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Mobile Application Development


Coursework 2023–

Term: Term 2
Submission Deadline: 10 April 2024 Coursework
Type: Group Assignment Element of Assessment:
Module Leader: Diluka Wijesinghe


Name Plymouth Username/INDEX

A.R.A.N Athukorala 10899162

R. R. R. Gunawardana 10899544

H.B.U.I. Senarath 10899692

M.S.I. Peiris 10899649

L.C. L. Kariyawasam 10898519

G.N Aluthge 10900349

FEBRUARY 19, 2024,




Problem Definition..................................................................................04

Scope of the Project.................................................................................05


Features of Application..........................................................................06

Wireframe diagrams..............................................................................07

Work matrix and Gant chart................................................................08


For students in Sri Lanka's scientific stream, getting ready for advanced level exams presents a
lot of obstacles. It might be difficult and time-consuming to find high-quality study materials for
subjects like combined math, biology, chemistry, physics, ICT, and agricultural science. We
suggest a mobile application that aims to consolidate necessary resources in order to address this.
Our app will offer tutorials, real-world examples, sample exams, and module notes—all carefully
selected to align with the requirements of the national curriculum. Utilizing cutting-edge
technology, the app will improve efficiency and engagement with interactive features and
adaptive learning algorithms. We hope to simplify studying and save students time and effort by
combining information into an intuitive interface. Furthermore, our applications will remove
barriers to accessibility, guaranteeing that all students, no matter where they are or how
connected they are to the internet, may use the resources they require to succeed. In conclusion,
our mobile application seeks to assist science stream students in Sri Lanka taking advanced level
exams by offering a thorough, easily accessible, and effective exam preparation platform.

Problem Definition

For Sri Lankan students taking higher level exams, specifically those in the scientific stream,
there is currently no cohesive answer. In order to obtain the required study resources for their
studies, students frequently find themselves searching through numerous offline and internet
sources. This disorganized approach causes annoyance and inefficiency in addition to wasting
important time. Students find it challenging to distinguish trustworthy sources from
untrustworthy ones due to the huge variations in the quality and dependability of the materials
that are readily available. The learning progress and overall exam preparation of students may be
hampered by this lack of standardization. Furthermore, a major obstacle is the availability of
materials, particularly for pupils who attend school in remote locations or have poor internet
access. Conventional approaches to obtaining study materials, such hard copy textbooks or
neighbourhood tutoring sessions, might not be sufficient to meet the wide range of demands of
students nationwide. Therefore, a mobile application that compiles top-notch tutorials,
practical’s, previous exams, and module notes is desperately needed for students in Sri Lanka's
scientific stream who are preparing for advanced level exams. In addition to expediting the
educational process, this kind of application will guarantee equal access to educational materials
for all students, irrespective of their location or financial status.

Project Scope

The primary scope of this project proposal is to develop a mobile application to provide
Advanced Level (AL) science stream students with easy access to past papers and video
tutorials. This includes Combined Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Agriculture
Science and IT, as subjects which are related to science stream.
It is enable users to search, filter, and download past papers and model papers based on subjects
and years. Specially this application provides a user- friendly interface for video tutorial
Target Users;
 AL science stream students preparing for exams
 Educators
 Anyone seeking additional learning resources
Application include a comprehensive database of past papers for those subjects and video
tutorials covering AL syllabus topics.
This mobile application aids AL students in effective exam preparation by offering a centralized
platform for accessing past papers, model papers and video tutorials facilitating comprehensive
study. Advanced level students are always competitive and dealing with time management.
Therefore, this application is useful for their time management.
This provides easy access to a wide range of educational resources, breaking down geographical
barriers and making high- quality study materials available to students regardless of location.


With the goal of providing users with an easily accessible, engaging, and practical platform to
enhance their learning, acquire new knowledge, and refine essential skills across a variety of
courses and disciplines, this educational mobile app was created. The app's cutting-edge features,
interactive content, and personalized learning pathways aim to accommodate a range of learning
preferences and styles while fostering a collaborative and supportive learning environment. The
ultimate goal is to assist users in reaching their educational objectives, regardless of whether they
are professionals attempting to update or improve skills, students seeking personal enrichment
and development throughout their lives, or professionals wishing to supplement classroom

Features of Application

This application is mainly designed based on the science stream related students in advanced
level. (Grades 12 and Grade 13). in here this application designed to cover the subjects of Maths,
Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Agriculture and Information Technology in science stream. This
mobile application provides many features to the students.
 Here first the student must sign up to access the application. By providing the name,
email, user name and password, any student has been given the ability to sign up. Then
the student can login to the app by giving the relevant username and password.
 This application is designed so that students can easily access their desired papers or
tutorials after logging into the here Any student who accesses this
application can easily access interactive lessons and study materials according to their
respective grade and subject.
 This application provide papers and tutorials are easily available here for students to their
understanding. Here, instead of getting the knowledge, pass papers, tutorials they need
through different websites, this application facilitate to get all the things they need from
one place using only this application.
 In addition, their parents and teachers can monitor the student's progress and how they
are engaged in education through this application from any location with internet
 Specifically, it is designed based on personalized individual learning styles and Students
are also given the ability to download content for offline use of this application. It enables
them to study effectively without wasting time and minimizing extra cost.
This application specifically hopes to provide a more effective service by providing engaging
and efficient learning experiences for all users.

Wireframe diagrams

Work matrix and Gant chart

Task Task2 Task3 Task4

Project proposal 2/15/2024 4 2/19/2024
Project research and feasibility study 2/20/2024 5 2/25/2024
Technical and functional specification Research 2/20/2024 10 3/1/2024
work allocation 3/2/2024 3 3/5/2024
software development phase 3/6/2024 20 3/26/2024
testing phase 3/27/2024 3 3/30/2024
project review 3/31/2024 3 4/3/2024
Project implementation 4/4/2024 4 4/8/2024
Final report and submission 4/9/2024 5 4/14/2024

Mobile application development project plan

Project propos al

Project res earch and feas ibility s tudy

Technical and functional s pecification Res earch

work allocation

s oftware development phas e

tes ting phas e

project review

Project implementation

Final report and submission

Tas k3

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