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CBSE Class 3 English IEO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set N

Refer to CBSE Class 3 English IEO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set N provided below. CBSE Class 3 English MCQs with answers available in Pdf for free
download. The MCQ Questions for Class 3 English with answers ( have been prepared
as per the latest syllabus, CBSE books and examination pattern suggested in Class 3 by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for IEO Olympiad
are an important part of exams for Class 3 English and if practiced properly can help you to get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class
3 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 3 English IEO Olympiad

Class 3 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for IEO Olympiad in Class 3. These MCQ questions with answers for
Class 3 English will come in exams and help you to score good marks

IEO Olympiad MCQ Questions Class 3 English with Answers


FOR QUESTIONS 1 TO 13, choose the correct option to fill IN the blanks.

sun rises in the east.
A. An
B. A
C. The

1. Wait! I play with you.

A. am
B. have
C. will
Answer : C

2. My mother teaches in university.

A. an
B. a
C. the
Answer : B

3. The train at 6 pm daily.

A. arrive
B. arrives
C. arriving
Answer : B

4. All the children present today.

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A. was
B. are
C. will
Answer : B

5. My sister me next week.

A. calls
B. called
C. will call
Answer : C

6. Sammy well.

A. sings
B. sing
C. sung
Answer : A

7. My brother always has pizza _________ Sundays.

A. at
B. on
C. in
Answer : B

8. Please turn off light.

A. a
B. an
C. the
Answer : C

9. Elephants a lot of water.

A. drinking
B. drinks
C. drink
Answer : C

10. Mary live with her parents?

A. Do
B. Is
C. Does
Answer : C

11. You speak Spanish well.

A. little
B. very
C. always
Answer : B

12. Ron in Australia next week.

A. will be
B. was
C. is
Answer : A

13. My uncle is young but he’s bald.

A. quite
B. too
C. much
Answer : A

FOR QUESTIONS 14 and 15, choose the words which mean same as the underlined words.
I am sleeping.
A. resting
B. walking
C. waking up

14. Please do not walk on the lawn.

A. grass
B. road
C. path
Answer : A

15. My dog is a faithful friend.

A. cold
B. careless
C. loyal
Answer : C

FOR QUESTIONS 16 and 17, choose the words which are opposite of the underlined words.

The painting is beautiful.
A. ugly
B. attractive
C. pretty

16. The baby was very playful.

A. serious
B. horrible
C. funny
Answer : A

17. Sheenu acted boldly.

A. freely
B. meekly
C. carefully
Answer : B



Cheeku the rabbit and his wife were crossing an apple orchard. On seeing the ripe and juicy apples, his wife wanted to have some. Cheeku had heard stories of
such orchards being guarded by wolves. He was not willing to go deep inside the orchard for anything or anyone. He refused, but his wife wanted to have the
apples desperately. Therefore, he had to bow to his wife’s wishes. As soon as he entered the orchard, his heart started pounding loudly. He was scared but
determined to carry out his wife’s request. He climbed the nearest tree and started plucking apples. Suddenly, he saw an angry wolf run towards the tree. He had
big, sharp fangs and scary red eyes. Without the wolf noticing, Cheeku plucked the apples and hid them in a drum lying next to the tree. Unable to find anything
with Cheeku, the wolf thought that the rabbit had not caused any harm to the fruits and that there was another animal around. On sniffing around the drum, the
wolf could smell the fruits. He asked Cheeku, whether he had seen a monkey hiding with some fruits in the drum. Cheeku nodded silently. Trusting the rabbit, the
wolf jumped inside the drum. As soon as the wolf was inside, the clever rabbit put the lid on the drum and locked it with a twig. The wolf could not come out. He
suffocated. Thanks to Cheeku’s timely thinking, he and his wife enjoyed apples without fear.

Who were crossing the apple orchard?
A. Cheeku and his wife
B. Cheeku and a monkey
C. Cheeku and a wolf

18. What can be the most suitable title for this passage?
A. The Rabbit’s Wife
B. The Wolf
C. Cheeku and the Apple Orchard
Answer : C

19. What did Cheeku’s wife want?

A. She wanted to stay in the orchard.
B. She wanted to have some juicy apples.
C. She wanted to meet the wolf.
Answer : B

20. What did Cheeku do when he saw the wolf?

A. Cheeku hid the apples in a nearby drum.
B. Cheeku called his wife.
C. Cheeku ran away.
Answer : A

21. What does the word “twig” mean as used in the passage?
A. Attach
B. Clever
C. A small stick
Answer : C


I take care of plants.
I water them.
I clear away dead leaves.
I am A.
A. mechanic
B. gardener
C. plumber

22. I steer the wheel.

I pick and drop passengers.
I am helped by Mr Conductor.
I’m A.
A. captain
B. bus driver
C. pilot
Answer : B

23. I work with wood.

I use saw and nails.
I make couches and cabinets.
I’m A.
A. shopkeeper
B. cobbler
C. carpenter
Answer : C

24. I work on a ship.

I wear a uniform.
I don’t see land for many days.
I am A.
A. swimmer
B. diver
C. sailor
Answer : C



Reshma : What is the date ?
Kapil : It’s 26th July.
A. now
B. today
C. yesterday

25. Rohit : What’s your favourite sport?

Raman : I football.
A. see
B. like play
C. like
Answer : C

26. Reena : How’s your mother now?

Myra : She’s better, .
A. thanks
B. welcome
C. sorry
Answer : A

27. John : I have an English test tomorrow.

Mom : to check your spellings.
A. Don’t forget
B. Forget
C. Do forget
Answer : A

28. Tom : Is your sister coming too?

Sam :
A. Sure?
B. Yes, she is.
C. Oh no!
Answer : B

29. Joy : Where’s the school office?

Tim : Go and turn left.
A. before
B. straight
C. away
Answer : B
30. Sam : Can I tell you something, Mom?
Mom : a minute, please.
A. In
B. Later
C. Not
Answer : A



31. I wake up at 7 o’clock.

A. ever
B. always
C. everyday
Answer : B

32. A place for storing grains is called A.

A. cellar
B. granary
C. store
Answer : B

33. My pet dog ran the road.

A. at
B. along
C. by
Answer : B

34. Choose the word which means same as the given word.
A. Surprise
B. Courage
C. Large
Answer : C


Mom : When should I pick you up from your football match?
Rik : 4 o’clock.
A. Not before
B. On
C. A ny time
Answer : A

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IEO Olympiad MCQs English CBSE Class 3

All MCQs given above for Class 3 English have been made as per the latest syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. The students of Class 3 can
refer to the answers which have been also provided by our teachers for all MCQs of English so that you are able to solve the questions and then compare your
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IEO Olympiad CBSE Class 3 MCQs English

Regular MCQs practice helps to gain more practice in solving questions to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of IEO Olympiad concepts. MCQs play an
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CBSE MCQs English Class 3 IEO Olympiad

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