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User Manual Version 2.

Closing Stock Summary User Manual

ZZZZZZ SAP Implementation
(Ver 2.0)

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Jan 2007

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User Manual Version 2.0

Purpose of the Document:

To display Closing Stock Summary like Closing Balance, issues, receipts and Opening
balance based on valuation class, Material Category and Material sub Category.

Note: For this report, custom defined tables ZMATCATEGORY and ZMATSUBCAT
have been created to store material category and material subcategory. If user wants to
create new material category and material subcategory, this can be achieved using
transaction codes ZCAT and ZSUBCAT respectively.

Fields Information:

Fields Length Field Type Mandatory

1. Material Number 18 Character Optional

2. Company Code 4 Character Optional

3. Plant 4 Numeric Optional

4. Valuation Class 4 Character Optional

5. Material Category 2 Character Optional

6. Material Sub Category 4 Character Optional

7. Selection Date 10 Date Optional

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Step: 1

To execute this report we need to follow the different steps as discussed below.
Enter Transaction Code
“ZCLSK” here.

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After calling the transaction the following initial screen will appear as shown below.

Here User
Can Enter

Here User Can


Here User
Can Enter
Here User Can
Here User Can
Enter Material
Enter Valuation
Sub Category(s)
Here User Can Here User
Enter Selection Can Material
Date(s) Category(s)

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Here there are 3 Stock types are

there i.e., Valuation Class, Material
Category and Material Sub
Category and can be selected only
one at a time.

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Validation Details:
Validation 1:

If user trying to execute the report by giving wrong values in the input fields (i.e.,
Material number, Company Code, Plant, Valuation Class, Material Category, Material
Sub Category, Selection Date) then system gives error messages for giving correct


If user entered wrong value in Material Number then system gives an error
message stating that “No entry was found for the entry in the field “Material” “ and it
is as shown below.

Since user entered wrong value

in the material number field
system given an error message.

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If user entered wrong value in Company Code then system gives an error
message stating that “Company Code does not exist “ and it is as shown below.

Since user entered wrong value

in the Company Code field
system given an error message.

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If user entered wrong value in Plant then system gives an error message stating
that “No entry was found for the entry in the field “Plant” “ and it is as shown below.

Since user entered wrong value

in the Plant field system given an
error message.

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If user entered wrong value in Valuation Class then system gives an error
message stating that “Valuation Class XYZ does not exist. Enter Correct Valuation
Class “ and it is as shown below.

Since user entered wrong value

in the Valuation Class field
system given an error message.

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If user entered wrong value in Material Category then system gives an error
message stating that “Material category XY does not exist. Enter a valid one “ and it
is as shown below.

Since user entered wrong value

in the Material Category field
system given an error message.

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If user entered wrong value in Material Sub Category then system gives an error
message stating that “Material sub category XYZ does not exist. Enter a valid one “
and it is as shown below.

Since user entered wrong value

in the Material Sub Category
field system given an error

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Validation 2:

If user trying to execute the report by trying with wrong combination(Explained

Below) then system gives the following error messages.

If user chosen Valuation Class Radio Button and entered value in Material
Category or (and) Material Sub Category with out entering value in Valuation Class field
then system gives an error message stating that “Material Category and Material Sub
Category should not be selected for stock type ‘Val. class’ “ and it is as shown

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User has chosen stock type as

Valuation class, but with out
entering value in valuation class
field he entered values in material
Category and Material Sub
Category fields and trying to
execute the program. So system has
given an error message as shown.


If user chosen Material Category Radio Button and entered value in Valuation
Class or (and) Material Sub Category with out entering value in Material Category field
then system gives an error message stating that “Valuation Class and Mat. Sub
Catgry should not be selected for stk type ‘Mat. Catgry’ “ and it is as shown below.

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User has chosen stock type as

Material Category, but with out
entering value in Material
Category field he entered values
in Valuation Class and Material
Sub Category fields and trying to
execute the program. So system
has given an error message as


If user chosen Material Sub Category Radio Button and entered value in
Valuation Class or (and) Material Category with out entering value in Material Sub
Category field then system gives an error message stating that “Val.class and Mat.
Catgry should not be selected for stk type ‘Mat. Sub Catgry’ “ and it is as shown

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User has chosen stock type as

Material Sub Category, but with
out entering value in Material
Sub Category field he entered
values in Valuation Class and
Material Category fields and
trying to execute the program. So
system has given an error
message as shown.

Step 3:

If user enters all the inputs correctly then it generates the following report with the
details of Closing Stock Summary like Closing Balance, issues, receipts and Opening
balance based on valuation class, Material Category and Material sub Category.

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====================END OF THE DOCUMENT=============

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