSTRACT of exercises can successfully be used to increase their aerobic

Baquet, G, Gamelin, F-X, Mucci, P, Thévenet, D, Van Praagh, E, fitness. Aerobic running training is often made up of regular and
and Berthoin, S. Continuous vs. interval aerobic training in 8- to long-distance running exercises at moderate velocity, which
11-year-old children. J Strength Cond Res 24(5): 1381–1388, causes sometimes boredom in young children. During the
2010—The aim of the present study was to show if the use of developmental years, it seems therefore worthwhile to use
continuous-running training vs. intermittent-running training has various training modalities, to make this activity more attractive
comparable or distinct impact on aerobic fitness in children. and thus create conditions for progress and enhanced
At first, children were matched according to their chronological motivation.
age, their biological age (secondary sexual stages), and their KEY WORDS prepubertal boys and girls, aerobic fitness,
physical activity or training status. Then, after randomization running, maximal aerobic velocity
3 groups were composed. Sixty-three children (X 9.6 6 1.0
years) were divided into an intermittent-running training group
(ITG, 11 girls and 11 boys), a continuous-running training group INTRODUCTION

(CTG, 10 girls and 12 boys), and a control group (CG, 10 girls revious studies have demonstrated that both
and 9 boys). Over 7 weeks, ITG and CTG participated in 3 run- well-designed continuous and intermittent training
ning sessions per week. Before and after the training period, protocols induced significant aerobic fitness im-
they underwent a maximal graded test to determine peak provement in prepubertal children (4). In a litera-
oxygen uptake (peak V_ O2) and maximal aerobic velocity (MAV). ture review, Baquet et al. (4) reported in children and
Intermittent training consisted of short intermittent runs with adolescents a significant increase in peak oxygen uptake
(peak V_ O2) after a continuous-running training program
repeated exercise and recovery sequences lasting from 5/15 to
(+10.6%) and an interval running training program (+11.8).
30/30 seconds. With respect to continuous training sessions,
Although physiological responses to continuous exercises
repeated exercise sequences lasted from 6# to 20#. Training-
mainly depend on aerobic fitness, responses to intermittent
effect threshold for statistical significance was set at p , 0.05. exercises also depend on anaerobic capacity and recovery
After training, peak V_ O2 was significantly improved in CTG ability between each bout of exercise. Thus, intermittent
(+7%, p , 0.001) and ITG (+4.8%, p , 0.001), whereas no exercises may have significant effects on other dimensions
difference occurred for the CG (21.5%). Similarly, MAV of children’s fitness, for example, anaerobic fitness (2).
increased significantly (p , 0.001) in both CTG (+8.7%) Moreover, children seem to tolerate intermittent exercises
and ITG (+6.4%) with no significant change for CG. Our results better than continuous ones (18). Children’s habitual physical
demonstrated that both continuous and intermittent-running activity (PA) pattern is highly intermittent and characterized
sessions induced significant increase in peak V_ O2 and MAV. by rapid changes from rest to PA of vigorous intensities (1,3).
Therefore, when adequate combinations of intensity/duration It was, therefore, suggested that a high-intensity intermittent-
running program is better suited to the transitory nature of
exercises are offered to prepubertal children, many modalities
children’s PA patterns and then stresses more efficiently their
cardiorespiratory system. The question if there is an ideal
Address correspondence to Baquet Georges, georges.baquet@ protocol for aerobic training in prepubertal children is still under debate. In the literature, most protocols addressing
24(5)/1381–1388 the trainability of children are based on continuous exercises
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (15 studies), whereas only 7 studies have investigated the
Ó 2010 National Strength and Conditioning Association effects of intermittent or mixed exercises on peak V_ O2. Three

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2010 | 1381

Aerobic Training in Children

studies simultaneously compared both training modalities in stage 1 for breast and pubic hair, whereas for the remaining
a comparable population (10,11,20). In the study by Williams girls, the combined maturational stage assessment was #3.
et al. (20), children failed to increase their peak V_ O2 after Using a self-administered questionnaire (12), sport practice
training, whereas McManus et al. (10,11) reported significant was assessed. Concerning the latter, the subjects were
aerobic fitness improvement in a comparable population. provided with a detailed one-page diary so as to list the
However, none of these studies simultaneously investigated number and types of sports activities each of them had
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the effects of interval running and continuous-running engaged in during the previous 7 days; it was therefore
modalities. McManus et al. (10) and Williams et al. (20) possible to evaluate the type of sports practiced and the
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compared a sprint-interval running with a continuous cycle number of episodes of sports over 1 week and the time spent
ergometer–training program, whereas McManus et al. (11) in sport clubs during the previous week.
compared a cycling interval-training program with a contin- At first, children were matched according to their
uous cycle ergometer program. As short high-intensity chronological age, their biological age (secondary sexual
intermittent cycling training compared with continuous stages), and their PA or training status. For the training
exercise at moderate intensity has been found to more sessions, children from the first school were randomly
improve significantly children’s peak V_ O2 (11), it might be assigned to the continuous training group (CTG) or the
expected that the magnitude of change would be quite control group (CG), and those from the second school were
similar, when comparing the 2 training regimens by means of randomly assigned to the intermittent training group (ITG) or
a running training program. Therefore, the aim of the present CG. Each group had 2 regular mandatory 60 minute-physical
study was to compare the effects of continuous and education (PE) lessons per week, including games and
intermittent running training on children’s aerobic fitness. exercises with low aerobic requirements. The intermittent
training group and CTG had 3 additional PE sessions
METHODS (from 18 to 39 minutes) per week specifically devoted either
Experimental Approach to the Problem to high-intensity intermittent-running or moderate continu-
A 3-group experimental design was applied where short high- ous-running exercises. Although the investigators tried to
intensity intermittent-running training was compared with complete the measurement of fitness variables, 7 children in
moderate-intensity continuous-running training. Both train- the experimental groups (7 boys) and 7 in CG (3 girls and 4
ing modalities were compared with a nonexercising control boys) were rejected for absences during the training program
condition. The hypothesis was, providing that training (2 or more absences over 21 sessions) or during different
programs are individualized by using the maximal aerobic aerobic fitness assessment sessions. The absences were
velocity (MAV) of each children, peak V_ O2 and MAV are because of illness or parental convenience. Any injury was
increasing jointly whatever training modality. Variety reported during the training program.
enhances the attractiveness of the program and is therefore Sixty-three were finally retained for the statistical analysis
more motivating for children. Using different exercises (ITG, 11 girls and 11 boys; CTG, 10 girls and 12 boys; CG,
alternatively might induce a positive effect on children’s 10 girls and 9 boys). Mean values for age, body mass, height,
motivation. body mass index, and sport club participation are presented
in Table 1.
Seventy-seven 8- to 11-year-old children (43 boys and 34 Procedures
girls) participated in the study. The children were randomly Before entering the study, the children were familiarized
taken from 6 elementary classes in 2 schools. The study was twice with the testing procedures. Each child had to run on
designed in accordance with the ethical standards of the
Helsinki Declaration of 1975 and received the approval of the
‘‘Consultative Committee for the Protection of Persons in
Biomedical Research’’. Full advice about possible risks and
discomfort with the protocol was given to the individuals and
their parents, and all signed a written informed consent form
before the investigation.
Stature and body mass were measured with a wall
stadiometer (Vivioz Medical, Paris, France) and a calibrated
beam balance (Tanita TBF 543, Tokyo, Japan), to the nearest
0.1 cm and 0.1 kg, respectively. Sexual maturity was evaluated
from pubertal stages: indices of breast, pubic hair, and genital
development (17). The same pediatrician made all observa-
tions. All boys were at stage 1 for genital development and Figure 1. Short track for intermittent exercise.
pubic hair, except for 3 (stage 3). Twenty-nine girls were at
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TABLE 1. Mean 6 SD anthropometric values and sport practice before and after the 7-week program.

Control group (n = 19) Continuous training group (n = 22)

Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest

Mean 6 SD Range Mean 6 SD Range D Mean 6 SD Range Mean 6 SD Range D

Age (y) 9.8 6 1.2 8.3–11.4 10.1 6 1.2 8.5–11.7 9.3 6 0.9 8.3–10.9 9.5 6 0.9 8.5–11.7
Height (m) 1.39 6 0.11 1.22–1.65 1.42 6 0.11 1.26–1.69 0.03 6 0.008 1.36 6 0.05 1.25–1.43 1.38 6 0.05 1.27–1.44 0.02 6 0.008
Body mass 36.2 6 10.9 23.8–60.2 37.0 6 11.1 24.4–62.0 0.7 6 1.3 33.5 6 7.8 23.5–59.0 34.7 6 8.1 24.9–61.8 1.0 6 0.7
BMI (kgm22) 18.5 6 3.6 13.0–27.9 18.2 6 3.5 14.7–27.7 20.3 6 0.7 17.9 6 3.3 13.9–28.1 18.1 6 3.4 14.1–28.6 0.2 6 0.6
Sport practice 0.8 6 0.6 0–1.5 1.1 6 0.6 0–2

Intermittent training group (n = 22)


Pretest Posttest ANOVA 2-factor (group)

Mean 6 SD Range Mean 6 SD Range D p (F)

Age (y) 10.0 6 9.5 9.1–11.4 10.3 6 9.8 9.3–11.7

Height (m) 1.41 6 0.07 1.31–1.54 1.42 6 0.07 1.33–1.57 0.02 6 0.008 ns (1.4)
Body mass 35.0 6 8.1 25.7–58.6 35.0 6 8.1 26.2–59.0 7.4 6 11.7 ns (1.5)
BMI (kgm22) 17.5 6 2.7 13.8–24.7 17.6 6 2.6 14.2–24.2 0.1 6 0.4 ns (0.05)
Sport practice 0.9 6 0.5 0–1.5 ns (0.02)
D = difference between post- and pre-training; BMI = body mass index.
ns = non significantly different from pre-test.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2010 |

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TABLE 2. Details of short intermittent high-intensity training for each session.
Session 1 Time to exhaustion at 90% of MAV Session 12 20-m Shuttle run test Recovery and session duration for each exercise
Session 2 Time to exhaustion at 100% of MAV Session 13 1 Set (5*20 s) at 100% of MAV Children are divided into 2 groups according to
2 Sets (5*20 s) at 110% of MAV their MAV. The first group runs and the second
Aerobic Training in Children

2 Sets (5*20 s) at 120% of MAV are at rest and conversely. Exercises

Session 3 1 Set (10*10 s) at 100% of MAV Session 14 1 Set (5*20 s) at 100% of MAV 10*10 s 10-s passive recovery between each
4 Sets (10*10 s) at 110% of MAV 1 Set (5*20 s) at 110% of MAV repetition. 3# between each set. Session duration: 25#
3 Sets (5*20 s) at 120% of MAV
Session 4 1 Set (10*10 s) at 100% of MAV Session 15 1 Set (10*10 s) at 100% of MAV Exercises 5*15 s 15-s passive recovery between each
3 Sets (10*10 s) at 110% of MAV 3 Sets (20*5 s) of sprinting or repetition. 5# between each set. Session duration: 35#
1 Set (10*10 s) at 120% of MAV jumping with 15 s of recovery
between each repetition
Session 5 1 Set (10*10 s) at 100% of MAV Session 16 1 Set (5*30 s) at 100% of MAV Exercises 5*20 s 20-s passive recovery between each
2 Sets (10*10 s) at 110% of MAV 3 Sets (5*30 s) at 110% of MAV repetition. 3# between each set. Session duration: 25#

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

2 Sets (10*10 s) at 120% of MAV
Session 6 1 Set (10*10 s) at 100% of MAV Session 17 1 Sets (5*30 s) at 100% of MAV Exercises 10*15 s 10-s passive recovery between each
1 Set (10*10 s) at 110% of MAV 3 Sets (5*30 s) at 110% of MAV repetition. 3# between each set. Session duration: 32#
3 Sets (10*10 s) at 120% of MAV
Session 7 1 Set (10*10 s) at 100% of MAV Session 18 1 Set (10*15 s) at 100% of MAV Exercises 5*30 s 30-s passive recovery between each
4 Sets (10*10 s) at 120% of MAV 1 Set (10*15 s) at 110% of MAV repetition. 3# between each set. Session duration: 35#
3 Sets (10*15 s) at 120% of MAV
Session 8 1 Set (10*10 s) at 100% of MAV Session 19 1 Set (10*10 s) at 100% of MAV
3 Sets (20*5 s) of sprint or jumping 3 Sets (10*10 s) at 120% of MAV
with 15 s of recovery between 1 Set (10*10 s) at 130% of MAV
each repetition
Session 9 1 Set (5*20 s) at 100% of MAV Session 20 1 Set (10*10 s) at 100% of MAV
4 Sets (5*20 s) at 110% of MAV 2 Sets (10*10 s) at 120% of MAV
2 Sets (10*10 s) at 130% of MAV
Session 10 1 Set (5*20 s) at 100% of MAV Session 21 1 Set (10*10 s) at 100% of MAV
3 Sets (5*20 s) at 110% of MAV 1 Set (10*10 s) at 120% of MAV
1 Set (5*20 s) at 120% of MAV 3 Sets (10*10 s) at 130% of MAV
Session 11 1 Set (10*10 s) at 100% of MAV
3 Sets (20*5 s) of sprinting or
jumping with 15 s of recovery
between each repetition
The 2 first sessions of each training program were devoted estimating the children’s critical velocity (5). MAV = maximal aerobic velocity.
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

the treadmill with an initial velocity of 6 kmh21, after which On this track, the children were placed in different lanes
the speed was increased by 0.5 kmh21 per 1-minute stage according to their MAV. They had to cover the distance
until 8 kmh21. between the 2 extremities in 10, 15, 20, or 30 seconds. For
Before and after the training period, the children performed instance, an individual performing a 9 kmh21 MAV had to run
a maximal graded treadmill test, to determine their MAV and a 50-m distance in 20 seconds, that is, 100% of his maximal
peak V_ O2. The test started with an initial velocity of 6 kmh21, aerobic speed. After 20-second recovery interval, he or she
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after which the speed was increased by 0.5 kmh21 per turned back and repeated the run in the opposite direction. For
1-minute stage. The velocity at the last completed stage was the 5/15-second sessions, each child sprinted or jumped for
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considered as the MAV (6). During the graded test, 5 seconds interspersed with 15-second recovery interval.
respiratory gas exchanges were measured breath by breath Details of the training program are outlined in Table 2.
using a portable system (Cosmed K4b2, Rome, Italy) (9) to Continuous training sessions comprised set and exercise
determine ventilation (VE), oxygen uptake (V_ O2), and carbon sequences lasting 4*6#, 3*8#, 2*10#, 2*12#, 1*15#, 1*18#, and
dioxide production (VCO2). Before each test, O2 and CO2 1*20# with 5# recovery between each set. Intensity was set
analysis systems were calibrated using ambient air and a gas from 80 to 85% of MAV. These exercises were performed on
of known O2 (16%) and CO2 (5%) concentrations. For the a 150-m track marked with cones every 25 m. Children with
calibration of the turbine flowmeter of the K4b2, a 3-L syringe the same MAV ran together using a timer. The timer emitted
(Quinton Instruments, Seattle, WA, USA) was used. V_ O2 and a brief sound that indicated to the children the moment when
CO2 values were averaged over 5-second periods. Heart rate they had to pass by a cone to maintain a constant speed.
(HR) was continuously monitored (Polar Accurex+, Polar Details of the training program are outlined in Table 3.
Electro, Kempele, Finland). This compact device was easy to Running intensity was gradually increased in proportion to
attach without constricting the children’s movements. Peak the training sessions. The 2 training programs were designed
V_ O2 was determined as the 2 highest 5-second V_ O2 values. so as to obtain a comparable workload in each group. The
Peak V_ O2 was accepted as a maximal index, when HRmax workload was calculated for each training session as the
reached a value above 195 bmin21 or when the respiratory product of mean intensity (% of MAV) and exercise time
exchange ratio (RER) was higher than 1, associated with (seconds) and expressed without unit. For example, the first
visible exhaustion (19). continuous training session was 4 sets of 6# at 80% of MAV
Over 7 weeks, ITG and CTG performed 3 18- to 39-minute with 5# of recovery between sets. This session represented
running sessions per week. Intermittent training consisted of 115,200 (4*6*60*80).
short intermittent runs with exercise and recovery sequences
lasting 5/15, 10/10, 15/10, 20/20, and 30/30 seconds. Statistical Analyses
Intensities were set from 100 to 190% of MAV. These exercises The normality distribution of the data was checked with the
were performed on a short track (Figure 1). Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Data are expressed as mean 6 SD.

TABLE 3. Details of continuous training at moderate intensity for each session.

Session 1 Time to exhaustion at Session 12 20-m Shuttle run test Recovery and
90% of MAV session duration
for each exercise
Session 2 Time to exhaustion at 100% Session 13 3 Sets of 8# at 85% of MAV 5# Passive recovery
of MAV between sets.
Session 3 4 Sets of 6# at 80% of MAV Session 14 2 Sets of 10# at 85% of MAV Session duration:
Session 4 3 Sets of 8# at 80% of MAV Session 15 1 Set of 12# and 1 set of 8# at from 18 to 39#
85% of MAV
Session 5 2 Sets of 10# at 80% of MAV Session 16 1 Set of 20# at 80% of MAV
Session 6 2 Sets of 12# at 80% of MAV Session 17 1 Set of 12# and 1 set of 8# at
85% of MAV
Session 7 1 Set of 12# and 1 set of 8# Session 18 1 Set of 20# at spontaneous rate
at 80% of MAV
Session 8 1 Set of 15# at 80% of MAV Session 19 1 Set of 15# at 85% of MAV
Session 9 1 Set of 18# at 80% of MAV Session 20 1 Set of 18# at 85% of MAV
Session 10 1 Set of 20# at 80% of MAV Session 21 1 Set of 20# at 85% of MAV
Session 11 4 Sets of 6# at 85% of MAV
The 2 first sessions of each training program were devoted to estimate the children’s critical velocity (5). MAV = maximal aerobic

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2010 | 1385

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Aerobic Training in Children

TABLE 4. Mean 6 SD cardiorespiratory values and maximal velocity at the end of the graded field test measured before and after the 7-week program.

Control group (n = 19) Continuous training group (n = 22)

Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest

Mean 6 SD Range Mean 6 SD Range D Mean 6 SD Range Mean 6 SD Range D

Peak V_ O2 50.6 6 6.1 41.6–64.1 49.7 6 6.7 42.2–67.5 20.8 6 2.5 50.1 6 6.0 40.0–58.0 53.6 6 6.3* 40.2–63.6 3.5 6 2.7

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

RER 0.97 6 0.05 0.91–1.08 0.96 6 0.06 0.83–1.08 0.01 6 0.06 0.97 6 0.06 0.91–1.06 1.04 6 0.06 0.95–1.16 0.08 6 0.08
Peak V_ E (Lmin21) 66.0 6 12.2 50.1–97.2 70.9 6 17.5 49.3–120.0 5.5 6 8.1 61.6 6 11.7 41.8–75.7 68.2 6 12.1 47.2–85.7 7.1 6 6.6
HRmax (bmin21) 201 68 185–210 200 6 7 187–213 22 6 5 201 68 184–212 200 6 7 185–208 22 6 3
MAV (kmh21) 10.8 6 1.4 9–14 10.9 6 1.4 8.5–14.5 0.1 6 0.4 10.8 6 1.1 9–12.5 11.7 6 1.1* 9.5–13 0.9 6 0.4

Intermittent training group (n = 22)

Pretest Posttest ANOVA 2-factor (group)

Mean 6 SD Range Mean 6 SD Range D p (F)

21 21
Peak V_ O2 (mlkg min ) 51.6 6 2.8 45.2–58.1 54.1 6 3.4* 47.4–60.5 2.5 6 2.5 ,0.001 (17.1)
RER 0.96 6 0.06 0.83–1.11 1.04 6 0.07 0.91–1.16 0.02 6 0.03 ns (1.4)
Peak V_ E (Lmin21) 66.9 6 10.3 54.3–77.9 73.0 6 14.9 51.5–100.6 7.4 6 11.7 ns (1.5)
HRmax (bmin21) 200 6 6 191–210 202 66 192–211 26 5 ns (0.05)
MAV (kmh21) 11.3 6 0.7 10–12.5 12.1 6 0.7* 10.5–13.5 0.7 6 0.5 ,0.001 (15.5)
D = difference between post and pretraining; Peak V_ O2 = peak oxygen uptake, RER = respiratory exchange ratio, Peak V_ E = peak ventilation, HRmax = maximal heart rate,
MAV = maximal aerobic velocity.
*Significantly different from pretest (p , 0.05); ns = non significantly different from pre-test.
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

A 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to ensure defined exercise (4). In the present study, boys and girls were
that the 3 groups were homogeneous according to anthro- matched before randomly assigned to the control and the
pometry and aerobic performances before training. The experimental groups. Workloads of the 2 protocols were
effects of training were analyzed for statistical significance by similar and training intensity was individualized with MAV
using a 3-way (gender 3 group 3 time) ANOVA that was for each child. Aerobic fitness increased after the training
applied to the pre and posttraining values (time effect). For period from +4.8% to +6.9% for ITG and CTG, respectively,
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each variable, there was no effect that could be attributed to with any change for CG. MacManus et al. (11), using
a gender by time interaction. Therefore, in both groups, data continuous and intermittent cycling training, reported higher
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for boys and girls were pooled and analyzed through a 2-way significant increases in boys (+5.7 and +12.1%, respectively)
ANOVA (group 3 time). Tukey post hoc analyses were with an equalization of the total cardiovascular work done
conducted to identify a training effect. The threshold for between the 2 protocols. Comparing ‘‘all out’’ runs of short
statistical significance was set at p # 0.05. duration (10 and 30 seconds) and a continuous cycling
training at 85% of HRmax, Williams et al. (20) failed to
RESULTS improve peak V_ O2 in boys, whereas McManus et al. (10)
At baseline, ANOVA revealed no group effect between the demonstrated a significant increase with an identical training
experimental groups and the control group for anthropo- protocol in girls (+7.2% and +6.0% after continuous and
metric, sport participation, or cardiorespiratory data. In intermittent training, respectively). A higher initial peak V_ O2
addition, no group by time interaction was observed between in boys than in girls (55 vs. 48 mlkg21min21, respectively)
changes in anthropometric data before and after training might partly explain the magnitude of peak V_ O2 increase (16).
(Table 1). The initial aerobic fitness of our participants was higher than
Mean 6 SD cardiorespiratory values and MAV measured that reported by MacManus et al. (10,11), but lower than that
before and after the 7-week program are presented in Table 4. observed by Williams et al. (20). These data support the
At baseline, no significant group difference occurred between findings reported in the literature showing that, on average,
values for peak V_ O2, MAV, and HRmax. No group by time an improvement in peak V_ O2 (+2.7%) was lower in
interaction was found for HRmax values. prepubertal individuals with a high initial level of aerobic
Analysis of pre and posttest peak V_ O2 values revealed fitness than for those with a low initial (+5.9%) (4). In these
a group by time interaction (p , 0.001). After training, peak 3 studies comparing continuous and intermittent aerobic
V_ O2 was significantly (p , 0.001) improved in both CTG training, one involved girls and the other 2 only boys. In the
(50.1 6 6 vs. 53.6 6 6.3 mlkg21min21) and ITG (51.6 6 2.8 present study, boys and girls were mixed, and the results
vs. 54.1 6 3.4 mlkg21min21, p , 0.001), whereas no showed no gender effect after training indicating that both
difference occurred for the CG (50.6 6 6.1 vs. 49.7 6 6.7 boys and girls increased their aerobic fitness. In adults, after
mlkg21min21). Between CGT and ITG, no significant aerobic training, an increase in V_ O2max is related to both
difference was found. central and peripheral cardiovascular adaptations, as shown
Pre and posttest MAV data revealed a group by time by the increase in maximal cardiac output and maximal
interaction (p , 0.001). After training, MAV was significantly arterio-venous oxygen difference (21). However, in children,
(p , 0.001) improved in both CTG (10.8 6 1.1 vs. 11.7 6 1.1 Obert et al. (14) showed that a conditioning program resulted
kmh21) and ITG (11.3 6 0.7 vs. 12.1 6 0.7 kmh21, p , in central cardiovascular adaptations. Daussin et al. (7)
0.001), whereas no difference occurred for the CG (10.8 6 1.4 recently suggested that central and peripheral adaptations in
vs. 10.9 6 1.4 kmh21). Between CGT and ITG, no significant oxygen transport and use are training-modality dependent.
difference was found. Interval training improves both central and peripheral
In addition, the total work between intermittent and components of peak V_ O2, whereas continuous training is
continuous training was not significantly different (1,805,100 mainly associated with greater O2 extraction. Helgerud et al.
vs. 1,760,100 for CTG and ITG, respectively). (8) observed that an interval training (15/15 seconds or 4#*4#
at 90–95% of HRmax) significantly increased V_ O2max
DISCUSSION compared with continuous training at 70 and 85% V_ O2max.
The key findings of this study were the comparable significant They suggested that this improvement was because of an
effects of a high-intensity intermittent-running training pro- increased stroke volume resulting in increased cardiac
gram and a continuous-running training program at a moderate output. However, the 2 former studies were conducted on
intensity on children’s aerobic fitness. This result underlines the adults. Current knowledge of the impact of exercise training
possibility of proposing a wide variety of exercises, which are on stroke volume is however limited in the pediatric
able to increase children’s aerobic fitness, and thus enhancing population. Obert et al. (15) showed that high-intensity
interest to promote aerobic conditioning programs. aerobic sessions failed to improve regional diastolic function
However, the optimum exercise combination for children in healthy young children. However, Nourry et al. (13)
has yet to be designed. Few studies have reported the reported that these sessions enhanced resting pulmonary
responses of young children to carefully controlled and well- function and led to deeper exercise VE reflecting a better

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2010 | 1387

Aerobic Training in Children

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Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCyw

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1388 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

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