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Literature Review

Research has been done on digital identification systems. Through this research, different types
of technologies and methodologies have been explored for secure identification, securely storing
and verifying personal documents. Among those methodologies, methodologies" are "QR codes"
or technologies sorted out as an appropriate method. QR codes are versatile, they have a
convenient way to imply. They are de-compatible with mobile devices. Due to these reasons, QR
codes are selected as the most suitable choice.
In the market, there are existing products and solutions. They range from mobile applications for
storing digital licenses to comprehensive identity verifications. Those are used by government
agencies and businesses. Characteristics such as encryption, biometric authentication, and
integration with backend systems for real-time verification are offered by these solutions.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

1. Accessibility. increase of digital documents can be accessed anytime conveniently without
bothering about time and place. Therefore, we need to collect physical copies from one place.
2. Enhanced Security: To strengthen security and make it more difficult to fabricate or tamper
with digital licenses, encryption techniques and QR code technology can be used.
3. Streamlined Procedures: Time can be saved for both drivers and law enforcement by using
digital technologies to automate renewal procedures and permit speedier verification.
4. Environmental Sustainability: Digitalization helps with environmental conservation by
reducing the use of paper and other physical resources.

1. Technological Barriers: Adopting digital solutions may be difficult for some users,
especially those in the older age or with less experience with technology.
2. Security Risks: Digital systems are vulnerable to hacking and data breaches even with
encryption in place, which raises questions about data security and privacy.
3. Infrastructure Requirements: Implementing digital solutions necessitates robust IT
infrastructure and reliable internet connectivity, which may be lacking in certain regions.
4. Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with existing regulations and standards
governing licenses and insurance may pose challenges during implementation.
Theoretical framework

There should be a theoretical framework for this solution. It guides this project to
encompass the principles of human-computer interaction, information systems, security
engineering and systems theory.

Principles of human-computer interaction guide the design of user interfaces. They

ensure usability, accessibility and user acceptance. User-centered Design methodologies
should be included to create user-friendly interfaces for divers and the authorities who
regulate this process.

Information systems concepts inform the development of Strong and scalable digital
systems. Database management, data integrity and system interoperability are included.
Pliability cod efficiency permit can be an information systems framework and ensured by
establishing best practices.

Security engineering principles are necessary for Moreover its WIEN digital protection of
sensitive information. reduces the risk associated with identification systems. Hence
encryption as algorithms, access controls, and intrusion detection mechanisms can be
implyed to protect user data and ensure privacy regulations.

Some principles from systems theory are feedback loops and system dynamics. From
them, we can get information on the development process of our project. We should
continuously gather the feedback of users. Then the system, ear which is established can
be adjusted by using based on the requirements of users. and user acceptance frameworks
Hence the effectiveness can be enhanced. Following these implies a digital which
addresses theoretical we will set to design and solution for licenses and permits
requirements de users. Moreover, it should ensure Security, usability and regulatory

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