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My motivation for studying abroad comes from a mix of personal and academic reasons, rooted

in my upbringing and interests. Growing up in Albania, a country with a rich history and culture,
I was exposed to a variety of perspectives from a young age. This diverse environment sparked
my curiosity and gave me a deep appreciation for different cultures. Additionally, my
background in economics, management, and computer science has equipped me with skills like
problem-solving and critical thinking. However, I believe true understanding comes from
firsthand experiences, which is why I'm excited to attend an international program and gain a
deeper insight into global issues.
Forum-Nexus caught my attention for a few reasons. Firstly, its unique approach of traveling to
multiple cities in Europe in a short period sounded like an amazing adventure. The chance to
explore vibrant cities like Barcelona, Paris, and Rome while earning academic credit is a
fantastic opportunity. Additionally, Forum-Nexus's focus on hands-on learning through company
visits, cultural excursions, and networking events aligns perfectly with how I learn best and my
professional goals. I'm really looking forward to gaining practical experience in different
industries and building a network of peers and professionals from around the world.
On a personal level, I've always been passionate about exploring new cultures and pushing
myself out of my comfort zone. As someone from Albania, I've been lucky to travel throughout
Europe and experience the diversity of different cultures firsthand. These experiences have only
fueled my curiosity and inspired me to seek out more international opportunities.
Academically, I've done well in my studies and have always been eager to learn and grow. My
coursework in economics, management, and computer science has given me a solid foundation
in skills like analysis and problem-solving. However, I believe there's no substitute for real-world
experience, which is why I'm eager to participate in Forum-Nexus.
Looking ahead, I believe that this international experience will be invaluable in shaping my
future. I see it as a stepping stone toward my long-term goal of pursuing a career in data science
and international business. The insights and experiences I gain through Forum-Nexus will
undoubtedly inform my future endeavors, setting me on a path toward success and fulfillment.

Stiven Menekshi

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