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CBSE Class 3 English IEO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set R

Refer to CBSE Class 3 English IEO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set R provided below. CBSE Class 3 English MCQs with answers available in Pdf for free
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as per the latest syllabus, CBSE books and examination pattern suggested in Class 3 by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for IEO Olympiad
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MCQ for Class 3 English IEO Olympiad

Class 3 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for IEO Olympiad in Class 3. These MCQ questions with answers for
Class 3 English will come in exams and help you to score good marks

IEO Olympiad MCQ Questions Class 3 English with Answers



_________ sun is hottest in the afternoon.
A. A
B. The
C. An
D. Some

1. I left my textbook _________ the chair.

A. at
B. on
C. up
D. in
Answer : B

2. _________ cats in _________ yard keep away the mice.

A. The, the
B. A, no article
C. The, an
D. No article, no article
Answer : A

3. We went to the park _________ it was sunny.

A. so
B. too
C. because
D. even
Answer : C

4. Jay’s new computer _________ updated since he got it.

A. hasn’t been
B. isn’t
C. wasn’t
D. wasn’t being
Answer : A

5. I _________ at school all day on Sunday for extra training.

A. am being
B. am
C. was
D. have been
Answer : C
6. Look at the clouds; it _________ to rain again.
A. been
B. will
C. was
D. is going
Answer : D

7. Is there _________ flour for bread in the cupboard?

A. a few
B. any
C. lots
D. many
Answer : B

8. I feel so _________ after studying all day.

A. tired
B. tiring
C. tire
D. tires
Answer : A

9. We _________ managed to solve the maths problem and hand it in.

A. quick
B. quicker
C. quickest
D. quickly
Answer : D


10. After a long walk we stopping by a river for a rest.

A. After a long
B. walk we stopping
C. by a river
D. for a rest.
Answer : B

11. Sometime we all go out to watch a movie in the cinema.

A. Sometime we all
B. go out to
C. watch a movie
D. in the cinema.
Answer : A


12. Choose the correct spelling of the word that is something you can eat.
A. Avacado
B. Avocado
C. Avocodo
D. Avacada
Answer : B

13. Choose the correct spelling of the vegetable.

A. Courggete
B. Courjett
C. Coorjet
D. Courgette
Answer : D


A. Lead
B. Honour
C. Landing
D. Block
Answer : A


A. Show
B. Love
C. Play
D. Drive
Answer : A



Rolf, Ernst and Johan were three brothers who lived by a large lake. It was full of fish. Their grandfather had taught them how to fish for their supper. They often
went fishing and brought back many fish to cook.
Rolf was the best fisherman. He would always catch more fish than his brothers and he always got one before the others. Ernst was the best at cooking the fish.
He always knew exactly when to take them off the fire. Johan was the best at eating the fish. He could probably eat more fish than both of his brothers put
together, and still have room for more.
One day, the three brothers went to the lake in their boat. It was a small wooden rowing boat. They took it in turns to row to the middle of the lake. When they got
to the centre they started fishing. Soon Rolf felt a fish bite the end of his fishing line. He started to try to get the fish out of the water. The fish was strong and
pulled hard at the other end of the line. Then, suddenly, the line snapped. That was the first and only day that Rolf caught fewer fish than his brothers.

What was the relationship between Rolf and Johan?
A. Brothers
B. Sisters
C. Cousins
D. Uncles

16. Who taught the boys to fish?

A. Their brother
B. Their uncle
C. Their grandfather
D. Their father
Answer : C

17. What did Johan do best?

A. Talking about fishing
B. Eating the fish
C. Swimming in the water
D. Catching the fish
Answer : B

18. How did they get to the middle of the lake?

A. They swam and found a boat.
B. Johan bought a motor.
C. By sharing the rowing.
D. Jumping into their neighbour’s boat.
Answer : C

19. Who caught the first fish on the day of the story?
A. Rolf
B. Johan
C. Ernst
D. Grandfather
Answer : A

20. How many fish did Er nst and Johan catch on the day of the story?
A. More than Rolf
B. None at all
C. One fish each
D. One between them
Answer : A


Cornelia did not want to go to school. She wanted to stay at home and play with her new puppy. The puppy was so sweet and liked to cuddle and play. Cornelia
thought that the puppy would be sad if she went to school and left it all alone.
Cornelia’s mother said she had to go to school. She also said that learning is very important, and that Cornelia would be in trouble if she missed lessons.
Cornelia did not understand why she could not stay at home and learn with the puppy instead. She asked her mother many times if she could stay at home, but
her mother said she had to go to school. So, although she was not happy about it, she went to school.
That day in class, Cornelia’s teacher told her class all about dogs and puppies and how to look after them. When she got home the puppy was very pleased to see
her and wagged its tail. Cornelia used the information she learnt at school to decide what to feed the puppy. From then on, she made sure it had a balanced diet
and was healthy. She and the puppy were very pleased that she had gone to school.

21. Why didn’t Cornelia want to go to school?

A. It was the weekend.
B. Because she was unwell.
C. To play with her puppy.
D. Her parents were away
Answer : C

22. What did Cornelia think would happen to the puppy when she went to school?
A. It would run away.
B. It would be sad.
C. It would forget her.
D. It would eat all her books.
Answer : B

23. What did they talk about in class?

A. Gossip
B. Cricket
C. Maths
D. Dogs
Answer : D

24. The puppy _________ its tail when it saw Cornelia.

A. licked
B. chased
C. wagged
D. chewed
Answer : C

25. What is the meaning of the word ‘balanced’ in the third paragraph?
A. Sensible
B. Vegetarian
C. Meat only
D. Biscuit only
Answer : A



Roy: What _________ does our class start?
Kusum: It starts at 8:30.
A. day
B. time
C. hour
D. moment

26. Amit: Best of Luck. I am looking forward to _________ you next week.
Jane: Thanks, me too. I should arrive by lunchtime on Wednesday.
A. seeing
B. see
C. have seen
D. saw
Answer : A

27. Sam: When we got home last night, the cats _________ wild in the garden.
Paul : Oh dear, did they come inside eventually?
A. run
B. did run
C. were running
D. will be running
Answer : C

28. Mother: Can you _________ me the water, please?

Son: Sure, mum, here it is.
A. gather
B. lend
C. hand
D. glass
Answer : C

29. Kalish: I saw the new blockbuster at the weekend.

Anne: Really, I heard it was _________. Did you enjoy it?
A. terrify
B. terrified
C. terrifying
D. terrifyingly
Answer : C

30. Bob: What’s the big _________ with this new TV? The picture is so poor.
Les: I don’t know but I agree that it’s bad.
A. price
B. deal
C. happening
D. zone
Answer : B



31. The band _________ for 2 hours. Should they take a rest?
A. was play
B. be playing
C. have played
D. has been played
Answer : C

32. When _________ earth will this program end? It’s so boring!
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. up
Answer : B

33. The number one spot is where we _________ to be next year.

A. ought
B. can
C. wanting
D. could
Answer : A

34. Choose the antonym of injure.A. Batter

B. Create
C. Heal
D. Remind
Answer : C


Adam: _________ to school was tough today, wasn’t it?
Steve: Yup, it really is hot this summer.
A. I got
B. Have got
C. Getting
D. Did get
Answer : C

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