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Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Select a tree to adopt. Sit quietly observing your tree for several minutes and then record your qualitative and quantitative observations. Use descriptive language and give interesting details. (qualitative observations 2 pts. Quantitative observations 2 pts. Descriptive language and details 1 pt.)

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Choose two of your observations and make an inference about each. Make a prediction about the changes your tree will make this year. Observations (1 pt.)1. Inferences (1 pt.)1.

(1 pt.)2.

(1 pt.)2.

Prediction: 1 pt.

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Circumference(4 pts.) What is the circumference of your tree trunk? Be sure to remember the place on the trunk you measure the circumference so that you can measure at the same place in the spring. Your unit should be in centimeters.



Average Leaf Size(6 pts.) Measure the length of the blade of five leaves from your tree. Select leaves that you can reach to measure or leaves that have fallen to the ground from your tree. Use your measurement information to calculate the average size of the leaves on your tree.

Leaf #1 _______ cm

Leaf #2 ________ cm

Leaf #3________ cm

Leaf #4________ cm

Leaf #5_________cm

Average blade length = _____________ cm

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Scientific Drawing: Draw and color a picture of your tree as it appears in the early fall. Please do not draw a cloud tree. Draw branches with leaves. I realize you cant draw thousands of leaves. You should draw at least 20. Also, make one actual size drawing of one leaf(top surface). If you have a camera and you want to take a picture, that would be great to include on the cover! Dont forget the actual size scientific drawing & that you must do a drawing even if you take a picture. (6 pts)

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Record observations of your tree over the period of a week in the fall. What changes do you observe? (4 pts.) Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Using your tree as the producer, create a drawing or graphic organizer that thoroughly and accurately communicates the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration. Include the drawing of an organism that lives near your tree.(4 pts.)

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

What biotic factors affect your tree? Give at least 3 examples based on your observations and knowledge of your tree. (3 pts.)

What abiotic factors affect your tree? Give at least 3 examples based on your observations and knowledge of your tree. (3 pts.)

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

In what way is your tree important to the ecological community to which it belongs? (2 pts.)

What organisms are important to your tree and why?(2 pts.)

What evidence do you see of biological relationships such as parasitism? Name the relationship and the organisms involved.(2 pts.)

What evidence do you find of reproduction? (Look in the index of your books for sections that would help you find plant reproduction) 2 pts.)

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Make a food web that includes your tree and other organisms in the community.(2 pts)

Are humans in any way part of this food web?(1 pt.)

What evidence can you find that decomposition is taking place in the community?(2 pts.)

What might happen if one of the species in your food web were to disappear? How might it affect other species? Give specific example organisms.(2 pts.)

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Identify the actual limiting factors influencing your tree. (2 pts.)

Infer how a change in one of those factors might affect your tree. specific.(2 pts.)


In what way is man a limiting factor on YOUR tree or the populations of trees in the community?(2 pts.)

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

When your tree dies, how might it affect other members of the ecological community? Give at least 2 members that might be affected by the death of the tree.(2 pts.)

How would it affect you personally?(2 pts.)

Excluding meteors, imagine a natural catastrophic change or event and describe its effect on your tree and the community. What would the future hold for the species?(3 pts.)

How would you feel about the change?(3 pts.)

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Using your tree and its habitat as an example, explain how the water cycle works. You may use a diagram or an essay. The diagram must be labeled in order to explain what is happening.

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Characteristics and Needs of Living Things. Observe your tree. What characteristics lead you to believe your tree is alive?(2 pts.)

Consider the basic needs that your tree requires in order to stay alive. How do you think your tree acquires these things? (3 pts.) Needs Method of Acquiring

Think about your own basic needs and write about how you acquire what you need to stay alive.(4 pts.) Needs Method of Acquiring

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Record observations of your tree over the period of a week in the spring. What changes do you observe?(4 pts.) Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Classification: Find and record the common and scientific names of your tree. Common name_____________________________1 pt. Scientific Name_______________ What does the Latin name mean?1 pt. ______________1 pt

Do you think your tree is native to Virginia or is it an introduced species?1 pt

What evidence did you use? 1 pt

Use your science book and the internet to find all the levels of classification of your tree. Kingdom_____________________1 pt Division______________________1 pt Class ________________________1 pt Order ________________________1 pt Family _______________________1 pt Genus ________________________1 pt Species________________________1 pt

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Tree Classification - What meaningful evidence or characteristics did you use to identify your tree?(2 pts.)

Which of your observations were not useful for classification?(2 pts.)

If you found a similar tree in the area, what characteristics would it need to have in order to be identified as the same species as your tree?( 2 pts.)

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Draw and color your tree as it appears in the spring. Do not draw a cloud tree. Draw branches with leaves. Make an actual size scientific drawing of 1 leaf. If you took a picture of your tree in the fall, you may do the same thing in the spring, but make an actual size scientific drawing of 1 leaf and the tree.(4 pts.)

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

What is the circumference of your tree trunk?(in cm)( 2 pts.)

Did it increase from the fall measurement?(2 pts.)

How does your tree respond to daily changes?(2 pts)

How does your tree respond to seasonal changes?(2pts)

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

Reflect on your role as a scientist as you studied your tree this year. What qualities of a scientist did you see in yourself?(2 pts.)

As your tree changed, how did you change as a person?(2 pts.)

As a scientist, how did you change?(2 pts)

In what ways, if any, did you harm and/or help your tree?(2 pts)

Which pages of your journal are you most proud of and why?(2pts)

Journal Prompt # __________Date ___________ (1pt)

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