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Mai Hien – GV Vstep B1, B2 - 0975864971

Words is essay
Topic: chủ đề
Problem: vấn đề
Issue: vấn đề
Trend: xu hướng
Hot trend:
Discuss: thảo luận
Advantage: ưu điểm
Benefit: lợi ích
Disadvantage: nhược điểm
Drawback: hạn chế
Effect: ảnh hưởng
(influence, impact) – on:
Positive effect: ảnh hưởng tích cực
Negative effect: ảnh hưởng tiêu cực
Teenager: thanh thiếu niên
Community: cộng đồng
Local communities: cộng đồng địa phương
Reason: lí do
Cause: nguyên nhân
Solution: giải pháp
Idea (view, statement, opinion, saying)
Say/ think/ believe/ argue: nói/ nghĩ/ tin/ tranh luận
Some people say that …..while others believe that …..
Agree: đồng ý
Disagree: k đồng ý
To what extent, do you agree or disagree?: trong chừng mực nào thì bạn đồng
ý hay k đồng ý

1. Discussion (2 ideas)
English is the language spoken all over the world and there are more and
more people who want to master English. Some people argue that students
should learn English in an English speaking country; others believe that they
can learn English well in their own country.

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss both views

Mai Hien – GV Vstep B1, B2 - 0975864971

We must say that English plays an important part in our life. More and more
people are becoming interested in learning English. Some people say that
students should learn English in an English speaking country while others
think that students can learn English well in their own country.

On the one hand, there are some reasons why some people say that
students should learn English in an English speaking country. First, the
teachers here are good. They are native speakers so they are very good at
English. They are friendly and kind. They always help their students. Second,
when students learn in these countries, they can speak English with their
teacher, friends and local people every day so they can improve their English
very fast.

On the other hand, however, there are also some reasons why some people
believe that students can learn English well in their own country. First, they
can learn English with native speakers from English centres or they can learn
online. Second, they can learn from the Internet. They can watch videos on
Youtube. It is useful and convenient. Finally, they can save a lot of money
when they learn in their country.

To sum up, students can learn English in an English speaking country or in

their own country. Personally, I prefer learning in an English speaking
country because I think I can get good job when I come back to my country.

2. Opinion Essay
1. Read the following text from an article about smoking.

Medical studies have shown that smoking not only leads to health
problems for the smoker, but also for people close by. For this reason,
smoking should not be allowed in public places. Opponents argue that
the forbiddance of smoking would possibly affect the freedom of choice
or lead to the closure of many bars and pubs. However, supporters of
this ban place people’s health problems at the top of the scale.
Mai Hien – GV Vstep B1, B2 - 0975864971

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about

whether public smoking should be banned or not. Include reasons and any
relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least 250

We must say that more and more people are becoming worried about
smoking. Some people think that smoking is not good so it should be banned
in public places. In my opinion, I strongly agree with this idea.

Firstly, we should not forget that smoking is not good for smokers. It is
harmful to their health. It destroys their lungs and other parts of the body. It
badly affects their life. Smoking can cause lung cancer and many people die
of smoking.

Secondly, it is the fact that smoking wastes a lot of money. People spend too
much money smoking. This is because some people cannot stop smoking and
cigarettes are expensive.

Finally, we cannot deny that smoking can pollute the air. This badly affects
both smokers and non- smokers.

To sum up, smoking is not good for people so they should not smoke in
public places.

3. Problems and sollutions

An increasing number of professionals such as scientists and doctors, are

leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries. What
problems does this cause? What solutions can you suggest to deal with the

It is the fact that brain drain is one of the biggest problems in many countries
especially, poor countries. Many professionals move to other countries to
live and work. This essay will discuss the problems and solutions of brain
Mai Hien – GV Vstep B1, B2 - 0975864971

Brain drain can lead to some problems. First, poor countries do not have
enough good doctors, scientists, teachers or so on to develop the country,
especially the economy, education, science and medicine. In addition, poor
countries have to depend on developed countries. They have to spend a lot
of money hiring skilled workers and buy products from other countries.
These make the poor countries difficult to develop.

There are some solutions of brain drain. Governments should have some
ways to encourage professionals to stay in the country. First, they should
increase the salary. Their salary is too low and not enough for their life.
Second, governments should send professionals, workers to developed
countries for training.

To sum up, brain drain is a problem that need dealing with. It is high time for
the government to think of the ways to deal with this problem. Increasing
salary and sending people to other countries for training are good solutions.

4. Advantages and disadvantages

We must say that public transport plays an important part in our life. More
and more people are becoming interested in public transport like travelling
by bus. However, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, there are some reasons why some people like using public
transport. It is good for people. It brings them some benefits. It is cheap so
they can save a lot of money for travelling. Besides, it is safe. It never causes
accidents. Moreover, it is comfortable because people do not have to do
anything. They can listen to music and read books on the bus.

On the other hand, however, there are some reasons why some people do
not like using public transport. It is not convenient so people cannot go
anywhere at any time and they have to wait for the bus. In addition, it is
crowded and noisy because there are too many people on the bus.

To sum up, public transport has both benefits and drawbacks. Personally, I
prefer travelling by bus because I do not have money and I can save money
to do other things.
Mai Hien – GV Vstep B1, B2 - 0975864971

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