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END TERM 1 2020




NAME; ……………………………………………………………….

ADM NUMBER; ……………………………………………………..


-This paper contains 4 printed pages, check the paper to ascertain that
all the pages are printed and no question is missing.
-All the questions should answered in the spaces provided, using blue or
black biro pens.
-Pencils to be used only for drawing.
-Your work should be neatly presented.
For examiner’s use only.


1. You are provided with three visking tubings measuring 6cm each, six pieces of strings,
scalpel, solutions A, B and C, a beaker, distilled water and glass rod. Carry out the experiment
below.Take one visking tubing and tie one side such that it air and water tight. Put 4cm3 of
solution A into the visking tubing A,B and C. Tie the open end tightly. Rinse the surface of the
visking tubing with water and place it on a dry clean surface.Reapeat the procedure with the
second and third visking tubing and fill them with solutions B and C respectively.Label the
visking tubings A, B and C.Suspend the three visking tubings in distilled water as shown below.
Let it stand for 20 minutes.
Glass rod/wooden splint

Glass beaker

Distilled water

a) Record the changes observed in visking tubings A and B.

i) Visking tubing A. (1mk)
ii) Visking tubing B. (1mk)
b) Account for the changes in visking tubing A and B.
i) Visking tubing A (2mks)
ii) Visking tubing B (2mks)
c) What physiological process are taking place in visking tubings; (2mks)
i) A
ii) B
d) Explain your answer C (i) and (ii) above. (2mks)
e) What was the purpose of set up C in the experiment? (1mk)

2. You are provided with specimen R. Cut the specimen into three equal pieces and label them A,
B and C. Boil portion A in water for 10 minutes. Cut portion B into very small pieces on a white
tile. Place portion A and all the pieces from portion B into separate boiling tubes containing
5m/s of Hydrogen peroxide simultaneously.
a) i) Record your observations. (2mks)
Portion / Pieces Observation

ii) Account for the observations made in 2 (i) above.

Portion A (2mks)
Portion B (2mks)
iii) Name the enzyme responsible for the reaction in portions/pieces B. (1mk)
iv) Write a word equation for the reaction in portion/pieces B. (1mk)
b) Grind portion C of specimen R suing a mortar and pestle. Add 5mls of water as you grind.
Decant the extract into test tube.Test for the food present in the extract using the reagents
provided. (4mks)
Food Procedure Observation Conclusion

c) Name the deficiency disease caused by lack of the food substance identified above in the
d) State two properties of the food substance identified in (b) above. (2mks)
3. Study the photograph of specimen P below and answer the questions that follows.

a) Identify the reproductive organ. (1mk)

b) Classify the plant from which the organ was obtained under the following Taxa.
i) Division…………………………………………………………………………(1mk)
Reason …………………………………………………………………………. (1mk)
ii) Class…………………………………………………………………………… (1mk)
Reason ………………………………………………………………………… (1mk)
c) On the photograph identify structure X (1mk)
d) Suggest the possible agent of pollination of the specimen. (1mk)
Give two reasons (2mks)
e) Name one observable structure where haploid cells are made and name them.
Stucture (1mk)
Name of cells (1mk)
f) Calculate the magnification of the photograph if the real organ was measuring 10cm. (3mks)

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