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Effect of adding different levels of lemon grass leaves (Cymbopogon citratus)

to the diet or its extract into drinking water on some blood parameters for
broiler chickens (Ross 308...

Article in Journal of Physics Conference Series · November 2020

DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1664/1/012114


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5 authors, including:

Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali

Al-Qasim Green University


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Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Effect of adding different levels of lemon grass leaves (Cymbopogon

citratus) to the diet or its extract into drinking water on some blood
parameters for broiler chickens (Ross 308)
To cite this article: Dheyaa Hmazah Yasir Al-Awadi and Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali Al-Nadawi 2020 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1664 012114

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1st International Virtual Conference on Pure Science IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1664 (2020) 012114 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1664/1/012114

Effect of adding different levels of lemon grass leaves (Cymbopogon citratus) to

the diet or its extract into drinking water on some blood parameters for broiler
chickens (Ross 308)

Dheyaa Hmazah Yasir Al-Awadi¹ , Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali Al-

Department of Animal Production,College of Agriculture, Al-Qasim
Green University, Iraq.
This experiment was conducted at the poultry farm of the college of Agriculture,
University of Al-Qasim Green for the period from 18/9/2019 to 23/10/2019. The study
was aimed to the effect of adding different levels of lemongrass leaves (Cymbopogon
citratus) to the diet or its extract to drinking water on some blood parameters for broiler
chickens (Ross 308). In the experiment, 225 unsexed broiler chicks (Ross), which
obtained from Al-Anwar hatchery, it the were randomly distributed on 15 pen, with 5
experimental treatments,45 birds for each treatment. Each treatment included three
replicates per 15 birds. The treatments of the experiment were as follows: First
treatment: control group free from any addition . The second treatment: a basic feed
added to 10 g of lemon grass / kg feed, the third treatment: a basic feed added with 20 g
of lemon grass / kg feed, The fourth treatment: adding 100 ml of the aqueous extract of
the lemongrass / liter of drinking water, and the fifth treatment: adding 200 ml of the
aqueous extract of the lemongrass liter of drinking water. The experiment included
studying the following characteristics: the number of red blood cells , the number of
white blood cells , the percentage of Haematocrit (%) , the concentration of
haemoglobin (%) , the percentage of lymphocytes (%) ,the percentage of Heterophil
cells (%) and the percentage of H / L cells. The results indicated register the third,
fourth and fifth treatment (adding 20 g / kg of feed leaves of lemon and 100 and 200 ml
/ liter of drinking water from the aqueous extract of the leaves of lemongrass) recorded
an increase in the number of red blood cells, the percentage of Haematocrit and the
concentration of haemoglobin at the 35 days age and in a significant ( p≤ 0.05)
compared to the first treatment (control). The treatment of adding lemongrass leaves,
either with feed or drinking water, showed a significant increase (p≤0.05) in the
numbers of white blood cells, the percentage of lymphocytes (%) and a decrease in the
percentage of Heterophil cells (%) and the percentage of H / L cells compared to the

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
1st International Virtual Conference on Pure Science IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1664 (2020) 012114 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1664/1/012114

first treatment (control). It is concluded from the present experiment that adding of the
lemon grass leaves or their aqueous extract to drinking water at levels of 20 g / kg
fodder, 100 ml of aqueous extract of lemon leaves and 200 ml of the aqueous extract of
lemon grass leaves to the diet can lead to improving some blood parameters for broiler
Keywords: lemon grass, blood parameters, broiler chickens.

Medicinal plants contain many active compounds with different effects and they are either present in the
plant or in the form of metabolic products and these materials are divided into either a toxic and deadly
type or beneficial and nutritious (Al-Ani, 2002). Herbs have been used in the treatment of health
problems that appear in poultry,these were used Medicinal and aromatic plants and their extracts for their
in improving health (Al-Shahat, 2000). Some plant extracts have a stimulating effect on the digestive
system of animals and poultry, as they improve the function of organs, especially the liver, and this leads
to an increase in digestive enzymes that increase the benefit from eating food and meeting the need of
thebody (Jamroz and Kamel, 2002). the feeds and natural additives are among the components that affect
improving growth as well as food conversion, so plants and medicinal herbs have been used in recent
years to feed animals (Hassan and Muhamad, 2007). Plant extracts have been used to treat many diseases,
especially animal respiratory diseases (Al-Shahat, 1986). and from this plant it is the Lemon grass, whose
scientific name is cymbogon citratus It is considered one of the medicinal plants wide use since ancient
times and it is an aromatic herb perennial with long and smooth leaves. It lives in hot countries such as
Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, India, Ceylon and East Africa (El-Degwy, 1996). Recent and ancient studies
have shown that this plant has many medicinal benefits for its high content of volatile oil, which contains
many compounds, especially the main compound Citral, which ranges between 65-90% and the
compound myosin 10-25% and neighbors 1-4%, as this plant is used as a disinfectant and analgesic for
headaches. And the treatment of rheumatism, as it is antihypertensive and is useful in treating ulcers and
colitis as well as cold and flu diseases (Al-Rawi and Jakerh, 1988). Inhibitor of the growth of
microorganisms and fungi (Al-Sadiq, 2006). It has also been used industrially for food preservation and
flavor addition (Tarab and Shawwa, 2000). With the increase in the global population of nearly seven
billion people, and expectations that this number will reach eight billion in 2020 and with an annual
increase of 93-95 million (Gore, 1993). What accompanied and will accompany this increase from the
diseases of the modern era and the danger resulting from the side effects of the chemical drugs used, all
these reasons were sufficient to go or advise people to go to nature in search of plants with a medical
effect in treating diseases and that most of the diseases that we suffer from find the solution In nature
more than in pharmacy, and that pharmacology is used in the broadest field of nature herbs for the
composition of drugs and medicines (Al-Mayah, 2001). Based on the above of the foregoing, and given
the great importance of the leaves of the lemon grass plant, the aim of the present study was to know the

1st International Virtual Conference on Pure Science IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1664 (2020) 012114 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1664/1/012114

nutritional value of the powder of the lemon grass plant their use and determination of the best
proportions added to the diet or to drinking water that can be used in poultry diets and its impact on
blood parameters, which we can recommend.

2. Materials and Methods

This experiment was conducted at the poultry farm of the college of Agriculture, University of Al-Qasim
Green for the period from 18/9/2019 to 23/10/2019. The study was aimed to the effect of adding different
levels of lemongrass leaves (Cymbopogon citratus) to the diet or its extract to drinking water to on some
blood parameters for broiler chickens (Ross 308). In the experiment, 225 unsexed broiler chicks (Ross),
which obtained from Al-Anwar hatchery, it the were randomly distributed on 15 pen, with 5 experimental
treatments,45 birds for each treatment. Each treatment included three replicates per 15 birds. The
treatments of the experiment were as follows: First treatment: control group free from any addition . The
second treatment: a basic feed added to 10 g of lemon grass / kg feed, the third treatment: a basic feed
added with 20 g of lemon grass / kg feed, The fourth treatment: adding 100 ml of the aqueous extract of
the lemongrass / liter of drinking water, and the fifth treatment: adding 200 ml of the aqueous extract of
the lemongrass / liter of drinking water. The experiment included the study of the following traits: red
blood cell count, white blood cell count, percentage of Haematocrit (%), Hemoglobin concentration,
percentage of the heterophile cells (%), percentage of lymphocyte cells (%) and H/L ratio. where blood
was collected at the age of 35 days from six birds (3 males) and (3 females) randomly, blood was was
collected by cutting the jugular vein where tubes were used contain anticoagulant (potassium EDTA) to
prevent blood clotting. Haematocrit was calculated using special capillary tubes containing an
anticoagulant according to the method indicated by (Archer, 1965). Hemoglobin concentration was
estimated according to the method indicated by (Campbell, 1995). The red and white blood cell counts
were estimated according to the method indicated by (Natt and Herrick, 1952). The
heterophil/lymphocyte ratio was estimated using glass slides where a drop of blood was placed on the
glass slide and spread very carefully with another glass slide placed above the blood drop and pulled over
the first slide at an without being pressed firmly and left to dry at a rate of 10 min. Thereafter, the slices

are stained with a mixture of Gamsa stain dyes according to The counting is done using an optical

microscope under a magnification power (1000) by placing an oil drop on the slide according to the
method of (Burton and Guion, 1968). The Completely Randomized Design was used to study the effect
of different treatments on the studied traits, the significant differences between the averages were
compared using Duncan's Multiple Range Test (Duncan, 1955) and the SAS (SAS, 2012) was used to
analyze the data.

1st International Virtual Conference on Pure Science IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1664 (2020) 012114 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1664/1/012114

Table 1: Percentage of Feed materials Included in the composition of the initial diet and final
diet used in the experiment with the calculated chemical composition for both diets.
Feed material Initiator diet (1-21) % Final diet (22-35 day) %
yellow corn 2.84 7.85
Local wheat . 587
Soybean meal (44% protein) 4.87 4.87
Concentrated Protein* 0. 0.
Vegetable oil (sunflower) 2 487
limestone 0 .87
Food salt .80 .80
Total %0.. %0..
The Calculated Chemical Analysis **
Metabolized Energy (kcal/kg) 0.598.7 00.483
Crude protein (%) 40873 0.8.5
Lysine (%) 08.2 .8.7
Methionine + Cysteine (%) .8277 .824
Raw fiber (%) 0872 084
Calcium (%) 084. 08.5
Phosphorus availability (%) .824 .820

*Concentrated protein (Belgian origion), each kilogram contains: 2200 kcal/kg metabolized energy, 40%
crude protein, 8% fat, 3.5% fiber, 25% ash, 8% calcium, 3.1 phosphorus availability, 1.2% lysine,
1.2% Methionine, 1.8% Methionine + 70 mg, 30 mg Vitamin B1, 300 mg Vitamin E, 2500 IU D3,
Cysteine A, 2% Chlorine, 10,000 IU 12 mg Folic Acid, 250 mg B12, B 120 mg Pantothenic acid, 400
mg niacin, 50 mg vitamin B2, 5000 mg Choline chloride, 450 mg iron, 70 mg copper, 600 mg, C 600
mcg biotin, 1000 mg special vitamin, 750 manganese , 5 mg iodine, 1 g cobalt and antioxidants.
** chemical composition was calculated according to analysis of feed materials mentioned in (NRC,
Table (2) The effect of adding different levels of lemongrass leaves (Cymbopogon citratus)to the diet or
its extract into drinking water on the red blood cell count, white blood cell count, percentage of
Haematocrit (%), Hemoglobin concentration, percentage of the heterophile cells (%), percentage of
lymphocyte cells (%) and H/L ratio for broiler chickens at age of 35 days. . Where observed presence
significant difference between the treatments of the experiment in the red blood cells counts, where the
third , fourth and fifth treatment recorded the highest counts of cells and with a significant difference
(P≤0.05), which amounted to (3.04 , 0809,080. , blood), respectively. While the first treatment

recorded the lowest count of red blood cells amounted to (2.43×, As for the second treatment,

there were no significant differences between them and the first treatment on the one hand, and between
the third, fourth and fifth Treatments on the other hand, which were recorded (2.81 x . As for
the Haematocrit trait (%) and hemoglobin concentration (gm / 100 ml blood), the third, fourth and fifth
coefficients recorded the highest percentage (29.66, 30.66 and 31.00%), respectively, and the highest
concentration was (9.88, 10.22 and 10.33 gm / 100 ml) respectively and with a significant difference
(P≤0.05) from the first treatment, which recorded the lowest percentage of hematocrit and hemoglobin

1st International Virtual Conference on Pure Science IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1664 (2020) 012114 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1664/1/012114

concentration (26.33% and 8.77 gm / 100 ml blood), respectively. As for the number of white blood cells
(310 / mm3 blood), the same table indicates the record of the third, fourth and fifth treatment, the highest
number of white blood cells, with a significant difference (P≤0.05) from the first treatment (30.33, 31.33
and 30.33 × blood) Respectively, Followed by the second treatment, which recorded the
number of white blood cells, (029.0 x 10 3 / blood). While the first treatment recorded the
highest percentage of heterophile cells (32.76%), and a significant difference (P≤0.05) from the rest of
the experiment treatments. While the second, third, fourth and fifth Treatments recorded the highest
percentage of lymphocytes (73.61, 72.79, 74.61 and 76.61%), respectively and with a significant
difference( P≤0.05) from the first treatment, which recorded the lowest percentage of lymphocytes and
reached (64.19%),. As for the Heterophile/lymphocytes ratio (H/L), the first treatment (control) recorded
the highest percentage amounted to (0.50%) and with significant difference (P≤0.05) than the treatments
(second, third, fourth) which recorded the following values (0.35, 0.32, 0.32and 0.35%), respectively.

Table 2: effect of adding different levels of lemongrass leaves (Cymbopogon citratus)to the diet or its extract into
drinking water on the red blood cell count, white blood cell count, percentage of Haematocrit (%), Hemoglobin
concentration, percentage of the heterophile cells (%), percentage of lymphocyte cells (%) and H/L ratio for broiler
chickens at age of 35 days.
The studied traits
Red blood White
Hemoglobin Percentage
cell count blood cell Percentage
Treatments Haematocrit concentration of the
(× count(× oflymphocyte H/L ratio
(%) (g/100 heterophile cells (%)
blood) cells (%)
blood) blood)
1.44±2.43 0.66±26.33 0.22±8.77 5.77±28.00 0.86±32.76 0.94±64.19 0.01±0.50
First b b b c a b a

5.81±2.81 0±29.00 0.00±9.66 5.77±29.00 1.75±26.06 1.29±73.61 0.02±0.35

ab ab ab bc b a b

Third 1.52±3.04 0.88±29.66 0.29±9.88 3.33±30.33 0.94±23.59 1.04±72.79 0.01±0.32

treatment a a a ab b a b
1.16±3.19 1.45±30.66 0.48±10.22 6.66±31.33 0.43±24.20 1.18±74.61 0.01±0.32
a a a a b a b

1.55±3.10 0.57±31.00 0.19±10.33 8.81±30.33 1.47±23.46 2.47±76.61 0.01±0.30

a a a ab b a b

Significant * * * *
* * *
First treatment: control group free from any addition . The second treatment: a basic feed added to 10 g of lemon grass / kg feed, the third treatment:
a basic feed added with 20 g of lemon grass / kg feed, The fourth treatment: adding 100 ml of the aqueous extract of the lemongrass / liter of
drinking water, and the fifth treatment: adding 200 ml of the aqueous extract of the lemongrass liter of drinking water.

1st International Virtual Conference on Pure Science IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1664 (2020) 012114 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1664/1/012114

Table (2) The significant increase in the number of red blood cells is due to in the Treatments of lemon
grass leaves (third, fourth and fifth) To the Catalyst effect of lemon grass on the primary factor for the
manufacture of red blood cells in the bone marrow is Erythropoetic factors (Singh,et al., 2008). Added to
this is the ability of lemon grass to promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients (Shah et al., 2011).
Or it may be because it is rich in iron and copper (Majewska et al., 2019). As iron is one of the important
factors that go into the process of forming red blood cells. As for copper, it increases iron absorption
from The digestive tract and release iron from its Stock in the Rticuloendthelial system,Hence the Bio-
manufacturing of red blood cells (Chauvel, 2002). Accordingly, the increase in the red blood cell counts
will be reflected in the increase in the percentage of Packed Cell Volume (PCV)and as shown in Table
(2), where the factors that affect red blood cells affect the percentage of Haematocrit and hemoglobin (Al-
Hassani, 2000). increasing the number white blood cells and lymphocytes in the Treatments of lemon
grass may be a positive indication of a low inflammatory response, as is an important factor in
stimulating the immune system and increasing its immune response (Toungos, 2019 ).The decrease in the
number of Heterophile cells relative to lymphocytes in lemon grass treatments It may be a result its active
and positive role in raising the body's immune response (Majewska et al, 2019). Several vital molecules
share this effect, including the receptor (FC receptor), as it is one of the proteins found on the surface of
some types of white blood cells and contributes to the protective function the immune system during its
association with antibodies and attack germs and pathogens (Boross et al., 2008). The decrease in the H/L
cells in the lemon grass treatments gives a good impression of bird health. Al-Darraji,(1995). mentioned
that the H/L ratio is the best measure for detecting the general condition of birds and the level of stress
they are exposed to.

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