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Class: 5th Topic: FUELLING OUR LIFE

Subject: EVS

1. What do you mean by fossil fuel?


2. Write examples for fossil fuels.


3. How is electricity produced?


4. How did fossil fuels form?


5. Write about:
a) External combustion engine

b) Internal combustion engine

6. What are the fuels used in internal combustion engine?

7. Burning of any fuels emits ………………………
8. …………………………. is an example of biofuel.
9. ………………………….is an organisation under Government of Kerala for fuel conservation.
10. The first fossil fuel used by human was …………………………
11. The interdependence of animals are represented by ………………………
12. Vegetables and fruits contain indigestible parts called …............................
13. Plants make food by using ………………… and ……………………….
14. Write an experiment to prove that oxygen is produced at the time of photosynthesis.

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