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Rubrics in Festival Dance Performance:PT3-MAPEH9

CATEGORY Excellent Strong Adequate Developing Poor

5 4 3 2 1

Technique Dancers show Dancers show a Dancers show a Dancers show Dancers show a
exceptional high level of good level of some control lack of control
control over their control over their control over their over their over their
movements, movements and movements, but movements, but movements,
executing the are able to there may still be there are still which makes it
choreography execute the some room for issues with difficult to follow
with precision and choreography improvement. balance and the choreography.
grace. with precision. coordination.

Creativity Dancers perform Dancers perform Dancers perform Dancers perform Dancers perform
choreography that choreography that choreography that choreography choreography that
is extremely is highly original is original and has that is is unoriginal and
original, and innovative, creative elements, somewhat uninspired.
innovative, and showing creativity but could be more original and has
inspiring, pushing in both innovative. some creative
the boundaries of choreography and elements, but
traditional dance execution. could be
forms. improved upon.

Coordination Dancers are Dancers are Dancers are able Dancers are able Dancers struggle
perfectly highly to stay in sync to stay in sync to stay in sync
coordinated, coordinated, with each other with each other with each other
executing highly executing and the music, and the and the music,
complex complex with
music, but there leading to a
choreography choreography in only minor timing are some minor disjointed
with flawless perfect sync with issues that do not timing issues. performance.
precision and each other and detract from the
timing. the music. overall

Costumes Costumes are Costumes are Costumes are Costumes are Costumes are
extremely highly original and original and well- somewhat unoriginal, poorly
original, innovative, adding made, but could original and made, and do not
innovative, and to the overall be more well-made, but add anything to
beautiful, performance. innovative. could be the performance.
enhancing the improved upon.
performance and
adding to the
Overall The dance is The dance is The dance is The dance The dance is
Performance flawless, showing highly polished polished and well- shows some uncoordinated
exceptional and well- executed, but potential, but and unpolished,
technique, executed, could be there are still with poor
creativity, and showing strong improved upon in some major technique,
costumes, and technique, terms of issues with creativity, and
leaving a lasting creativity, and technique, technique, costumes.
impression on the costumes. creativity, and creativity, and
audience. costumes. costumes.

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