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The Sinta Water Station will employs a comprehensive production process designed to ensure
the highest quality, purity and sustainability of water production process for making drinking
water for students, faculties, staffs and other store owner within the university. The inputs in
making purified drinking water includes groundwater or surface water and mineral additives that
will enhance the nutritional value of drinking water, contributing to overall health and well-being
and will undergoes treatment processes to remove impurities and contaminants. The Sinta
Water Station will be different among other water station business that are existing near the
university by emphasizing the use of advanced purification technologies, including reverse
osmosis and UV sterilization, which ensure that every drop of water meets the highest
standards of cleanliness and safety that would result in clean and clear water suitable for
drinking. Ultimately, the marketing strategy for the production aims to establish that the water
refilling station would be preferred choice for health-conscious consumers seeking pure,
refreshing, and environmentally-friendly drinking water.
Sinta Water Station's filtered drinking water will be marketed and sold in the Lagoon region,
where the majority of students, faculty, and staff gather. The multi-media and activated carbon
filters will filter out chlorine, dissolved organics,
and suspended particulate matter larger than 20 in size from the water. Any hardness in the
will be removed by the softener, preventing early membrane blockage. Any fines and particles
will be eliminated by the micron cartridge filter. The RO unit will get rid of the majority of the
germs in the water and reduce the conductivity of the raw water to 5-10 S/cm. Water will taste
good and be free of bacteria thanks to the final filtration and UV system
The multi-media and activated carbon filters will filter out chlorine, dissolved organics,
and suspended particulate matter larger than 20 in size from the water. Any hardness in the
will be removed by the softener, preventing early membrane blockage. Any fines and particles
will be eliminated by the micron cartridge filter. The RO unit will get rid of the majority of the
germs in the water and reduce the conductivity of the raw water to 5-10 S/cm. Water will taste
good and be free of bacteria thanks to the final filtration and UV system
The Sinta Water Station's filtered drinking water will be established at the Polytechnic University
of the Philippines located at Anonas Street Sta. Mesa Manila. The business will be marketed
and sold within PUP Lagoon area, where the majority of students, faculty, and staff gather to
buy their snacks. The Sinta Water Station business will rent the right area of the 2 spaces of the
said store place, owned by PUP. The location is convenient in terms of accessibility because
most of students, faculties and staffs who are in need of drinking water are always passing by in
that area and also those stores located within the PUP Lagoon that needs purified water to sell
flavored drinking water. The business can thus benefit from and attract a broad demographic.
During operation hours, the average number of customers passing through that area is between
800 and 1000 per day. On average, 400 people each day visit the PUP lagoon area. The
numbers provided were are both validated and confirmed by the number of official students,
staff, and faculty members obtained from the PUP Administration. The business’s brand color of
blue will be used to paint the exterior of the store place in order to make it simpler to identify as
a water refilling station.

Sinta Water Station offers various modes of service delivery like walk in ordering and deliveries.
Walk-in ordering happens when the customer approaches the station and the cashier/manager
greets the customer and gets the order. After the customer pays the order, the water production
personnel will prepare it and carry the containers to the customer’s vehicle. Also, customers
have an option to have their drinking water using their tumblers and refilling it through the water
station. The customer may choose cold, hot or warm depending upon the preference of the
customer. Furthermore, the delivery process flow starts when the customer (faculties and staffs)
reaches the station via phone call or messenger and when the cashier/manager greets the
customer and takes the order. Afterwards, the delivery in charge personnel will carry the
containers to the delivery equipment and deliver it to the location given by the customer. The
customer may choose to pay in the cashier/manager for an order or when the delivery reaches
the customer, that is where the customer will be paying for the order made and the delivery
personnel will deliver the payment back to the station.

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