Rizallife 1

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Why was education a supreme aspiration of rizal?

Spanish education did not reach the Indios during Rizal's time. In his
view, people would fight for their rights if they had an education. But he
cares about education for other reasons as well. Education is, like, the
answer to practically all issues, according to anarchists. We might
progress society and run it ourselves with informed citizens. Because of
this, he values education greatly.

Why are some of Rizal's thoughts relevant in our life today?

Rizal was the one who inspired his generation and underlined that our
country's future lies with its young. There are many lessons to be
learned from Rizal's life, including the need to be conscious of what
occurs in our nation and to resist the temptation to take the injustices
we face in silence. "The Filipino are worth dying for," said Rizal.

If Jose Rizal were alive today, how would he rule our country?
His cooperation with the ruling class would never occur. The numerous
corruptions in the government would have been condemned by Rizal. If
senators with vested interests had not refused to sign Senator Gordon's
report, he would have welcomed it. It would have dawned on Rizal that
the government and people are still plagued by the social cancer.

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