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Lesson Plan

Mathematics I

I- Learnings Competencies:
a. Visualizes, represents, divides a whole into halves and fourths and identifies

and of a whole objects.

b. Extend help to others.
II- Learning Content:
Visualizing, representing, dividing a whole into halves and fourths and identifying
and of whole objects.
Values: Extending help to others
Learning Resources:
Lesson Guide in Math pp.242-246
Mathematics 1 Textbook p. 103
Melc Mathematics I page 199
Learning Materials:
Flash cards, pictures, real objects, powerpoint
III- Learning Activities:
1. Preliminary Activities
* A. Morning Prayer:

Morning Prayer
Dear Lord, thank you for the beautiful day.
Help us to understand our lessons. Guide us
to be good boys and girls to our teacher and
parents, too. This we ask in Jesus Name, Amen.

* B. Let them sing the “ Shapes Song ” (Integration: Music and Arts)

Shapes Song

and 2x


and 2x

and 2x

* C. Checking of Attendance

* D. Setting of Classroom Rules (Integration: EsP)

Rules to be observe during class discussion.
 Sit properly.
 Listen and participate in lesson discussion.
 Raise your hand if you want to answer.
 Avoid talking with your seatmates.

* Trivia Question: I am a polygon with 4 equal sides and 4 equal corners.

Who am I? __________

Learning Across Curriculum:

1. Science – pupils can explore the process of division. They can compare this process to
dividing a whole object into halves and fourths.
2. Art – pupils can draw something using different shapes with different colors. They can divide
it into halves and fourths to understand the concept of dividing a whole.
3. EsP – pupils can learn on how to save or spend wisely their “baon” through savings. They can
discuss how fractions are used to divide their baon for the next day.

1. Teaching Strategy: Picture Analysis
Instructional Materials: picture of objects divided into halves and fourths.
- Show the pupils pictures of different objects divided into halves and fourths.
- Ask them to identify the parts and discuss how they can visualize and represent the fraction.
- Encourage them to share their thoughts and observations.
2. Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing
Instructional Materials: food items, paper plates
- Set up a pretend play scenario where pupils act as vendor in a canteen.
- Provide food items and paper plates.
- Ask the pupil to divide the food items into halves and fourths on the plates.
- Guide them in labeling the fraction

Activity 1: Fraction Sorting
Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning
Materials: Fraction cards (halves and fourths), sorting mats or tray
Significance: This activity helps the pupils practice in identifying and sorting halves and fourths.

1. Divide the pupils into 2 groups.
2. Give each group a set of fraction cards and sorting mats or tray
3. Instruct the pupils to sort the cards into halves and fourths using the tray

* Rubric

Setting of Standards
Be Safe: Stay in your group’s area.
Be Respectful: Keep your voice in a low volume.
Listen when others are speaking.
Raise your hand to ask a question.
Be Responsible: Work as a team.
Check your work when you’re finish.
Rubrics in Group Activity
Indicators Points Group 1 Group 2

1.Correct sorting 5
2. Incorrect sorting 0

* Assessment Question:
1. How many halves are there in a whole?
2. How many fourths are there in a whole?
3. Can you give an example of an object that can be divided into halves?

Activity 2: Fractions Collage

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning
Materials: Construction Paper, scissors, glue, folder
Significance: This activity allows the pupils to create a visual representation of halves and
1. Provide each pupils with construction paper, scissors, glue and folder.
2. Instruct them to cut out different shapes from the construction paper.
3. Ask them to divide the shapes into halves and fourths and glue them onto the folder to create a
fraction collage.

Indicators Points

1.Creative representation 5
2. Correct division into 5
halves and fourths

* Assessment Questions:
1. How many halves are there in your collage?
2. How many fourths are there in your collage?
3. Can you explain how did you divide the shapes into halves and fourths?

1. Teaching Strategy: Lecture
- The teacher explains the concept of dividing a whole into halves and fourths using visual aids
and real-life examples.
- The teacher engages the pupils by asking questions and encouraging them to share their
understanding of the concept.
2. Teaching Strategy: Discussion
- The teacher facilitates a discussion where the pupils can ask questions, clarify their
understanding, and share their thoughts on dividing a whole into halves and fourths.
- The teacher guides the discussion to ensure that all pupils grasp the concept.

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning
Task 1: Fraction Art
- Ask them to create their own artwork using fractions.
- They can paint or draw a picture and divide it into halves and fourths
- Encourage them to be creative and explain their artwork to the class.

Teaching Strategy: Games and Gamification
Instructional Materials: Fraction cards ( halves and fourths )

1. Show a figure representing . Ask the pupils to identify what fraction?

2. Show a figure representing . Ask the pupils to identify what fraction?

3. Give and objects and ask them to divide it into halves and fourths.

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following figures shows ?

a. b. c.

2. What is the shaded portion of the fraction represents?

a. b. c.

3. How many halves or are there in a circle?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3

4. I am a part of a whole which was equally divided into four, who am I?

a. b. c.
5. The numerator is 1 and the denominator is 2. They call this fraction after all.
a. one-half b. one-third c. one-fourth

Prepared by:
Teacher Demonstrator

Process Observer’s:


Process Observer Process Observer

Approved by:

Public School District Supervisor

Engage: problem Solving

Grandma brought a banana cake. She divided it into

2 equal parts for her grandchildren.

What do we call the part given to each of the 2 children?

a. 1 b. c.

Mother baked a cake. If she has 4 children,

Each one will receive a share of ____.

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning:
Instructional Materials: Printed Pictures
Significance: This activity allows the pupils to visualize, represents, and divide a

whole into halves and fourths and identifies and of a whole objects.

Activity 1: Match Me
Direction: Match column A with column B.

2 groups of 1

4 groups of 2

3 groups of 4

Today, you will be learning about halves and fourths as part of a whole and on how to
divide, visualize and represent. Let us learn the first step by helping our friend in the story.

Ana’s mom bought 2 pies for her birthday. Her mom asked to slice
the first pie into halves and the other one into fourths. But Ana didn’t slice it
because she didn’t have any idea what halves and fourths are.

Assessment questions:
1. Who is the girl in the story?
2. Why did Ana didn’t slice the pies?
3. Do you have any idea on how to slice it?

Activity 2: Help me if you can!

Help Ana slice the pie.
Which pie do you think is divided into halves and fourths?
Direction: Circle the pie that was divided into half and fourth.
A fraction is a part of a whole, when a slice of pie is taken out, it becomes a

Illustration 1
The pie was divided into 2 equal parts. Its part is
called a half of the whole or one half.

The numerator is 1 and the denominator is 2

This means that we have 1 part out of 2 pieces of the pie. The symbol “---”
tells us that the whole pie was divided into 2 equal parts. The “ 2 “ below the line
tells us that there are 2 equal parts of the pie.

Below are examples of one-half

Illustration 2
The pie was divided into 4 equal parts. Its part is called one

illustration shows that there are 4 one fourths in a whole pie.

Below are examples that shows one-fourths

Think and Remember:

If the whole is divided into 2 equal sized pieces, its piece is one half of the whole. If
the whole is divided into 4 equal sized pieces, its piece is one fourth of the whole.

Teaching Strategy: Group Activity

1. Divide the class into three groups

2. Setting of Standards
Be Safe: Stay in your group’s area.
Be Respectful: Keep your voice in a low volume.
Listen when others are speaking.
Raise your hand to ask a question.
Be Responsible: Read the direction and use your time wisely.
Work as a team.
Check your work when you’re finish.
3. Rubrics in Group Activity
Indicators Points Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

1.Neatness 5
2.Cooperation 5
3. Correctness 5
4. Work silently
with the group. 5
Total 20

Group I- Color Me Nicely

Color the circle beside the figure with red if the figure shows

and blue if it shows

Group 2- Divide Me Correctly


Divide each shape into 4 equal parts and color one part to show . Write

on the space provided. ( any color )

______ ______

__________ __________

Group 3- Box Me
Box the shape that shows

Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following figures shows ?

a. b. c.

2. What is the shaded portion of the fraction represents?

a. b. c.

3. How many halves or are there in a circle?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3

4. I am a part of a whole which was equally divided into four, who am


a. b. c.

5. The numerator is 1 and the denominator is 2. They call this fraction

after all.
a. one-half b. one-third c. one-fourth


Put a check ( / ) if the object shows and ( X )if it shows

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