Stage 5 English Winter Pack Wednesday 23rd December 2020

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Cambridge International School

Name: ____________________________
Class: ______

Stage 5
Winter Break Study Review Pack


Reading Comprehension

Spitting to Survive
By: Liana Mahoney
Spit keeps our mouths moist and softens our food
when we chew. Without spit in our mouths, we
would have a hard time talking. We would find it even harder to swallow. But for
some animals, spit works better after it has left the mouth. Some animals are
experts at surviving because they are expert spitters.

Llamas are animals often found in petting zoos and farms. These animals seem
to like their personal space. A llama that feels threatened or annoyed will spit
slimy gobs at you to get you to leave it alone.
Sometimes llamas even spit on each other to
steal food! This trick usually works, because llama
spit includes food from the llama’s stomach, and
it can be quite smelly. When a llama spits on
another animal, the animal usually loses its
appetite and walks away, leaving its food

The archer fish is a very skilled spitter. This fish is like a submarine with a loaded
weapon. It takes aim and spits jets of water at insects and other small creatures
to knock them into the water. Then it gulps them down quickly. To create such
a forceful stream of water, an archer fish closes its gills, and uses its tongue to
form a tube in its mouth. Then the fish sticks its snout out of the water and aims.

Aim! Launch! Lunch! Spitting cobras are also known for their expert aim. These
snakes spray poisonous venom from their fangs to protect themselves. Scientists
believe that these snakes actually aim for the eyes! When the cobra’s venom
gets into the eyes of an animal, the venom causes terrible pain, and even
blindness. This gives the snake plenty of time to get away.

Spitting is considered to be rude behavior in people. But for some animals,
spitting can be a smart way to get lunch –or a clever way to avoid becoming

Answer these questions.

1. List the three ways spit helps humans.



2. Which animal creates a forceful stream of water to capture insects?

a. humans b. archer fish

c. spitting cobras d. llamas

3. Name two reasons a llama might choose to spit.



4. How does a spitting cobra use its spit to protect itself?



5. What is the author's purpose for writing this passage?

a. to tell funny stories about animals

b. to teach the reader how animals survive

c. to express opinions about animals

d. to show how animals are different

Grammar and Vocabulary

QA. Use the following words to complete the sentences

Thrilling fascinated tedious determined daring

1. I was _____________________ by the sky scrapers when I went into the city!

2. Long journeys are ________________. Traveling by plane is better and it saves time.

3. Riding horses is _________________! I can’t wait to do it again.

4. I am _______________________ to learn how to play the piano.

5. Jimmie is ________________. He went into the burning building to rescue his cat.

QB. Use the following words to complete the sentences

grind transportation technology traction

1. Vehicles that are used in travelling or shipping are forms of ______________________.

2. _______________ coffee beans into coffee powder to make some good coffee!

3. Car wheels should be balanced, or you might lose _____________ and get into an accident.

4. I can communicate with my friends all over the world, thanks to ___________________.

QC. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gap. Use will or going to for future.

1. Philipp ______________________________ 15 next Wednesday. (to be)

2. They _________________________ a new computer. (to get)

3. I think my mother __________________________this CD. (to like)

4. Paul's sister ___________________________ a baby. (to have)

5. They ___________________________ at about 4 in the afternoon. (to arrive)

6. Just a moment. I ________________________ you with the bags. (to help)

7. In 2020 people ____________________________ more hybrid cars. (to buy)

8. Marvin ________________________________ a party next week. (to throw)

9. We _______________________________ to Venice in June. (to fly)

10.Look at the clouds! It _________________________________ soon. (to rain)

QD. Use the following words to complete the sentences

fragile risky long for exciting

1. Amusement parks are _____________________! I can’t wait to go with my family.

2. It is very ____________ to run up and down the steps. You might fall and hurt yourself.

3. Babies are __________________. Handle them with care.

4. My parents finally got me the toy I’ve been _______________________.

QE. Complete the crossword puzzle

1 2

5 6

7 8




Across Down
3. the force that stops something 1. turn in circles
5. move by vehicle from one place to another 2. scientific knowledge and/or equipment needed for
7. use this to move an engine power to move forward a particular industry
or backward 4. pull or drag with great effort
8. a bar that connects a pair of wheels on a vehicle 6. move or make someone or something move from
10. crush something into very fine small pieces or one place to another
into powder 9. edge at the top or outside of a round object
11. thin pieces of metal that connect the center to the
outside edge of the wheel
12. a thin, straight piece of wood or metal

QF. Circle the correct answers.
1 The sun ________________________ set at six o’clock this evening.
a is going to b will c am going to d are going to
2 It’s 12:00 p.m. now and the train leaves in half an hour. We __________________
be late if we don’t leave the house immediately!.
a will b am going to c are going to d is going to
3 Her graduation’s tomorrow. She ___________________ have a party. I’ve been
a will b is going to c are going to d am going to
4 I’m thrilled! I ___________________________ visit my cousins over the holidays!
a is going to b will c am going to d are going to

QG. Use the verbs will or am/is/are going to. Then say if it’s a future fact, future
plan, Prediction (seen) or Prediction (belief)
1. Its freezing! It _____________________ snow tonight. _______________________
2. I better study. We ___________________ have a test tomorrow.
3. I __________________ get a haircut tomorrow. I made an appointment with my
4. Vacation ____________ start from next week until January 7th.

QH. Define the following and give two examples for each
1. Compound nouns:
Examples: i_____________________________ ii__________________________
2. Infinitive:
Examples: i____________________ ii______________________

Holidays are here! Describe plans you have with your family. Use
going to or will to talk about some of the exciting things you hope to
REMEMBER to be creative in your writing. Try to use interesting
vocabularies that you’ve learnt so far.

QI. Vocabulary Practice: Complete the crossword puzzle

2 3

6 7 8

9 10





Across Down
2. It is __________ not wear warm clothes when 1. Shapes of bodies or things, numbers
it's cold 3. He always does what he's told. He is...
5. Breaks easily 4. Not in focus or hard to see
10. You need to be _________ to be a 6. To reshape or resize something
7. When you strongly wanted something so
11. Where people live much, you ____________it.
13. Doesn't give up easily 8. Not afraid to take risks, very brave
14. Boring and takes a long time to do 9. Lucky
12. Very exciting!

QJ. Use the following words to complete the sentences

Fascinated miscalculated daring misread misdirect mistreat

1. I failed the test because I ________________________ a question. 5 multiplied by 5 is 25 and

not 10.

2. Please make sure that you don’t _________________ the instructions or your science project
won’t work.

3. The tour to the Horse Track was fun. I was ______________________! I had never ridden on a
horse before.

4. Read the map properly so that you _____________________ guests who are coming for the
5. You are so _______________! You climbed up to the peak of the mountain by yourself!

QK. Circle the correct words

1. Look, he has the ball! He’s going to / He will score a goal.
2. It’s a long walk to the park. We’re going to / We will take the train instead.
3 .We are meeting / will meet our classmates at playground later.
4. I bought new sneakers today. I will wear them / am wearing them tomorrow to a party.

5. Who are you visiting today? I will visit / am visiting my sick brother at the hospital.

6. Is your soccer team training or relaxing today? We will relax/are relaxing today.

7. Will the bus stop next to platform 3? No, it is not going to/won’t stop on track

QL. Unscramble the following

1. Jack / Is / now / his homework / doing /


2. Is / she / playing / with the children /


3. we /next week / moving /Are


4. are / travelling to /London / in /They / for the / two weeks / holidays



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