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RMIT Classification: Trusted



SEMESTER 2, 2023

I. General Guidelines
You are required to complete this assignment on your own and it accounts for 20% of the
course’s final grade. All questions are compulsory.

Please submit a soft copy of your work (with your student name and ID on the front page) via
Turnitin by 11.59pm Friday 4 August 2023 (Week 5). For assignments submitted 1 to 10
days late, a penalty of 10% (of the marks awarded) per day will apply. For assignments
submitted more than 10 days late, a penalty of 100% will apply. Weekends (Saturday and
Sunday) are counted toward total late days. Extension requests must be supported with
appropriate documentation to justify extreme circumstances.

You have only TWO attempts to submit your assignment. Check your documents carefully
before submission. For every extra submission, your assignment will be deducted 30% of
the marks awarded .

The assignment should be typed. Any graphs should be drawn using MS Office tools. All
calculations must be done using MS Excel.

Please include any additional files such as Excel worksheets in your submission (use +
Add another file function).

The document should be formatted following the guidelines below and the RMIT
presentation guidelines:

 Text: justified
 Character size: 12 point
 Font: Times New Roman
 Margin: 1 inch
 Maximum word count: 1500 words ± 10% (not including references/tables/figures),
this should be written on the cover page. For every 100 word exceeded, your
assignment will be deducted 5 points. Please note that using/attempting to use any
tricks to reduce word count or gain academic advantages is considered academic
RMIT Classification: Trusted

II. Task Details


(Please submit a well-written and organised report containing all your MS-Excel worksheets,
mathematical calculations and written comments.)

Imagine that you will graduate from RMIT at the end of 2024 and start working at an
international company. You plan to buy your first one-bedroom apartment at the beginning of
2035, and buy another two-bedroom apartment at the end of 2039. You can choose to sell the
first apartment to buy the second one, or borrow money from the bank to fund the second
apartment. This assessment task requires you to take all of the necessary steps to prepare the
payment for your future apartments. Use your understanding of annuities to calculate how
much you must save and invest monthly after graduation to buy your dream apartments.

Important note: The numbers you enter into the excel worksheets are NOT expected to be
ACTUAL amounts, but instead, numbers that you have created. But it is important to be as
REALISTIC as possible. You can do your research to find the reasonable price of
apartment, salary, interest rate, etc. in the current market.

You can use your home country’s currency to complete this assessment.


1) Write a report about your budget planning with sufficient assumptions for the cashflows
and discount rates. Use the MS-Excel worksheet to create your budget planning for your
first and second apartments.
- Investigate how much you must invest at the end of each year in order to reach your
- Your income should consist of your salary, dividends, and any other source of income
for example interest income you expect to have until you buy the apartments.
- Your expense should consist of daily living (renting, transportation, health, insurance,
etc.) and other expenses you can have in your life such as investment and saving.
- Estimate the Weighted Average Rate of Return1 you expect to earn from your long-
term investments.

2) Based on some academic literatures, explain in detail how your attitude towards RISK
along with your characteristics (age, gender, education, work, family, etc) can impact
your investment plans and outcomes. You need to support your argument with some
academic research about investor risk. Provide examples to support your explanation.

WARR = w1*R1 + w2*R2 + w3*R3 + …. + wn*Rn where w is the weight of the asset and R is
the return of the asset.
RMIT Classification: Trusted

3) Estimate how the economic, political and any other significant events around the world
that may happen in the next 5 and 10 years would impact your investment plans and
outcomes. Provide supporting data in the form of citations to academic research, graphs
and illustrations. (20

4) You need to ensure the breadth and quality of the sources used in the assignment. The
presentation of the assignment must be professional. (10 marks)
RMIT Classification: Trusted
RMIT Classification: Trusted

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is 30 to >23.97 pts 23.97 to >20.97 pts 20.97 to >17.97 pts 17.97 to >14.97 pts 14.97 to >0 pts
linked to a Learning HD DI CR PA NN
Outcome Accuracy Significant evidence of
in application of Extensive evidence of
ability to accurately
theory and/or ability to accurately and
apply appropriate Clear evidence of ability to Some evidence of ability Little or no evidence of 30 pts
concepts to complete comprehensively apply
theories and/or accurately apply a limited to apply a limited range of ability to accurately
Personal Budget highly appropriate
concepts leading to range of theories and/or theories and/or concepts apply theory and/or
calculation using theories and/or concepts
relevant insights with concepts. mostly accurately. concepts
realistic currency leading to highly
some minor
amount relevant insights.
This criterion is 20 to >15.99 pts 15.99 to >13.99 pts 13.99 to >11.99 pts 11.99 to >9.99 pts 9.99 to >0 pts
linked to a Learning
Outcome Accuracy
in application of
technical knowledge Significant evidence of
to calculate the Extensive evidence of
ability to accurately
amount of funds ability to accurately and Clear evidence of ability to Some evidence of ability Little or no evidence of 20 pts
apply technical
required to finance comprehensively apply accurately apply a limited to accurately apply a ability to accurately
knowledge leading to
the apartments at appropriate technical range of technical limited range of technical apply technical
relevant insights with
certain years of age knowledge leading to knowledge. knowledge. knowledge .
some minor
and the required highly relevant insights.
long-term rate of
20 to >15.99 pts 15.99 to >13.99 pts 13.99 to >11.99 pts 11.99 to >9.99 pts 9.99 to >0 pts
This criterion is HD DI CR PA NN
linked to a Learning Extensive evidence of Significant evidence of
Outcome Depth of Clear evidence of ability to
ability to use and ability to use and Some evidence of ability No evidence of ability
evaluation of the use and synthesise 20 pts
synthesise information to synthesise information to use and synthesise to use information to
impact of personal information to apply
apply deep and to apply well thought information but make judgements and/or
risk profile on competent judgements and
thoughtful judgements out judgements and conclusions may not be conclusions reached are
investment outcomes reach reasonable
and reach logical and reach well supported clearly justified. superficial.
insightful conclusions. conclusions.

This criterion is 20 to >15.99 pts 15.99 to >13.99 pts 13.99 to >11.99 pts 11.99 to >9.99 pts 9.99 to >0 pts
20 pts
linked to a Learning HD DI CR PA NN
RMIT Classification: Trusted

Extensive evidence of Significant evidence of

Clear evidence of ability to
ability to use and ability to use and Some evidence of ability No evidence of ability
use and synthesise
synthesise information to synthesise information to use and synthesise to use information to
information to apply
apply deep and to apply well thought information but make judgements and/or
Outcome Depth of competent judgements and
thoughtful judgements out judgements and conclusions may not be conclusions reached are
explanation of the reach reasonable
and reach logical and reach well supported clearly justified. superficial.
effects of economic conclusions.
insightful conclusions. conclusions.
and political events
This criterion is
linked to a Learning
Outcome Written
10 to >7.98 pts 7.98 to >6.98 pts 6.98 to >5.98 pts 5.98 to >2.98 pts 2.98 to >0 pts
(#AoL4C Job Ready)
Demonstrates an
ability to effectively
information and
10 pts
ideas through the
written word.
The supporting evidence
The supporting evidence The supporting evidence
is convincing and The supporting evidence is
The supporting is not convincing and is not convincing and
presented appropriately convincing but lacks proper
evidence is convincing lacks proper structure. It is lacks proper structure
and accurately. Work is structure and not fully
and contains minor not fully referenced or and is not referenced or
fully referenced referenced or contains errors
errors in referencing. contains some errors in contains errors in
according to accepted in referencing.
referencing. referencing.
scholarly standards.
Total Points: 100

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