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Dynamics of wheeled mobile robots with flexible suspension: Analytical

modelling and verification

Article · January 2008

DOI: 10.2316/Journal.206.2008.4.206-3183

17 1,047

3 authors, including:

Khalil Alipour S.A.A. Moosavian

University of Tehran K. N. Toosi University of Technology


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International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2008


K. Alipour,∗ S.A.A. Moosavian,∗ and Y. Bahramzadeh∗

Abstract suspension sub-system increases the safety and durability

of the base as well as its mounted arm(s), in response to
Field Robots are defined as robotic systems that can work in shocks and jerks transmitted to them due to irregularity of
unstructured environments. Handling the mobility requirements the open terrain. Consequently, a suspended wheeled mo-
of a challenging rough terrain makes a suspended wheeled mobile bile robot (SWMR) can be considered as a proper system
robot (SWMR), with multiple dexterous manipulators, a proper for movement on any rough or uneven terrain, as shown in
field robot design. In this study, a general systematic procedure Fig. 1.
for dynamics modelling of such complicated systems is presented
based on Newton–Euler’s formulation for a chain of rigid bodies.
Then, to verify the obtained dynamics model, another model for
the considered system is developed using the commercial multibody
dynamic simulation package MSC.ADAMS. Comparison between the
results obtained from these two models confirms the thoroughness
of the proposed modeling approach. The presented approach can
also provide the interaction wrench(es) between the mobile base and
the mounted arm(s). Therefore, the developed model along with a
proper postural stability metric can be employed for stable planning
and model-based control of autonomous SWMRs to perform object
manipulation tasks. Besides, the obtained simulation model provides
an efficient tool for designers of such systems to examine various
behaviours and optimize relevant characteristics.

Key Words

Mobile manipulators, dynamics modelling, suspension system, Figure 1. A dual arm suspended wheeled mobile robot
MSC.ADAMS software which can move on a rough terrain.

1. Introduction Attempts by robotics research community for attaining

the dynamical equations of motion for mobile robots have
In recent years, the trend of academic research has di- led to successful results. However, most of these results ig-
rected towards mobile platforms which accommodate the nore the compliant characteristics of the structure/tire(s)
terrain roughness. Currently, the exciting scientific results of the ground mobile robots. A systematic method for
obtained from Mars Rovers explorations highlight the key the kinematics and dynamics modelling of a two degree of
role of field robots with reasonable degrees of mobility. freedom (DOF) automated guided vehicle (AGV) has been
Exploiting a wheeled mobile robotic (WMR) system in presented by Saha and Angeles [1, 2]. They have employed
uneven environments, it is inevitable to use some kind of the notion of natural orthogonal complement to eliminate
suspension/tire compliance module. In addition, the use of the Lagrange multipliers. The kinematics and dynamics of
∗ Advanced Robotics & Automated Systems (ARAS) Labora- space robots in the phase of free-floating motion have been
tory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, K. N. Toosi described by Vafa and Dubowsky [3], proposing the idea of
University of Technology, P.O. Box 19395-1999, Tehran, Iran; virtual manipulator. In the absence of external forces act-
ing on the system, the system centre of mass (CM) is fixed
Recommended by Prof. Mohamed Kamel in inertial space. Hence, a free-floating space manipulator
(paper no. 206-3183) can be exchanged with a virtual fixed-base manipulator.
The method of barycentric vector has been adopted to gation of the dynamic interaction between the mobile base
study kinematics and dynamics of a free-floating single- and manipulator arm(s) will be also discussed. To this end,
arm space robot [4]. Moosavian and Papadopoulos have in Section 2 an algorithm for closed-form computation of
developed two basic approaches for kinematics modelling the dynamic interaction between the base and its arm(s)
of multiple manipulators space free-flying robots [5]. It was will be explained. Section 3 describes a spatial benchmark
shown that the direct path method requires significantly system. Then, the kinematics and dynamics of the spa-
fewer computations for position and velocity analyses. The tial vehicle are derived, and the verification strategy for
Lagrangian formulation has been applied to generate the spatial mobile robotic system by MSC.ADAMS software is
explicit dynamics model of space free-flying robots [6]. The demonstrated. Simulation results reveal the effectiveness
system kinetic energy is derived and three formats are ob- of the proposed method. Finally, some concluding remarks
tained which describe the contribution of each term of ki- will be presented in the last section.
netic energy to the equations of motion. The idea of direct
path method has been utilized for deriving the dynamics 2. Closed-Form Dynamic Interaction between Plat-
of differentially driven mobile manipulators equipped with form and Arms
multiple arms [7]. The kinematics of differentially-driven
and car-like platforms has been described by Papadopoulos A SWMR can be divided into two sub-systems; that is the
and Poulakakis [8]. Moosavian and Eslamy have investi- module which provides the mobility of the system (vehicle)
gated the dynamics as well as multiple impedance control and the manipulator arm(s). It is expected that the next
of a differentially driven multiple-arm robotic system to generation of robotic systems become fully autonomous
manipulate a common object [9]. The mass-inertia ma- and dexterous [24]. Dexterity implies the mechanical
trix and vector of nonlinear velocity-dependant terms have capability to carry out various kinds of tasks in various
been found to develop an explicit dynamics model that can situations. To have a dexterous mobile robotic system, it
be properly used in control law. Abo-Shanab et al. have should have two or more arms, rather than just one [24].
described the dynamics modelling of manipulators with Exploiting multiple manipulators will also improve the
moving bases or those with joints having more than one grasping feature of a manipulated object. Consequently, in
DOF using the virtual link approach [10]. By introducing this paper, a SWMR equipped with multiple manipulators
virtual links appropriately, the method allows transforma- will be considered.
tion of these types of manipulators into the ones having A general scheme to derive the validated dynamics of
fixed bases with one DOF joints. The method of virtual the whole system can be proposed based on the dynamic
link has been employed for obtaining the tip-over dynam- interaction between the two systems. Therefore, in this
ics of heavy-duty hydraulic mobile machines in different section, an algorithm for closed-form computation of the
researches [11–13]. Forward recursive formulation for the dynamic interaction between the base and its arm(s) is ex-
dynamics of multibody systems has been employed to ob- plained. Such explicit formats which are developed for the
tain the governing equation of the nonholonomic mobile described interaction wrenches can then be exploited for
manipulator systems [14]. The proposed approach can any kind of locomotion system such as legged, wheeled of
be generally used for modelling the nonholonomic wheeled various kinds (including omnidirectional or nonholonomic
mobile manipulators and is based on the virtual work. The drive with conventional, castor and Swedish wheels [25])
Kane’s approach has been reported for the dynamics of or even free-flying systems in space [6], in both planar and
multiple cooperating mobile manipulators moving on flat three-dimensional motions. Note that, it is assumed that
surface while transporting an elastic object [15]. The dy- the system consists of nt manipulators while each contains
namic interaction between a single DOF manipulator and Pi DOF, i = {1, 2, . . . , nt}. As a result, the total
ntDOF for
a suspended vehicle has also been addressed [16]. a three-dimentional motion equals to N = 6 + i=1 Pi .
To derive such analytical model, first consider the
The estimation of dynamic parameters and dynamics
following kinetics equations of the i-th link as:
modelling of a mobile manipulator has been reported by
Sujan and Dubowsky in [17]. The linearized dynamics (k) (k) (k) (k)
fi − fi+1 + mi g = mi R̈c(k)
model of a wheeled mobile robot has been studied to
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k)
analyze the frequency response of the body movements ni − ni+1 + li(k) × fi − ri × fi+1 = Ii ω̇ i
[18]. Park et al. have presented a multilayered suspension (k) (k) (k)
+ ωi × Ii ω i (1b)
mechanism for two-caster and two wheeled mobile robot
to maintain stability and obtain improved performances where the right superscript k indicates the k-th manipula-
[19]. Dynamics modelling and a combined open/closed- tor, and right subscript i describes the i-th link. Besides,
loop control strategy for a three-wheel autonomous ground (k)
fi indicates the force exerted on link i by link (i − 1) and
vehicle have been also reported [20]. However, the dynamic (k)
ni denotes the torque exerted on link i by link (i − 1).
interaction between a mobile base and its multiple arms (k) (k)
has been exploited for evaluation of tip-over stability of Also, mi represents the mass of link i, R̈Ci represents
(k) (k)
such systems [21–23]. the linear acceleration of i-th link CM, vectors li , ri
In this paper, a general procedure for dynamics mod- are invariant body-fixed position vectors which describe
elling of suspended wheeled mobile manipulators equipped the position of i-th link CM relative to the i-th and i + 1-th
with multiple arms will be presented for spatial cases. Ver- joints (see Fig. 2) and g is the vector of constant grav-
(k) (k)
ification of the obtained analytical model and also investi- itational acceleration, respectively. Finally, Ii and ω i
represent the mass moment of inertia and angular velocity between the mobile base and k-th manipulator define a
of i-th link respectively. Equations (1a) and (1b) can be wrench as:
rewritten in the following form:
(k) (k) (k)
W1 = [(n1 )T , (f1 )T ]T (5a)
(k) (k) (k) (k)
fi − fi+1 = mi (R̈Ci − g) (2a)
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k) And correspondingly, the wrench exerted to the en-
ni − ni+1 = − li(k) × fi + ri × fi+1
vironment by the end-effector of the k-th manipulator is
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k)
+ Ii ω̇ i + ω i × Ii ω i (2b) defined as:
(k) (k) (k)
WPk +1 = [(nPk +1 )T , (fPk +1 )T ]T (5b)

which can be obtained via measurements achieved through

force/torque sensor(s) installed at the wrist. It should be
noted that the mutual wrench at the e-th joint can also be
calculated in an analogous manner as follows:

(k) (k) (k)
fe(k) = fPk +1 − Me(k) · g + mi R̈Ci (6a)

(k) (k) (k) (k)
ne(k) = nPk +1 + (−li(k) × fi + ri × fi+1
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k)
+ Ii ω̇ i + ωi × Ii ω i ) (6b)

where Me describes the outboard mass after e-th joint of
k-th manipulator. Note that, in this case, the generalized
speeds and acceleration are as follows:

 TC , ω T0 , q T ]T ,
ν = [R ν̇ = [R̈TC0 , ω̇ T0 , q̈T ]

where R  C0 represents the linear velocity of platform CM

Figure 2. The tree-like structure of the system. The base (see Fig. 2), ω 0 denotes the angular velocity of platform
can be either a free flyer or a ground vehicle. and q describes the joint speeds of whole arms, which is:
If the k-th manipulator arm has Pk links, then by q̇ = [q̇(1) , q̇(2) , . . . , q̇(nt) ]T(N −6)×1 (6d)
writing (2a) and (2b) for all links, summation of the LHS
and RHS of all these equations leads to: Now, to attain the linear acceleration of the CM of
each body in terms of generalized acceleration/speeds the
 P following kinematic analysis can be considered based on
(k) (k) (k) (k)
(fi − fi+1 ) = mi (R̈Ci − g) (3a) direct path kinematics approach [5]. The inertial position
i=1 i=1 of the CM of an arbitrary typical link can be written as:

(k) (k) (k) (k) (k)
(ni − ni+1 ) = (−li(k) × fi + ri × fi+1 i

(k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k)
i=1 i=1 RCi = RC0 + r0 + [(Δij rj − lj ) + δj qj zj ]
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k) j=1
+ Ii ω̇ i + ωi × Ii ω i ) (3b)
It should be noted that, the LHS (3a) and (3b) can be (k)
easily contracted to: where Δij and δj , which determine the considered joint
is revolute or prismatic, are defined as follows:
(k) (k) (k) (k) ⎨ 1; i = j
f1 = fPk +1 − M (k) · g + mi R̈Ci (4a)
i=1 Δij = 1 − δij = (7b)
⎩ 0; i = j

(k) (k) (k) (k) (k) ⎧
n1 = nPk +1 + (−li(k) × fi + ri × fi+1 ⎨ 1; if q (k) is prismatic
i=1 (k) j
δj = (7c)
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k) ⎩ 0; otherwise
+ Ii ω̇ i + ωi × Ii ω i ) (4b)

where M (k) represents the total mass of the k-th arm. Note where δij is Kronecker delta and r0 describes the position
that the six-dimensional vector of dynamic interaction vector of the first joint of the k-th manipulator with
respect to the base CM. Note that when qj corresponds
(k) (k) (k) (k)
to a prismatic joint then zj should be considered in the (Ji,Ci )L = [13×3 (J1, i )3×3 (J2, i )3×(N −6) ]3×N (13a)
(k) ⎡ ⎤×
direction opposite to the increase of qj . In addition, to i

(k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k)
obtain the inertial velocity of CM of the i-th body of k-th J1, i = ⎣−r0 + (lj − Δij rj − δj qj zj )⎦
manipulator, (7a) is differentiated to yield: j=1

 C0 + ω 0 × r(k) +
 Ci = R [ω j
× (Δij rj
(k) (k)
− lj ) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k)
R 0 J2, i = (lj − Δij rj − δj qj zj )× Jq, j (13c)
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k)
+ δj (q̇j zj + qj ω j × zj )] (8) (k)
Jq, j = [03×P1 03×P2 · · · 03×(Pk −1) Δ1 z1
(k) (k)

(k) (k) (k) (k)

× Δ2 z2 · · · Δj zj 03×(Pk −j)
It should be reminded that the term R  C0 + ω 0 × r(k)
× 03×Pk+1 · · · 03×Pnt ]3×(N −6) (13d)
represents the inertial velocity of the point of the platform
on which the k-th manipulator has been attached. In case,
the overall joints of k-th arm are revolute then (8) can be (k) (k)
reduced to the following: (Ji )A = [03×3 13×3 Jq, i ] (14)

 where (·)× is the cross product operator defined as:
 C0 + ω 0 × r(k) + (k) (k) (k)
 Ci = R
R 0 [ω j × (Δij rj − lj )] (9) ⎡ ⎤
0 −rz ry
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
(r)× = ⎢ rz 0 −rx ⎥ (15)
For single DOF joints, the angular velocity of an ⎣ ⎦
individual body can be evaluated as: −ry rx 0


(k) (k) (k) (k) To obtain the linear and angular acceleration of the
ωi = ω0 + Δj q̇j zj (10a) i-th body of k-th manipulator, (12b) and (12c) should be
differentiated as:

(k) (k)
where R̈Ci = (J Ci )L ν + (JCi )L ν̇ (16)
⎧ ω̇ =
(J i )A ν+
(Ji )A ν̇ (17)
⎨ 0; if qj
is prismatic
(k) (k)
Δj = 1 − δj = (10b)
⎩ 1; otherwise By substitution (17) into (6a), it can be obtained:


(k) (k) (k) (k)
By combining (9) and (10a) the following relationship fe(k) = fPk +1 − Me(k) · g + mi ((J Ci )L ν + (JCi )L ν̇)
can be obtained which describes the linear and angular i=e
velocity of the i-th manipulator: (18)

⎧ ⎫ Also, by substitution of (12c), (17) and (18) into (6b)

⎨R Ci ⎬
(k) and some manipulations the following relationship can be
= Ji,Ci ν (11)
⎩ ω (k) ⎭ obtained:
i Pk
(k) (k)
ne(k) = nPk +1 + PEE/e × fPk +1 + Qi D(k)
where the Jacobian matrix can be found as: i=e

⎡ ⎤ +
(k) (k)
[Ii (J i )A ν + Ii (Ji )A ν̇
(k) (k)
(J )
Ji,Ci = ⎣ Ci L ⎦ (12a) i=e
(k) (k) (k) (k)
(Ji )A + ((Ji )A ν)× Ii ((Ji )A ν)] (19a)

such that the following relationship can be written: where PEE/e represents the position of k-th arm end-
effector relative to e-th joint of k-th manipulator and is
equal to:
 Ci = (J(k) )L ν
R (12b)
(k) (k) Pk

ωi = (Ji )A ν (12c) (k) (k)
PEE/e = (−li + ri ) (19b)
where linear and angular parts of jacobian matrix can be
obtained as: In addition, other matrices can be written as:
3. Spatial Benchmark System
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k)
Qi = [03×3(i−1) mi (−li )× mi+1 (−li + ri )× ···
(k) (k) (k) 3.1 Kinematics/Dynamics Modelling
mPk (−li + ri )× ]3×3Pk (19c)
⎡ ⎤
(k) (k) In this section, a SWMR equipped with two 3-DOF ma-
J L,1 ν + JL,1 ν̇ − g
⎢ ⎥ nipulators is considered and referred as a benchmark. The
⎢  (k) (k) ⎥
⎢ JL,2 ν + JL,2 ν̇ − g ⎥ base is mounted on a suspension sub-system as depicted in
D(k) ⎢
=⎢ ⎥ (19d)
.. ⎥ Fig. 3. The considered platform in Fig. 3 consists of a 6-
⎢ . ⎥
⎣ ⎦ DOF sprung mobile base and four unsprung wheels. Both
(k) (k)
J ν +J
L,Pk ν̇ − g
L,Pk attached manipulators have the configuration of PUMA
3Pk ×1
560 as shown in Fig. 1 where each has three DOFs (with
(k) (k) no wrist).
where JL, i is the representative for (JCi )L . It is worth
noting that the second term on the RHS of (19a) denotes
the moment of force applied at the end-effector about e-th
joint of k-th arm. Also, the third term on the RHS, which
is a combination of matrix Qi and column vector D(k) ,
represents the effect of centripetal and Coriolis torques.
These terms are generated as a result of the moment of
centrifugal and Coriolis forces applied at the CM of various
links of k-th arm about e-th joint. Finally, the last term on
the RHS depicts the rate of change of angular momentum
of a system comprising the outboard links after e-th joint
of k-th manipulator. Note that the equations of motion of
different bodies of various manipulators can be obtained as

τe(k) = ne(k) · Ze(k) (20)

It should be noted that the obtained Jacobian matri-

ces are independent of the selected frame and consequently
their components can be projected in any convenient frame
of reference by employing the associated transformation
matrices. The obtained forward kinematics formulation
can moreover be utilized for obtaining the system dy-
namics equations using any energy-based approach (e.g., Figure 3. The mobile base body and suspension sub-
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations). system.
In summary, by calculation of Jacobian matrices from
(13) and (14) and their derivatives and use of (18), (19) and The main body of the platform is modelled as a 6-DOF
(20) the equations of motion of manipulators as well as the body; three DOF for its linear motion along X, Y and
mutual wrenches between the mobile base and manipulator Z-inertial axes, and three DOF for its rotational motion
arms can be obtained. Note that the angular velocity about three base body frame axes (roll, pitch and yaw).
and acceleration of any individual body, in a kinematic These frames are depicted in Fig. 3. To present a complete
tree-like structure with single DOF joints can be obtained model for such systems, the wheels are modelled separately
using (10) and (17). If there are joints with multi DOF, as rigid masses mounted on linear springs. Origin of the
then the proposed formulation can still be employed. To body frame x0 y0 z0 coincides with CM of the base and
this end, some virtual links/joints will be added to the travels with the vehicle.
original system to substitute the multi-DOF joint with that Angular velocities of base body frame are ωx0 , ωy0
of multi-single DOF. Finally, the kinematic and dynamic and ωz0 about x0 , y0 and z0 -axes, respectively. As it was
properties of the virtual links will be set to zero [10]. mentioned, the vehicle motion is described by the three
It should be mentioned that analytical derivation of the linear displacements along inertial X, Y and Z-axes and
mutual interaction provides a suitable way for analyzing three angular displacements which are the X0 _Y 0 _Z 0
the dynamic effects on the performance of a system. Also, Euler angles φ, θ and ψ. These angles are used to describe
it leads to insight for inclusion or exclusion of various the orientation of the base body frame x0 y0 z0 , with respect
dynamic terms in the equation of motion so that the to the inertial frame. Note that the body frame x0 y0 z0 is
complexity of a model-based controller remains within a obtained from the inertial set of axes, XYZ, by means of a
manageable level without sacrificing the performance of the translational motion along with three successive rotations
overall system [14]. Moreover, these interaction dynamic φ, θ and ψ, respectively. Thus if B denotes a vector in
wrenches can be employed for tip-over stability analysis of inertial set of axes and b is the representation of the
the system [21–23]. corresponding one in inertial set of axes then:
B = [R]T b (21a) the wheels and ground respectively. In addition, NT and
Nf ric are torques exerted to the platform due to translating
where [R] is the rotation matrix given as: forces FT and Ff ric from their original point of application
to the base body. Furthermore, Nn regulates the platform
⎡ ⎤ heading angle, that is ψ.
cψ −sψ sθ
⎢ ⎥ Applying Newton’s equations in the inertial frame, the
T ⎢ ⎥
[R] = ⎢ sψ + sϕsθcψ cψ − sϕsθsψ −sϕ ⎥ (21b) equations of motion of the base are obtained as:
⎣ ⎦
sϕsψ − sθcψ sϕcψ + sθsψ 1

F X = m 0 aX
C0 (24a)
where s(·) and c(·) stands for sin(·) and cos(·), respectively.
The triple (ϕ, θ, and ψ) is said to be Euler representation FT c(ψ) − Ff ric s(ψ) + (Farms )X = m0 Ẍ (24b)
of roll, pitch and yaw angles of orientation of base body 
F Y = m 0 aY
C0 (24c)
frame with respect to the inertial frame. Note that in our
study, the roll and pitch angles are small and less than 6◦ FT s(ψ) + Ff ric c(ψ) + (Farms )Y = m0 Ÿ (24d)
while the yaw angle can be any finite value. The angular 
F Z = m 0 aZ
C0 (24e)
velocity of the platform can be written as:
⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ FF R + FF L + FBR + FBL − m0 g + (Farms )Z = m0 Z̈
cθcψ sψ 0 ϕ̇ (24f)
⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
ω 0 = ⎢ −cθsψ cψ 0 ⎥⎢ θ̇ ⎥ (22)
⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎦
sθ 0 1 ψ̇ where FF R , FF L , FBR and FBL are the suspension forces
exerted to the base body (see Fig. 4). Also, (Farms )X ,
(Farms )Y and (Farms )Z indicate overall forces due to inter-
Simple differentiation of angular velocity with respect to
action between the base and arms along axes of the inertial
time leads to absolute angular acceleration. Therefore, the
reference frame and are obtained as follows:
absolute angular acceleration described in the base body
axes is obtained as follows:
(Farms)X = c(ψ + ψ0 ) (−f1 )x0 − s(ψ + ψ0 ) (−f1 )y0
ω̇x0 = ϕ̈cψ − ϕ̇ ψ̇sψ + θ̈sψ + θ̇ψ̇cψ (23a) k k
ω̇y0 = −ϕ̈sψ − ϕ̇ ψ̇cψ + θ̈cψ − θ̇ψ̇sψ (23b) + s(θ + θ0 ) (−f1 )z0 (25a)
ω̇z0 = ψ̈ (23c)
(Farms )Y = (s(ψ + ψ0 ) + s(ϕ + ϕ0 )s(θ + θ0 )c(ψ + ψ0 ))
The free-body diagram of the base is seen in Fig. 4. × (−f1 )x0 + (c(ψ + ψ0 ) − s(ϕ + ϕ0)s(θ + θ0)s(ψ + ψ0 ))
It is remarked that m0 g represent the base weight force. 

(k) (k)
Also, FT and Ff ric denote the resultant longitudinal and × (−f1 )y0 − s(ϕ + ϕ0 ) (−f1 )z0 (25b)
lateral forces exerted to the base due to interaction between k k
(Farms )Z = (s(ϕ + ϕ0 )s(ψ + ψ0 ) − s(θ + θ0 )c(ψ + ψ0 ))
× (−f1 )x0 + (s(ϕ + ϕ0)c(ψ + ψ0) + s(θ + θ0)s(ψ + ψ0 ))
× (−f1 )y0 + (−f1 )z0 (25c)
k k

It is remarked that −f1 indicates the force exerted
to the base body by the k-th manipulator. This force has
been described in base body frame. Also, Euler’s equations
in base body-fixed frame can be written as follows:

NCx00 = Ix0 x0 ω̇x0 − (Iy0 y0 − Iz0 z0 ) ωy0 ωz0 (26a)

NCy00 = Iy0 y0 ω̇y0 − (Iz0 z0 − Ix0 x0 ) ωz0 ωx0 (26b)

NCz00 = Iz0 z0 ω̇z0 − (Ix0 x0 − Iy0 y0 ) ωx0 ωy0 (26c)

Figure 4. The free-body diagram of the mobile base. Substituting (22) and (23) into (26) leads to
3.2 Verification of the Obtained Dynamics

NCx00 = Ix0 x0 (ϕ̈cψ − ϕ̇ψ̇sψ + θ̈sψ + θ̇ ψ̇cψ)
To verify the obtained dynamics, another model for the
− (Iy0 y0 − Iz0 z0 )(−ϕ̇ψ̇sψ + θ̇ψ̇cψ) (27a)
 considered system has been developed using MSC.ADAMS
NCy00 = Iy0 y0 (−ϕ̈ sψ − ϕ̇ψ̇cψ + θ̈cψ − θ̇ψ̇sψ) software as shown in Fig. 5. MSC.ADAMS software can
be exploited to produce virtual prototypes for simulating
− (Iz0 z0 − Ix0 x0 )(ϕ̇ψ̇cψ + θ̇ψ̇sψ) (27b) complicated mechanical systems and also quick analyzing

NCz00 = Iz0 z0 ψ̈ − (Ix0 x0 − Iy0 y0 ) of design variations to achieve an optimal design. Herein,
as mentioned previously, this software has been exploited
× (−ϕ̇2 sψcψ + θ̇ϕ̇c2 ψ − θ̇ϕ̇s2 ψ + θ̇2 sψcψ) to verify our proposed approach.

 x0  y0  z0
where N C0 , NC0 and NC0 represent the resultant
overall moments exerted to the base body about various
axes of its frame x0 y0 z0 .
The equation of motion for the wheels (unsprung
masses) can be written as:

⎨ j = F, B
Ktj (Uji − (Z)ji + (Z0 )ji ) − mtj g = mtj (Z̈)ji ;
⎩ i = R, L

where UF R , UF L , UBR and UBL are displacements of front

right, front left, rear right and rear left wheels which are
all due to excitation from uneven ground surface profile,
respectively. Figure 5. The model which has been generated by
It is assumed that in (22)–(28) the pitch and roll MSC.ADAMS software.
angles are less than 6◦ . This is a valid assumption for a
usual suspension and normal road irregularity. However, Various manoeuvers have been considered and imple-
when the system is traversing large concave obstacles [26], mented by both models. The behaviour of these two mod-
or a hilly topography, the pitch and roll angles of the els during one of these manoeuvers is demonstrated here.
platform do not remain small. In that case, the suspension To this end, it is assumed that the base CM moves forward
forces exerted to the platform will not be vertical and on a straight path. Also, a rough surface is considered as
will have different components, and those components depicted in Fig. 6. Note that the first segment of the sur-
should be taken into account by considering the suspension face is a flat one. Following the flat part, the second part
characteristics. is a quintic path versus “X” to examine smooth changes,
Note that, it is often the case in mobile robotics that and the final piece comprises a harmonic sinusoidal profile.
the system of interest has fewer actuators say m than de- It should be mentioned that the difference between the
grees of freedom n. These systems are called underactuated peak and the lowest point of the road roughness for the
and have recently received a great deal of attention in the right side of the vehicle is 24 cm, while the corresponding
literature. This is partly due to the fact that simple control one for the left side of the vehicle is 16 cm. Therefore, a
laws may not work for this case, and the linearized system three-dimensional motion of the base is guaranteed.
may fail to be controllable. A simple example of underac- In this case study, it has been assumed that the robot
tuated systems arises when certain directions of motion are (see Figs. 1 and 3) is moving forward with constant longi-
forbidden due to no-slip constraints, as in wheeled mobile tudinal speed v = 8 m/s. The mass of the base is 18,000 kg,
robots. These constraints, called nonholonomic kinematic and the two manipulators are exactly the same. The mass
constraints, are nonintegrable equations involving the joint of the first link of each arm is 2,000 kg, while the mass of
variables and their first derivatives [27]. It is recalled that the second and third links are equal to 1,830 and 688 kg,
regular WMR systems are typically nonholonomic systems. respectively. The lengths of the first, second and third
For kinematics/dynamics modelling (based on Newton– links are 1 m, 5.2 m and 1.8 m, respectively.
Euler’s approach) the nonholonomic constraint, which is The stiffness coefficients for the front and rear springs
formed due to the rolling wheels, does not generate serious is k = 45e4 N/m, and the corresponding damping coefficient
concerns except adding a differential constraint. However, is C = 15e3 N.s/m. The wheel mass or unsprung mass is
the nonholonomic constraint produces special difficulties in considered as mt = 100 kg, and the tires stiffness is equal
the level of automatic control/planning for mobile robots to kt = 45e5 N/m. Also, the second and third joints of both
[28]. Hence, in this paper this feature has not been dis- arms are moving up during the manoeuvre, as illustrated
cussed because the focus of this paper is neither automatic in Fig. 7, while the first joint of both arms are fixed in
control nor planning for SWMRs. their home configurations.
Figure 6. The terrain roughness associated with the wheels: (a) right side and (b) left side.

4. Conclusions

In this paper, a general procedure for dynamics modelling

of SWMR was presented. The equations of motion have
been symbolically developed, using Maple VI, and the re-
sults transferred to another code in Matlab VII to complete
numerical simulations for the whole system. Also, the dy-
namic interaction(s) between mobile platform and manip-
ulator arm(s) was (were) investigated. Analytical deriva-
tion of the mutual interaction provides a suitable way for
analyzing the dynamic effects on the performance of a sys-
tem. Also, it leads to the inclusion or exclusion of dynamic
terms in the equation of motion so that the complexity of
model-based controller is maintained within a manageable
Figure 7. The snapshot of the movement of the second and level without sacrificing the performance of the overall sys-
third links during the manoeuvre. tem. Two approaches including iterative Newton–Euler
as well as analytical formulation were presented. To ver-
As it can be observed in Figs. 8 and 9, both models ify the presented approach, spatial model equipped with
yield similar results and almost the same responses. There- dual arms has been developed by MSC.ADAMS simulation
fore, due to the high nonlinsearities and coupling of the software. It was observed these models obtained by closed-
system it can be concluded that soundness of the proposed form formulation and MSC.ADAMS model yield the same
modelling approach is guaranteed. responses. Therefore, due to the high nonlinearities and
coupling of the system it can be concluded that thorough-
ness of the obtained analytical model is guaranteed. The
obtained dynamics can then be exploited for model-based
control algorithms and tip-over stability analysis of the
mobile robotic system for motion over rough terrains.


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