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Vitamins & Minerals

- made by BIJITA Ma’am

What are Vitamins?
• Vitamins are a group of compound, required in small
quantity for controlling metabolism and body functioning.
• In 1912, Casimir Funk originally coined the term “vitamin”.
• Vitamins act as a catalyst for the generation of energy by
using fats and carbohydrates properly.
• Humans can't live without them. The human body does not
produce them (except vitamin D and vitamin B3). Humans
take them through different sources such as food, vitamin
capsules, etc.
• The fat-soluble vitamins ( A, D, E, and K ) dissolve in fat and
can be stored in your body. The water-soluble vitamins C
and the B-complex vitamins (such as vitamins B6, B12,
niacin, riboflavin, and folate) need to dissolve in water
before the body can absorb them.
Vitamin A
• Chemical Name: Retinol
• Rich food source: Fish liver oils, dairy product, liver, most leafy vegetables and
carrots contain carotene that can be converted into retinol
• Functions:
Needed for normal growth and induce differentiation of cells.
Regeneration of rhodopsin in rod cells of the eyes, Maintain of normal vision.
Essential for immune system.
• Deficiency Diseases:
Dry skin, night blindness(Nyctalopia)
Vitamin D
• Chemical Name: Calciferol (also known as Sunshine Vitamin)
• Rich food source: Fish, egg, liver, beef, cod, chicken breast, etc. It can be made by the
action of sunlight on skin
• Functions:
Helps body absorb and utilize calcium and phosphorus, so as to maintain bones, teeth
and brain healthy.
Maintains normal calcium level in blood.
• Deficiency Diseases:
Rickets in children (soft bones that bend easily). Osteomalacia (painful bones) in adults
Vitamin E
• Chemical Name: Tocopherol (also known as Beauty Vitamin & Antisterility Vitamin)
• Rich food source: Pumpkin, guava, mango, Potatoes, Milk, nuts, seeds etc.
• Functions:
Formation of red blood cells, affect muscles and reproductive system.
Maintain healthy cholesterol level.
• Deficiency Diseases:
New born infants: Haemolytic anaemia
Adults: mild anaemia
Vitamin K
• Chemical Name: Phylloquinone
• Rich food source: Green leafy vegetables, soya beans. The human body can also
produce Vitamin K through germs in the colon (part of small intestine).
• Functions:
Helps blood clotting, prevent over bleeding.
Maintains health of the liver.
• Deficiency Diseases:
Non-clotting of Blood
Vitamin B
Name Rich Source Function Deficiency

Fresh fruits, potatoes, sweet Essential in converting

potatoes, peas, corn, cashew glucose to energy; Beri-beri (weakness of
B1 (Thiamine)
nuts, wheat, milk, black Important to nerve limb muscles)
beans, dates etc function

Involved in the formation

of RBC, maintenance of
Almonds, soybeans/tempeh,
body tissue- particularly
mushrooms, spinach, whole Cracked skin, blurred
B2 (Riboflavin) skin and eyes; Essential for
wheat, yoghurt, mackerel, vision
eggs, liver, etc.
carbohydrates, fats and

Important for nervous Pellagra (severe skin

Meat, whole grain, cereals,
B3 (Niacin) system, digestive system problem, diarrhoea,
and skin health dementia)

Broccoli, lentils, split peas,

avocado, whole wheat,
Part for an enzyme needed Paresthesia, dermatitis,
B5 (Pantothenic Acid) mushrooms, sweet potato,
for energy metabolism diarrhoea
sunflower seeds, cauliflower,
Name Rich Source Function Deficiency

Whole wheat, brown rice,

green leafy vegetables,
Used to build RBC and
sunflower seeds, potato,
maintain nerve tissue; Anaemia, Skin problem,
B6 (Pyridoxine) garbanzo beans, banana,
Necessary for immune nerve disorder
trout, spinach, tomatoes,
system functioning
avocado, walnuts, peanut
butter, etc
involved in metabolism as
a coenzyme that transfers
Green leafy vegetables, most
carbon dioxide, an
nuts, whole-grain bread,
B7 (Biotin) important step in breaking Dermatitis, Enteritis
avocado, raspberries,
down food including
cauliflower, carrots, etc.
carbohydrates, fats and
proteins into energy.
Green leafy vegetables,
asparagus, broccoli, Brussels Necessary to build nucleic
sprouts, citrus fruits, black- acid, which are essential
B9 (Folic Acid) Megaloblastic anaemia.
eyed peas, spinach, great for making new cells
northern beans, whole especially RBC
grains, baked beans, etc.
Help build and maintain
Fortified cereals, liver, trout,
protective nerve sheath Pernicious anaemia, nerve
B12 (Cyanocobalamine) salmon, tuna, haddock, egg,
Needed for RNA and DNA disorder
Vitamin C
• Chemical Name: Ascorbic acid
• Rich food source: Broccoli, sweet potato, pineapple, cauliflower, kale, lemon juice,
parsley, Guava, bell pepper, kiwi, orange, grapefruit, strawberries, Brussels sprouts,
cantaloupe, papaya, etc
• Functions:
Protect cellular function
Important for immune system
• Deficiency Diseases:
Scurvy (bleeding of gums, teeth falling)
What are Minerals?
• These are inorganic nutrients that also play a key role in ensuring
health and well‐
• They include the trace elements copper, iodine, iron, manganese,
selenium and zinc together with the macro elements calcium,
magnesium, potassium and sodium.
• They are found in small quantities within the body and they are
obtained from a wide variety of foods.
• No single food contains all of the vitamins and minerals we need
and, therefore, a balanced and varied diet is necessary for an
adequate intake.
• Minerals help in the growth of the human body, found in nature, and
their deficiency could lead to several disorders.
Mineral Source Function Deficiency

Liver, red meat, egg yolk,

Helps the blood and
legumes, whole / enriched Iron deficiency
Iron muscles carry oxygen to
grains, dark green Anemia
the body.
Part of thyroid hormone,
which helps set body
temperature and
Seafood, seaweed, dairy,
Iodine influences nerve and Goitre
products, iodized, salt
muscle function,
reproduction, and
Blackberries, dates, milk, rickets,
Important for healthy
egg, pomegranate, osteomalacia
Calcium bones, teeth and
almonds, wheat, soybeans and
immune system
etc. osteoporosis.
Helps in the regulation
Fatigue, apathy,
Passion fruit, onions, fresh of blood pressure and
and nausea as
fruits, sweet potato, blood volume. It also
Sodium well as cramps in
broccoli, pumpkin seeds, helps in the proper
the muscles of
eggs, milk etc. functioning of nerves
the extremities
and muscles
With calcium builds
Seafood, corn, wild rice, bones and teeth.
Bone pain;
Phosphorous nuts, seeds, whole grains, Needed for metabolism,
eggs, fish, buckwheat, etc. body chemistry, nerve
and muscle function
Diarrhea and
pneumonia. Zinc
Red meat, poultry, oysters nutrition is
Helps wounds to heal
and some other seafood, therefore an
Zinc and aids taste and smell
fortified cereals, beans, important
nuts determinant of
mortality in
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