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Chapter 4 Solutions (Global Edition)

Prob. 4.1
State expected charge state for Ga, Zn, and Au in Si sample with E F 0.4eV above valence band.
From Figure 4-9,
Ga-: E F > Ga- so singly negative
Zn Au - Zn-: E F > Zn- but E F < Zn= so singly negative
Auo: Au+ < E F < Au- so neutral
- - Au+
Ga Zn

Prob. 4.2
Determine conductivity and find the separation of quasi Fermi levels.

Si sample is n-type and hence the minority carriers are holes.

Since there is no applied field, the carrier distribution will be only diffusion dependent.

The continuity equation for minority carriers will be,

p x, t 1 J p x, t p
. G p x, t
t q x p
p t
For diffusion, G p x, t with total solution, p G p x, t . p A. exp
p p
At t = 0, p 0 , so, A Gp. p
So, the general solution will become, p G p . p 1 exp

Thus the conductivity becomes, q n h . p q. n .n0

1.6 * 10 19 * 100 * 2 * 1017

19 22 7 5 * 10 3 = 33.36 S/cm.
1.6 * 10 1000 420 * 6 * 10 * 10 1 exp
10 7
Light induced e-hole pair concentration is determined by

n p g op . 6 x10 22 x10 6
6 x1016 / cm 3 .

Thus, nn n 6 x1016 / cm 3 and p p p 2 x1017 / cm 3

KT n 6 x1016
So, Fn Ei ln n 0.0259 x ln 0.3937eV and
q ni 1.5 x1010

KT p 2 x1017
Ei Fp ln p 0.0259 x ln 0.4248eV
q ni 1.5 x1010
Thus the separation of quasi Fermi levels becomes, Fp Fn 0.0311eV

Prob. 4.3
Plot n(t) and p(t) for =5 s Si with =5 s, n0 2 1015 1
, and n p 4 1014 1
at t=0.
Prob. 4.4
For the sample in 4.3, find r and use it to find n for g op 1019 EHP
cm3 s

1 1 -10 cm3
r -6 15 1 s
o cm3
2 -10 cm3 15 2 19
g op = r o s
cm3 s
2 15 1 29 s 13 1
cm3 cm6 cm3

Prob. 4.5
Find expression for ( x) , solve at a 1
, and sketch the band diagram indicating .
Dn n
x kT N o -a e kT a
(a) (x) = - =- -ax =
n o

depends on a but not x or N o

(b) (1 1 ) = 0.0259V 104 1

= 259 V

Prob. 4.6
Find the separation of the quasi-Fermi levels and the change of conductivity upon shining the

The light induced electron-hole pair concentration is determined by:

19 1 -5 14 1
op cm3 s cm3
ow level
15 14 15
n = no + 1

n i2 (1.5 1010 1 2
p = po + 15
1014 1
1014 1
no 10 1
cm 2
n Vs

Dp 12 cms

cm 2
p Vs
q 0.0259V

n p 1.1 1015 cm1 3 1014 cm1 3

quasi-Fermi level separation = Fn - Fp = kT ln = 0.0259eV ln = 0.518eV
n i2 (1.5 1010 cm1 3 ) 2
-19 cm 2 14 cm 2
n p Vs
cm3 Vs 014 1
) = 0.0282 1

Prob. 4.7
An n-type Si sample is doped at 1015 cm-3. We shine light on it to create electron-hole pairs at
1019 cm-3/s. What is the steady state concentration of minority carriers, if the lifetime is 100 ns?
How long does it take for the hole concentration to drop 10%, after the light is switched off?
How long for the hole concentration to reach a value that is 10% higher than the thermal
equilibrium value?

19 -9 12
At steady state, op p
cm3 s
After light turned off, p

To drop to 90%, t = - p

t ; 0.1 p ns
ni2 1020
Equilibrium p n = = 15 = 105 cm -3
ND 10
4 -3

4 -3
t=- p ln = - 100 ns ln 12 -3
= 1.8
Prob. 4.8
Calculate the quasi-Fermi level separation and draw a band diagram for steadily illuminated
n-type Si .

The light induced electron-hole pair concentration is determined by:


21 1 -6 15 1
op cm3 s cm3
is comparable with N d
so NOT low level and cted
1 1 -9 cm3
r -6 15 1 s
n o cm3
g op = r o r

1021 = 10-9 cm3

s 1015 1
-9 cm3

solve for 1

n + 1015 1
+6.18 1014 1
Fn - E i = kT ln o = 0.0259eV ln = 0.301eV
ni 1.5 1010 1

6.18 1014 1
E i - FP = kT ln = 0.0259eV ln 10 1
= 0.276eV
ni 1.5 10 cm3

no 1015 cm1 3
E F -E i = kT ln = 0.0259eV ln = 0.288eV
ni 1.5 1010 cm1 3
quasi-Fermi level separation = Fn - Fp = 0.301eV+0.276eV = 0.577eV
Prob. 4.9
Find the current with 10V with no light applied. 10V with light applied, and 100,000V with
light applied for the doped Si bar.
A=0 .05 cm2

2 cm

10 V
1 1 -12 cm3
r -4 16 1 s
o cm3
2 20 -12 cm3 16 2
g op = r o r
cm3 s s
2 16 cm3 32 1
s cm3 s

16 1 -1 1+4
15 1

10V and no light:

10V V
= =5
2cm cm
cm 2
n Vs

2 -19 15 cm 2 V
I = A q n0 n
cm3 Vs

10V and light:

I = A q n0 + n p

I = 0.05cm 2 1.609 10-19 C

2 2
1015 1
6.18 1015 1
1070 cm
V s + 6.18 10
15 1
550 cm
Vs 5 cm

I = 0.816A

100,000V and light:

vs = 107 cm
s and = = 50,000 cm
I=A q n0 + s p

I = 0.05cm 2 1.609 10-19 C

1015 1
6.18 1015 1
107 cm
s + 6.18 1015 1
550 cm
V s 5 cm

I = 2.53 103 A
Prob. 4.10
Design a 5 m CdS photoconductor with 10M
In the dark neglecting p o ,
1 1 1
-19 2 14
n o 1.609 10 C 250 cm
V s 10
7 -4
R= L= = = 20 w
w t
a number of solutions fulfill this L-w relation including that shown below with w=0.5mm and L=1cm
0.5 cm


1 1 1
-19 cm 2 14
2 15
n o n 1.609 10 C 250 Vs (10 1
) + 15 cm
V s 10

R= = = 8.62 105
w t 5 10-2 cm 5 10-4 cm

R = 107 5

Prob. 4.11

Find the number of photons emitted per second, assuming perfect quantum efficiency. What
power should be delivered to the sample as heat?
.L 8 X 103 x 80 x10 4
Here, I t I 0 .e 80 xe 0mA . So full power is absorbed i.e. 80 mW = 0.08
Energy of photon 2.06eV .
2.06 1.43
Power converted to heat x80 0.0247 J / sec .
Photons/ sec = 2.42 x1017 photons / sec
1.6 x10 19 x 2.06
Prob. 4.12
A material is doped such that electron concentration varies linearly across the sample, which is
0.5 µm thick. Donor concentration varies from 0 (at x = 0) to 1016 /cm3 (at x = 0.5 µm). Write
equations for total electron and hole concentrations as a function of distance x. Determine
electron and hole diffusion current densities if the diffusion coefficients are D n = 30 cm2/V-sec
and D p = 12 cm2/V-sec. Find the expression for Fermi level (E F ) as a function of x.

Since at x = 0, the donor concentration is 0, thus the equilibrium electron concentration becomes,

ND 1 * 1016
nx x 2 * 10 20 x /cm4.
x 0.5 * 10 4

ni 2 ni 2
Equilibrium hole concentration, p x .
nx 20
2 * 10 .x
Now the diffusion current densities can be expressed as,
dn( x)
J n diff q.Dn . 1.6 * 10 19 * 30 * 2 * 10 20 960 Amp/cm2.

dp ( x) 19 ni 2
J p diff q.D p . 1.6 * 10 * 12 * * (x 2 )
dx 20
2 * 10

At x = 0.5 µm, J p diff 4.5 * 10 10 Amp/cm2.

n( x )
For Fermi level, EC ( x) EF KT ln
NC = 2.8*1019 /cm3, then at x = 0.5 µm, EC EF 0.326 eV.
Prob. 4.13
Find F p (x) for an exponential excess hole distribution.
for 0

- x Ei - Fp
p(x); i

p e p x
E i - Fp = kT ln = kT ln -
ni ni Lp

Since the excess minority hole concentration is assumed to be small compared to n o throughout,

so no band bending is observable on this scale.

Prob. 4.14
We inject electrons into a p-type semiconductor 5 microns long such that the concentration varies
linearly from 1020 cm-3 to zero from left to right. If the mobility of the electrons is 500 cm2/V-s,
what is the current density if the electric fields are negligible?

kT 2 2
Dn = n
dn 19 2 1020 cm -3 0 cm -3
J n = qD n = 1.6 10 C 13 cm /s
dx 5 10 4 cm
= 4.16 105 A/cm 2
Prob. 4.15
We shine 1017 photons/cm2/s which are all absorbed near the surface x=0 of a p-type
semiconductor, raising the temperature of the sample to 500K. If the minority carrier lifetime is
200 ns in this material, electron mobility is 2000 cm2/V-s, hole mobility is 500 cm2/V-s,
calculate the electron diffusion current density 20 microns from the surface.

The photon absorption creates EHP generation rate of 1017 cm -3 /s


n = g op n

= 1017 cm -3 /s 200 10 9
s = 2 1010 cm -3
Dn kT 500 K
= = 0.026 V

D n = 2000 cm 2 /V s 0.026 V = 86.67 cm 2 /s
Ln = Dn n

d -x
Ln qD n -x
J n = qD n ne = - ne Ln
dx Ln x = 20
19 2
1.6 10 C 86.67 cm /s 2 1010 cm -3 -20
= 3
4.16 10 cm
= 41.22 10 A/cm 2 = 41.22 2
Prob. 4.16
A long Si sample, n-doped 1017cm-3, with a cross-sectional area of 0.5 cm2 isoptically excited by
a laser such that 1020/cm3 electron-hole pairs are generated per secondat x=0µm. They
diffuse to the right. What is the total diffusion current at x=50 µm? Electron and hole
lifetimes are both 10 µs. µ p =500cm2/V-s; D n = 36cm2/s.

20 -3 6 15 -3
op evel, 1017 cm -3 )
Ln = Dn n

kT kT 2
Lp = Dp p p p p p
q q

= 500 cm 2 /V s 0.026 V 10 5 s = 114

d n x -x
I n diff = AqD n , where n x =
2 19 2 1015 cm -3 -50
= - 0.5
189.7 10 4 cm
= -0.117 A
d p x -x
I p diff = -AqD p , where p x =
2 19 1015 cm -3 -50
= 0.5 .6 10 C 13 cm 2 / V s e 114

114 10 4 cm
= 0.059 A

Total current = -0.117 A + 0.059 A = -0.058 A

Prob. 4.17
Show current flow in the n-type bar and describe the effects of doubling the electron
concentration or adding a constant concentration of electrons uniformly.

n electron diffusion (high to low concentration)

current density (Jn) for diffusion
electron drift
current density (Jn) for drift

note: currents are opposite electron flow because of negative charge

J n diffusion = q D n dn

J n drift = q n n

double electron concentration :

J n diffusion = q D n 2 dx
J n drift = q 2n n

add constant concentration (n + ) :

J n diffusion = q D n dn
dx does not change
J n drift = q (n + n + ) n + n

Prob. 4.18
Show the hole current feeding an exponential p(x) may be found from Q p / p .
The charge distribution, Q p , disappears by
recombination and must be replaced by injection an
average of p seconds.
Thus, the current injected must be Q p/ p.

Qp = q A p
0 0

Qp q A Lp p q A Dp p
Ip = = =
p p p
Prob. 4.19
Draw band diagrams for exponential donor and acceptor dopings. Show field directions
and direction of drift of minority carriers.

Ev Ei
e- h+
acceptor doping acceptor doping
Note: Both minority carriers are accelerated “downhill” in the doping gradient.

Prob. 4.20
Explain how a built-in field results from a doping gradient.
The donor doping gradient results in a tendency for electrons to diffuse to the lower
concentration areas. As the electrons diffuse, the positively charged ionized donors pull the
electrons back due to the coulombic force. This force corresponds to an electric field oriented in
the same direction as the concentration gradient. The electric field results in drift current equal
and opposite to the diffusion current, and the sample remains in equilibrium with a built-in
electric field.

The acceptor doping gradient results in a tendency for holes to diffuse to the lower concentration
areas. As the holes diffuse, the negatively charged acceptor ions pull the holes back due to the
coulombic force. This force corresponds to an electric field oriented in the direction opposite the
concentration gradient. The electric field results in drift current equal and opposite to the
diffusion current, and the sample remains in equilibrium with a built-in electric field.
Prob. 4.21
Calculate mobility and diffusion coefficient for minority carriers. Verify it from the Einstein

vd 1 /(0.608 * 10 3 )
Mobility for minority carrier will be, n 1250 cm2/V-sec.
E 5/ 2

Thus electron diffusion coefficient will become, Dn 32.52 cm2/ sec.
16.t d
Dn 32.52 KT
From Einstein’s relation, 0.026 .
n 1250 q

Prob. 4.22
13 cm-3 is
13 -3
uniformly doped with donors at a concentration of 2X10 cm and acceptors at a concentration
of 1013 cm-3. If D n = 26 cm2/s, D p =52 cm2/s, calculate the electron and hole drift current
densities for an applied voltage of 5 V. In this semiconductor, electrons are in the ohmic regime
for fields less than 105 V/cm, but travel with a saturation velocity of 108 cm/s for fields above
that. For holes, they are ohmic below 104 V/cm, and travel with a saturation velocity of 105 cm/s
above that field.
What are the electron and hole diffusion current densities in the middle of the bar? (Assume T=

n i = 1013 cm -3
N D = 2 1013 cm -3 D n = 26 cm 2 /s
N A = 1013 cm -3 D p = 52 cm 2 /s
Charge neutrality: n + N A = p + N D ; n p = n i 2
n + NA = + ND
Assuming 100% ionization n
n 2 + NA ND n - ni2 = 0
- NA ND NA ND 4n i 2
2 2
- 1013 cm -3 2 1013 cm -3 1013 cm -3 2 1013 cm -3 4 1013 cm -3
1013 cm -3 5 1013 cm -3 5 1
n= = 1013 cm -3
2 2
13 -3
n = 1.62 10 cm
p= = 6.18 1012 cm -3
J drift = J e drift +J h drift = qnvd n + qpvd p
D kT
Einstein relation: =

Dq 26 cm 2 /s 2
n /V s
kT 0.026 V
52 cm 2 /s
p = 2000 cm 2 /V s
0.026 V
Now, if V = 5 V, = 2.5 104 V/cm
2 10 4 cm
Since > 104 V/cm and < 105 V/cm,
vd p = 105 cm/s and vd n = n
2 4

= 2.5 107 cm/s

J e drift = qnvd n = 1.6 10 19
C 1.62 1013 cm -3 2.5 107 cm/s = 64.8 A/cm 2
J p drift = qpvd p = 1.6 10 19
C 6.18 1012 cm -3 105 cm/s = 9.89 10 2
A/cm 2
Diffusion currents are zero.
Prob. 4.23

A recently discovered semiconductor has a Nc= 1019 cm-3, Nv= 5x1018 cm-3, and Eg= 2 eV. If it
is doped with 1017 donors (fully ionized) calculate the electron, hole and intrinsic carrier
concentrations at 627oC. Sketch the simplified band diagram, and specify the value of EF and Ei
with respect to the band edges

electrons is 25 cm2/s and 75

cm /s, respectively.

N C = 1019 cm -3 N V = 5 1018 cm -3 E g = 2 eV T = 627 °C = 900 K n = 1017 cm -3

E C -E F
n 1017 cm -3
n = NC e kT
E C -E F = -kT ln = - 0.078 eV ln = 0.36 eV
NC 1019 cm -3
E F -E V = E C -E V E C -E F = Eg E C -E F = 2 eV 0.36 eV = 1.64 eV
E F -E V 1.64 eV
p = NV e kT
= 5 1018 cm -3 e 0.078 eV
= 3.7 109 cm -3
E gF
13 -3
n i = n p = 1.9 10 cm note: n i = NC NV e 2kT
may also be used

The current would mostly be electron drift

Dn 75 cm 2 /s 2
kT 0.078 V
I = Aqn n
= 2 1.5 10 8 cm 2 1.6 10 19
C 1017 cm -3 961.5 cm 2 /V s
8 10 4 cm
= 2.88 10 3 A
= 2.88 mA
Prob. 4.24

A novel semiconductor sample has L= 2 µm, W= 0.5 µm and thickness of 0.2 µm. It has an intrinsic
carrier concentration of 1012 cm-3. If it has an ionized donor concentration of 2X 1012 cm-3, calculate the
electron and hole currents for an applied bias of 10 V across the length of the bar, assuming ohmic
behavior for electrons, but holes are traveling at saturation velocity. The electron and hole diffusion
coefficients are 20 cm2/V-s and 5 cm2/V-s, respectively. The electron and hole saturation velocities are
108 cm/s, and 107 cm/s, respectively in this semiconductor.

n i = 1012 cm -3 N D = 2 1012 cm -3
# of electrons n = p + N D for charge neutrality
n p = ni n n - ND = ni2
n 2 - nN D + - n i 2 = 0 n = 2.414 1012 cm -3
V 10 V
V = 10 V Field = = = 5 104 V/cm
L 2 10 4 cm
Jn = n = ne n

Dn 20 cm 2 /s 2
kT 0.026 V
I n = AJ n = W t ne n

= 0.5 0.2 10 8 cm 2 2.414 1012 cm -3 1.6 10 19

C 769 cm 2 /V s 5 104 V/cm
= 1.5 10 8 A
ni2 1012 cm -3
I p = AJ p = W t pevsat,p p= = 12 -3
= 0.414 1012 cm -3
n 2.414 10 cm

= 0.5 0.2 10 8 cm 2 0.414 1012 cm -3 1.6 10 19

C 107 cm/s
= 6.6 10 A
Prob. 4.25
Sketch the simplified band diagram (with proper labeling of positions and energies) for a
semiconductor bar with a bandgap of 2 eV and NC=1019 cm-3), doped very heavily n+ between 0
to 0.2 cm, n-type doped region (1017 cm-3) from 0.2 to 0.7 cm and then very heavily n+ doped
from 0.7 to 1 cm, to which we hook up a 0.5V battery (positive terminal connected to left side of
bar). There is negligible voltage drop across the highly conducting, heavily doped n+ regions.
(Draw a schematic of the bar, and align the band diagram under that schematic.)
What is the current density if the electron diffusion coefficient is 100 cm2/V-s. If the electrons
were injected with negligible kinetic energy from the right side of the bar, and they travelled
without scattering, what is the kinetic energy of the electrons at x= 0.1 cm, 0.6 cm, 0.9 cm?
K.E. of e- at x = 0.9 cm = 0 eV
0.7 - 0.6
at x = 0.6 cm , K.E. = 0.5 eV = 0.1 eV
at x = 0.1 cm , K.E. = 0.5 eV
D kT
By Einstein relation, = = 0.025 V

D 100 cm 2 /s
= 4000 cm 2 /V s
kT 0.025 V
The electric field is due to 0.5 V dropped across 0.5 cm
0.5 V
= = 1 V/cm
0.5 cm
19 17 -3 2
J = qn = 64 A/cm 2

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