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City University of Pasay

College of Office Administration and Computer Technology

S.Y. 2023-2024

A Business Plan of Takomilk

Presented to the
City University Of Pasay
In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement of the Subject


(Group 4 - BSOA 3-2)


Tallo, Camille S.
Carbonel, Liency G.
Obiña, Charmain
Lindo, Ulysses jumawid

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024

A new moment of friendship

209 Ascaño St, Malibay Pasay City

Contact Number- 09555122510

E- mail Address-



City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

i. Executive Summary

A. Introduction
B. The Company
C. Products and Services
D. The Market
E. Financial Considerations

Chapter I. Introduction

Brief description of the product/service

Short historical background of the business Chapter
Chapter II.
Objectives and Key Result

Chapter III. Business Proponent and Capital Sourcing

Chapter IV. Target Market Segmentation

Chapter V. SWOT Analysis

Chapter VI. 7P’s of Marketing

Product, Profile, Price Strategy, Promotion, Place, Packaging and Positioning

Job Description and Job Qualifications

Company Policy
Employees Resume

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024

i. Executive Summary


Takomilk is a takoyaki and milk tea shop that offers a mixture of traditional and

modern tastes located at Malibay Pasay. Its goal is to catch the interest of the future regular

customers that we will entice by our various types of takoyaki and milk tea as well as by our

quiet and comfortable place that is perfect for studying, meeting place and many more. We aim

to expand our branch locally and intentionally within the next few years. We promote a more

healthy way of enjoying sweets which is why we offer honey as a substitute for sugar for

those who have a problem with the sugar intake in our milk tea.

The goal of TAKOMILK is to give joy and satisfaction to our customers at a reasonable price

so everyone can have a chance to experience what we can offer.

The Company

As you can see in the tagline of our business, Takomilk was formed because of our

group of friends. One of them is Ms. Camille S. Tallo, who is the Manager of the business,

Ulysses jumawid Lindo who have experience in being a barista and serving food. To the

remaining people who are part of the company, they contributed ideas, specific instances, skills,

values, etc. where everyone had more extensive knowledge on how to run the business properly.

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024
We came up with this business concept not just to stay up with the trend, but also to

provide people with what they want in terms of food. There are several features available in

milk tea and takoyaki, and they may choose which taste to assume. Milktea attracts a diverse

customer base, particularly among younger generations, since there is practically plenty for

everyone on the menu. Like Takoyaki, it pleases a wide range of Filipino taste preferences and

satisfies a wide range of hungry Filipino appetites

Products and Services

Takomilk, our product, comes from the idea of comfort food which is Takoyaki and Milktea. Originated from

Asian cuisine that simply offers quintessential Japanese and Hong Kong street food that among youngsters

can also be attributed to it being a convenient go to snack. TAKOMILK mainly offers diverse kinds of milk

tea flavors and also takoyaki. These are made of quality ingredients that would really suit and satisfy

customer taste.

Takoyaki is a ball-shaped Japanese snack made of wheat flour–based batter and cooked in a

specially molded pan. It is typically filled with minced or diced octopus. The balls are brushed with takoyaki

sauce and mayonnaise, and then sprinkled with green laver and shavings of dried bonito (fish that is grated

into flakes) Milktea, from the typical hot tea of China, Taiwan made the first “Bubble Tea” which made the

beverage most famous in the country.Its admiration from the food industry in the Philippine market has caught

the attention of millions of our fellowmen by storm by using products from the Philippines to support Filipino


The Market

During this time of the pandemic, there are a lot of different kinds of food on the

market online and in actual stores. One of the best drinks and finger foods that are so much

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024
popular are takoyaki and Milk Tea combinations. The taste of these two products are good and

customers are always looking for this kind of food especially teenagers and millennial workers.

Also, the mothers that are craving this food. We are very happy to share the journey of selling

our product. The more good news in our business in these very challenging moments.

Takomilk offers a modern type of product and our store is located at malibay, Pasay

city, therefore, our product would be new for the taste and naturally, customers would be

curious and later on be drawn to what we could offer.

Financial Considerations

Takomilk will allocate funds using personal savings of 100,000 per year. And extra 50,000 for

improving the product. Which is expected to grow within a year.

Chapter I. Introduction

A. Brief description of the product/service

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024
The company specializes in Two products named Takomilk which means Takoyaki and milk tea. Takoyaki

provides high-quality foods and ingredients at a reasonable price that everyone can afford. Our Milk tea is a

refreshing flavored iced tea with tapioca balls at the bottom. Milk is mixed with chocolate and hazelnuts. We

provide products and services that will surely make our beloved consumers satisfied, comfortable, and


B. Short historical background of the business

Takomilk started because of the dedication and the same vision of the team to create something

that will give the consumers a product that is worth every penny of the consumers. So, the team had come up

with the idea to combine the takoyaki and milk tea since the team knew that these two products are so

popular that consumers, wherever they are, are willing to exert an extra effort just to buy this product.

Takomilk offers Takoyaki and milk tea. It started as a dream but now has become a reality ready to serve

and provide unique and special foods and beverages.



City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024

Takomilk's mission is to improve more and become better than before in the process of making

the best quality of Takoyaki and Milktea of Takomilk that would satisfy our customers' taste

and experience in our product.


Takomilk's vision is to establish food services globally and to be known as one of the best-

selling takoyaki and milk tea with the goal of delivering entertainment, friendly services, And

high-quality food because good food can be a source of genuine happiness to the customers.


1. To provide high-quality food and services at a reasonable price.

2. To secure a spot in the provinces.

3. To broaden widely

4. To consistently provide clients with new, distinctive flavors that will satisfy


5. To give employees opportunities.



City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

1. To provide high-quality food and services 1a. Continuously providing the best quality
at a reasonable price.
raw materials in making the takoyaki and milk


1b. To ensure that the food and services are

affordable and worth the money. 1c. Giving a
clean environment and instragramable
atmosphere to the customers to have the
best experience. 1d. Friendly customer
service to build a positive connection with
the customers 1e. Responding quickly to the
customers' feedback to improve the product.

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024

2. To secure a spot in the provinces. 1a. We will establish new branches in several


1b. Our product will make an advertisement

that will pop up in other videos on several

social media platforms.

1c. Promote customer loyalty to recommend us

to their friends in order to grow sales.

1d. Providing great discounts and other


City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

3. To broaden widely 1a. Establish our branch nationwide, in Turkey

and Ireland. Since Turkey is the real titan of

tea and Ireland is also the largest consumer

of tea.

1b. Publish information on Facebook,

Instagram, and other social media platforms
by creating a page. We will also distribute
flyers to local establishments. 1c. Become well
-known in the countries where we have
established other branches. 1d. Increased
revenue that is sufficient to make back the
investment plus the additional income.

4. To consistently provide clients with 1a. To make sure that the customer will enjoy
new, distinctive flavors that will
satisfy them. every single bite of takoyaki considering the

quality and price is reasonable.

1b. The store and it's product has a

satisfaction to a customer with revisit
intentions because it left the best

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024

impressions such as hospitable staff,

delicious product, beautiful presentation and

secure packaging.

1c. Customers have different needs and

demands about how they wanted to be


1d. Customers often look for a value in the

total service which requires internal
collaboration among the department that is
responsible for different elements of the
offering, such as the core product (goods or
services) delivering the product, product
documentation, etc.

5. To give employees opportunities. 1a. Provide employees opportunities for all

working students

1b. the more the relationship between you

and ur employees is good, the better the

business will be.

1c. Take a personal interest in employees'

career goals.

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

The Takomilk started because of the dedication and the same vision of the team to

create something that will give the consumers a product that is worth every penny of the

consumers. So the team had come up with the idea to combine the takoyaki and milktea since

the team knew that these two product is so popular that the consumers, wherever they are, are

willing to exert an extra effort just to buy these products. But we know that before we chose

a certain idea we must give a chance to others on their opinions and ideas, so we created a

poll to know and to gain more knowledge on the idea of others, and also there will be no bias

in choosing products. But in the end, the takoyaki and milktea have won majority. So the

Takomilk that we know today was built by a team that has full of dedication and the same vision.

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024

Chapter III.

Business proponents

Proponents of the business are the members of the group itself, who may include

employees, investors, customers, suppliers, etc. By dividing them into different categories of

work, it enables them to work together to ensure the success of the business. In business

proponents and stakeholders, it is the board of directors that is responsible for taking action. In

order to make a company successful, they have a particular field they specialize in or

department they work in.

Resource mobilizers and financial backers it is the investors and business partner who

are willing to give funds or budget to the business and organization to expand and secure new

resources to meet the requirements of needs. In order to achieve short-term and long-term

goals, requires seeking out investors who offer financial support as well as moral support.

Having enough investors and business partners will help to successfully cover expenses and

maintain the standard quality of the product that the business provides to its customers.

The assigned employees in technology providers and applicators are the ones who have

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024
the knowledge and specialized in this field for example the service provider and information

technology. They are in charge of tracking and budgeting funds to pay for the technologies that

the business needs. Since they're in the media, it is their responsibility to do the things

that are involved with electronics and technology like for example making a website and

portfolio of our business that can provide information and descriptions to the consumers to

know what our main product and services in the technology providers and applicators team can

also help to promote our business using the media to spread and expand publicly to catch the

people attention and interest.

The Operating and Support Team will create programs to promote our business. It

provides instructions on daily operating tasks. It is responsible to increase efficiency in a

specific department. A well-established business creates transparency within the organization,

leading to greater trust and loyalty among employees.

Capital sourcing

The Takomilk shop has a dedicated fund that will be used for Capital that will come from

group members. The personal savings will be used to build the shop and improve our business.

The expected funds will be increased within a month or a year.

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024



( Demographic, Psychographic, Behavioral &


The Takomilk is open for men, women and other gender therefore our target customers

are everyone. The market is divided into three (3) categories such as Teenagers, 14-19 Early

Adulthood (ages 20–34), Early Middle Age (35–45).

Teenagers 14-19

14-19 years old would be interested in exploring different kinds of drinks and pastries,

especially those good-looking or the so-called “instagramable”, furthermore both boys and girls

would love the delicious and sweet because kids or teens love the sweet and charming look that

we offer so they would want to have a taste of it.

Early Adulthood (ages 20–34)

At this age both men and women prefer to buy Milktea and Takoyaki at the store because

a Takoyaki and Milktea shop could be a hang-out place with friends, to talk to the troops and

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024
relax, they would want to have a Milktea to chill their mind because of the coldness of it and

spend their time leisurely as well as taking Takoyaki to fill hunger during work hours that they


Early Middle Age (35–45)

The business appeal to this consumer age group because most of this age stay at the

office and would need food that could fill their stomach first thing in the morning because
having breakfast will cause a boost to their brainpower and reduce the risk of illness. In
addition to improving cognitive functions, in moderation, surprisingly can reduce the risk of
chronic conditions and ailments such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes, liver disease and
depression. Our Takomilk shop will make sure that we will exert more effort to add table and
chairs for them to have a good meeting place to discuss business.

Consumer Profile
(Name of Target
Consumer) (Name of Target Consumer)

Sample Consumer no. 1 Sample Consumer no. 2


Income Range/Social Class - Upper Class - Lower Class

- Middle Class

Occupation Blue collar job

White collar job Gold

collar job

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024

Gender and Age Group

Male and Female (15 – 35 Male and Female , (18 – 40 years

years old) old)


Religion Religion
- Tradition - Tradition
- -
- Beliefs - Beliefs


Idea of the product - Product


City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024
- awake the system - Product
and to keep the Specification
alertness/ so they
would be - Provide them products
that they can enjoy.

- Enjoy the rich

taste and aroma.

Activities when Buying - Purchasing Behavior

-Try out new things

- Purchasing - Gift or souvenir to

Behavior friends or family members.

- To take their
time leisurely.
- While studying
- When
with someone

- To keep them
energized by
drinking coffee
before working.

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024

Motivations for buying Product tivation of buying the

Reasons/Motivation of buying -
Gift or souvenir to
the Product
friends or family
- members.
- Help them feel
less tired, Taste something
increase energy new and also to
levels, burn fat by take a picture to
jump-starting the body's post in social
metabolism, and - media accounts.
improve Treat themselves
productivity and brain something special.
function—includi ng -
memory, Recommended by
mood, reaction times, friends.
general mental function.

- They love
Milktea and Takoyaki.


City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

Digital Channels Used

- Social Network Sites

FB, Instagram, Twitter,

- Social Network Sites

FB, Instagram, Twitter, Vlogs.

Favored Information Sources - Source of Information

-Online Product, Reviews,

Forums, Blogs & Interviews
- Source of

- Online Product


- advertisements

Devices used

- Technology Used - Technology Used

(Ex. Office PC, (Ex. Smartphone,

Smartphone, Tablets) Tablets)

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024

User – generated content

- Consumer’s review
- Consumer’s
about the products and
review about the
products and
services. - Consumer’s review
- Consumer’s about the products and
recommendation services
about the products
and services.

Through Facebook/twitter
Through Facebook/twitter/ IG
Posts Posts, Blogs

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

Chapter V. SWOT Analysis



BUSINESS DESCRIPTION: Takomilk shop that is in province that offers Three types of
flavors in Takoyaki which is Cheese, Ham & Cheese, Octopus meat. Takoyaki are
circular, fluffy balls of dough with a delicious piece of octopus meat/Cheese /Ham &
Cheese, in the center that are topped in a special, savory Takoyaki sauce and Milk
Tea have Three types of flavors which is Chocolate, Hazelnut, Winter melon. Milk Tea
simply put Chocolate/Hazelnut/Winter melon is simply a flavoring for tea. As a result,
the ingredients used for producing our products are all locally made to support our
very own countrymen. We provide a cup of satisfaction for our costumer and ensure
that they will enjoy what we offer.

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024


● The location ● High rental costs
● Presentation of the ● High staff costs
The reputation compared to
● High service levels.
● The unique taste of
the products. ● Many
● Highly motivated

ANALYSIS ● New markets offer THREATS:
● Economic boom ● Price
● New trends of
● Negative
Takoyaki and Milktea
● Emerging
● Economic
● Natural

● Pandemic

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

V. 7P’s of Marketing

Product Profile

Product Name: Crab stick Takoyaki

Product Number: 0004

Short History of the Product:

- He initially made a dish called choboyaki, similar to takoyaki in flavor but not shape. Choboyaki is

rectangular and flat with round bumps, resembling bubble wrap or Lego blocks.

In 1935, a man named tomoichi endo invented the takoyaki fire and popularized it in Osaka City. He was a

street vendor, but he was a clever cook at the time. Takoyaki stewed Octopus stewed is a small ball-

shaped dumpling (made of an egg-rich batter and octopus), which originated in

Mingshi City, Hyogo county.


Takoyaki Sauce

Takoyaki Flour

Japanese Mayo

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024
Bonita Flakes

Aonori Powder


Crab Stick

Procedure of the Product:

TAKOYAKI たこ焼き or 蛸焼) is a ball-shaped Japane se snack made of a wheat flour-based batter and
cooked in a special molded pan.

It istypically filled with minced or diced octopus (tako), tempura scraps (tenkasu), pickled ginger (beni

shoga), and green oniokn (negi).

The balls are brushed with takoyaki sauce (similar to Worcestershire sauce) and mayonnaise, and then

sprinkled with green laver (aonori) and shavings of dried bonito(katsuobushi).

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

Product Profile

Product Name: Hazelnut Mliktea

Product Number: 0003

Short History of the Product:

-It originated in Hong Kong, and may have its origins in the introduction of the practice of drinking

afternoon tea with milk and sugar under British colonial rule. When using evaporated milk, sugar is often

added to sweeten the tea.

Since the Philippines is a hot country, Filipinos do love refreshments. Juices and Softdrinks have been

there always whenever we want. Milk tea perhaps is a new taste for us. It is Suitable for

Chilling and Dialogue - Most people often love to talk while drinking something.

Magnolia Fresh Milk

Sugar Syrup

Tapioca Pearl

Black Tea

Hazelnut Powder

Procedure of the Product:

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
A.Y. 2023-2024
It is a combination of black tea, milk, a sweetener of some sort, and tapioca pearls.

Cream and sugar may be mixed in while the newly-made tea is still hot.

Adding milk mellows and smooths out the flavors of tea, particularly some of the bitter notes found in
black tea. Milk tea is enjoyed throughout the world as both a hot and cold beverage.

Price Strategy

1. PRICING FOR MARKET PENETRATION - since takomilk and many more takoyaki & milkteahas already
been in the industry way back then we want to introduce our product in a very attractive way and
that is the lower price of our product compared to the takomilk and others prices but despite the
lower price, the products are kind of similar with the looks and taste of those in the takomilk and we
even provide things that takomilk or other known takoyaki & milktea doesn’t have.

2. ECONOMY PRICING - for economy pricing for takomilk we all know that ingredients used inmaking
sago, bonito dried flakes, takoyaki batter mix, takoyaki sauce, are quite expensive but we will still
base the price of takomilk menu on the real price of the products. And also, the purpose of this
takomilk is to let people know how delicious our menu even if you’re not rich in life but you can still
eat delicious and rich foods at cheap prices. We will do everything to achieve the price they can
afford but at the same time they are satisfied with the products or services provided by takomilk.

3. PSYCHOLOGY PRICING - our takomilk use this type of pricing because since the market price for the
ingredients used in our product is kind of natural price of our product will be higher but we want the
costumer to think that our product is cheap despite its sophisticated appearance by putting up a
price that could somehow trick them into buying our product.

4. BUNDLE PRICING - Takomilk offers a package or a set of goods for a lower and cheaper price than
a customer would pay if they bought it desperately. Takomilk does this for the customer to get what
product they want to buy at a discount because every customer has an amount that they are willing
to pay for products. That's why we offer the best deals for our consumers. We use this type of
strategy to increase our sales at the same time giving our customers a good for
products. That's why we offer the best deals for our consumers. We use this type of strategy to
increase our sales at the same time giving our customers a good discount.

City University of Pasay

College of Office Administration and Computer Technology

A.Y. 2023 -2024

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

Summary Expenses 2022-2023

Expenses Total Amount Expenses Total Amount
Raw Materials 421,051 Raw Materials 421,051
Labor/ Salary wages 16,000 Labor/ Salary wages 16,000
Water and Electricity bills 13,000 Water and Electricity bills 12,090
Internet 18,000 Internet 15,900
Equipment 190,000 Equipment 125,000
Total 658,051 Total 590,041

Total fund 1,248,092

Income Statement (5 Years projections)

Year 1 Year 2 Year3 Year4 Year5
Revenues 500,00 345,774 314,454.77 769,880.1555 1,389,093.4181
Product A 56,265 65281 105256 126501 136253
Product B 66,25 53582 202531 258025 265852
Product C 46,585 52612 302548 365020 420510
Product D 25,876 45236 150236 203625 206802
Total Revenues 135,351 216,711 760,571 953,171 1,029,417

Expenses and 5% 15% 20% 35% 40%

Cost Interest
Cost of goods 105,852 111,409.23 138,120.6145 168,744.7374 236,242.6323
Sold 6
Other Expenses 0 0 10,000 15,000 20,000

Water and 13,225 14821 15225 18213 20521

Internet 16,800 16800 16800 16800 16800
Salaries and 96,000 105,000 125,000 132,000 136,000
City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

Total and 289,577 248,030.2 305,145.6145 333957.7374 429,563.6323
Expenses &Cost 3 6

Net income Yearly 345,774 314,454.77 769,880.1555 1,389,093.4181


City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024


- The way to promote our new business be Takomilk is:

1. DISCOUNT COUPON - One of the best promotions for the beginner business like takomilk, this

coupon represents the loyal customer in our store. In other words, they could come again and

be a loyal customer.

2. ONLINE ADVERTISEMENT - The online advertisement is the number one effective promotion in

businesses like takomilk, we promote our store online so that almost everyone in the world

using the internet can see it. And also the customer has an advantage to this because they can

order online.

3. SOCIAL NETWORKING PAGE - We can promote our menu, freebies and also the

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

discount in takomilk. We post it on social media pages and 50% of the people using the

internet can see it.

4. PRODUCT ITSELF - Our product itself can promote and call the attention of the people as

well as our packaging or the way how we present our products to appear delectable in the

eyes of our customers and when they had a taste of it they will definitely be satisfied.

5. FREE TASTE - For our product, we have prepared a bite-size to offer as a free taste for

the customers since a lot of our products will be traditional it may be new to their eyes so

to pacify their doubts and curiosity they must have a taste of it first.

PLACE- our store is located in 209 ascaño st, malibay pasay city, The place is designed to look

minimalist and instagramable for our customers to be satisfied.

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024


As you can see, the majority of our packaging consists of paper and plastic cups. When

it’s viewed from another angle, the packaging cannot simply be discarded. It can be recycled and

utilized for any purpose that benefits society.

The beverages are contained in a plastic cup container, while the Takoyaki’s are
packaged in a box with a paper lid. This packaging is handier since it is neatly packed and can
be safely carried when their order is to go. The packaging for the Takoyaki may be used to
hold different types of food, and the plastic cup container can be recycled because it can be
used as a regular cup at home.

We positioned the logo in the center of the package as part of our effort to promote
our brand so that customers will recognize it and should decide to make another purchase.

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024


Takomilk offers a varieties of products and services such as takoyaki, milktea, we ensure that what

we offer is something that can satisfy the needs and wants of our customers, what makes us

different from the others is that we support local products made from the Philippines our very own

country as well as we promote the traditional sweets that seem to have been forgotten, so although

we also offer something from the provinces we still prioritize products that are made locally and has

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

significance in our country.

Another thing is for those customers who do not like waiting they can order ahead of time through

our online application that allow them to choose what they want so when they arrive their order is

ready to be enjoyed.

We made our sweets with the beverages in mind so they would suit each other Takomilk serves

clean, safe, and fresh products. We assure that every customer are safe, secure, and comfortable

with our shop.

College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
City University of Pasay

S.Y. 2023-2024

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024


As one of the most important person in the
A owner is expected to work with harmony company he/she must possess qualities that
to the board and other executives to is befitting of a leader.
develop short and long-term priorities, plans
and strategies, the president is tasked with - Innovative, confident, good
providing good leadership for the communication skills,
organization. They are accountable for ruling trustworthy.
over the entire workforce and will control - Can remain calm and create
budgets and ensure that resources are solution everytime there will
adeately distributed. be a problem.

- Financial and

Manager ● Always ready to support the

- Always ready to support the
● Excellent written and verbal
owner and making sure that the plan
for the business is being done communication skills
properly. ● Executive-level presentation
skills and ability to handle
highlevel client interactions
● Strong interpersonal,
relationship-building, and
negotiating skills
● High level of proficiency with
Microsoft Office (Excel, Outlook,

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024
Cashier responsibilities include managing • Provides a positive
transactions with customers using cash customer experience
registers · Scanning goods and ensuring pricing is with fair, friendly, and
accurate courteous service.
• Registers sales on a
cash register by
scanning items, itemizing
and totaling customers'
• Resolves customer
issues and answers
• Bags purchases if
• Processes return

. .
Barista – • Maintain a clean work
area, and ensure
Preparing and serving hot and ingredients and supplies are
cold drinks such as milk tea, artisan prepped.
and specialty beverages. Cleaning • Contribute to a positive and
and sanitizing work areas, utensils collaborative work
and equipment. Cleaning service environment
and seating areas. • Prepare & serve light
drinks items

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

List of Competitors

1, CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice - Known for their signature bubble tea drinks and fruit teas.

2. Happy Lemon - Offers a variety of milk tea flavors and fruit teas with unique twists.

3. Tiger Sugar - Famous for their brown sugar milk tea with a caramelized swirl.

4. Happy Cup - Known for their fresh fruit teas and milk tea blends.

5. ColdSip - Offers a range of fruit teas and milk tea options with natural ingredients.

1. Gindaco - A well-known chain originating from Osaka, Japan, with locations in various

2. Takoyaki Tora-chan - Located in Osaka, known for its flavorful and crispy takoyaki.

3. Wanaka - A popular takoyaki shop in Tokyo, Japan, offering delicious and creative
variations of the dish.

4. Otafuku - A long-standing takoyaki shop in Osaka, famous for its traditional-style takoyaki.

5. Takohachi - Another renowned takoyaki spot in Osaka, known for its soft and fluffy
takoyaki balls.

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024



No cellphone policy Non-compliance with the policy will be

faced with a warning first then a
Employees should keep their phones on their minor punishment to severe if
lockers continued disobedience is shown.
and are permitted to check their phones on their

Non-compliance with the policy will be

faced with a warning first then a
minor punishment to sever if a
continue disobedience is shown.

Must look presentable at all times

They have to wear the corresponding uniforms in

each day and proper hygiene before proceeding
to their designated job. Dress code can also help
to distinguish employees from guest.

Cleanliness is a must Non-compliance of the policy will be

faced with warning first then a minor
They should be washing their hands as soon as punishment to sever if a continue
disobedience is shown.
they start their shift. Enforce proper hand


Place hand washing signage over each sink.

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

AWOL (absence without leave) is prohibited Non-compliance of the policy will be

faced with warning first then a minor
Employees must submit requests for time off or punishment to sever if a continue
other types of leave in writing. In case of disobedience is shown.
emergency one must provide a reasonable reason
with evidence.


- Must Serve And Comply to The Costumer Needs with Respect And All Smile.

- Protect Proprietary Information Of The Company And Its Customers And


- If There Are Trouble Report To The Manager as Soon As Possible.

- Time is gold therefore.All Must Arrive On Time.

City University of Pasay
College of Office Administration and Computer Technology
S.Y. 2023-2024

- Observe Cleanliness at All times.

Be Cautious. Conduct Work And Other Activities With Due Regard For The Health
And Safety Of Others

Treat everyone with respect and without discriminatory attitude regarding the
status of someone.


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