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Bikers & Bars (Omega Besties Book 3)

1st Edition Jarica James

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Bikers & Bars

Copyright © 2024 Suki Williams and Jarica James

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other
electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in book reviews.

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Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in, or encourage, the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s
rights is appreciated.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual
events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Cover by: Black Widow Designs

Edits by: Michelle’s Edits

Trigger Warning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Want More?
Also by Suki Williams
Also by Jarica James
Trigger Warning

This book contains violence, drug use, and on page steam.

Please only read if you feel comfortable with these topics.



he crowd at Neon Nights was bigger than ever tonight. Bane and I worked the bar side by side, knocking out orders and
dancing along to the music. These were my favorite nights here.
“You’re killing me tonight.” Loki’s smoky voice sent a shiver down my spine, his warm breath fanning over my ear as
he pressed me into the bar from behind. The bulge in his pants told me exactly what he thought of it.
“We’re an hour until closing, boss,” I husked back, my voice far sexier than I felt right now covered in sweat and booze.
“Hey, keep it together back there,” Romeo called out. “I need a bourbon on the rocks!” My shoulders shook in laughter as
Loki growled in my ear. It wasn’t often he got to the growly side of his alpha nature, but the natural rivalry between him and his
younger cousin did it every time.
“Aw, he’s just riling you up,” I said as I shoved back for him to move. He did so, reluctantly, with one last wolfish look.
His blue eyes flashed in promise and I ran my eyes over him. My alpha was delicious, from his buzzed dirty-blond hair and
muscles, to the small bun he’d pulled his longer hair on top, into. The black leather and scowl on his face made him even more
“You’ve got a death wish,” Bane told a smirking Romeo, breaking me from my unashamed ogling; though it only turned my
attention to my beta. Bane had muscles, but he lacked the alpha’s bulk. His brown hair was full and thick, hanging in his
sparkling green eyes. He always looked mischievous but that might be because he was always giving the others in the MC, shit.
“Nah, he’d never hurt me,” Romeo argued. He took the drink from me and passed over a few bills, waving me off when I
tried to give him change. I blew him a kiss, making sure Loki saw, before tucking it into the jar. The way his jaw tightened and
jealousy sparked in his gaze made me wet as hell.
“Now who is playing with fire,” Romeo asked with one cocked eyebrow. He took a pointed sip of his drink as he waited
for me to respond, but someone calling for me down the bar cut our conversation short. Romeo had been around for a bit and
though I wouldn’t admit it to my men, he was sexy as hell in his punk-rock style. He had Loki’s blue eyes thanks to their
amazing genetics, but the beta was thin and lean and his dark hair was long enough to hang in his face but was meticulously
styled to hang perfectly. He definitely took time on his appearance and it showed.
Teagan was there waving me over. The others had given in an hour ago but she hadn’t been ready to go back to her hotel
quite yet.
“Hey, I’m going to see some apartments in the morning, so I’m heading out. You going home with your pack or you want a
night in the hotel?” she offered when I got down to her.
“They aren’t my pack,” I reminded her half-heartedly. It felt like I was constantly pointing that out but no one was listening.
Were we fucking? Yes. But we’d never even talked about taking it further and I had no plans of making it permanent. It would
only end in disaster.
I’d learned that lesson once.
The old thought that still plagued me was shoved right back into the corner of my mind where it belonged.
“She’s coming home with us,” Bane called out with exasperation from the other end of the bar. His green eyes were full of
frustration and I bit back a wince.
Teagan grinned at me with a smugness in her eyes. She knew damn well I was holding myself back when it came to them
and was glad they were taking the reins, at least right now.
“Go get some rest, I have to close up,” I told her with an eye roll. “Call me tomorrow and let me know if you find a place.”
“I will. I’m tired of the hotels in town. Their towels suck,” Teagan grumbled before fighting off a yawn. Between her
traveling and hopping from city to city it was a wonder she had any energy at all.
“You know, denying it changes nothing,” Bane noted as he walked past. I froze at his words, not realizing he’d heard me.
Maybe I was stupid to think he wouldn’t notice my subject changes when things turned serious, but I thought I was keeping my
emotional distance well enough.
Clearly, I was failing.
“What’s wrong?” Loki’s growl startled me and the glass I was holding slipped from my hands. The MC President was
behind the bar in seconds, lifting me and setting me down on the bar while he cleaned up the mess.
When I said nothing, he stopped and gave me a look that had me instantly answering.
“I’m fine,” I lied. “It’s just been a long night.”
“Well, we’ll make sure you sleep good tonight, omega,” he said easily as he tossed the glass in the trash. “Go take five and
grab something before the cook closes up the kitchen.” We could hardly call the one cook and tiny kitchen much, but he did
know how to make some amazing wings.
The only reason I listened to his order was because I was starving and because I wanted to avoid any awkwardness.
Knowing Teag, she likely knew he was close. My best friends had been on my case about this pack since the guys started giving
me attention.
My phone pinged before I could even say anything and I bit back a groan at her message.
Teagan: Pretending it’s not a pack doesn’t change things Eliza. You deserve a pack too and they know
everything about you. Why hold back?
Eliza: I don’t know how to not hold back.
Teagan: Just live, bestie. Live your life.

Wise words from the friend who lived life to its fullest every day. But I’d hidden behind my best friends for so long it was
hard to do anything else. I mean what did it even mean to live my best life? I wasn’t sure I knew anymore.
While I ordered and waited for my food I couldn’t stop thinking about what she said. Do I give in and go enjoy my night?
Let them claim me like they really want to?
My heart pounded in anticipation at the thought and I had to take a few breaths to calm down before the poor cook caught a
scent of what I was thinking about.
I’d just finished my last wing when I heard our usual closing-down song playing and Loki barking out last call.
“Thanks for the food, Tony!” I called out before rushing out to the bar and stepping right in to finish up the last rounds.
Most people cleared out by now, so it was just the regulars hanging out. Romeo made a point to say goodbye and grab a hug
that was just a touch longer than a normal friend hug. He winked at me and Loki when his cousin let out a growl before calling
out goodbye to everyone and sauntering out the door.
Loki and Bane kept their hands to themselves until the place was cleared, the cook was gone, and I was finished wiping off
the counter. I should have known I was in for it the moment Bane started dropping the blinds and locking up.
“I’m not sure where this misconception is coming from, Eliza.” Loki started. “We have made our intentions more than clear.
We’ve even let you dance around the idea of a pack and given you space. But if you think for a fucking second that we don’t
have claim to you… Then you’re delusional or we haven’t done a good enough job at making sure you know who you belong
“I belong to me.” My voice shook and it was no more than a whisper. Loki grinned wolfishly at my weak protest while
Bane chuckled darkly.
“Oh, silly omega. You’re definitely ours.” Bane rumbled. “Now, you decide. We either fuck you right on this bar, or we go
back to our place so we can enjoy you all night long.”
Slick pooled between my thighs and I bit back a whimper. Teagan’s words replayed in my head and I surprised us all by
reaching back and undoing the corset top I was wearing, letting it fall away.
The growls that echoed in the room were feral and in seconds, they were both in front of me. Loki grabbed me first, pulling
me close and I gasped at the feeling of my nipples against the cold leather of his jacket. He took advantage of my reaction to
slant his lips over mine, kissing me so thoroughly my head was spinning.
Bane moved behind me, his large, callused hands skimming down my back to the jeans I was wearing. Not bothered by the
proximity of Loki, he reached between us and undid the button and zipper, peeling my jeans and underwear off of me until I
was completely naked between them.
“Fuck, I don’t know how you do it but you look more amazing every time I see you,” Bane rasped as he dropped to his
knees and nipped my ass.
I couldn’t have responded even if I wanted to, Loki was consuming me so thoroughly, his tongue sliding along mine as he
tweaked one of my nipples. My mind was a fog of lust and need as Bane spread my cheeks, his tongue instantly circling my
puckered hole.
My cheeks heated at the feel of his hot tongue back there but I pushed back into him, loving it. Bane had an obsession with
my ass and that included rimming me at every opportunity. It was something that took some getting used to but he didn’t let me
overthink anything.
“So fucking dirty, baby girl,” Loki praised me as he broke the kiss, grabbing my ass to hold me open for his friend. “Maybe
we should just fuck you in front of the whole club so there’s no mistake on who owns you.”
“The club or Romeo?” I countered with a gasp, loving the scrape of his teeth along my neck in retaliation.
“Both,” Loki responded roughly before he picked me up.
Wrapping my legs around his waist, I loved how delicate I felt as he carried me without showing any strain. I had no
illusion that I wasn’t a bigger girl. I loved every curve and soft part of my body. Every dip and roll made me feel feminine and
soft, the fact that Loki and Bane loved every inch of me just made me even more confident.
Loki sat down on the bar, shifting me around so he could pull his cock out of his jeans. I whined, wishing I could feel every
inch of his body against mine.
“A needy little thing tonight,” Loki purred, teasing my pussy with the head of his cock.
Distantly, I could hear Bane moving around behind me and it occurred to me that I was at the perfect height for them to both
fuck me like this. Usually we took turns but sometimes they would both fuck me at once and instantly I knew that’s what I
needed. The feel of them both filling me up and claiming me was too erotic of a thought to let go.
“What do you want, sunshine?” Bane asked, his knuckles skimming my back.
“Both of you. At once,” I begged. “Please.”
My hips snapped forward, trying to desperately get Loki inside of me. He laughed at my desperation and looked back at
Bane behind me.
“Bane, go first,” Loki ordered the beta. “Claim her ass then I’ll take this pussy.”
He didn’t need to say it twice. Bane’s large fingers thrust into my ass without warning, making me cry out his name. Loki
dipped his head down, licking one nipple then the other as Bane readied me for his dick. It didn’t take much before I was
fucking myself on his fingers.
His hand shifted forward, gathering my slick in his hand before he covered his cock with it. Then he was at my ass, pushing
steadily inside until he was balls deep inside of me. I concentrated on relaxing, breathing as my body screamed at me to move,
anything to chase the orgasm that was building inside of me.
Loki pulled away from my breasts and grabbed his cock, guiding himself inside my pussy. A deep moan escaped as he
stretched me, my body stretched to the brim as they both filled me so completely.
But then they did the impossible.
They stayed still.
Every time I tried to roll my hips they tightened their hold on my hips and waist.
“Fuck me! Please! God, why aren’t you moving?!”
“We’re a pack, baby girl,” Loki gripped my chin, forcing me to meet his stare. “No more running from this, from us.”
“Loki—” My voice cracked, thoughts and memories at war inside my head.
“Admit it, Eliza. Claim us.”
“Once you do we will fuck you until you can’t even walk out of here,” Bane added, his breath hot on my ear.
“Or we can just leave you like this omega. Needy, no orgasm. Nothing and no one will be able to fill you like we can.”
“I—” I started before a cry of desperation escaped as Loki teased my throbbing clit.
“Come on, sunshine. Just say it. We. Are. Pack.”
Hazel eyes flashed through my mind. A booming laugh and silky curls sliding through my fingers. Pushing away those
memories, I focused on the alpha and beta I was sandwiched between.
Was I avoiding making this official because of the alpha haunting my memories or because I was infertile? Sometimes, I
wasn’t sure if it was just one or both. But as Loki and Bane teased my body, rasping encouragement, I knew that I couldn’t keep
running. My friends were finding their happily ever afters and I wanted mine. It was time to stop running.
“Pack,” I groaned. “My pack.”
“Good fucking girl,” Loki purred, the sound rumbling from deep in his chest before he set his teeth in my neck.
I screamed out their names, hands scrambling on Loki’s leather jacket as they both moved in sync. They fucked me until I
saw stars. Loki’s knot stretching my pussy even more as Bane fucked my ass with a viciousness that promised a beyond sore
ass tomorrow.
They grunted out my name, filling me with their cum. I jerked between them and just as I started to come a hint of movement
outside drew my attention. Bane hadn’t closed one of the blinds. Romeo stood there watching us with flushed cheeks and an
obvious erection.
I came harder than I ever had before and part of me knew it wasn’t just because I had finally admitted that Bane and Loki
were mine. Romeo wasn’t shy as he pumped his own cock, jacking off to the show he had watched of the three of us. His
tattooed fingers pumped his cock as I came, watching him. He came all over the window and I swore he said my name as he
threw his head back.
Bane and Loki were without a doubt mine but I wondered just how Loki was going to react when I said that I thought
Romeo was, too. As Loki started cursing, I knew he had noticed his cousin outside.
“I’m not cleaning that up,” Bane deadpanned and I laughed, jerking when both men grunted, my muscles tightening around
their cocks and Loki’s knot that was still inside of me.
Apparently, my life was about to get more complicated.
Zero to sixty is the only speed I know how to do.
Some things don’t change.



“H oly fucking weed, Batman,” Teagan called out as she walked into the kitchen in Hazel’s house. Really it was the De
Luca Family house.
“You know it!” Valentina yelled back with a cackle of laughter that means she was already sampling the goods.
“My favorite aunt is here,” Teagan sang out as she walked in and dropped her jacket and bag on the chair. “Man, I’m glad
to be back.”
“How was the flight?” I asked as I greased the array of baking dishes Valentina had set out. What started as a girls’ day had
quickly turned into weed brownies all around and ordering in.
“First class, so the booze and food were nice. The creepy flight attendant who didn’t want to leave me alone was not so
nice,” she said dramatically. “Tell me there’s food?”
“On its way,” Sienna said. Teagan looked her over, then at the brownies. Sienna rolled her eyes knowing exactly where she
was going next. “Stop. I don’t need another worrier. Mine are made differently so my sugar will be perfectly fine.”
“Any word from Sam?” Just the mention of Sienna’s bitch of a sister had my blood boiling again.
“Nope. She’ll be back eventually but I doubt my parents forgive any easier than I will,” Sienna replied with a tired sigh. I
couldn’t blame them after her twin bled her dry of money under the pretense of their mom being sick and dying. That takes a
special kind of monster.
“I’m ready!” Valentina sang out, not so subtly changing the subject. “Grab your bowl, Teagan!” I shifted the second bowl I
was making for her over so she could join in as Valentina divided the weed butter between us all.
“So, did you enjoy your night?” Teagan asked with a smirk as she bumped into me playfully. I felt my cheeks heat at the
reminder of last night.
“They fucked me on the bar,” I admitted. “Bane is definitely an ass man, which I knew but damn… last night was another
“Oh my god!” Hazel said with a laugh. “Are we finally admitting you have a pack?”
“Somewhat,” I admitted. “I know they are, but…”
“This sounds juicy,” Teagan teased as they all stopped mixing their bowls to watch my every reaction. Having besties that
could read you like a book wasn’t always fun.
“Tell me we’re the only ones here before I go into detail?” I groaned. “The last thing I need is for Maximo to walk in and
never let me live this down.”
“Maximo has heard worse,” Hazel laughed. “It’s the twins you should worry about. But they’re off on some business or
something. I’ve learned to not ask for details.”
“While we were fucking last night, I noticed one of the blinds was up,” I started, pausing for dramatic effect. I wasn’t
usually the one with the crazy, spicy stories and I was enjoying having them hang on every word. “And Romeo was watching
“Wait, the one who did karaoke and flirted with you in front of Loki and Bane?” Hazel gasped before cracking up. “He’s
got balls, that’s for sure.”
Valentina leaned in and narrowed her eyes. “Nope. There’s more.”
“He watched us and jacked off, coming on the window right as I orgasmed,” I admitted. “It was hot as fuck. I think it’s safe
to say the guys know how I feel about him.”
They all shared a look and I felt my chest ache. An old feeling that had plagued me for four damn years.
But they weren’t him.
They were older, had a path in life they were happy with that didn’t include a huge family. It didn’t feel like being with me
was stealing away their futures.
“Can we get back to brownies?” I muttered right as the doorbell rang.
“Saved by the food,” Teagan said gently as she gave my hand a quick squeeze. “And we have brownies. You know we just
want you to be happy, right?”
“You deserve this pack, Eliza. They want you, as you are,” Sienna added in.
“I should tell them about Damien,” I said quietly. “We are just established and I wasn’t going to bring up my ex when we
weren’t even really officially together or whatever we are. But now…”
“You do hate secrets,” Teagan agreed. “May as well get it all out there. I guarantee those two have plenty of shit you
haven’t heard.”
“I never really thought about that,” Sienna said with a chuckle. “I bet those two have some stories. They don’t usually talk
about their days of establishing the MC or anything.”
“We’ll get it out of them,” Teagan said with more confidence than she should have. She was good at breaking down
defenses, but Loki was a different breed when it came to keeping himself guarded. He was protective and caring, vigilant, and
treated them all like family now, but he wasn’t going to start singing kumbaya by the campfire anytime soon.
“Okay, okay,” I muttered. “Let’s move on before this gets more sappy.” My emotions were too tangled and raw right now
with just the mention of my ex. It broke me to walk away when we all left New York and I’d thrown myself into keeping Hazel
safe and finding our new life.
Valentina swept into the room with takeout bags in hand and a grin on her face.
“I got the delivery boy’s number,” she said as she sat them down on the table. She held out her palm to show the digits
before grinning.
“What about Kraken?” Sienna teased.
Valentina just smirked. “An omega has to play the field, keep them on their toes. I like variety in my life. And tacos. Dig in,
“Hold on, brownies in the oven first,” Hazel ordered. We followed her lead, finishing pouring our batter into the pans and
sliding them in their enormous oven to bake.
I hadn’t realized just how badly I needed this hangout after finally giving in. It had been so long since I’d been in a
relationship that my nerves were taking over.
Being with Bane and Loki felt no different than before, outside of my own internal drama. They treated me the same when
we woke up today, in fact, I was woken up with a morning quickie.
Maybe for once in my life I just needed to go with the flow and stop overthinking. That was a whole fucking lot easier said
than done.
“Who do you need to tell those boys about?” Valentina asked as she dug through the bags of food. “I just heard that before I
got distracted by the guy who brought the food.”
I licked my lips, unsure of how to start but Hazel helpfully stepped in. “Eliza needs to tell Loki and Bane about her ex-
“Ex-fiance?!” Valentina’s voice rose in shock as she froze in place.
“I broke things off before we left New York,” I added, rubbing my face with my hands. “He’s an alpha and he wanted this
big family… I couldn’t give him that. I told him all of that before I left.”
Valentina’s expression became sad, a slight sheen of tears in her eyes before she cleared her throat. “And he just let you
walk away? He’s an idiot.”
“Well, I didn’t really give him much choice…” I countered, oddly defending my ex I hadn’t seen in years.
“He’s an alpha, sweetheart, if he wanted you, he would have made you stay,” the older omega countered before waving her
hand. “But right now, we aren’t ruining tacos or pot brownies over stupid men.”
“Priorities,” Teagan agreed, holding up a tray of shots she had gotten together while I was talking to Valentina.
“Hell yes!” Hazel smiled, grabbing herself a glass.
Valentina and I grabbed our own while Sienna drank more of her water shaking her head at our shenanigans.
“You guys know it’s only ten in the morning, right?”
“We were left unsupervised,” Hazel shrugged, tossing back the shot like it was water.
“And it’s my day off! So, I’m going to enjoy myself.”
“Oh my god, I know exactly what we should do!” Teagan said excitedly, drinking two shots and pulling out her phone. She
tapped away at the screen before she looked up at me. “Eliza, you need to get out more. You work at the biker bar and then go
stay with them to get fucked six-ways to Sunday. But you need to live a little.”
“When did this become some kind of intervention?!” I asked, choking for a minute as Teagan leveled me with a stare.
“Besides, if we need to have an intervention maybe it should be about you staying home more.”
“You get out more and experience things and I’ll stick around for a while and find stuff here?” Teagan offered.
I opened my mouth, ready to counter but stopped short when I saw a hint of vulnerability in my best friend’s blue-green
eyes. Something was going on there and with a slight shake of her head I knew she didn’t want to talk about it. Not yet at least.
With an exaggerated sigh I collapsed into a nearby stool. “Fine! Fine, we can do some kind of bucket list of things.”
“Yes!” Hazel shouted, hands up in the air. “We should do a besties list! Keep our guys on their toes.”
“Count me in,” Sienna shot us a sly smile as she leaned in.
“Obviously I’m joining in. Sounds like you girls are going to raise hell and I need to be part of it.” Valentina was never one
to be left out.
“I can already sense Maximo’s concern,” Hazel burst out laughing just as her phone started going off. “Speak of the devil…
Hey, Alpha.”
Hazel’s purred greeting had me chuckling and shaking my head as she sauntered out of the room. I’m glad I’m not Maximo.
“What should we do first?” Teagan wondered out loud.
“How about riding that bike the boys got you?” Valentina asked, nudging my shoulder as she took a bite of one of her tacos.
“You haven’t ridden it at all.”
Flashes of my dad’s booming laugh and bone-crushing hugs filled my mind. The smell of oil and gasoline and tires burning
on the streets. I’d raced quite a few times back in high school and did really fucking well. Until my dad died. Then I couldn’t
look at a bike without thinking of him.
Loki and Bane had gifted me an older bike they fixed up about a year ago. I’d found every excuse to not use it yet and
luckily, they seemed understanding. But maybe it was time to try it again. If I was going to let my guard down and accept a
pack, maybe it was time to get back on the bike again.
“I like that idea,” I said softly as Teagan squealed in excitement. “But no racing!”
“I think we should get tattoos,” Sienna offered up.
“Sky diving!” Hazel yelled out as she rushed back in.
“Why don’t we think of something a little easy to start with?” Valentina offered. “Something to just ease us into things.”
“Like what?” I asked, as I snagged one of the tacos and took a huge bite. God, I fucking love tacos.
Valentina didn’t answer, just shot us a wicked smile before saying we should eat up. Right then the oven dinged, signaling
that the brownies were ready.
I wasn’t sure what was more concerning, the fact that we just followed her order and went along with it or the growing
excitement in the older omega as she just told us it was a surprise.
What the hell were we getting ourselves into?



sex club.
After tacos, pot brownies, and naps we all got ready and Valentina got us into an exclusive sex club. Not only that but
none other than Romeo was there by the door when we walked in.
The beta’s eyes widened in shock before his cocky smile took over and he made his way through the crowd to us. Romeo
was the complete opposite of his cousin. Instead of being bulky and muscular, Romeo was skinny and embraced the punk-rock
image with his messily-styled black hair, black skinny jeans, and vintage t-shirt.
The scent of juniper berry and tonka beans surrounded me as he got close.
“Hey, ladies,” he greeted us warmly, though his blue eyes were firmly fixed on me. “I’m surprised to see you here.”
“We need to expand our horizons,” Valentina explained. “There’s an interactive class tonight.”
“Oh my god,” Hazel muttered as Sienna’s eyes widened.
“Wait, no one said anything about interactive classes,” I gasped. But if Romeo’s excited grin was anything to go by, he was
here for the idea. “Does that mean we have to participate?”
“No,” Hazel chuckled. “It means we get to be the voyeurs tonight. We aren’t members; it’s an open night. Drink up,
“So, what I’m hearing is that we need a front row seat,” Romeo husked. “Noted. Alright, ladies. First round is on me!”
Everyone gave him their orders, including Sienna’s diet coke. She was still working on finding a new normal for her
“The class starts in five minutes,” Valentina revealed after we’d all taken our drinks from Romeo.
“Come on,” Teagan said, grabbing my hand and following Valentina who seemed quite familiar with the place. I shouldn’t
even be surprised, she was the biggest brat I knew. I’m sure she kept some partners very happy here.
“Is it wrong for me to tag along?” Romeo asked. The way he shoved his black hair out of his eyes made him look
vulnerable. Him asking for permission had me biting back a grin.
“Come on, punk. I should have known you’d be here from your love of leather,” Valentina called back.
“Loki and Bane wear leather,” Sienna pointed out.
“Romeo isn’t in the MC,” I countered. “He just likes the leather, apparently.”
“I look amazing in leather,” he countered with a cocky half-grin, even going as far as doing a little spin to show off his ass
in the tight jeans that the leather jacket didn’t cover.
We hadn’t spoken about the other night but I had a feeling it would come up soon enough. Every time he looked at me now
there was heat and I couldn’t get the image of him coming out of my head.
“Praise the boy, Eliza. We know you think he’s sexy. I swear we need to have our own class on talking dirty,” Valentina
said with a mischievous grin.
“You look very pretty, Romeo,” I deadpanned. His eyes narrowed slightly and got even more heated. Apparently, Romeo
liked the challenge.
I’d never played hard-to-get or teased a guy like this. But Romeo brought a more playful side out in me. I think that was the
reason I liked him as much as I did. My other men were both the dominant types. Caring, possessive, sexy as hell. Romeo,
however, was playful and unique. He had a confidence that was unmatched and was unapologetically himself.
That was something I’d been struggling with since things had changed here in Alexandria. When I left home and moved
around with the girls, I was constantly focused on them and our lives. Making sure everyone had jobs and took care of
themselves. It was the perfect distraction for leaving the life I could never have behind.
But now?
My best friends had their own packs, except for Teagan, and their own busy lives. I had my job at Neon Nights and nights
out like this… but who was I outside of that?
My old hobbies like racing were left behind with that life.
Now I had… nothing. At least not something that was just mine, that I enjoyed and looked forward to.
“You alright?” Teagan hissed at me as she tugged me down into a seat. I glanced up, cheeks heating at the realization all of
them were looking at me.
“Sorry, what’d I miss?”
My besties looked a bit worried, while Romeo and Valentina were just confused.
“I was talking to you and you were gone,” Romeo said quietly. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
“No, no,” I said quickly, putting my hand on his thigh when he started to rise. “I appreciate the sentiment, but it was just me
getting lost in my head.”
“Welcome, everyone!” The feedback from the mic had the whole room’s attention now. A man was standing in the center of
the stage now, his black jeans hanging low on his hips and a glorious display of muscle. A naked woman appeared as if on cue
and walked forward with her eyes cast down before dropping to her knees in front of him. He grinned and patted her head.
“Couldn’t be me,” Valentina said with a shudder. Hazel and Teagan quickly agreed but Sienna and I shared a look that said
we’d be down for a bit of dominance here and there. With four alphas, she definitely wasn’t opposed.
Me? I’d definitely be interested in trying anything once.
As the man explained he’d be doing a bit of shibari I couldn’t help but sneak a glance at Romeo. I expected him to be
watching the show but his eyes were firmly on me.
“Does this entice you, Eliza?” he questioned in a low tone so only I could hear. I gave a noncommittal shrug and he
smirked, seeing right through it.
It took everything in me to turn back to the stage. The man had just started twining the rope around his partner who’d risen
from her position. It was truly a work of art, each twist of the neon rope accentuated her gentle curves.
I hadn’t expected to be quite so turned on by watching a stranger tie his partner up, but I couldn’t stop imagining my pack
doing the same to me, getting me out of my own damn head long enough to just let go and feel.
By the time the set had ended and the curtains closed, only showing their silhouettes as he started to fuck her, my body was
on fire. My pussy ached with need and despite being well fucked only the day before, I squirmed in my chair.
“I’m calling my pack,” Hazel muttered, both she and Sienna on their phones.
“I don’t have a pack to call, but I have a feeling I can entice someone to buy me a drink,” Teagan said as she stood, taking
Valentina with her.
Romeo’s eyes burned into me and I forced myself not to look. I couldn’t just fuck him here in this club. What would Bane
and Loki think?
“Nothing has to happen, Eliza,” Romeo said gently. For some reason the vulnerability and honesty in his voice had my chest
tightening. I glanced over finally and took a deep breath.
“I don’t know what Loki and Bane would want me to do,” I admitted before even realizing I was spilling my thoughts.
“Then we’ll just get a drink and talk,” he offered, not looking put out in the slightest. That alone was enough to make me
like him more. He didn’t know about me like Loki and Bane did. It was always something that held me back and I wasn’t ready
to get that close to him just yet.
“Okay,” I agreed, putting my hand in his and letting him help me up. He led me to the bar with a hand on my lower back and
I tried not thinking about how good it felt to have him this close, to breathe in his scent of juniper berry and tonka bean.
Hazel did always say that having a pack would make you a sex addict. I was starting to believe her.
But nothing could happen between us. Not tonight.
Talking to Bane and Loki had to happen first before more than a drink happens with Romeo. I might not have a lot of
experience with relationships but I did know at least that much.
Romeo ordered our drinks as I watched Hazel and Sienna slip out to go to their packs. Teagan and Valentina were busy
chatting up a group of men on the other side of the bar. A spark of worry filled me as I watched my best friend. I couldn’t put
my finger on it but something was not quite right as she flirted and laughed at some joke. Her heart wasn’t in it and I made a
mental note to get some alone time with her soon to check in on her.
“You love your friends, don’t you?” Romeo’s voice interrupted my thoughts.
“Of course,” I replied easily, turning to fully focus on him. “They’re the only family I have left.”
“I have Loki, but as I’m sure you’re aware it’s not always the easiest of friendships,” Romeo half shrugged as he sipped his
drink. “We constantly just give each other shit and call it bonding.”
“Sounds like my friends and I sometimes.” I chuckled.
That led us into some small talk. I told him about my best friends and random stories of our antics from back in New York
and Hazel meeting her pack soon after we got here. Romeo told me about himself and Loki, including the gag gift that Loki had
given him when he turned sixteen that Romeo had embraced despite his cousin’s intentions.
“No, you’re lying!” I wheezed, tears running down my face as a grin lit up Romeo’s face.
“Never.” He pressed a hand over his chest as if he was offended by my reaction.
“He gave you a vintage bug—”
“Well, parts of it,” Romeo interrupted me. “It was pretty gutted when I got it.”
“And you decided to keep it and fix it up?”
“I still have her! Best car ever and it irritates Loki every time I bring it to the bar. Best of both worlds.”
“Tell me you have it here!”
“Let me show you,” Romeo offered, pushing away his half-full glass. I fought to get myself together, ignoring my unfinished
drink to take Romeo’s hand as he led me through the club.
A cool breeze hit us as soon as we stepped outside, a refreshing feeling after being in the club for a while. Romeo didn’t
slow down, tugging me down the street until I saw it. An iridescent-purple vintage bug parked on the street. It was gorgeous.
A hula girl bobble head was on the dashboard along with a pile of hoodies on the front passenger seat. No trash or anything
but it was obvious the car was well loved.
“Do I want to know what you named it?” I asked, turning to face Romeo. There was no way this man put this much work
into the car without giving it an epic name.
He rubbed the back of his neck and looked sheepish. Oh, this is going to be good. Romeo mumbled something but I
couldn’t quite make it out.
“What was that?”
“Beetlejuice,” Romeo’s cheeks flushed as I burst out laughing. “It fits him! Classy, one of a kind, unique!”
“That’s so amazing,” I managed after a few moments, brushing away the tears from my face. It felt so good to be outside,
cooling down. I didn’t realize—until now—the amount of boob sweat that had pooled under my girls while I was in the club
but now I couldn’t un-feel it. “I’m exhausted.”
“I can give you a ride back,” Romeo offered, tilting his head at his car. “Scout’s honor, it will be just a drive back to the
compound and delivered safely into the arms of my cousin.”
“Why do I doubt that you were ever a boy scout?” I deadpanned.
“You can even call and let them know you’re on the way home.”
He stepped around me, opening the passenger door and tossing clothes into the back seat so I had room to sit. I shook my
head at him but did as he suggested and texted the group chat with Bane and Loki.
Eliza: Girls night is over. I’ll be home soon. Romeo is giving me a ride back.
Bane: Sounds good, sunshine. See you soon.
Loki: Wait. Where the hell did you have girls night that you ran into Romeo?
Bane: I doubt they invited him, Loki.
Bane: Did you?
Eliza: No. We were having fun at Hazel’s when Valentina decided to take us out. Romeo just happened to
be there when we arrived.
Bane: Not the bar? Usually you all come here.
Eliza: No it was some exclusive sex club. They had a show tonight.
Loki: What?!
Eliza: What?
Bane: Tell us about it when you get home.
Bane: In detail.
Bane: Always good to have new ideas.

I snorted at Bane’s interest in details while I’m sure Loki was glaring at his friend for encouraging me. Not that Loki has an
issue with me at a sex club, it was probably more about me being there without him. Possessive alpha.
I could already see him pulling his long, dirty-blond hair down and his blue eyes turning into heated pools of promise.
Fuck, I wished they were all here right now.
“Is my cousin getting jealous?” Romeo breathed in my ear, grabbing my waist to keep me steady when I jumped.
“You jerk,” I joked, swatting at him. “Just for that you can get me food on the way home.”
“Of course,” Romeo mock-bowed as I slid into the car. “Where shall we go, my queen?”
“I like how you said that,” I sassed, thinking of where I wanted some food from. I already had Mexican earlier with the
brownies so what I really wanted was… “A cheeseburger. The greasiest and best one in town.”
“I got you,” Romeo started the car and pulled out into traffic. “I know exactly what you need and we can get it to go.”
As the radio turned on and “Welcome to the Black Parade” started playing, I knew that I couldn’t put off that talk with Loki
and Bane any longer. Because if things were different right now, I’d be feeling amazing, sitting funny, and getting post-sex food.
Right now I was horny, conflicted, and just ready to turn off my brain.
Hopefully, Loki takes this conversation well because there’s no way it will come as a surprise. But I’d learned not
everything was as straightforward as it seems when it comes to packs.



he greasiest burger he could find was at a diner just outside of town. One I had yet to discover myself, but the moment I
saw the bright-orange sign and matching decor inside, I was hooked. There was no way I was just going to get this burger
to go, I needed the full experience.
Between a sea of orange vinyl and laminate tables and a long counter, they looked like someone plucked them right out of
the seventies.
The music agreed.
“This is… interesting,” I offered. Romeo chuckled and led me to a booth in the back, giving us a view of the parking lot.
Though I couldn’t see much beyond, it was dark as hell outside of Alexandria. It lacked the city lights and street lights I’d
grown used to.
“It’s amazing, just wait. And if you like pie, they have an amazing cherry pie,” he said, practically salivating as he
explained it.
“Is that a euphemism?” I teased, leaning forward and giving him my best sultry grin. Instead of being startled, Romeo
leaned forward so our faces were only a few inches apart.
“It definitely can be, Eliza,” he purred, raising an eyebrow and swallowing hard enough his Adam’s apple bobbed, forcing
my eyes to watch the movement.
Fuck, he’s good.
“Are you going to eye fuck or would you like to order?” a raspy voice asked. I jumped back like I’d been slapped and gave
her a guilty look but she was biting back laughter.
“You’re killing my game, Sandy,” Romeo protested, leaning back and giving her a cocky grin that did nothing to calm down
my rising libido. I swear that man was walking sex and had the easy confidence to match.
“Reign it in, tiger, and tell me what the fuck you want,” she said evenly. “You know, blondie?”
“Cheeseburger, fries, and a Coke please,” I asked politely. She didn’t bother to jot it down, giving me a nod before turning
back to Romeo.
“Same,” he said. She rolled her eyes and walked away, barking our order through the window to the kitchen.
Outside of us, only one old man sat at the opposite end of the counter. Clearly, this was not their busiest time.
“You come here often?” I asked. “She seems to be your number one fan.”
“About four times a week,” he admitted. “Sandy is just a teddy bear who could kill you with one look.”
“I can tell,” I laughed. Being with Romeo was too easy. He matched my humor well and if we weren’t flirting, I was
My phone went off before we could say anything else and I glanced down, realizing I never told the guys we were stopping
for food.
Loki: Did that idiot forget where I live?
Bane: You know Eliza, she talked him into stopping for more booze or food.
Eliza: Bingo. We’re grabbing a burger then I’ll be back. Promise.
Loki: If you’re not, your ass is mine. My handprint will look so nice on it
Eliza: Promises, promises. Put your money where your mouth is, old man.
Loki: Old. Man. Now make that two handprints. Maybe Bane and I need to tie you down until you beg for
Eliza: So I get rewarded? I’m so here for it.
Bane: You’re begging for trouble. Go eat your food before you cause more.
Eliza: Yes, sir.

Smirking to myself I tucked my phone away. I didn’t want to be rude. Though the moment I looked up, I found Romeo was
studying me with a look that said he knew exactly who I was texting.
“Is my cousin angry?”
“Nah, he’s fine,” I lied. “But apparently, I’m in trouble for being a brat.”
“That smirk told me that much,” he chuckled. “I’m only sad I can’t join in.”
Thankfully, I didn’t have to say anything because Sandy was slamming our plates and drinks down in front of us and
walking away.
“She’s a sweetheart,” I whispered before picking up my burger. It was exactly what I was craving and the first bite had me
moaning. “Nevermind, she’s a motherfucking goddess.”
“Damn right I am,” she called back, my cheeks heating that she’d heard me.
“I told you this place was amazing. Her alpha Gary is behind the grill. They know what they’re doing,” Romeo agreed.
“Now behave yourself. I’d hate to get banned from here because your sounds drive me to madness.”
“Whoops,” I said drily, taking a drink out of my straw, his eyes tracking the movement, especially when my tongue darted
out to wet my lips.
Fuck, I was in trouble.
We devoured our food in silence and Romeo paid before I could protest. In light of the hour and Loki’s impatience we
opted out of the pie this time.
Romeo seemed almost anxious to get back. He was focused on the road, keeping his eyes focused instead of on me.
“You alright?” I asked, chewing on my lip. Part of me worried I’d crossed a line and let my buzz do the talking.
“I’m great,” he said. His voice was strained. Something was definitely off. His knuckles were white on the steering wheel.
Not wanting to make it worse, I looked out the window and kept my mouth shut until we made it back to the compound.
Loki and Bane were sitting out front when we entered. Romeo parked Beetlejuice and climbed out.
The moment we stepped out Loki was stalking forward, eyes focused on me and full of heat.
“Get inside, now. Be naked when I get there,” he ordered. I swallowed and nodded, not hesitating to hurry inside without a
glance back. Partly because I didn’t know what to do with Romeo.
The prospect of a spanking and amazing sex had me following orders for once. I couldn’t think of a better end to this night.


“S ORRY, she wanted food and after the amount of liquor those girls downed, I figured that was the best choice,” I offered as
they both turned their eyes to me.
“She’s good at talking us into what she wants,” Bane said with a shrug. “Have a good night at the sex club?” Bane raised
his eyebrow but his green eyes were full of amusement.
“No. I’d have liked it more if I could have fucked her,” I said bluntly. “That omega is perfect. However she wouldn’t let me
touch her and I respected that. She was worried you wouldn’t be happy.”
“Why do you want my omega?” Loki demanded. His voice was harsh but not angry. I cocked my head to the side, studying
my cousin. He didn’t seem to hate the idea, more was checking my intentions.
“I’ve never been this drawn to an omega. She’s funny, sexy, and honestly, I can’t think of anyone else now,” I admitted.
“If you make that step, there’s no going back,” Bane warned me. “She’s not a one night stand or ‘fuck her to get her out of
your system’ type.”
“We know you want her, we saw that much when you decided to watch us,” Loki said, calling me out. My cock throbbed at
the reminder. It was one of those images that would forever be burned into my mind.
She was glorious when she came.
“I wouldn’t do that,” I said, almost offended. “Look, I know I’m a flirt but I’m not an asshole.”
Loki grabbed his phone and pulled up Eliza, calling and putting her on speaker.
“Yes?” she asked, breathless now. I could picture her in there, naked and waiting for them. Fuck, I wanted it so bad I could
taste it.
“Eliza, what do you want with Romeo?”
“Um,” she said, quietly now, startled at the question.
“Honesty,” Bane prompted. “We won’t be upset.”
“I want him,” she admitted. “I’m just not willing to rock the boat if you don’t want it to happen.”
“So, if he walks in with us now, what happens?” Her answer was a whimper and that was all he needed to hear. He hung
up and looked at me.
“Be sure if you’re walking in there with us,” Loki demanded. “There’s no going back. That means not only being with Eliza
but being in a pack with the two of us.”
There was no question. I was all in. I’d been watching them together for months now and I was positive this was the path I
wanted to take. I locked my car and followed them inside without protest.
He was right, the moment I tasted my omega I knew there’d be no one else for me.



oki, Bane, and Romeo were all over me.
They worked together to bring me to orgasm over and over again all night long with minimal growls from Loki.
Though I swear I could sense their rivalry making them both push each other further trying to dominate me more.
I finally lost the battle, crying out their names when I had my last orgasm of the night and passed out between them. I’d
never hear the end of it, that they managed to make me come so hard that I lost consciousness. Though it was to my benefit,, so I
wasn’t going to begrudge them too much because they earned every last ounce of pride.
Waking up, I realized I was entwined with Romeo who was using my breasts as a pillow. Bane and Loki were nowhere to
be seen, though. I shifted slowly not wanting to wake Romeo up yet so I could stretch out. A groan slipped out, my body sore
from all the sex last night. Reaching over for my phone I saw that Loki had sent a message to our group chat saying he and Bane
had to step out for some unexpected club business but they would be back soon. I blinked a few times realizing that they had
added Romeo to the group chat as well.
“What’s wrong?” I jerked, startled by Romeo’s question. Glancing down, I saw him watching me with a sleepy smile.
“Sorry didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Loki and Bane have club business,” I told him, chewing my bottom lip. Uncertainty filled me as I realized that we were
alone together, in bed, naked.
“After last night I can’t believe that just waking up with me can make you blush that much,” Romeo rasped, his scent of
juniper berries and tonka beans surrounded me, making me whimper. “Come here, omega. I’m fucking starved.”
“Romeo,” my voice shook with need and anxiety.
“Come sit on your throne, your highness,” he rolled onto his back and reached for me. With unexpected strength he pulled
me toward him, ignoring my out of character shyness.
“I can’t sit—” I started to protest but he manhandled me, making me straddle his face. He looked up between my thighs,
holding my gaze as he squeezed my ass.
“Let’s get something straight from the beginning, Eliza. I’ll call you my highness, my goddess, whatever you want me to...
But if you even try to hover right now I’ll tie you up like that sub last night and edge you until you’re delirious. Sit. On. My.
“You won’t be able to breathe,” I tried to reason with him. A shocked gasp escaped me when he smacked my ass hard
enough I knew I’d have a handprint later.
“Then let’s see if I can survive on that sweet pussy of yours alone. Drown me, omega, until I forget what air tastes like. You
smell so fucking divine.” With that he pulled my body down until I was fully sitting on his face and I let out a strangled cry.
Romeo was true to his word. He ate me out like I was his last fucking meal on Earth. Teeth and tongue were used with such
skill that part of me wondered just how many women he fucked before me but then I pushed that aside. Romeo lived his life to
the fullest and damn, I was lucky enough to be on the receiving end of his talented tongue so I wasn’t going to complain.
But it could be better.
I forced myself up and off his face, smothering his protests as I quickly changed position and ground my pussy on his mouth.
He wasn’t the only one hungry right now. Leaning down I flicked my tongue on the head of his hard cock, humming at the taste
of his precum on my tongue. His entire body jolted like he had been electrocuted and I chuckled at him.
“Such a tough guy, Romeo. If I can hear you talk then you aren’t eating me out enough,” I rocked my hips a few times, riding
his face loving how his tattooed hands came up squeezing my thighs.
Focusing on him again I took my time, teasing his cock with quick, teasing swipes of my tongue and my fingers teasing his
balls. Not to be outdone, though, Romeo stepped up his game and I squeaked when he suddenly thrust a thumb into my ass,
wiggling around to tease me.
“Fuck, Romeo,” I whimpered, rocking back to fuck myself on him.
He moved back long enough to tell me to swallow him.
I opened wide, using my hands to jack him off while I took most of him in my mouth. We lost ourselves in a loop of
pleasure, determined to get the other person off before we found our own orgasm. Sweat and sex filled the air until I thought I
would explode.
“Together?” I gasped, letting his cock slip out long enough to ask for some type of mercy.
“Thank god,” he managed.
We came together, my thighs trembling around his head as I swallowed his cum eagerly, needing him inside of me.
While catching my breath I rolled off of him but Romeo didn’t let me get far. He grabbed me, urging me to him and cuddled
me close. A long finger under my chin silently commanded me to look up.
I was afraid he would want to talk about last night and this morning, but fate took mercy on me for the moment. His lips
slanted over mine and I kissed him back slowly, enjoying the taste of myself on his tongue. He’d smell like me all day long.
Is this how alphas felt? ‘Cause damn, it was a heady thrill knowing everyone would smell me on him.
“Did Loki and Bane say when they were coming back?” he asked, when we broke apart.
“No,” I murmured. “Just that they’d be back soon.”
“Let’s get some breakfast then. They can join us when they’re done,” he suggested.
I nodded, stomach growling at the mere mention of food. Another few kisses and then we rolled out of bed, getting dressed
and not bothering with a shower. I knew that Loki would get super growly and jealous smelling Romeo all over me.
The fact that the beta didn’t push me to talk about feelings and the pack arrangement just gave him bonus points in my mind.
I at least needed some coffee and food in my system before any big discussions. Including the fact that the changes recently
meant I needed to talk to all of them about my past that they didn’t know about.
A pang twisted my heart recalling my ex-fiancé that I had left behind. His rumbling laughter and possessiveness when it
came to me. He was there for every race I was in, cheering me on even though he hated that I raced. We were so good together
and I had left when I realized that my heats would never be coming. The family he talked about having with me in the middle of
the night with reverent tones would never exist. That’s why I had left.
“Sorry. Just lost in thought. I think you all fucked every functioning cell in my brain out last night... and this morning,” I
blushed and laughed awkwardly as I focused again and slipped on my flipflops. I had put on one of Bane’s sweats and Loki’s
black shirts, wanting to feel comfortable and surrounded by the scents of all of my pack.
“Waffles?” Romeo asked after a moment, letting my thoughts sit for now.
“That sounds amazing,” I smiled then my brow furrowed in confusion as he tugged me closer and slipped one of his leather
bracelets from his wrist and put it on mine.
“You were missing something of mine,” he told me softly. “That’s better. Now let’s go.”
He threaded his fingers through mine and tugged me along after him toward Beetlejuice.
The moment we stepped outside, though, I knew something was going on and Romeo did, too. Tension was so damn thick
that I could almost physically feel it.
Loki and Bane were talking to Kraken across the compound. Beyond them was another group of bikers talking amongst
themselves. I could just make out that the newcomers were wearing the same patch as Loki and Bane.
Maybe another chapter of the Reapers?
But then the world halted. Oxygen left my lungs as my body froze when I recognized one of the new men. He still looked
just how I remembered him, yet at the same time there were small differences I couldn’t help but notice. Even from a distance I
could tell he was hardened. The bright spark of humor that I associated with him was missing.
As if he sensed me, too, he turned slowly to face me and his entire body stilled.
No, this can’t be happening.
I was going to tell them about him today! How could life be this cruel?
He was taller, more muscular. His light-brown skin was covered with ink everywhere that I could see. His black, curly hair
was longer and he had a long, full-grown beard that made him look so much older. Dark-brown eyes were zeroed in on me and
he didn’t bother to look away.
God he looked amazing.
“Well, isn’t this interesting,” he drawled, voice loud and rumbling as he sauntered toward me. The swagger in every
movement filled me with heat and trepidation.
“Get the fuck away from our omega,” Loki growled harshly, he and Bane instantly between the two of us.
“Your omega?” the new alpha asked with amusement as Romeo tried to move me closer to him. The alpha burst out
laughing but didn’t sound as if he was amused.
At all.
Reaching behind his neck he undid a necklace he had around his throat and held up a ring that was attached to it. My heart
pounded in my chest, still speechless as if I was caught in the trap of a predator.
He took the ring off and pushed past Loki and Bane to get to me, grabbing my hand and shoving the ring on my finger hard
enough I hissed.
“You left this behind, Eliza,” he pressed his lips to the band as he glared at me. “If you ever take this off again, I’ll tattoo it
on you so you’ll get the fucking message that you aren’t ever going to be free of me.”
“Eliza?” Romeo asked, sounding unsure and shocked while Bane fought to keep Loki in check. “What is going on?”
“We knew each other a long time ago—” I started.
“Knew each other?” he scoffed, squeezing my hand hard. “I’m Eliza’s fiancé. If you think running away without a word
years ago would free you from me then you have another thing coming. Change in fucking plans. It looks like I’ll be staying
“I’m the President here,” Loki warned him.
“I don’t need the title,” Damien didn’t even spare the other alpha a glance. “I have something better. We have a lot of
catching up to do, omega, including the fact that you started forming a pack without me.”
My mouth opened and closed but that was all I managed. Pain was clutching at my chest and it wasn’t until Bane shoved
Damien out of the way and hissed at me that I realized why.
“Take a breath, right now, Eliza,” he growled, both hands on my shoulders and his face inches from mine.
My body wouldn’t let me disobey and I sucked in a heaving breath, my feet wavering as my head spun. Between the insane
orgasms and stress, I couldn’t even fight the unconsciousness taking me under. Someone caught me and I knew instantly my
former fiancé had me again.
“You’re not getting out of this, Eliza.”



he was here.
My omega was finally in my arms again. It was like I had to keep reminding myself this was real.
“I’m going to need a fucking explanation, right now,” Loki growled. He tried to take her from me and we stood facing
off, her body the only thing keeping us apart. From the feral possessiveness in his gaze, he wasn’t going to risk hurting her.
Pain lanced through me at the realization that she’d given a part of herself to this alpha and wasn’t running away.
What made him different?
“When she wakes up,” I said, not giving a fuck what this alpha wanted. If he thought he had questions, I could promise I had
a whole lot more.
“Our place is this way,” Bane said in a tone that was at least calm, though a bit cold.
I followed him down the lot in the direction she’d come from. The other beta trailed behind. She smelled of him, of all of
They were fucking lucky to be alive right now.
She was mine. Always had been. Always would be.
That day was etched into my brain. Waking up after a night of fucking her senseless, to a ring on my counter and the smallest
goodbye note I’d ever seen.
I’m sorry.
That was it.
No explanation at all.
For years, I wondered what I did. Watching her from afar was brutal. I’d hired a PI years ago, he gave me no update on her
location at my request, only simple updates. I wasn’t ready to confront her and make things worse.
Then when I was ready, she was gone again. They left no trail, all four of her friends simply vanished.
Until now.
I’d gotten caught up in club work and the PI moved on to other jobs. I had every intention of finding her again but it just
never felt right.
But now everything has changed.
I was never letting her go again. She was insane if she thought she got to make that kind of decision for the both of us. I
never would have let her go if I knew it was coming. I’d have fought to the ends of the earth for her.
The entire place smelled of them and sex. My anger that had been simmering and festering finally reached a crescendo at
that. I gently laid Eliza on the bed then went outside. It was taking every bit of self control to not lose my shit and being inside
there any longer I knew I’d snap. Loki followed me out but didn’t ask questions I wouldn’t answer.
“Stop,” he demanded. I turned, fists clenched and jaw tense, glaring at him. “We can spar.”
“No,” I growled. “Killing you won’t help.”
He chuckled and raised his own fists, taking the first swing. I dodged it and swung back. He let the hit connect, grunting at
the force of it slamming into his stomach. Satisfaction joined the fury at the sight of him huffing for air.
We circled each other like lions ready to strike. Eyes locked, defensive stances matching, waiting for an opening. I let him
make the first move, bending just as he would have slammed into me, using my shoulder to launch him onto his back.
Loki hit the ground with a thud and blinked up at the sky. Sweat had my shirt sticking to my skin, the sun beating down on
He was on his feet again, ready to keep going. As the minutes passed and blows exchanged, the anger slowly calmed to
manageable levels.
When my fists dropped and I let out a breath, he looked relieved.
“Fuck, asshole,” he groaned, clutching his side from my last hit. Adrenaline had the pain down to only a small ache at this
point. It might hurt later but for now, I just glanced at him.
I turned and a grin spread across my face. Somehow the girls were always nearby and it didn’t surprise me that they hadn’t
changed at all. Part of me wanted to yell at them for taking her but we all know that decision was hers, they just kept her safe
for me in the meantime.
Sienna was the first to reach me, the fiery redhead adorable as ever. She crushed me in a hug and I hugged her back. Teagan
was next, giving me a smug grin before squeezing me. Her blonde hair and mischievous eyes hit me with another wave of
nostalgia. I hadn't realized that I’d missed them, too.
“She’ll be happy once she gets over the shock,” she whispered.
“How do you—?”
“Bane texted us,” Sienna answered as Teagan stepped back.
“Hey there, asshole. Good to see you,” Hazel added. She’d leaned into her gothic style, all the black and dark makeup
suited her. More than that, she looked downright happy. She lacked the fear that used to linger. Good.
Behind the girls was an array of men, half looking dangerous, the others confused.
Welcome to the fucking club.
Eliza wasn’t going to escape this time, she had a whole group and me to explain herself to. I didn’t care if it made her
uncomfortable. She owed me this much.
Four fucking years was a long time to wait for a fucking explanation.
“Is she okay?” Sienna asked, studying me.
I shrugged but Bane had joined us and answered her.
“She’s in shock but alright,” he explained.
“Thanks for taking care of her, big bro,” Sienna said, hooking her arm in his and letting him lead her inside.
“Big bro?” I questioned Hazel who was closest.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about, Damien,” she said with a sad smile. “Just... hear her out, okay? You can be mad, you
deserve to feel what you feel, but don’t push her away too hard or you might lose her for good this time.”
“I have no plans of losing her,” I said in a deadly serious voice. “She’s mine. Always has been.”
“She’s not the same omega,” Teagan said. “Four years is a long time, as you know. You’ve changed, too, I’m sure.”
“I have,” I agreed. Losing your mate with no explanation hardened you in a way nothing else could. I wasn’t stupid, though.
They were right. If I wanted this, wanted a chance with her again, I’d have to remind her just why she fell for me in the first
Challenge accepted.
“Let’s go,” I said, gesturing for the door. They gave me a wary look but nodded, turning and leading the way to my runaway


This wasn’t on my terms. I’d passed the fuck out. I just… I couldn’t.
Panic built in my chest as I wiggled my ass out of the window, hoping that the chair beneath me didn’t shift so I’d make it
out before they all came inside.
After a minute or two of struggling, I managed to get outside and a hint of relief hit me as I heard Damien say let’s go and
the guys headed inside.
Sticking to the walls I scooted along and wasn’t surprised to find not only my guys but my besties as well. Not to mention
their packs. Thankfully, they were all watching their omegas and none of them glanced my way.
Thank god.
“Look at you, you rebel,” a familiar voice made me jump.
Turning, I glared at Teagan and hissed at her to keep her voice down.
She studied me and I shifted from foot to foot, not used to being the one at the receiving end of that glare. Teagan didn’t say
anything, just grabbed my hand and tugged me along after her until we were running out of the compound.
“Let’s get out of here, Eliza,” she cut me off. “Let’s have a girls’ day, you and me. Then you can face them. Get your
thoughts together first.”
“Thank you,” I managed, trying to keep up with her.
Somehow no one saw us or chased after us and before I knew it, Teagan brought us to a stop by a bright-red car.
“Get in.”
She unlocked the door as I walked around and slipped into the front passenger seat. Barely waiting for me to get buckled
she had started the car and taken off.
“Where are we going?” I asked, bracing my hand on the oh-shit handle above me.
“Wherever the road leads,” Teagan glanced at me with a bright smile that looked just a little bit forced.
“Teagan, what’s wrong?”
“Today is about you bestie, not me. Don’t even think about it,” she shook her head and reached for the radio. Turning on
music she blasted it at full volume and rolled down the windows. Her bright laughter filled the car as our hair whipped around
and she slipped on sunglasses.
We sang Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift off-key and loudly with abandon until we were both laughing and dancing in our seats.
Town was long behind us and we were on the open road.
The view and the wind in my hair made me remember racing. Adrenaline filling my veins, the sense of freedom, and my
dad. Tears stung my eyes and I let them fall. It had been so long since the memory of my dad made me cry. I missed him every
day but I’d finally reached the place in my life that the happy memories outweighed his loss most days.
Maybe it was Damien suddenly showing up that reminded me of him again. He had been my rock, along with my besties,
when he had passed during high school, I was never the same.
Dad had been riding motorcycles my whole life and got me my first bike at sixteen.
I waved Teagan off, “ Just thinking of my dad. Good memories.”
“He would have loved it here,” Teagan agreed with a soft smile. “It would be a killer place for a ride.”
Teagan pulled off to the side of the road into one of those scenic view stops. We got out of the car and sat on the hood
looking out at the wide open space. I sighed and rubbed my hands on my thighs.
“They are going to give me hell when I get back.” I sighed.
“They are,” Teagan laughed, glancing over at me with a wide grin. “Granted you’ll deserve it.”
“You enabled me!” I protested.
“Well, I’ve never been the most responsible person,” she joked, leaning over to nudge me with her shoulder. “You could
always text them. Try to get on their good side first.”
“I left it behind,” I blushed and chewed my bottom lip. “They would have tracked me down or Hazel’s guys would have.”
Teagan threw back her head laughing with abandon. “Oh, they are going to kick your ass. Loki is going to be livid.”
“Probably,” I agreed before I rubbed my face. “It just sucks. I was going to tell them about Damien today. Today Teag! And
then he just showed up—”
“What even happened with you two?” My best friend focused on me, curiosity and confusion clear as her brow furrowed.
“You never talked about him after we left.”
I shook my head and picked at the sweats I had on. How did I put this into words and not come out as a complete bitch?
Granted I kind of was. I had been young and so sure I knew everything.
“Come on, Eliza, it can’t be that bad,” she urged me.
“I left a note and the ring on the bedside table before sneaking out,” I told her softly, my fingers touching as I spun said ring
around my finger. It felt like a missing piece of me had finally come home and completely foreign at the same time.
“What did it say?”
“I’m sorry,” I cringed as Teagan gasped, her mouth literally dropping open.
“You didn’t?! I thought you had at least talked, maybe a falling out…”
“He has always wanted this fantasy life,” I told her defensively, waving my hands. “The two of us, a big family…”
“I don’t think you could ever say that Damien wanted a ‘white picket fence’ kind of life, Eliza,” Teagan countered gently,
but firmly. My bestie was going for tough love today. “He’s in a MC, hell he was in it when you were dating!”
“I know that! But I can’t— I can’t give him kids or the family he wants.”
“Did you ask him?” she asked after a few beats of silence.
“I don’t have heats,” I told her harshly, tears stinging my eyes and my voice rough as I tried to control my emotions. “I can’t
have kids.”
“There are other ways to have kids if that’s what you want,” Teagan said gently.
“It doesn’t matter. I left.”
“He’s back now and it doesn’t sound like he is going to let you get away again,” Teagan placed a hand on my shoulder.
I turned the ring a few times before wiping my tears off my face.
“He doesn’t know. That I don’t have heats,” I confessed, thankful that Teagan’s face was free of judgment when I glanced at
her. “I couldn’t— I didn’t know how to talk about it then. I had turned eighteen and the heats never came. Never hit me. I went
to a clinic the day before we left and they confirmed it through blood tests… An omega without heats? Who would want me?”
Teagan hugged me close to her side as I let myself finally let go. I cried into her shoulder and fell apart.
It was a relief to finally not hide how I felt about not having heats. One of the only things I wanted in life was to become a
mother and the universe, in a cruel twist of fate, had ripped that away from me before I even had a chance.
I would also never have as close of a connection to my pack, my alphas, without heats. At least that’s what I was told by
the omega doctor who had told me the results years ago.
Those words had struck deep and were embedded in my soul now.
Every pack would find me lacking and alphas would find me to be nothing but a disappointment.
“Eliza,” Teagan rocked me slightly. “Let me call the others. We can have a girls’ night and drop you off tomorrow. You’re
in no condition to face this shit tonight.”
“I can’t—”
“I’m not asking,” she cut me off firmly. Shifting, she pulled out her cell phone and called someone.
I heard Hazel yell out Teagan’s name when she answered after one ring.
“Are you still there?”
“Yes, where the fuck are you? Eliza—”
“Bestie emergency. Tell her pack that she will be back tomorrow but she needs us right now. Bring the others. I’ll send you
details of where once you text me you’re driving.”
“Isn’t that a bit extreme—?” Hazel stopped herself and then she whispered, “Oh, Eliza.”
She must have heard me sniffling and my tears started all over again.
“I’ll handle it and get the others. Give me ten.”
“We got you, bestie,” Teagan reassured me, squeezing me tight.
I had the best friends ever.
Hopefully, my pack understood.
This time, I planned on coming back. I just needed… I needed time to get myself together first.



y best friends all sat around me, staring me down with varying looks of concern and shock. Except for Teagen who’d
heard this an hour before.
It was easier to say out loud this time. Maybe it was the mimosas helping me along, but I’d like to think it was
because I’d finally stopped holding onto the secrets.
“Eliza,” Sienna said softly. “What are you going to do?”
“Face them. That’s all I can do. I don’t want to run from this again, I just needed it to be on my terms, not theirs.”
They all nodded a few times, a beat of silence as I sipped the last of my third mimosa. These are fantastic.
“Damien looks good,” Hazel said with a cocky grin, her exaggerated eyebrow wiggle emphasizing her attempt to lighten the
A low growl escaped me, surprising us all.
“Well, I guess that explains how you feel about seeing him again,” Hazel replied knowingly, not the least bit put off by my
possessive growl.
“I never stopped loving him,” I admitted quietly, staring down at my now empty drink so I didn’t have to look at them.
“That was never the issue. I just couldn’t drag him down. He deserved more than I could give.”
“Did you even ask him?” Sienna asked, repeating Teag’s earlier question. They were being so gentle with me. Except for
Teagan who was never one for subtlety.
“No, of course, she didn’t. She made the decision for both of them and now it’s catching up with her.”
“Damn, Teag,” I groaned. “You’re a straight-up savage.”
“I’m your bestie, it’s my job to tell it like it is. Sienna has the gentle side down,” Teagan defended. “And Hazel is always
here to help fuck shit up and have fun. We balance each other. Besides, right now you need someone to call you on your shit.”
“Does that mean you’ll tell us why you’ve been around so much lately?” Hazel teased.
Teagan took a sip of her drink and ignored the question completely.
“It’s not about me,” she finally sang out when no one took the hint.
“No more serious talk,” I groaned. “I’ll have my fill of it tomorrow when I see the guys.”
“Well, we can’t go to Neon Nights,” Hazel pointed out. “That’s our usual ‘get shift-faced’ location.”
“Let’s go to the club. My pack will make sure everyone gets home safe,” Sienna said, already pulling out her phone. It rang
once before I heard River’s voice on the other end. They were the perfect person to handle this and I already felt the knots in
my chest loosening as they hashed out the details. “It’s settled. Let’s go.”
Twenty minutes later, we were walking past the bouncer into the strip club Sienna’s pack ran. She’d worked there before
the baby but hadn’t gone back yet.
The music was thumping loud enough it wasn’t easy to talk and that was a fucking win right now. We made our way to the
bar where River was waiting, a smirk on their lips.
“So, do we want to get fucked up or do we want it to go slow, ladies?”
“You know mine,” Sienna said with a pout. Thanks to her diabetes she had to be more careful. I, however, did not.
“Fuck me up, River,” I begged them, my eyes pleading. I was completely ignoring the three drinks I’d had before we even
got here.
“One Long Island, extra strong, coming up,” they promised with a wink. I watched as they moved behind the bar, making
Sienna a lighter drink before sliding my generously liquored-up drink over in a tall glass. I plunked in a straw and took a deep
drink, the burn of the liquor exactly what I needed.
A few more sips and the music suddenly wasn’t so loud and I was feeling great. By the time I finished my first and got a
second, I was smiling broadly.
“You know what,” I slurred. “Maybe they won’t be that mad.”
Sienna snorted and patted my arm. “Keep telling yourself that, bestie.”
“Ugh,” I groaned. “Can’t they just let me give a few blow jobs and skip the awkward conversations?”
“No chance,” Teagan said before letting out a screech that nearly had me spilling my drink. “It’s open dance. Get your asses
up there, bitches!”
“No way am I getting my pack that riled up tonight,” Sienna said. “I’ll be taking the videos.”
She already had her camera at the ready as Teagan pulled us up on the stage. I was wearing sweats but I didn’t care,
stripping them off so I was in my boy shorts and a bra.
“Oh god, help us all,” Hazel said, doing the same to reveal a black-lace set with a leather harness over it. She looked sexy
as hell.
“I need one of those,” I said, nodding along like it was the best idea I’d ever had.
“Hell, yeah,” Hazel said. “Come on!”
Teagan was down to her red see-through set, not ashamed in the least to go up and shake her ass with us.
The rest of our night was a swirl of dancing, collecting our money, and more alcohol than I should consume. Though, I
knew River had watered down the last two. Jerk.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing up there?”
My entire world spun for a moment before I blinked and looked over to see Bane. He was grinning broadly despite the
worry lines around his eyes.
“Oh, you’re drunk as hell,” he said, shaking his head as I stumbled and almost fell over. “When you avoid, you avoid hard,
don’t you?”
“Yes,” I said, nodding in agreement. “Why are you here?” I looked behind him but he waved my unspoken concern off.
“Just me, don’t worry. Sienna sent us a video and I knew the stage,” he smirked. “Just didn’t expect to see you on it. That
was hot as hell, by the way.”
“I take it you’re here to take me home?”
“Nope. I’m here to whisk you away, make sure you take some Tylenol and drink a ton of water. We’ll call the others in the
morning,” he promised.
“I knew I liked you for a reason,” I said, breathing in deeply so I could wallow in his scent. “Take me away from here,
“Good plan,” he said gently, saying goodbye to the others, whose packs had also arrived. I couldn’t even feel betrayed by
my besties, they hadn’t planned for Bane to know the place so well. Or maybe they had? That was a problem for tomorrow.
Though I had a feeling Romeo and Loki recognized it, too, they were just too angry with me to come.
My chest tightened more at the thought.
Had I fucked this all up for good?
“Hey, none of that,” Bane said gently, wiping away the tear I hadn’t realized fell. “You didn’t fuck anything up for good.
We’ll talk it out tomorrow.”
Let’s add ‘lack of filter’ to tonight’s drunken blunders. Clearly, I was off to a great start to this reunion.



he sun hurt my skin.
That’s how fucking hungover I was as I opened my eyes and instantly regretted every drink I had yesterday.
Fuck alcohol, I’m never drinking again.
“That good, sunshine?” Bane’s deep voice rasped beside me. Green eyes zeroed in on me in gleeful revenge.
I winced, peeking over my shoulder to glare at the beta beside me. He totally said that louder than he needed to on purpose.
My good thoughts of him last night were fading away as his smirk grew at my grouchy attitude.
“You need to sober up a bit before the others show up, which we both know they will,” he said, his voice lowering as his
expression grew more serious. “I don’t think Loki or that new alpha are going to let you escape this time.”
“I didn’t mean—” I started but stopped when Bane shot me an ‘are you kidding me?’ look. “Okay, fine. I did mean to run.
He showed up after so long and then… it just exploded.”
“And you needed time to process.” Bane nodded slowly. “For the record, next time just say that and we can give you that
I swallowed hard, eyes stinging as I started tearing up. Damn Teagan had nothing on Bane. Now I felt like the lowest piece
of shit rushing away and leaving my cell phone behind at the drop of a hat. Not to mention Damien probably lost his mind with
me running again.
“I’m sorry,” I managed softly, snuggling down into the covers wishing the floor would open up and swallow me whole.
“None of that,” he wrapped his big arms around me and pulled me in tight.
“They are going to be so angry with me,” I rasped.
“Yes. And for good reason,” he replied evenly. “But that doesn’t mean we don’t love you, sunshine.”
“Even with Damien showing up?”
Bane didn’t say anything for a full minute. My heart was beating a mile a minute in my chest and my stomach rolled with
nerves and all the alcohol from last night.
“That’s something we are all going to have to talk about…together. We need answers and from what we heard from Viper
last night, he does, too.”
My breath was shaky as I squeezed my eyes shut at Damien’s MC nickname. I’d never called him Viper, not once, but
maybe I would need to start. No matter what he said yesterday, I’m not his omega or his fiancée.
Not anymore.
I’m just the omega that broke his heart with a pitiful note and an empty bed.
“I need a shower,” I said, not wanting to think about whatever my ex had said when I was out yesterday.
Bane tucked his chin on my shoulder, snuggling closer to me and then threw a leg over both of mine.
“Later. More sleep right now then shower and food. I’ll protect you from the alphas until you can at least stand on your own
two feet without puking.”
“Not Romeo?” I asked with a weak laugh.
“Romeo is in the next room.” I could feel Bane smile as my body stiffened. “He didn’t join us cause he wasn’t sure if you
wanted him here but he wanted to be close by. Romeo!”
Before I could process what Bane just said the bedroom door opened and in the doorway stood Romeo. The uncertainty on
his face broke my heart.
I wiggled my hand loose from where Bane held me and offered it to the beta who had remained silent. He stared at my hand
then my face before glancing at Bane, whatever he saw there made him quietly shut the door then slide into bed on my other
“I must smell like a damn bar,” I hiccuped.
“We are totally talking about the stripping video later. When you can hear every word I’m going to say without wincing,”
Romeo said lightly, but I could feel the current of strong emotion just under the surface. “Though, I feel like Loki and Viper had
more thoughts to share on the matter.”
I groaned, hiding my face in Romeo’s chest, loving and hating his dry chuckle at my pain.
“Oh and fair warning,” Romeo continued, fingers combing gently through my hair. “Viper and Loki are oddly getting along.
You should probably be very, very concerned about that. Honestly, I think we should also be concerned about that Bane.”
“Why would I care about that?” Bane asked with dry amusement.
“Because now we have to balance out two hard-headed alphas that might team up together to get what they want.”
Bane stilled and then cursed softly.
“A thought for another time,” Romeo said as he closed his eyes. “Sleep, Eliza. We can sort through everything tonight.”
“And sunshine?”
“Hmmm?” I hummed sleepily.
“If you even think about running again, Romeo and I will tie you to the bed so you won’t be able to even move an inch
without help,” Bane growled in my ear.
The sound of that made me shiver, desire rising as I felt slick wet my thighs.
“Keep it together, Eliza,” Romeo scolded me. “You’re still drunk and hungover from last night. You can’t consent to sex
right now. Bane, keep those rough growls to yourself.”
“Turned on, beta?” Bane joked.
“I can show you,” Romeo shot back.
I felt the bed move and then saw a pillow smack Romeo right in the face. Laughter bubbled out of me as he gasped in
outrage while Bane grumbled at the other man.
Their easy friendship had me feeling better already and I let the sounds of their grumbles lull me into sleep.
The scent of gin and cypress roused me from my sleep. I breathed in and sighed happily, rolling over to snuggle in, only for
the scent to shift to spearmint and pine.
My body froze and a low chuckle sounded behind me as someone shifted even closer.
“Oh god.” I groaned in frustration as the memories came back a bit clearer than they did earlier. My headache was at least
only a dull ache now but it had nothing on the embarrassment and worry threatening to drown me.
“Time to talk, don’t you think?” It was Loki who spoke this time and I stubbornly refused to open my eyes and look at him.
He notched his fingers under my chin and leaned in so our noses brushed. “You don’t get to hide or run right now.”
“I’ll follow you this time, Eliza,” Damien bit out. “I swear to all that’s holy I’ll spank that gorgeous ass of yours if you
can’t just fucking face this and talk to me. I think after everything, I deserve that much. Don’t you?”
The vulnerability lacing his words cracked open my chest, exposing every emotion and nerve ending to the men in bed with
Finally, I opened my eyes and blinked away the tears. They didn’t question me as I stood and went to the bathroom. I was
still in a pair of boyshorts and one of Bane’s shirts. I vaguely remembered him helping me change at some point and lifted the
fabric to my chin to breathe it in, hoping to channel some of his calm.
It didn’t help. My head, heart, and guilt were at war within me.
After doing my business and brushing my teeth, I threw some water on my face. I tilted my head up and glanced at my
reflection in the mirror, wincing at the sight that greeted me.
If I thought I could get away with a shower I’d take one. It would have to wait until after.
I swiped away the raccoon eyes my makeup left behind and threw the towel in the hamper before finally heading for the
door, my hand lingering there as I calmed myself.
This talk had to happen. Loki was right.
Damien deserved this at the very least.
“Come out here, now,” Damien growled through the door. There was a soft clunk like he’d dropped his forehead against the
“I am,” I answered. It was quiet but he heard me still, opening the door to greet me. His face was hard as his eyes scanned
me. It felt like he was memorizing my face all over again. Four years had felt like ages and I knew he felt the same. We’d both
changed since that day.
He wrapped his hand around my bicep and led me to the chair in the corner of the room. When we reached it he turned me
and pushed lightly so I fell into the chair.
Damn, this was feeling like an interrogation. My eyes met Loki’s but he was too guarded to read.
My eyes fell to my hands as they twisted in the hem of the shirt I was wearing. How did I put all this pain and heartache
into an explanation that wouldn’t hurt them both worse?
At the end of the day, Damien was right. I left him with no real answers, disappeared, and never came back. In that time he
wondered and looked for me, keeping his distance. And I’d gotten with Loki, Bane, and recently Romeo without even
mentioning my ex-fiance.
What a mess.
There was nothing for it at this point. The only way forward was getting right in the thick of it. With a fortifying breath, I
started to talk, the words spilling out as I fought to keep my tears at bay.
“Right before I left… I went to the omega clinic to talk about my lack of heat. I don’t have them, never have, never will.
They confirmed what I feared. I’m unable to have kids. I won’t ever be able to give my pack children.”
“Eliza,” Damien breathed out, the pain in his voice matching my own. I didn’t look up or respond, I simply forged ahead. It
was the only way I’d get through this all.
“After a few nights of barely sleeping, I looked over at you and realized I couldn’t stay. You deserved an omega who could
give you that life. I never would be able to and I knew you wouldn’t just let me walk away. So, I left.”
“That’s bullshit,” Damien growled, face twisted with hurt and anger. “You didn’t give me a chance to respond to that at all!
How could you just take everything we had and fucking leave without even talking to me?!”
He was pacing now and I could see his leather boots stomping back and forth as he paced. Loki’s silence made my anxiety
rise even higher and my stomach twisted in knots wondering what he was thinking of me right now.
“You left and found a new life, one you didn’t give me a place in,” he added, finally stopping.
It took everything in me to raise my gaze to meet his. It was a storm of fury, frustration, pain, and love.
How could he still feel that? I was an asshole and I fucking knew it.
“I didn’t want to grow old with you quietly resenting me,” I admitted. “I’d rather be alone forever.”
“You aren’t alone forever, you have them,” he pointed out in frustration. “What about them got you to stay?”
“They’re older and don’t want kids,” I said quietly. “Do you know why I went to that clinic, Damien?”
He shook his head, his lips pursed into a thin line. I’d never seen him this angry and I hated that it was aimed at me. My gut
churned with unease and I couldn't blame anyone but myself for the pain ripping me apart, piece by piece.
“You and I were talking about the wedding and you said how pretty I’d be. Then you said how it would have nothing on
seeing me swollen with your baby,” I managed to choke out before a sob took over. “I knew then I had to be sure, to confirm
what I suspected. That your fantasy could never include me.”
“Fuck that,” Damien said, dropping down in front of me. “If I had the choice of a kid or you, I’d choose you every time.
We’d have options, omega. None of that matters without you. You’re my mate, I don’t want anyone else.”
It was everything I didn’t know I needed to hear. But it was no longer that easy.
I’d run… twice.
Now I had them, too.
My eyes flickered to Loki who had been eerily quiet and the disappointment in his gaze broke me further.
“I’ll get my things and go stay with Teagan,” I said as my emotions reached a crescendo, going from overwhelming to
just… numb.
I’d lost them both. There was no way they’d forgive me for this.
Loki’s voice was thunderous, making me jump.
“If you fucking try to run one more goddamn time I’ll tie you to that damn chair, omega.” He moved closer, settling in front
of me, right next to Damien.
“How can you say that? Why would you want me here?” My voice cracked, tears stinging my eyes.
Damien frowned. “Who is this girl? My Eliza is confident and would never question my loyalty.”
“Maybe you don’t know me as well as you thought,” I said, hating the insecurities this talk was shining a spotlight on. “I’m
a mess.”
“You’re our mess and you need to stop talking down to yourself,” Loki countered. “You’re not going anywhere and neither
are we.”



eeing Eliza practically curl up on herself made my heart ache. My girl was confident about many things but apparently, she
was a master at hiding her insecurities. Not to mention old fiances.
I shook that thought from my head and as I contemplated how to remind her just how much I love her my cell phone
Cursing, I answered it curtly, my gaze shooting right to Damien who arched an eyebrow at me.
“Pres, we have a situation.”
“What’s going on,” I growled out.
“The New York chapter is ready to wrap up talks and they are questioning where their president is.”
Foolishly, I had thought that my life was finally going to calm down, settle down with Eliza. Bane and I had our omega but
it seemed that it was going to be even more insanity. My cousin Romeo had joined the dynamic and now here with another
alpha, one that was the president of another chapter. Chaos in every facet of my life.
“Tell them that everyone will be at the club house in ten,” I told him curtly and then hung up.
“What’s going on?” Damien asked, sharp gaze missing nothing.
Eliza’s gaze bounced back and forth between the two of us.
“Your chapter is ready to end talks and get home. They are getting antsy about being here,” I told him evenly, closely
watching him.
“Meaning they are having issues with me and how I’ve acted since I saw Eliza,” he translated, running a hand through his
“Yes,” I replied. “We need to be on the same page before we walk out there to meet them in ten minutes. And to be
perfectly clear here, I’m the President of the Reapers here, so if you want that position—”
“I want Eliza. I don’t need the title of president,” he cut me off easily. He’d mentioned it once before but I needed to know
he was serious. I wasn’t giving up my title and I sure as fuck wasn’t giving up my omega.
Eliza’s eyes widened but she remained silent, not getting herself involved with club business. But from her reaction, I could
tell she knew the power of Damien’s declaration. Now we just had to see what his chapter would say. If I had to guess they
aren’t going to just take him leaving easily. Omega or not.
“But before we do, we have a few things to clear up.” My gaze darted to Damien. She knew I was fine with her not having
kids. He needed to give her that last reassurance and put this to rest.
“I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you, Eliza. I’ve wanted you since the moment I claimed you. That didn’t stop
because you decided to leave. I’m here, I know your shit and you know mine. I’m still all in. Are you?” Damien declared
evenly, his voice calm but full of deep emotion.
“You already know we are in as well,” I tacked on to make it clear this wasn’t only about her and Viper’s past, but all of us
as a whole. “That hasn’t changed.”
She blinked from me to Viper, then back again, as if her brain couldn’t quite process what we were saying. It might take a
while for her to let that sink in and I knew we would remind her anytime she needed.
We weren’t going to be able to fix this mess overnight. Our entire lives had changed the moment they met again. If he made
her happy I wouldn’t deny her that.
For now… we had business to deal with.
“Sunshine, I’m going to get Romeo to take you to his place. Grab some stuff and take a shower there. Stay with him while
we get this sorted here.”
“Okay,” she replied softly.
She got up and grabbed some stuff from Bane’s dresser, noting that all of the clothing wasn’t hers. As I selected my cousin’s
name to call him I watched Damien walk up behind Eliza and wrap his arms around her.
He leaned down to whisper in her ear and a watery laugh escaped her at whatever he said. My heart clenched at the sight.
Even if she was a bit broken and hurt right now, my Sunshine would be okay.
“Loki?” Romeo answered, confusion and concern bright in his voice. “Did Eliza—?”
“She didn’t run again,” I replied with dry amusement as Eliza let out a long sigh. “Are you still here?”
“Yeah,” he replied slowly, I heard Bane in the background asking what was going on.
“You and Bane need to come here. Some club business came up.”
Romeo hung up and a minute later the two betas joined us. Romeo ran his hand through his black hair, relief clear when he
saw for himself Eliza was still here.
“What’s going on?” Bane rumbled.
“We need to wrap things up with the other chapter,” I told him evenly.
“And what about you, Viper?” Bane asked, directing this question at Damien.
“Where Eliza is, so am I,” he replied firmly. “I lost four years already, I’m not losing any more. Don’t worry about any
competition, I don’t give one shit about titles.”
“They probably won’t take that well,” Bane responded but he looked pleased by the other man’s answer all the same.
“No, they won’t,” he replied and let go of Eliza.
“We are handling this shit and then we are all sitting down to figure this out,” I leveled a stare at Eliza. “If you even think
“I’ll make sure she’s here,” Romeo told me, wrapping an arm around Eliza. “Let’s let them handle their club stuff and we
can have some fun.”
“I need a shower,” Eliza told him as they headed for the door and Romeo laughed.
“I can help you with that and then I know just what you need.”
“If you say dick—”
“Well, that’s a given, but not what I was going to suggest…” Romeo’s voice trailed off as they left.
Bane and I shook our heads as Damien stared after them before focusing on us.
“What’s our game plan for this?”
“Are you serious about not caring about your position in the club?”
“I strove most of my life to work my way up the ladder to become president,” he answered slowly, voice thick with
emotion as he grimaced. “It was something I always wanted. But compared to Eliza… It’s no competition. She’s always my
first choice. I can, honestly, say that I know that without her everything else is meaningless.”
My stomach twisted at that thought.
Having Eliza in my life and then experiencing her absence. I never wanted to know what that was like and thankfully, it
seems that right now Damien and I were on the same page. Granted, we were alphas so that could change at the drop of a hat,
right now, though, there was nothing but understanding between the two of us and Bane who nodded slowly.
“We will need to talk to Maximo after the meeting, give him a heads up on the shift of things. Just in case,” Bane said
“Maximo?” Damien questioned, falling into step behind me with Bane as we headed out to the club house.
“Mafia here,” I replied. “He’s an alpha in Hazel’s pack.”
“Hazel….” Damien murmured before he let out a soft ‘ah,’ “Somehow that makes a ton of sense.”
As he burst out laughing I knew I had to get some stories out of him soon about Eliza and her best friends. I had a feeling
that there were plenty of crazy stories that they didn’t want us to know. And I had more than a few questions about Eliza and
motorcycles considering the motorcycle we got her was sitting unridden.
By the time we reached the club house everyone else had gathered. There was a clear separation between our men and
Viper’s. They stood up when he entered and there was more than a little annoyance on their faces.
“What the hell is going on, Prez?” one of the men asked. The snark in his tone was fucking bold. My chapter would never
address me with that level of disrespect.
Viper huffed out a laugh.
“You’re fucking lucky, Cobra. Normally, I don’t let you speak to me that way.” Cobra swallowed hard, revealing just how
much he knew Viper meant his words.
“Wait, why now? What’s going on, Viper?” someone else demanded. He walked up to the man in question. The guy was a
beefy alpha, long curly blond hair and a beard that made him look angry and gruff.
Viper walked up and shook the man’s hand. “You’ve been an amazing second, Python, welcome to the President Role. I’m
out. My omega is here and I’m not leaving.”
The words were said with an attempt at nonchalance but the finality of them had the entire chapter blanching.
“Excuse me?” Python demanded. When they all stood to face him, fists clenched, I moved forward to stand beside him,
along with my entire chapter. We easily outnumbered them. We were different chapters of the same MC branch, infighting
didn’t happen often.
Cobra took a step forward anyway.
“You’re leaving everything we’ve worked for and are throwing us to the wolves over an omega?” he asked. Clearly, the
way he said ‘omega’ meant he thought very little of the idea.
“Watch your tone about my omega,” Viper said casually, picking at nonexistent lint on his shirt. It was honestly a power
move. He appeared bored but the moment they took it too far we’d send them home in fucking pieces.
“Let’s go,” Python said, his voice loud and booming. Without a word the others walked out, though I didn’t miss how Cobra
slammed his shoulder into Viper. To his credit, the former president didn’t even flinch or give him a second look.
“What the hell is going on?” Kraken called out. He leaned against a nearby table, crossing his arms and giving Viper a
strange look.
“Viper is Eliza’s mate,” I said simply. “He’s one of us now.”
Kraken raised his eyebrow at the news. A few quiet murmurs rippled through my men and I raised a hand to silence them.
“He’s not here for my role—” Viper cut me off with an apologetic look that I doubt he even meant.
“I’m here for the girl.”
He moved away and sat down, giving me the floor again. How kind of him to give me, the president, the lead.
Clearly, there would be some growing pains here. But honestly he wasn’t doing anything I wouldn’t do. Especially when it
came to Eliza.
“This isn’t how we saw those meetings going, but we had business taken care of already,” I said with a shrug. “If their
feelings are hurt they can just grow the fuck up.”
“They aren’t going to just walk away and take this, right?” Bane asked, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t trust that
weasley one.”
Viper barked out a laugh.
“You shouldn’t. He’s Cobra for a reason. Quick to anger, quick to strike. You’re probably not wrong about that. Python is in
charge now, though, and he’s much more level-headed. MC or not, she’s my mate, he’ll respect that on some level.”
“Let them try to retaliate,” I snorted. “We’ll be fine. Between them and the Devils inching in on our territory, we’ll have to
double our guards.”
“On it,” Bane said, pulling out his notes and getting started on a schedule. The Devils were slowly moving closer and I
suspected had even intercepted some of our runs.
“I’ll contact Maximo and get them updated. Between us and them, our numbers are solid. Keep your eyes open and report
back on anything.”
“Actually,” Stryker stepped up. “I’ve heard some reports of omegas going missing in Devil territory already. You think
they’re trying to find a new source?”
My eyebrows rose at the news. This was new to me. As far as I knew the Devils were strictly in weapons, not omega trade.
“That has to mean they’re either encroaching on Viking territory, or they’ve allied,” Bane concluded.
“I’m on it,” I said. He saw right through my feigned calm. We both fucking knew that if they were allied, we were the odd
man out.
A confrontation with Viper’s men was the least of our worries now. We’d be lucky if we didn’t have to call in our own
allies to stand beside us.
This was no longer a simple turf war.
We’d have to be ready.



omeo wouldn’t tell me where we were going.
After a quick shower and change, he ushered me into his beloved Beetlejuice and we were off. Every time I tried to
ask what he had up his sleeve he turned the music up until I finally gave up.
Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long because he pulled up to Hazel’s place and just as he pulled out his phone, the doors
slammed open to reveal Hazel and Valentina running out to us.
“Honey, that small thing isn’t going to fit all of us,” Valentina arched an eyebrow and gestured at Romeo’s beloved car with
long, black-painted nails. “Park it over there and no one will mess with it. We are taking one of the SUVs.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Romeo saluted her with a wide grin, not the least bit bothered by her commentary about the car.
“What in the world—?” I started to ask him when Hazel opened my door and tugged on my arm.
“Come on, Eliza! We still need to pick up the others,” she hurried me as I unbuckled and let her lead me away.
“What is going on?!” I asked, trying and failing not to laugh at her obvious excitement.
“We heard about your bestie list,” a new voice joined our group. Looking over my shoulder, I found Emiliano and
Alessandro standing there watching us with wide grins. “It just so happens I’m a tattoo artist, so I can help kick start the list…
besides the sex club that was Aunt V’s idea.”
“Gotta start out with a bang,” Aunt V shrugged nonchalantly. “Now let’s get going! We need to pick up the other two and
then we can go to the shop.”
Alessandro got into the driver’s seat while the rest of us piled into the SUV. Romeo was beside me in the back row with
Hazel and Emiliano in the row in front of us. Aunt V was sitting shotgun fiddling with the radio until the song ‘Keep riding me’
by ur pretty came on and she blasted it.
“Your friends are amazing,” Romeo whispered in my ear.
“They are,” I replied honestly, tipping my head back to smile at him.
Romeo leaned down and brushed his lips against mine, making me moan.
“None of that shit!” Valentina yelled from the front seat making us jolt apart. “An orgy in the car is not on the list, Eliza.”
“Oh my god,” Emiliano commented softly.
“They were just kissing, Aunt V,” Alessandro tried to reason with her.
“Knowing Hazel her hormones are going to go all out of whack and boys, I love you, but if I have to see your cocks again
there isn’t enough weed in the world to help me recover from that. I’m already scarred from getting the marriage license dealt
with during the last heat.”
“Can we talk about something besides my dick?” Emiliano asked dryly.
“And look, we’re at Sienna’s!” Alessandro called out, redirecting the conversation.
Sienna waved as she stood up, having waited on the steps for us. King was beside her and after saying a few things he
kissed her softly then headed inside.
“Hey, guys!” she greeted us, opening the door to sit next to Romeo and me. She settled her small backpack purse at her feet.
“I’m excited.”
“You have snacks with you?” Emiliano asked, looking over his shoulder at the omega that just joined us.
“Yep,” she nodded. “King packed some up for me before we came outside. I’ve got everything I need.”
“If you need more just let us know,” Alessandro also commented as he headed to pick up Teagan.
It was awesome how our packs had somehow become this big, extended family. All of our people had big personalities.
Hell, Hazel’s pack ran the local mob and mine were in a MC. Sienna’s pack was into some shady shit with both, though I
didn’t know the details for all of it.
We made quite the hodge-podge of people but it all worked.
Sienna embraced the brothers she had gained, thriving with their concern and care when her actual sister had treated her so
Hazel was settling in and finally feeling comfortable in her own skin for the first time in years. As for myself… I felt
bittersweet about it all. I was the caretaker of the group and it was starting to feel as if they didn’t need me anymore.
I loved that they were happy but I had always been the person they turned to and now… Now I wasn’t.
Though, there was still Teagan… The wild woman. The nomad who just wanted freedom and to have a good time.
She was hiding something.
I couldn’t put my finger on it but something was off. Her deflections when I asked what was going on wasn’t like her. I
swallowed down my concern as Teagan joined us and then we were off to the tattoo shop.
Everyone started talking a mile a minute, tossing around ideas for tattoos as amusement settled on Emiliano’s face. He
looked like he was having the time of his life as he listened to everyone come up with ideas and big expectations.
“Any idea what you’re going to get?” Romeo asked.
I glanced over at him. He was watching me closely, his blue eyes calm while he waited for my answer. He was covered in
tattoos, his arms and torso decorated in all kinds of designs. Hell, I didn’t even have an idea of where I wanted a tattoo, much
less what I was going to have inked onto my skin forever.
“I could come up with a few ideas for you,” he purred, making me shake my head.
“Good ones?” I countered in amusement. “I’m not getting your name or anything like that.”
“That is the kiss of death to any relationship,” Emiliano commented. Romeo placed a hand over his heart and shot me a
mock-offended look.
“Babe, I’m covered in tattoos. I know tattoos. Do you not trust me?”
“Depends on what your suggestion is,” I told him seriously, somehow managing to keep a straight face.
“He’s done all of my tattoos,” Romeo nodded at the man in front of him. “He would never let you get one that’s bad. Plus,
he’s so skilled even a shitty idea will turn out amazing.”
“Still not giving you a discount on your next session, Romeo.”
“I’m bringing you this big group and I don’t even get a family discount?!”
“The only person that gets the family discount is my omega.” Hazel grinned and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
“How is that fair?!”
“She sucks my dick,” Emiliano deadpanned as Teagan and Sienna snickered.
“I mean if that’s all it takes,” Romeo leaned forward like he was going to climb over the seat.
“And we’re here!” Alessandro slammed on the breaks as he parked. “Suck him off in the privacy of the store if that’s what
you’re going to try to do.”
“Can I watch?” Hazel’s eyes lit up.
“Oh my god,” I burst out laughing.
“I’m charging you extra now,” Emiliano told Romeo, whose smile widened into a shit-eating grin. “I’m never going to hear
the end of this now.”
“I don’t mind,” Hazel and I said at the same time. Without even looking at each other we high-fived, making Teagan
completely lose it as Sienna started crying she was laughing so hard.
“Menaces, all of you,” Emiliano shook his head but humor danced in his dark gaze as he got out of the car.
“Let’s go get some tattoos, ladies,” Romeo waved at the shop.


ELIZA CHEWED on her plump lower lip as she looked around at the fantastic art prints hanging on the walls of the shop. Hazel
and Sienna both knew what they wanted so Emiliano was starting with them while the other two figured it out.
Even from across the room I could smell Eliza’s delicious scent. My omega smelled like heaven and I found myself moving
forward without any real thought behind it. My hands ran over Eliza’s hips as I pressed my chest against her back and buried
my face in her neck.
“Can you pick for me? This is tough,” she groaned. “I can’t decide.”
“I’d love nothing more,” I admitted. Pride flushed through me at the idea of choosing the permanent ink going on my
omega’s body. “Any hard no rules?”
“Nothing embarrassing but I trust you and Emiliano,” she said as she leaned into me. My mind was already at work thinking
over possibilities. She was such a strong omega but she had a sweet and vulnerable side, too, I wanted something that would
represent that.
“What about you, Teagan?”
The look on Teagan’s face when Eliza asked was masked quickly but I saw the brief flash of panic.
“I’m having a hard time deciding, I might just wait on it,” she admitted, giving a little huff like it was against her will. Eliza
nodded but didn’t argue before she went off to check on Sienna and Hazel.
“Everything alright?” I asked Teagan. “You seem uncomfortable.”
“Don’t get observant on me, lover boy,” she sassed, giving me a mock glare. “I’ll be fine, I’m just in a mood.”
“Sure, sure, I’m sure they’ll buy it,” I joked. She sighed and shook her head.
“Spare me the lecture, I’ll talk to them if I need to,” she said quietly as she stared off in the direction her friends were
hanging out.
“Fine, any big travel plans?” I asked, changing the subject, but from yet another deep sigh, clearly that wasn’t a better
direction at all.
“No,” she said. Now she was glaring daggers at the floor. Something was definitely going on but she wasn’t exactly ready
to share. That was something I could understand.
“Do you need to run away? I’ll tell them your dad called,” I offered. Teagan and I weren’t friends yet but Eliza cared about
her and that was enough for me to consider her one.
Her eyes lit up. “Really, you’ll cover me?”
“Of course,” I said as I stepped between her and her besties. They were still distracted so I nodded to the door. “Go now if
you want to get out without a fight. You got a car?”
“Already ordering it,” she grinned. “Oh, and two minutes out.”
The fact she was already perking up meant she definitely had some secrets.
“Look, I know you’ll probably tell Eliza I was being a weirdo, but just reassure her I’m alright, please? She worries about
us too much as it is.”
“Sure thing,” I said. At least she knew I’d be talking to Eliza later. If she needed help I couldn’t just keep that to myself.
Somehow the others stayed distracted long enough for the car to pull up. I stepped out with her and confirmed it was the
right car before she climbed in then waved her off. She pulled me in for a quick hug before getting in the backseat.
“She’s lucky to have you guys. Be good to her. She’s got a big heart and if you guys hurt her… well, murder isn’t off the
She closed it with a thud and I let out a laugh.
“Is she alright?”
“Damn, dude, you can’t sneak up like that,” I gasped as I spun to face Alessandro. He just let out a quiet laugh and waited
for me to answer. “She is. Her dad called and she needed an escape, I think.”
“Hmm,” he offered, eyeing me. “I saw you check the car. That’s pretty protective behavior for a beta new to the pack.”
“It doesn’t take a pack to be a decent person,” I countered. It felt like I was being sized up by a big brother but I just
continued to stare back at him, giving nothing away. It’s odd how all of these packs felt like one bigger pack, but at least I
wasn’t the only one that had that thought.
The door opened and Eliza poked her head out. “Hey, he’s ready for me!”
“On my way,” I promised, giving Alessandro a clap on the shoulder as I walked past and inside with her.
“What are we working with?” Emiliano asked as Alessandro and I walked in together.
“You two can conspire, I have to go to the bathroom,” she said as she danced out of the room with her friends in tow.
“Good, I want it to be a secret if she’s giving me this trust,” I grinned, giving him all the details. Emiliano nodded and
started sketching, adding a few personal tweaks like he always did. By the time she came back we had a rough sketch of
exactly what I wanted, though it was even better than I anticipated.
“This will be perfect,” Emiliano said as he started to prep his station and Eliza got comfortable. “Where is it going?”
“It’s up to him. I don’t know where it would look best,” Eliza said, waiting for instructions.
“Thigh,” Emiliano and I both said together. It would be glorious.
“Are you going to sacrifice your tattoo time? I got Valentina done, too, since they all wanted smaller ones today, so it’s just
you two. This design might take some time.”
“I’ll come another day,” I confirmed. “We’ll have to feed them soon or we’ll have a full-on rebellion on our hands.”
“Alright, Eliza, are you ready for this?” he asked as he got to work. She nodded, excitement outweighing her nerves as she
watched him put on a fresh pair of gloves.
Watching the inked lines take shape on her creamy skin was quite possibly the sexiest experience of my life. I was at half
mast the entire time I watched him ink my omega. If she likes this one, I might have to learn to tattoo myself so I can mark her
with my own hands.
Hours later when he finally finished and she stood in front of the mirror, I couldn’t look away. She was always gorgeous to
me, but now she looked like a goddess.
Emiliano had done the tattoo over the side of her hip and onto her thigh. A viper wound around a skull with roses and
poppy flowers surrounding them. It was all in black and white but the shading and Emiliano’s skill made it perfect. The snake
represented Viper that had just stormed his way into our pack, the skull was for Loki and Bane since they were part of the
Reapers, while the flowers were a nod to myself and my claim on her. Roses for my name and poppies for my birth month.
A sentimental nod to every person in her pack.
“We should get home,” I purred in her ear. Her face flared red but her smile gave away how much she loved it.
“Let me wrap it before you tap it,” Emiliano joked, pulling her back to the table.
The others were going to love it. They could thank me later.



e didn’t get to run off and fuck right away like we thought we would be able to. The twins were driving and the
moment I got up from the table my stomach growled. So, sex was put on the back burner for food.
My thigh didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would after sitting there for hours getting my tattoo done. Leave it to
Romeo to make my first tattoo massive.
The snake, skull, and flowers were gorgeous. Once we got into the car, he described how each element of the tattoo
represented each person in our pack and I felt myself getting teary-eyed. Romeo was just so damn perfect and sweet.
Looking over at the man in question, I saw he was hanging up the phone after reaching out to his cousin.
“What’s going on?” I asked, aware of the others around us as we settled in the SUV trying to figure out where to eat lunch.
“They are still busy with club stuff. So, that means I get you to myself a bit longer,” he lowered his voice suggestively.
“Plus all of us,” Hazel interjected with a cocky smirk.
I chuckled as Romeo smiled good naturedly, conceding her point. It warmed me how he interacted with my best friends and
just fit right in with our crazy family.
“I hope everything is okay with Teag,” Sienna joined the conversation, her brow furrowed in concern. “She left without a
word after her dad called.”
“She’s been acting weird,” Hazel said bluntly, her lips pursed as her mind started running a mile a minute.
“I agree,” I said as I ran my hand through my hair. “But you know Teagan. You can’t get her to spill anything until she’s
ready. We just need to let her know we are here when she’s ready.”
Hazel and Sienna nodded in agreement while the guys looked on with curious expressions before Alessandro cleared his
“Lunch? Where are we thinking of going?”
“I know the perfect place!” Valentina spoke for the first time since we got in the SUV.
She navigated, telling her nephew where to go and before I knew it we pulled up to this amazing place filled with a bunch
of food trucks.
Tacos, pizza, Thai, Greek… and that was just the trucks I could see close to me. It wasn’t a big place but there were so
many brightly colored trucks packed together with tons of people milling around getting food and chatting. This was going to be
“Oh this is awesome!” Sienna bounced in her seat as Hazel pushed Emiliano out of the way to climb over him to get out
We spilled out, all of us going different directions as the betas tried to track all of us and failed miserably. No one gets
between an omega and a full stomach. Not to mention Hazel who I know had slipped out back to take a few hits after her tattoo
was finished.
“What’re you thinking of getting?” Romeo asked as he wrapped an arm around my waist.
“I’m still looking—” I started to say, then I spotted a small red truck with a bowl of ramen on the side. “Ramen!”
I walked up, ignoring everything else as the idea of a giant bowl of ramen took over my mind. The man at the window
smiled as we came up.
“What can I get for you today?”
“Sesame Mazemen with beef and some kimchi on the side please!” I ordered with a smile.
“Got it. And for you?” he directed that question at Romeo.
“Miso ramen with pork belly,” he said easily as he held out his card, ignoring my protests that I could pay.
“Babe, this has officially become an odd weird group, family-date thing… something I never thought I’d say but it
somehow fits this crazy group. I’m paying,” he said calmly then pressed a quick kiss to my lips.
“We’ll call out the order when it’s ready,” the truck worker grinned at us. “It should only take a few minutes.”
We moved aside so he could help the people behind us. Romeo guided me to a big, wooden picnic table that was large
enough for all of us to sit down at. The others were all still in line or waiting for their food. I noticed Romeo wave to some of
the others and pointed at the table, the twins nodding to show they saw him before focusing on the three omegas they were
trying to wrangle.
“Thank you. For today,” I blurted out, hating the blush I could feel heating my cheeks. “It’s been perfect.”
“It has been,” Romeo kissed my temple. “Though, I can think of something to make it even better.”
“What would that be?” I asked coyly, making a show of looking shocked. “Tattoos and food… what more could you want?”
“To fuck you until the only thing you crave is my cock filling you up?” Romeo asked with a deadpan expression and I
choked on air.
“You asked,” he kept his expression blank but his eyes were bright with laughter.
“I swear you’re all the same,” I rolled my eyes at his shenanigans but couldn’t fully suppress the smile tugging my lips
“There is one other place I’d love to take you, but they aren’t open during the day, so I’d have to plan it.”
“Where?” I asked, trying to figure out what was only open at night.
“Do you like scary movies?” he asked, his voice going up slightly with hope.
I eyed him attempting to figure out what the right answer was. Horror movies and I didn’t get along.
At all.
Creepy dolls attacking people? Terrifying as fuck. Nuns killing people? No fucking thank you. But when he gave me those
puppy-dog eyes I found myself telling him I loved them.
What the hell is wrong with me?
“We will have to plan a date night, just the two of us, and I’ll take you to my favorite theater! They have an awesome
vintage horror night every month. We can work out the details with Loki so it doesn’t mess with your work schedule.”
“That sounds great,” I told him with a brave smile as our order was called out.
He got up to grab them as Hazel and Sienna sat down by me. Emiliano and Alessandro were still with Valentina on the
other side of the food truck place.
“What’s wrong?” Sienna asked as soon as she saw my face.
“Romeo asked if I loved horror movies and I told him yes because he looked so damn hopeful,” I summarized in a rushed
Hazel and Sienna blinked at me before bursting out into laughter at my expense. Hazel shook her head as she popped a fry
into her mouth.
“You’re going to be miserable. Ah, young love,” she teased.
They let the conversation drop as Romeo came back to the table with a spring in his step. He was a bit distracted as he
passed over my bowl. The poor guy was likely planning a future of horror films and spooky dates and here I was terrified of
the thought already.
“Oh, shit, we need drinks,” Hazel said, frowning around the table since not one of us had thought about it.
“We’ve got it,” Romeo said, gesturing for the twins to join him. When they were gone, my besties picked the conversation
right back up.
“What are you going to do?” Sienna asked.
“Go,” I said with a shrug. “This secret is going to the grave and don’t you dare spill it.”
“He’s going to notice that you’re hiding behind your hands,” Hazel pointed out. “Remember that one Halloween we tried to
flood you with them so you wouldn’t be scared anymore?”
“Oh my god, shut up,” I begged her but Sienna was already cracking up.
“Yes, she hid behind the couch and wouldn’t peek out at all. She had a whole blanket cloak to hide inside,” she tacked on.
“That was after she threw the popcorn at one of the lamest jump-scares in the franchise,” Hazel snorted at the memory and
gave me a look. “He’s going to know.”
“I hate you both,” I whined as I went back to my ramen and tried to ignore their teasing comments. They were right, though.
It had ‘disaster’ written all over it.
“We could try a practice round,” Sienna said. “Find out what’ll be playing that night and we could watch it beforehand.”
“That could work,” Hazel said, tapping her chin as she thought it over.
“No,” I sighed. “He’ll realize and be disappointed. I’m a big girl, I can handle it. Maybe I’ll like it.”
“Okay,” Hazel laughed. “Your funeral.”
“God, please don’t have a heart attack. Talk about a mood killer,” Sienna joked before nodding toward the guys that were
heading our way.
“Why do I feel like they plot nefarious things while we’re away,” Romeo joked as he sat down. That was enough to set my
besties off into another round of laughter while I fought a smile of my own.
“Don’t worry, you’re safe with us,” I told him. “We only plot murder to those who fuck with us.”
“Exactly,” Hazel said matter-of-fact. We clicked our drinks together before diving back into our food. The conversation
stayed a whole lot lighter but I couldn’t stop the feeling of dread settling in my stomach.
I was definitely going to make a fool of myself.



pending the day away from the compound then working right after had almost made me forget the big conversations I had
been avoiding. But needless to say that one alpha in particular had no problem remembering.
After not being at the bar last night I had almost wondered if he had left with his chapter but I shouldn’t have doubted
my mate.
Damien was stalking toward me like he was a man on a mission. My breath caught at the way the light hit him. He looked
like an avenging angel. His skin was glowing, eyes sparking with heat and something else I couldn’t read, and his full attention
was on me.
He was an alpha through and through.
“Come with me.”
It wasn’t a request but I didn’t protest as he grabbed my hand and led me away from the door I’d just walked out of. I’d
worked late last night so was just getting up for my day and getting some fresh air. Instead of sleeping with Loki and Bane I’d
opted to sleep alone, getting all of my thoughts together with all the changes that had hit so fast. Thankfully, they had
“Sure, of course, good morning to you, too,” I muttered as he tugged me along. He gave me an amused look but didn’t
comment on my grumbling.
“Here,” he said, gesturing to one of the outer buildings. I raised an eyebrow and looked at it. As far as I knew it was some
random storage. A garage separated it from Bane and Loki’s place and I shrugged before looking back.
“It’s, uh… just a storage building.”
“For now,” he huffed, tugging open the door and flicking on the lights.
It was empty now and the scent of paint hit me. The floor was littered in drywall dust and debris but there were stacks of
flooring to the side, ready to be laid down.
“What’s this going to be?” I questioned as I looked around at the fresh walls.
“Our place. Well, my place. I’m not living with your new boyfriends and it’s just a few doors down, so you won’t ever be
far,” he said pointedly. He ran a hand through his dark curly hair, an air of uncertainty surrounding him. I could see hints of my
Damien in the man who stood in front of me, Viper, but there were also changes. A hint of coldness and scowl lines on his face.
I wonder what kind of changes he saw when he looked at me.
“Damien,” I started, my voice trailing off as I tried to put everything in words. It was time I didn’t just apologize but took
accountability. This was on me.“I really am sorry. I was selfish and scared so I did what I naively thought would be the least
painful. Clearly, it was the wrong choice. I should have just talked to you and faced my fertility issues but I hadn’t yet.”
“Have you now?” he questioned, his voice rough with pain. Pain that I had caused. I swallowed hard as I met his eyes. My
chest ached at the hurt radiating from them.
“Yes, I’m starting to,” I whispered into the silence that followed his question. After leaving it was all I could think about.
There was always this stigma that omegas had to have children, that we were expected to. That no one would want us
But lately, the thought of having a baby had my lips twisting into a grimace. I liked my life and for once, I was ready to live
it for me. Having a baby would mean I’d be right back in that caretaking role that I’d hid behind for far too long.
Right now I wanted to just live my life.
That and I didn’t want to share my men. They were mine and the thought of kids coming in between that, of living on this
compound, was less than ideal.
Call me selfish but I was starting to come to terms with it.
I’d have babies in my life. I could be the fun aunt, the one who spoils and sends them back home with their parents.
Maybe one day we’d all change our minds and want more, and we could face our options then. Until then, I was content
with my choice.
“It’s taken me a long time but lately… Lately, my life has really made me realize that I don’t know if I ever want kids. I
know we talked about—”
“I’ve only ever wanted you, Eliza,” he cut me off softly. “Don’t take that away from me again. The rest will fall into
“I won’t,” I said quietly, the tears burning in my eyes. “I’m s—”
He cut me off by pressing a firm finger to my lips. I stared at him wide-eyed, surprised by the movement.
“Don’t apologize again. We’ll never move past this if we’re constantly dwelling on it. It fucking hurt and yes, I was mad.
But we’ll be okay.”
Man I fucking needed to hear that.
“We will?”
But hearing it and believing it were two different things. At that moment I didn’t think about Loki and Bane who had
embraced everything about me from the moment we met.
The only thing on my mind was the suave teen who hadn’t been too intimidated by my dad to ask me out. I remembered our
first kiss out at the scenic view on the outskirts of town and the first time we had sex in the back of his mom’s car.
It hadn’t been great, we’d been awkward and didn’t know what the fuck we were doing. But damn, it got so much better.
We got better.
He’d been my everything and now I was staring up at an almost stranger who looked like an old home.
As if he could read my mind he stepped into my space. Every movement was so slow, like he thought anything too fast
would send me running again. Damien cupped my face, calluses rough on my cheek, wiping at tears I didn’t realize were
slipping down my cheeks. Gin and cypress filled my senses as he leaned down and brushed his lips against mine.
I kissed him back as a small sob escaped me. He held my face firmly as I wrapped my arms hesitantly around his waist.
This scenario had happened in my mind so many times over the years but never like this. Screaming, yelling— that’s what I had
pictured as my homecoming. Not the alpha that had accepted three new boyfriends without too many protests.
Pure male satisfaction filled his expression when I tried to continue the kiss as he pulled back from me. Hazel eyes burned
into me as he asked me if this is what I wanted.
“If you try to run again, Eliza, I won’t be responsible for my actions,” he rasped, hands sliding down to my shoulders and
squeezing tightly. “This is more than us being together again.”
“I know,” I replied, shoving away sudden concerns about Loki and Bane to the side. I’d talk with them soon. They deserve
that. “The only time I’ll run now is to make sure to keep you all on your toes.”
“You little minx,” he growled, but there was a hint of laughter as he tugged at my shirt. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”
“So are you,” I countered and then with all the coordination of our old teenage selves we undressed each other.
Tripping over the supplies scattered throughout the space and laughing we ended up against the far wall. He pinned me to
the cool wall, holding me up as if I was as light as a feather and thrusting into me hard enough that I knew I’d feel him for days.
Holy shit.
His cock was bigger than I remembered. And now he had an entire fucking Jacob’s ladder that hit every spot inside of me
with every stroke. My slick would have made it easy for him to pound into me but my alpha had other ideas. Instead of speed
he aimed for harder.
“Fuck, babe.”
“Damien,” I whimpered as he hit my cervix hard enough I saw stars.
“You feel like fucking heaven,” he praised me. Leaning his head down he captured one of my nipples in his mouth making
me cry out. My hands wrapped around his neck as my back arched, holding him to me.
But my strength was nothing compared to his and he easily broke free. With a quick movement he snatched my hands and
pinned them above my head.
“Begging already? We used to go for hours. I remember us going all night then sitting beside you in church. That good girl
filled to the brim with my cum as she sat there listening to the pastor.”
My entire body trembled, his knot thickened, stretching me impossibly wide.
“I’m blaming this on time apart, babe. Later, though, I’m going to worship every square inch of this body that’s mine.”
When he said ‘mine’ he slammed into me, grinding against me just right to stimulate my clit. Screaming his name I came and
with a few curses he followed me over soon after. His hips continued to rock, smirking as my body twitched with every
movement since I was overstimulated.
Heart racing I lifted my head, searching out another connection with my alpha. He obliged, kissing me so deeply I swore I
felt his cock thicken.
“Hope you don’t have any other plans for today,” he murmured between kisses. “I’m fucking you until I have nothing left.
When I pull out I want to see my cum flowing out of you so I can stuff it all back inside.”
“Big talk,” I taunted him, rolling my hips to meet his gentle strokes.
A rumbling growl filled my ears before he grabbed my ass and then, still connected, he walked us further into the room
toward a lone mattress on the floor that had a blanket and a single pillow on it.
“I’m a lot more than talk, Eliza. It’s time I remind you of that.”
I lost and found myself with Damien for hours. At one point, I thought I heard pounding on the door but my mate distracted
me, urging me to ride his cock to yet another orgasm. If anyone had been trying to get one of us they soon left.
My entire day had consisted of my old lover and as we finally broke apart I had no regrets. Unwilling to leave him, I curled
my body around his and tossed a leg across his to claim as much of him as possible. Damien didn’t complain, his fingers
constantly stroking my skin like he was trying to memorize me.
The fierceness of our connection hadn’t faded with time but it had changed. He had scars I’d never felt before and I had
new aspects of my life that he had to find his place in… Would Loki, Bane, and Romeo understand?


THE ECHOS of Eliza screaming out Damien’s name still rang in my ears as I rode to the outskirts of town. Bane was right behind
me, determined to join me after I had stalked toward my bike and told everyone I was going for a ride. Alone. Bane hadn’t
He was an asshole like that.
A good friend.
When I parked and got off the bike he followed suit.
“You going to tell me what’s going on in that head of yours?” Bane started.
I didn’t reply, instead wishing I had some kind of vice that would help my racing thoughts. Smoking. Drinking. Fuck
anything to give me something to do.
“Is it about Viper?”
“What do you think?” I shot back.
A distant engine caught my attention as Bane just raised his eyebrows at my outburst. I glanced over his shoulder to see a
stupid fucking purple car that I would recognize anywhere.
“What is he doing here?” I snarled.
“He’s here to help me with you,” Bane replied evenly, crossing his arms across his chest. “You want to throw a damn
tantrum, let your cousin witness it.”
Romeo parked his car and ambled over, his sharp gaze flicking between the two of us before settling on me.
“What’s going on?”
“Viper is staying,” Bane answered before I could. “Which Loki was good with until today.”
“They’ve been together all damn day! He needs to remember this is a pack. Not some solo omega, alpha bullshit.”
“And how would you, an alpha, react if Eliza had upped and left in the middle of the night without a word? They’ve been
apart for years, cousin,” Romeo countered with a soft but pointed tone. His blue eyes were intense as he met my glare, not an
inch of fear in him. “They have a history we will never have with her, that’s not going to change. But I think it’s unreasonable to
say that he doesn’t realize this is a pack situation now.”
“Viper claimed an old storage room on the compound,” Bane added, focusing on Romeo. My cousin tensed, emotions
flashing across his face so quickly I couldn’t read them. “You should, too.”
I nodded in agreement with Bane.
I was being crazy and possessive, but that didn’t mean that wasn’t how I felt. Eliza still hadn’t talked to me and Bane one-
on-one after Viper’s arrival.
“Maybe what we also need is a pack space,” Bane suggested. “We can all have our own spaces, Eliza, too, but I think we
need something that’s for all of us. That we create together.”
“We should talk to Eliza about it,” I said after a few moments of silence, mulling over the idea and seeing the importance of
it. “I just…”
“He’s another alpha,” Bane said softly. “You both get along but that doesn’t mean it won’t take time to adjust to each of you
being with her.”
At least we got along but I hadn’t expected this reaction to Eliza being with him as well. Hopefully, Eliza doesn’t care
about the possessive and jealous tendencies of alphas because the next time I see her, I don’t think I’ll be able to control
myself. Even if I had to claim her in front of every person at the compound I was going to remind her and Viper that she had
more than one alpha.
I couldn’t fucking wait.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
— Je ne suis pas un enfant, dit papa. Ce n’est pas toi qui te
seras renseigné, ce sera moi… Et d’ailleurs, je te garantis qu’ils n’en
sauront rien. Dis-moi seulement le nom…
— La maison Gaudron, de Caen. Elle a plus de cinquante ans
— C’est déjà une recommandation, dit papa… Voyons… il est
sept heures. Je saurai dans une demi-heure tout ce que j’ai besoin
de savoir. A condition, toutefois, que ces demoiselles du téléphone
veuillent bien y mettre de la complaisance…
— Louise, dit-il à la femme de chambre, demandez-moi
Gutenberg 22.64… Arthur, dit-il à Robert, est encore à son bureau.
Sa maison de banque est en relations avec tout ce qu’il y a
d’intéressant en Normandie.
— Papa est bien d’avis que je ne dois pas faire attendre mon
patron ?… J’ai un poste important dans la maison. Et j’ai dit que je
ne serais absent que deux jours…
— Ah non, dit maman, tu arrives ! Tu vas bien rester une semaine
avec nous. Tu n’as pas bonne mine, tu sais, mon garçon…
— Si on l’attend là-bas, dit papa, il ne faut pas plaisanter.
— D’ailleurs, je reviendrai dans très peu de jours. Caen n’est pas
au bout du monde.
Robert pensait : C’est vrai qu’il ne me sera pas impossible de
revenir de temps en temps passer quelques heures avec eux.
Papa fut appelé au téléphone… Il revint quelques minutes après.
— … Oui, la maison est sérieuse. Pas de premier ordre : on ne
dit cela que de trois ou quatre grandes banques. Mais enfin c’est
assez bon… on peut même dire : bon…
— Tu me conseilles toujours, papa, de partir demain ?
— C’est ridicule, dit maman.
— Il ne faut pas mécontenter son patron, dit papa.
— Alors, dit Robert, je prendrai le train de Cherbourg, qui est, je
crois, à 1 h. 30.
— Je reviendrai déjeuner avec vous, dit papa.
— C’est décidément plus sage de s’en aller, dit encore Robert…
Il était soulevé de bonheur. Il fut d’une gaieté folle pendant tout le
On déjeuna le lendemain avant midi. Papa partit ensuite avec
Robert. Il le quitta à la gare Saint-Lazare, car on l’attendait au
bureau. Et le train de la ligne de Cherbourg ne partait qu’une demi-
heure après.
Robert était installé dans son compartiment quand il aperçut tout
à coup, courant sur le quai, sa sœur Jenny… Elle tenait à la main un
— Voici une dépêche qui vient d’arriver pour toi ! dit Jenny tout
essoufflée. Nous avons pris sur nous, maman et moi, de l’ouvrir, et
je crois que nous avons bien fait. Je me suis procuré une auto et je
te réponds qu’elle a rudement marché pour venir directement à la
La dépêche disait :

Sommes obligés venir Paris. Vous attendons sans faute



— … Maman s’est rappelé que Gaudron, c’était le nom du

monsieur avec qui tu travaillais. J’ai bien fait de te l’apporter, n’est-ce
pas ?
— Tu es un ange, dit Robert à Jenny, qui ne se lassait pas de
recevoir des félicitations pour son initiative…
Puis il se hâta de reprendre sa valise et de descendre de ce
train, qui s’en alla tout de même à Lisieux, à Caen et à Cherbourg,
en emmenant des infortunés qui ne connaissaient pas Fabienne,
mais qui ignoraient leur malheur.
Robert avait quitté Jenny sur le seuil de la gare, après avoir
échangé de vagues propos de prochaine « revoyure », s’il restait à
Paris. « Mais il ne le croyait pas… » se hâta-t-il de dire, et il pensait
au contraire que son patron et lui repartiraient le soir même pour

— Monsieur Gaudron ? demanda Robert au portier de l’hôtel

— Ah ! monsieur Gaudron ? Oui… Il est arrivé de ce matin.
(Ernest était un habitué de l’hôtel.) Mais si je crois bien l’avoir vu
sortir tout à l’heure… C’est possible que madame soit là.
— Peut-elle me recevoir ?
Un coup de téléphone… Robert était ému beaucoup plus encore
qu’à la première entrée de Fabienne dans sa vie…
— Oui, monsieur, dit le portier…
Montée dans l’ascenseur, en compagnie d’un préposé au « lift »,
bien indifférent et bien insouciant sous sa haute casquette…
— Le 214, dit-il, c’est au bout du couloir.
Fabienne attendait, toute sévère et rigide. Robert lui donna force
explications mal ordonnées, répétant énergiquement cette
affirmation qu’il était dans le train de Caen quand la dépêche lui était
parvenue, que, par conséquent, il avait déjà renoncé, de son propre
mouvement, à ce projet de prolonger son séjour…
Le jugement d’acquittement ne fut pas rendu tout de suite. Il ne
faut pas croire que la justice suprême de l’Aimée aille aussi vite que
cela… Et même ce ne furent pas du tout les raisons et les
arguments du défenseur qui fléchirent le tribunal : le tribunal
pardonna simplement quand il en eut assez de bouder, et quand ce
fut son bon plaisir de pardonner.
Ils se regardaient maintenant avec attendrissement…
— Ernest ne va pas rentrer tout de suite ? demanda-t-il au bout
d’un instant.
Sans s’apercevoir du caractère tendancieux de la question, elle
alla jeter un coup d’œil dans la chambre à côté…
— Il a emporté son pardessus d’auto. C’est donc qu’il est allé à
Versailles, où il avait besoin de voir quelqu’un…
— Chérie ! implora Robert…
— Oh ! non, dit-elle, vous ne voudriez pas !
— Comment ? Je ne voudrais pas ?
— Non, non, cent fois non ! Nous allons aller nous promener tous
les deux. Ça m’amusera beaucoup d’être dans les rues de Paris
avec vous.
— Nous sortirons tout à l’heure. Mais tu vas m’embrasser. Tu
comprends… Je veux avoir l’esprit libre : si nous sortons tout de
suite, je ne serai pas à la conversation. Je t’écouterai parler avec
ravissement, sans entendre un mot de ce que tu dis. Et je ne
réponds pas, aussitôt la nuit tombée, de ma tenue dans les taxis.
Tout cela était assez difficilement réfutable, surtout pour une
personne qui n’apporte plus une grande énergie à la réfutation. Il la
prit dans ses bras. Elle avait dit cent fois non, et n’eut pas à dire une
seule fois oui.
Un moment après, il fallut retaper le lit, et lui donner un aspect
— Quoique, dit Fabienne, je puisse très bien m’y être étendue
après le déjeuner pour me reposer. Nous sommes partis ce matin, à
cinq heures.
Il s’assit sur un fauteuil pour la regarder s’habiller. Ah ! quelle
adorable femme !
Chez ses parents, il avait retrouvé, c’était entendu, le chez-lui de
son enfance. Mais son chez-lui de maintenant, c’était partout où était
Fabienne. Et décidément tous les meubles de cette chambre d’hôtel
étaient aussi sympathiques que le buffet de la salle à manger…
Avec Fabienne, nul besoin d’appeler des souvenirs à la
rescousse. Une joie vivante, actuelle, nouvelle, naissait
constamment de sa présence.
Il se leva, s’approcha d’elle et la prit tendrement dans ses bras.
— Petite Fabienne, tu es ma raison de vivre…
— C’est entendu. Mais nous allons sortir. Maintenant, tu es d’une
ardeur tout de même un peu moins vive que tout à l’heure. La
promenade sera charmante, car, comme tu dis, tu seras à la
conversation. Si nous ne sortons pas tout de suite, tu feras encore
des bêtises. Et, après cela, qu’arrivera-t-il ? C’est que tu seras
endormi et plus du tout à la conversation… Dépêchons-nous donc,
mon chéri : il faut que nous soyons rentrés à six heures. Ernest a
l’intention de nous emmener faire un bon dîner.
— Ernest… dit Robert. Je suis assez content de le revoir…
— Pas tant que lui de te revoir toi. Il trouvait le temps très long, tu
sais, après toi. Je ne sais pas s’il ne nous manquait pas un peu…
— Peut-être, dit Robert.
Il ajouta :
— Ah ! comme je suis content d’être ici !
— C’est que tu y tenais, dit-elle, à voir tes parents.
— C’est vrai, et j’ai eu un grand plaisir à les retrouver. Mais tu ne
peux t’imaginer ce que ce petit retour nécessaire a été une bonne
expérience pour moi ! Je te dis toute la vérité de mon cœur. J’ai été
heureux de les retrouver. J’ai même senti pour eux un amour que je
n’avais jamais éprouvé. C’était un amour conscient, au lieu de
l’amour filial inconscient de mon enfance. Et voilà pourquoi, vois-tu,
cela ne pouvait pas durer…
… Ces douces joies familiales, conclut-il, ont besoin d’être
inconscientes pour être longtemps supportées…




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