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CBSE Class 4 English Revision Assignment Set A

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 4 English Revision Assignment Set A. Get printable school Assignments for Class 4 English
( Class 4 students should practise questions and answers given here for All topics English in Class 4
which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 4 English
prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations

Assignment for Class 4 English All topics

Class 4 English students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for All topics in Class 4. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 4
English will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

All topics Class 4 English Assignment

Question. What is the predicate in the sentence?

She drank her whole glass of milk.
a) milk
b) She
c) drank her whole glass of milk.
Answer : C

Question. What is the subject in the sentence?

My sister ate my banana.
a) ate
b) My sister
c) ate my banana
Answer : B

Question. What is the plural of ‘church’?

a) Churchs
b) Churchies
c) Churches
Answer : C

Question. Identify the abstract noun in the following sentence:

Smoking is injurious to health.
a) Smoking
b) Health
c) Injurious
Answer : B

Question. My sister is going to join an MNC next week. In the above sentence sister is a ________ noun.
a) Proper
b) Common
c) Abstract
Answer : B

Question. Find the plural noun in the sentence. The boy and girl raced to the benches.
a) girl
b) boy
c) benches
Answer : C

Question. A gaggle of____ was swimming in the lake.

a) birds
a) geese
b) peacock
Answer : B

Question. The __________ of soldiers was weary after the long march.
a) troupe
b) troop
c) fleet
Answer : B

Question. Frame a question for the given answer.

This is Aparna’s bag.
a) Which bag is this?
b) What bag is this?
c) Whose bag is this?
Answer : C

Question. Words like crowd, army, fleet and swarm are called ______________.
a. Collective noun
b. Abstract noun
c. Material Noun
Answer : A

Question. What is the plural of sister- in -law?

a) sisters -in -laws
b) sister- in -laws
c) sisters- in- law
Answer : C

Question. What is the collective noun used for ‘pearls' .

a) group
b) pile
c) string
Answer : C

Question. Some animals clean themselves with their tongues. In this sentence ‘themselves’ is _____
a) Possessive pronoun
b) Reflexive pronoun
c) Personal pronoun
Answer : B

Question. My mother bought a bouquet of________.

a) Floors
b) Flowers
c) None
Answer : B

Question. Which word in the sentence is a PLURAL noun?

In the spring, the shepherd took his sheep up the hill to a large field.
a) shepherd
b) sheep
c) hill
Answer : B

Question. There is………sugar in the jar.

a) some
b) several
c) many
Answer : A

Question. Identify the kind of nouns of the underlined words.

Mary Kom is a boxer.
a) proper, proper
b) common, proper
c) proper, common
Answer : C

Question. State the collective noun and abstract noun in the sentence.
Our class is known for sincerity.
a) class, sincerity
b) class
c) sincerity
Answer : A

Question. Jane extended a hand of __ towards his new classmate.

a) friendly
b) friendship
c) friendliness
Answer : B

Question. Change the nouns in bold into plural.

The WOLF chased the OX.
a) wolfs, oxs
b) wolfes, oxes
c) wolves, oxen
Answer : C

Present Perfect Simple and Progressive

Fill in the correct form of the present perfect tense.

1. I'm so tired because I have been working so hard lately. (WORK)

2. The new midfielder has scored 5 goals so far this season, and we're only halfway through it. (SCORE)

3. There's no wine left I the fridge. I have drunken both bottles. (DRINK)

4. Jenifer is getting fatter and fatter all the time. She has probably been eating too much. (PROBABLY EAT)

5. I have just bought a new pair of shoes. How do you like them? (JUST BUY)

6. Have you finished reading the newspaper? Could you give it to me then? (YOU FINISH)

7. I'm writing a new novel at the moment. So far, I have only written the introduction. (ONLY WRITE)
8. Look at how she's sweating. She has probably been running for hours. (PROBABLY RUN)

9. How long have you been learning Russian? (YOU LEARN)

10. I am not surprised your eyes are hurting. You have been playing computer games ever since you got up. (PLAY)

11. My sister has been living with her roommate for 5 years. (LIVE)

12. Where is my new watch? I have been looking for it for hours and haven't found it yet. (LOOK, NOT FIND)

13. There's nothing on your exam paper. You started an hour ago. What have you been doing up to now? (YOU DO)

14. I have found a new job and I can start next Wednesday. (FIND)

15. I haven't seen Patricia since we were in kindergarten together. What has she been doing all these years? (NOT SEE, SHE DO)

16. I have changed all my passwords recently, but I forgot to write them down. (CHANGE)

17. I have already seen the new Schwarzenegger film. I don't want to go to the cinema again. (ALREADY SEE)

18. Dad hasn't danced since he was in high school. (DANCE)

Fill in the correct form of the present perfect tense.

1.I have just read an interesting article in the New York Times. (JUST READ)

2. Have you ever been bitten by a dog? – No, but a bee has stung me recently. (YOU EVER BITE, STING)

3. You haven't worked/ haven't been working hard enough. That's why you have made a few mistakes in the last few days. (NOT WORK, MAKE)

4. The Johnsons have been living in Park Street for over a decade. They have never thought about leaving. (LIVE, NEVER THINK)

5. We have learned a lot about climate change since I came here. (LEARN)

6. I have spent 3 great days with my new boyfriend. (SPEND)

7. Temperatures have been very moderate so far this month. (BE)

8. They have been living in San Francisco since they came to California three years ago. (LIVE)

9. Who has been looking after the children recently? (LOOK)

10. How long have you known each other? – Well, we met at a party a few months ago and have been dating since then. (YOU KNOW, DATE)

11. I haven't eaten anything since I had breakfast this morning. I'm starving! (NOT EAT)

12. We haven't had / haven't been having any difficulty with the software up to now. (NOT HAVE)

13. What have you been doing in the last half hour? – I have been cleaning the garage, but I haven't finished yet. (YOU DO, CLEAN, NOT FINISH)

14. He hasn't spoken to me for some time. I wonder what he's been up to. (NOT SPEAK, BE)

15. Our daughter has been studying in Los Angeles for two years. She loves it there. (STUDY)

16. The crowd has been cheering since the home team scored the first goal. (CHEER)

17. Have you ever performed in front of such a great audience? - No. I have been touring the country for over a week and I have never had such fantastic

18. I have been thinking about going abroad lately. Maybe I'll go to America for a gap year. (THINK)

Fill in the correct form of the Present Perfect tense!

1. The earth has been here for billions of years (be).

2. We have been playing cards for the last few hours (play).

3. We have been having / have had problems with our new car recently (have)

4. Have you been working on anything interesting lately ?(you work)

5. Cuba has been a socialist country since 1959 (be)

6. I have been taking care of my neighbour’s cats while they are away (take)
7. I have had my car for three years (have).

8. Has the boxer ever won an important fight? (the boxer , ever, win)

9. John and Mary have been quarrelling with each other since the day they got married (quarrel).

10. It has been raining hard since last night (rain).

11. I’m tired because I haven’t been feeling well lately. (not feel)

12. Have your parents always understood your problems? (your parents, always, understand)

13. The patient has been taking penicillin for several days now (take)

14. A big earthquake has not hit San Francisco since 1906. (not hit)

15. They have been living in San Francisco since they arrived in the USA 20 years ago. (live)

16. He got ill five weeks ago and has not recovered yet. (not recover)

17. Everyone in the Middle East has been worrying about the situation for decades (worry).

18. We have had/ have been having very cold weather this year (have)

19. Where have you hidden the money? (you, hide)

20. At last ,my favourite team has won against its most important rival (win)

21. I have been married for 6 years. (marry)

22. Dad has had a number of jobs in the last few years (have).

23. The bank is still closed. It hasn’t opened yet. (not open)

24. Our daughter has been wearing lipstick since she was 16 (wear).

25. She is angry because her boyfriend has not shown up yet and she has been waiting for half an hour. (not show, wait).

26. I’m still waiting for an answer. They haven’t made up their minds yet. (not make)

27. How many times has Kim fed the cat today? (Kim feed)

28. The kids have been getting on my nerves. They have been making too much noise (get, make).

29. My company has been making a lot of money in the last few years. They have been working hard on an important project. (make, work).

30. They haven’t delivered our new refrigerator yet, but they will any day now. ( not deliver)

Fill in the correct form of the verb given: Present Perfect Simple or Progressive

1. I have been working on redecorating the house for the last few days and I'm still not finished. (WORK)

2. She's forgotten his phone number, so she can't call him. (FORGET)

3. It has been raining all day. It seems as if it will never stop. (RAIN)

4. I have done a lot of work this morning, and it's only nine. (DO)

5. She has just finished the tasks her teacher provided her with. (JUST FINISH)

6. We have been studying for our exams since October. I hope we're well prepared for them. (STUDY)

7. You look so tired. What's happened? – I have been looking after the children the whole morning. They're really a nuisance. (LOOK)

8. We have seen this film before, so there's no need to watch it again. (SEE)

9. I have been waiting for you all morning. - Where have you been? (WAIT, YOU BE)

10. Mike has flown an airplane before, but I think he won't be able to manage such a large one. (FLY)

11. I have made up my mind not to accept the job offer. (MAKE)

12. I have been to India twice and each time it was a remarkable experience. (BE)

13. Jack has failed his driving test twice. He should be better prepared. (FAIL)

14. I haven't been to a party since Christmas. I really think I should socialize more. (NOT BE)
15. People have been complaining all morning about slow internet services. (COMPLAIN)

16. My brother has been working for this company for the last forty years and has never caused any trouble. (WORK, NEVER CAUSE)

17. Someone has been using my computer. The battery is dead. (USE)

18. Why haven't you paid your monthly fee yet? You're always late. (YOU NOT PAY)

19. He has been playing golf with us since he moved here. (PLAY)

20. My mother has missed the bus, so she won't be here on time. (MISS)

21. I have typed three letters so far this morning, and I'm tried already. (TYPE)

22. The baby has been crying. That's why her eyes are so red. (CRY)

23. I am really excited about going to the new restaurant because I have never eaten Indian food before. (NEVER EAT)

24. We have been looking through the accounts since Monday, but we haven't found any irregularities yet. (LOOK, NOT FIND)

25. My cousin has owned this house since the end of the war. (OWN)

More question-

Q.1 - Answer the following questiona)

What does the writer likes about the village? Why?


b) What did the writer do with two dead birds?


c) How did fanny become a spoilt child?


Q.2 - Fill in the blanks with the correct want expression from the box.

(Just what I wanted, if you want, I don’t want to, last thing I wanted)

1) Thanks for the present ______its___________

2) _____________was to upset you.

3) You can come with us__________.

4) Its time you did your homework_____________.

Q.3 - Write a sentence using the help words in the brackets and will,

a) The sky is very cloudy.it_________ this evening.(rain)

b) Don’t give the keys. she __________ them(lose)

c) Don’t give the baby a toy with sharp edges. She ______herself.(hurt)

Q.4 - Fill in the blanks with at, on or in:

1) He is going back______ Monday.

2) The sunshine brightly ______noon.

3) We get festival discount ______diwali.

4) ________rainy season we use umbrellas and raincoats.

5) India became free _____ 15th August1947.

Q.5 - Fill in the blanks with from,to or for:

1) We lived there ____ about nine years.

2) Father goes ______ his office in the morning.

3) He returns ______his office in the evening.

4) We have winter vacation ____ 24 th December____1ST January.

Q.6 - Underline the prepositions in the following sentences.

1) I am waiting for friend.

2) It is seven by my watch.

3) Table is made of wood.

4) The table is a bridge over the river.

5) The dog is a standing among the plants.

Q.7 - Use and, but or because to join the following sentences-

1) It is small school. It has all the facilities.

2) I lay down to take some rest. I was feeling very tired.

3) Is this movie comedy? Is it a thriller?

4) She went to her room. She opened the packet.

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