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On average, how many minutes late do you arrive to class?

Less than 5 minutes

5-10 minutes

More than 10 minutes

Select the reasons for your tardiness (can select multiple):


Traffic congestion

Public transportation delays

Personal reasons


How do you feel when you arrive late to class?





How often do you arrive late to class?

Do you believe that being tardy affects your academic performance?



Not sure

How would you describe your academic performance?

Do you think tardiness is a habit that can be changed?



Not sure

How frequently do you receive disciplinary action due to tardiness?





What measures have you taken to improve your punctuality? (can select multiple)

Setting multiple alarms

Using reminder apps

Leaving home earlier

Seeking assistance/advice


Do you believe there are any negative consequences of tardiness on your academic performance? If yes,
please specify.

Have you ever missed important class material or announcements due to tardiness?



Not sure

Do you find it challenging to catch up on missed class content when you arrive late?




Do you feel distracted or disconnected from the class when you arrive late?




Does your tardiness create difficulties in collaborating with classmates or group projects?




Do you believe teachers have a negative perception of students who are frequently tardy?


Not sure

Have you ever faced any consequences (e.g., lower grades, warnings) from teachers due to tardiness?

Do you think the school should implement stricter policies to address tardiness?



Not sure

Do you believe that being punctual positively impacts your overall academic performance?



Not sure

What motivates you to be punctual? (can select multiple)

Desire for good grades

Positive reinforcement from teachers

Being a role model to others

Personal satisfaction


Do you have any suggestions on how the school can help students overcome tardiness? Please share
your ideas.

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Survey Questionnaire about Effects of Tardiness on Academic Performance

Explore the connection between tardiness and academic performance through a comprehensive survey
questionnaire. Discover the hidden consequences and potential solutions.

The Impact of Tardiness on Academic Performance: Unveiling the Hidden Consequences

In today's fast-paced world, punctuality plays a vital role in various aspects of our lives. One area where
it can have a profound impact is on academic performance. The survey questionnaire titled 'Effects of
Tardiness on Academic Performance' delves into this theme, aiming to shed light on the repercussions of
being late to class.
As students, we are all familiar with the struggle of racing against the clock in the morning to make it to
class on time. But have you ever wondered how being tardy affects your academic journey? This survey
aims to identify the connection between tardiness and academic performance.

The questionnaire begins by asking participants to share their average lateness duration, providing
options such as 'less than 5 minutes,' '5-10 minutes,' or 'more than 10 minutes.' This single-choice
question sets the stage for understanding the scale of tardiness amongst students.

Next, the survey dives deeper by asking participants to select the reasons for their tardiness. Options
like 'oversleeping,' 'traffic congestion,' 'public transportation delays,' 'personal reasons,' and 'other'
make up the multiple-choice question.

Moving forward, the survey explores the emotional impact of tardiness. Participants are asked how they
feel when they arrive late to class, with response options like 'embarrassed,' 'anxious,' 'unconcerned,' or
'indifferent.' This single-choice question attempts to uncover the emotional consequences of tardiness.

To further gather insights, the questionnaire inquires about the frequency of tardiness, participants'
beliefs regarding the impact of tardiness on academic performance, and their views on the habit's
changeability. These questions help establish individual attitudes and perceptions surrounding the issue.

As we progress through the survey, a multiple-choice question seeks to uncover the steps participants
have taken to improve their punctuality. Options like 'setting multiple alarms,' 'using reminder apps,'
'leaving home earlier,' 'seeking assistance/advice,' and 'other' aim to reveal the strategies employed by
students to combat tardiness.

The survey also considers the negative consequences of tardiness on academic performance.
Participants are given an open-ended question to share any specific effects they believe tardiness has on
their studies. This question encourages participants to reflect on the potential setbacks caused by

With regards to missed class materials or announcements, participants are asked whether tardiness has
led to such situations. This single-choice question helps gauge the level of disruption caused by being
late. Similarly, questions about catching up on missed content and feeling disconnected from the class
further explore the academic consequences of tardiness.
Collaboration is an integral part of education, and the survey examines if tardiness creates difficulties in
working with classmates or completing group projects. By understanding how lateness impacts
teamwork, educational institutions can address the root causes and build a more productive learning

Perception is key, and the survey delves into the perceived attitudes of teachers towards tardy students.
Participants are asked whether they believe teachers hold a negative perception of students who are
frequently late. This single-choice question allows for a better understanding of the student-teacher
dynamic in relation to punctuality.

Consequences sometimes follow tardiness, and an open-ended question is included to explore any
disciplinary actions faced by students due to their lateness. By documenting these experiences, the
survey throws light on the potential penalties faced by those who struggle with punctuality.

The questionnaire also aims to gauge whether stricter tardiness policies should be implemented within
educational institutions. Participants are asked to express their views on this matter – a single-choice
question that explores the need for institutional interventions.

To uncover the motivations behind being punctual, participants are presented with a multiple-choice
question. Options like 'desire for good grades,' 'positive reinforcement from teachers,' 'being a role
model to others,' 'personal satisfaction,' and 'other' invite participants to identify what drives their

Lastly, the survey seeks constructive suggestions from participants on actions schools can take to help
students overcome tardiness. This open-ended question encourages creativity and engagement,
providing an opportunity for participants to contribute their ideas towards resolving the issue.

In conclusion, the 'Effects of Tardiness on Academic Performance' survey questionnaire addresses a

crucial topic that impacts the education sector. By exploring the consequences of tardiness on academic
performance and examining students' attitudes, perceptions, and experiences, this survey aims to
encourage change and foster a more punctual and productive learning environment.

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