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2022. 10.

Table of Contents
01 Log-in & Sign up - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3p

1.1 Sign up ----------------------------- 3p

1.2 Log-in ------------------------------ 6p

02 Petition Application - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7p
2.1 Document Review for on-site inspection - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7p

2.2 Application for Foreign Food Facility - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19p

2.3 List of Registered Foreign Food Facility - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20p

2.4 List of Registered Livestock Establishments - - - - - - - - - - - - 21p

03 Import Inspection Process - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22p

04 Health Certificate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23p

4.1 Health Certificate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23p

4.2 Health Certificate API Guide - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24p

05 General guide - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25p

5.1 Notice - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25p

5.2 System Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26p

1. Log-in & Sign in

1. Log-in & Sign up

1.1. Sign up

• Membership is required to use the service such as application for foreign food

① Click the human icon in the upper right corner.

1. Log-in & Sign in

3 Click!

① Read the Agreement, Check “I agree”

② Read the Agreement, Check “I agree”

③ Click the “Next” button. You may check “I all agree” instead.

1. Log-in & Sign in

① Enter your ID and click the “duplicate check” button. Once your ID is confirmed, enter

your password and other information.

② Click “Join”.

③ Check the verification email. The email will be sent to the email address you just put.

1. Log-in & Sign in

1. Log-in & Sign up

1.2. Log-in

• Membership is required to use the service such as application for foreign food

① Click on the padlock icon to login

② Enter your password and ID issued by MFDS and press the Login button

2. Petition Application

2. Petition Application
2.1. Document Review for on-site inspection
2.1.1. Access to Submission page on Document Review

③ ‘Petition Application’ ­ ‘Foreign food Facility Detail’ ­ ‘Document Review for on-site


④ For quick access, click on the ‘Document Review for on-site inspection’ button on

the initial page

2. Petition Application

2. Petition Application
2.1. Document Review for on-site inspection
2.1.2. Search for facility/establishment subject to inspection
• Access to detailed pages to search for facilities or establishments on the inspection
list and submit your on-site inspection results
- Only ID and password issued by MFDS are available to search for or to submit
the inspection results

① A section to search for facilities or establishments on the inspection list

② A section to show the search results

2. Petition Application

2 10
4 5
6 7
8 9

① Year ­ The default is the current year(2020)

② Result of MFDS ­The final assessment by MFDS

③ Type - ‘Foods’ / ‘Livestock products’ / ‘Fishery products’(The default is ‘All’)

④ Korean registration code ­ ‘Registration numbers of facilities/ establishments

managed by MFDS’

⑤ Status ­ ‘Writing’ / ‘Submitted’ / ‘Checked’ / ‘Complemented’ / ‘Complemented

Finish’(The default is ‘All’)

⑥ EST no.(livestock or fishery) ­ Registration numbers of livestock or fishery product


⑦ Name of Foreign Food facility/ Establishment ­ Search is not case-sensitive

⑧ Address ­ Address of foreign manufacturing facilities(factories)

⑨ Document Review Type ­ ‘on-site inspection’, ‘on-site self checked inspection’(The

default is ‘All’)

⑩ Reset the search options

2. Petition Application

1 5
2 3


① The total number of facility/ establishment subject to inspection

② No. of Visits ­ The number of visits to the facility/ establishment in the current year
(inspection may be conducted more than twice)
③ Korean registration code(EST no.) ­ EST numbers managed by MFDS and
registration codes defined by an exporting country appear ­ only applied to fishery
and livestock products
④ The result of document review by MFDS
⑤ You may press the button to download the search results in an excel file
⑥ The number of search results on a single page(10 search results appear by default)
⑦ You may recognize the Document Review Type(‘on-site inspection’ / ‘on-site self
checked inspection’)
⑧ You may press the button to go to the next page

- 10 -
2. Petition Application

2. Petition Application
2.1. Document Review for on-site inspection
2.1.3. Submission of inspection result
• Access to detailed pages to fill out and submit the inspection results
- You can move back and forth between the detailed pages regardless of your
application status. Yet, the result can be submitted only when the status is
marked as ‘Writing’

① Click on any item to select a facility / establishment for submission

- 11 -
2. Petition Application



- You may contact the e-mail address in case of any questions along the way.

- You may download the manual

② Details are entered only when the Status is marked as ‘Writing.’ The Status is

automatically marked.

③ The date of submission will be automatically indicated once the submission is


- 12 -
2. Petition Application

2 3
4 5

① Applicant name(required) ­ Enter the applicant name

② Department(required) ­ Enter the applicant’s department

③ Phone number(required) ­ Enter the applicant’s phone number

④ Job position(required) ­ Enter the applicant’s job position

⑤ E-mail address(required) ­ Enter the applicant’s email address

⑥ Inspection date(required) ­ Enter the date or select the date on the calendar

⑦ Comments(optional) ­ Leave comments on the inspections for MFDS when necessary’

⑧ Attach Files of Applicant ­ Leave files on the inspections for MFDS when necessary

- 13 -
2. Petition Application

1 2

① The Result of Ministry of Food and Drug Safety - ‘Compliant’ / ‘Non-compliant’ /

‘Improvements required’ (automatically entered)

② Released Date of Check Result (automatically entered)

③ Comments of Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (automatically entered)

④ The Result Files of Ministry of Food and Drug Safty (automatically uploaded)

- 14 -
2. Petition Application

① The information categories of general information - The default is ‘General Inforamtion’

② The items of clicked information category

- 15 -
2. Petition Application

4 5 6

① Final Result, Percentage, No.of ‘failed(x)’ major items (automatically entered)

② categories of checklist(Sanitation controls of environment … )

③ items of clicked category

④ Save Draft ­ Select the button to preserve your progress

⑤ Submit ­ Select the button to submit your application

※ Once the submission is complete, you can not make any corrections or changes (Please

contact MFDS in case of necessary modifications after the submission)

⑥ Previous Page ­ You may select the button to go to the previous page

- 16 -
2. Petition Application

2. Petition Application
2.1. Document Review for on-site inspection
2.1.4. Final Result of MFDS Review

• Check out the final result of document review conducted by MFDS following
your submission

Please check out the final assessment either

① in ‘The Result of Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’ column or

② in ‘The Result Details of Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’ section

- 17 -
2. Petition Application

2. Petition Application
2.1. Document Review for on-site inspection
2.1.5. Final Result of MFDS Review

• Check out the final result of document review conducted by MFDS following
your submission

Please check out the final assessment either

① in ‘The Result of Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’ column or

② in ‘The Result Details of Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’ section

- 18 -
2. Petition Application

2. Petition Application
2.2. Application for Foreign Food Facility

• You can apply an application for Foreign Food Facility Registration.

① Click the Application for Foreign Food Facility.

② You can apply to register, change, or renew facility codes as your request.

- 19 -
5. Final Result of MFDS Review

2. Petition Application
2.3. List of Registered Foreign Food Facility

• You can check Foreign Food Facility List.

① Click List of Registered Foreign Food Facility.

② Registered Foreign Food Facility can be inquired according to conditions such as Code,
Country, Name of Facility, Address, Type of Food.
③ It is an area where the results are inquired according to the search conditions.

- 20 -
2. Petition Application

2. Petition Application
2.4. List of Registered Livestock Establishments

• You can check Registered Livestock Establishments List.

① Click List of Registered Livestock Establishments.

② Registered Livestock Establishments can be inquired according to conditions such as
Country, Type of Business, Code. Name of Facility, Address, EST No. .
③ It is an area where the results are inquired according to the search conditions.

- 21 -
3. Import Inspection Process

3. Import Inspection Process

• You can check Import Inspection Process.


① Click the Import Inspection Process.

② You can check Import Inspection Process.

- 22 -
4. Health Certificate

4. Health Certificate
4.1. Health Certificate

• . You can check Health Certificate.

① Click the Health Certificate.

② You can check Health Certificate by selecting code,From, To, Certificate No.

- 23 -
4. Health Certificate

4. Health Certificate
4.2. Health Certificate API Guide

• You can check Health Certificate API Guide.

① Click the Health Certificate API Guide.

② You can check the contents by selecting Download Certificates, Download Certificates
By Issue Date, Find Certificates By Issue Date, Get Certificate Data, Service Description.

- 24 -
5. General guide

5. General guide
5.1. Notice

• You can check the Notice.

① Click the Notice.

② You can check the contents by selecting Notice.

- 25 -
5. General guide

5. General guide
5.2. System Introduction

• You can check the System Introduction.

① Click the System Introduction.

② You can check the System Introduction.

- 26 -

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