Crossvalidation - 1

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Cross Validation

AbdulRidha Mohammad
content layout
 Introduction
 Methods of Cross Validation
Test set method
Leave one out cross validation (LOOCV)
k-fold cross validation
 Example
 Spss programing
What is Cross Validation?
 Cross Validation is a technique which involves reserving a
particular sample of a dataset on which you do not train the
model. Later, you test your model on this sample before
finalizing it.
 Here are the steps involved in cross validation:
 You reserve a sample data set
 Train the model using the remaining part of the dataset
 Use the reserve sample of the test (validation) set. This will
help you in gauging the effectiveness of your model’s
performance. If your model delivers a positive result on
validation data, go ahead with the current model. It rocks!
Methods of Cross Validation
 A few common methods used for Cross Validation
There are various methods available for performing cross
validation. I’ve discussed a few of them in this section.
 The test set method
 Leave one out cross validation (LOOCV)
 k-fold cross validation
The test set method
 1. Randomly choose 30% of the data to be in a test set
 2. The remainder is a training set
 3. Perform your regression on the training set
 4. Estimate your future performance with the test
Leave one out cross validation (LOOCV)

 In this approach, we reserve only one data point from the available
dataset, and train the model on the rest of the data. This process
iterates for each data point. This also has its own advantages and
disadvantages. Let’s look at them:
 We make use of all data points, hence the bias will be low
 We repeat the cross validation process n times (where n is number
of data points) which results in a higher execution time
 This approach leads to higher variation in testing model
effectiveness because we test against one data point. So, our
estimation gets highly influenced by the data point. If the data point
turns out to be an outlier, it can lead to a higher variation
k-fold cross validation
 Randomly split your entire dataset into k”folds”
 For each k-fold in your dataset, build your model on k –
1 folds of the dataset. Then, test the model to check the
effectiveness for kth fold
 Record the error you see on each of the predictions
 Repeat this until each of the k-folds has served as the
test set
 The average of your k recorded errors is called
the cross-validation error and will serve as your
performance metric for the mode
 Let us find best representation of the
data from a test for the relationship
between water cement ration and
the compressive strength of
concrete as below:

X=w/c % 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55
Y=Compressive 15 10 20 40 25 30 18 16 10
strength Mpa
Which is Best ?

Linear Quadratic Join the dots

regression regression
The test set method
The test set method
The test set method
k-fold Cross Validation
 Randomly break the dataset into k partitions (in our
example we’ll have k=3 partitions colored Red Green
and Blue).
 For every partition: Train on all the points not in the
same partition.
 Find the test-set sum of errors on the taken points.
 Then report the mean error
k-fold Cross Validation
Which kind of Cross Validation?
downside upside
Test - set Variance: unreliable estimate of future Cheap
Leave one- Expensive. Has some weird behavior Doesn’t waste data
K-fold Waster than LOOCV Slightly better than Test set
Expensive than Test set
Spss program
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
strength Mpa 18.50 8.093 6
w/c % 0.3750 0.13693 6

strength Mpa w/c %
Pearson Correlation strength Mpa 1.000 -0.068
w/c % -0.068 1.000
Sig. (1-tailed) strength Mpa 0.449
w/c % 0.449
N strength Mpa 6 6
w/c % 6 6
Variables Entered/Rem oved

Model Variables Entered Removed Method
1 w/c % b Enter

a. Dependent Variable: strength Mpa

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary

Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change Durbin-Watson
1 .068
a 0.005 -0.244 9.028 0.005 0.018 1 4 0.899 1.162
a. Predictors: (Constant), w/c %
b. Dependent Variable: strength Mpa

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 1.500 1 1.500 0.018 .899

Residual 326.000 4 81.500

Total 327.500 5
a. Dependent Variable: strength Mpa
b. Predictors: (Constant), w/c %


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients 95.0% Confidence Interval for B Correlations Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) 20.000 11.655 1.716 0.161 -12.359 52.359
w/c % -4.000 29.484 -0.068 -0.136 0.899 -85.862 77.862 -0.068 -0.068 -0.068 1.000 1.000
a. Dependent Variable: strength Mpa
Coe fficie nt Corre lations

Model w/c %
1 Correlations w/c % 1.000
Covariances w/c % 869.333
a. Dependent Variable: strength Mpa

Collinearity Diagnostics

Variance Proportions
Model Eigenvalue Condition Index (Constant) w/c %
1 1 1.949 1.000 0.03 0.03
2 0.051 6.162 0.97 0.97
a. Dependent Variable: strength Mpa
Residuals Statistics

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 17.80 19.20 18.50 0.548 6
Residual -9.200 11.600 0.000 8.075 6
Std. Predicted Value -1.278 1.278 0.000 1.000 6
Std. Residual -1.019 1.285 0.000 0.894 6
a. Dependent Variable: strength Mpa
De scriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

strength 18.8000 0.60000 3
strength Mpa 24.33 13.650 3
a. Selecting only cases for which sample = .00

Corre lations

strength strength Mpa

Pearson Correlation strength 1.000 -0.110
strength Mpa -0.110 1.000
Sig. (1-tailed) strength 0.465
strength Mpa 0.465
N strength 3 3
strength Mpa 3 3
a. Selecting only cases for which sample = .00
V ariable s Ente re d/Re m ov e d

Model Variables Entered Removed Method
1 strength Mpa c Enter

a. Dependent Variable: strength

b. Models are based only on cases for which sample = .00

c. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary
R Change Statistics
sample = .00 Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model (Selected) R Square Square Estimate R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 .110a 0.012 -0.976 0.84339 0.012 0.012 1 1 0.930
a. Predictors: (Constant), strength Mpa

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 0.009 1 0.009 0.012 .930

Residual 0.711 1 0.711

Total 0.720 2
a. Dependent Variable: strength
b. Selecting only cases for which sample = .00
c. Predictors: (Constant), strength Mpa


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients 95.0% Confidence Interval for B
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
1 (Constant) 18.918 1.169 16.179 0.039 4.060 33.775
strength Mpa -0.005 0.044 -0.110 -0.111 0.930 -0.560 0.550
a. Dependent Variable: strength
b. Selecting only cases for which sample = .00

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