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James, the Patriotic Citizen.

James Kollie lived in the Cotton Tree community in Lower Margibi County. He was in the 12 th
grade and had just turned eighteen (18) in July.

James had celebrated his past birthdays with joy and excitement but his 18th birthday was more
exciting than the past ones. It was the most special one he had been waiting for all along the
years. He was finally 18! Wow, so I’m finally eighteen, I’m a man now.

He had woken up early before everyone that morning for devotion; set the bibles and hymns and
woke mama and papa to show he was ready to be a big brother and responsible young man in the

Wow!! Thank God my Baby is finally eighteen said Mom, see how big and handsome you have
Being 18 comes with a lot of responsibilities son, and I pray you grow and mature to be the
promising young man we want you to be, his dad said. Yes, I will Mom and Dad. I will try to
make you proud, James responded.

So it means I can get a phone, and I can finally get to vote my candidates this year right?
Yes, son, said Dad. When the time comes you will do so and I pray you make the right choice
that will be best for our country.

James had been excited about finally getting the right to vote and couldn’t wait till October to
exercise his right. He had woken up early on the morning of the voter registration and stood in
line from 8am to 3pm without any discomfort or complaint because he knew his one vote the
power to make a change during the October 2023 elections.

He had kept his voting card in his souvenir box and would regularly check the box weekly to see
if it was there.

He remembered asking his mom six years ago when she carried him with her to get her voter
registration card. Mom! What is voting? It’s the time when we go to elect our representatives,
senators and president to rule our country for six and nine years, she replied.

But why can’t I vote too, Mommy? Voting is for only those who are 18 years and above. It is
when you are old and matured enough to make wise decisions. So it means you will have to wait
few years.

James had listened to a radio program presenter Mr. O’Neil Roberts on a talk show educating
people on how to vote peacefully. Some people from the National Election Commission (NEC)
had passed in his community to educate citizens how to vote and to keep the peace of the
country. Moreover, his social studies teacher, Mr. Feinuyan had encouraged all his students to
exercise their rights peacefully and avoid violence at all cost.

He wrote some of the things he learned from these people in his diary.
1. Vote peacefully
2. Don’t let any candidate force you into violence and protest
3. Only NEC has the right to announce official voting results.
4. When voting you can use Pen to check x or ↙ in the box or you neatly use your finger
print to do so.
5. Do not have more than one voting or register more than once, it is illegal.
6. Do not sell your vote for food or money, your vote is your power
7. Vote in the best interest of the country not in your interest.
8. Don’t argue, insult or fight anyone, we are all Liberians and we are one despite our
political differences.
9. Report any election bad practice to the police, don’t sit there and say its not my business.

James kept these lessons he learned dearly and followed them to the letter because he wanted to
be a responsible and good citizen. He knew that if Liberia is to be developed and safe he and
others had to protect its peace. Schools were closed temporarily for the elections on Tuesday and
he anxiously waited for the day.

On Tuesday morning, James woke up early, did his morning chores, took bath, had breakfast and
got his voting card to go with mom and dad to vote his choice. They got in the car and went to
the polling center 20012. When they got there it was already crowded with people from all over
the district who had come to vote too.

James stood in the front of mom and dad in the queue as they slowly went in to cast their votes.
It was after 3pm when they all had finally casttheir votes. They got in their car and went home to
wait patiently for the polling results from radio stations and the internet.

James data subscription had run out and he decided to go on the road to get a Lonestar dollar
card to recharge. He was just about to pay Mr. Hansan Jalloh for the card when he saw a group
of boys walking behind the school building with gasoline, machetes and sticks. It was the school
building where voting and ballot boxes were counted. Abraham, his classmates was one of the
boys he saw in the group wearing black. Why were they wearing black, carrying sticks,
machetes, and gasoline and assembling behind the school at this time of the evening. Something
didn’t seem right. He had to investigate and know what was going on.

He quickly went behind them to where they were assembling. Abraham was the first to notice
him. Hey James, what are you doing here, are you a part of the Mob?
Which mob are you talking about and what are you guys doing with gasoline, machetes and
sticks behind the school building where they are counting ballot boxes?
An elderly gentleman replied harshly; if you weren’t invited here or you aren’t interested in what
we are going to do please stop asking questions and leave us alone.
We are going to burn the election results tonight and harm anyone who gets in our way. There’s
a good payment if you join us and do it, Abraham answered.

No I’m not interested because and it’s wrong and it will get you guys into serious trouble if you
are caught.
Ok, scared baby, please leave us this is a man’s work we don’t want any scared kid amongst us,
the elderly guy responded.
James left feeling scared and worried about what was about to happen. He knew definitely that it
was wrong and would cause serious problem for lives and the peace and safety of the country.
What could he do as a responsible citizen?

It was late and way passed supper time and his parents would be worried and mad he had not
come home yet. He could go home and be on for supper and not make mom and dad angry or he
could go and call an authority about what was about to happen. He knew he had to do what was
right and he knew he had to sacrifice his supper and dollar card, Time at home. He quickly used
his card he had bought for his data subscription and recharged to browse the NEC emergency
number. He called them and told them exactly what had happened. Within few minutes the
Police arrived and arrested all the culprits of the acts.

It was late in the evening and James had not gone home yet he was still out with the police
officers at the police station. His parents had been very worried about him and went searching all
around the community for him. It was the first time he had stayed out so late without calling or
giving any excuse.
He better have something sound to say when we find him, or he’s going to get the worse
punishment of his life. Wait until we find him said Mr. Flomo; then we can discipline him;
They were surprisingly told by one of the passers-by that James was with some police officer in
a pickup heading for the police station.
James! With police officers, at a police station!! What has happened to our son?
They quickly drove to the police station to find out why James was at a police station at that late

James, where have you been since 3pm today and its after 9pm since you told us you were going
to get scratch card? What are you doing to the police station?
You are grounded for months, no phones and allowances and you will be spanked when we get

Before his mother could grab James’ hand to hurried off with him to their car, she was greeted
with a warm voice from the head police officer.

Good evening Ma’am, are you the mother of this boy? Yes, I am, she replied; and I’m so sorry
whatever crime he committed and I’ll make sure he’s punished for it when we get home.

Excuse me Mom, but your son did absolutely nothing wrong and I must congratulate you for
having such
a wonderful young man.

Mom and Dad listened to the head police as he explained how James had seen some gang
members gathered who plotted to burn the voting center and he was the one who called to
inform them to stop the wicked act from happening and was very helpful in the process.
Mom and dad smiled all the way home in the car praising James’ heroic deed. That’s my boy
said mom.You are really a Gentleman and Patriotic Citizen, I’m proud of you, said Dad.

For that I’m going to cook your favorite meal tomorrow and give a five dollars’ scratch card;
your dad and I are going to buy you the laptop you wanted this month.

James smiled in the back seat of the car as he listened to the praises and the benefit of his hard
work and sacrifices he made that day. He had sacrificed his supper time, favorite TV show,
online information, and his early time in bed but he was glad he did so. Now he was a hero for
his community and it came with rewards from home and outside.

James got home all tired up; he ate his supper and went to bed, he prayed and thank God for
helping him make the better choice. Being a Patriotic Citizen was a great responsibility and he
was ready to perform that task.

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