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Questions Your Presentation Must Answer

Questions that your Presentations must answer

Round 1:
1. How1:has Microsoft's significant investment in OpenAI (ChatGPT's
creator) impacted their business strategy and competitive
2. Analyze the changes in Microsoft's share prices since the ChatGPT
integration was announced. What factors drive these fluctuations, and
what do they indicate about market sentiment?
3. Trace ChatGPT's meteoric rise to dominance. What key factors
(technology, partnerships, and user adoption) contributed to its rapid
4. How might ChatGPT's market dominance disrupt existing business
workflows? Discuss potential impacts on industries like customer
service, content creation, and education.

Round 2:
1. Why is Google heavily invested in Gemini's development? How does
Gemini align with Google's broader AI strategy and its competition with
2. Provide a comprehensive overview of Gemini's current market position.
Consider metrics like user adoption, key partnerships, and revenue
3. Who are Gemini's primary competitors in the AI language model space?
How does Gemini differentiate itself?
4. How is Gemini addressing the environmental impact of large-scale AI
model training and operation? Discuss the sustainability initiatives
undertaken by Google.
Questions that your Presentations must answer
Round 3:
1. Which
Round 1: company, OpenAI or Google, has the stronger potential to
maintain its leadership position in the AI language model market?
Justify your prediction.
2. If either ChatGPT or Gemini experiences a significant decline in
market dominance, assess whether their parent company (Microsoft
or Google) can withstand the impact. Why or why not?
3. How important is diversification in tech giants' portfolios? Should
Microsoft and Google hedge their bets by investing in multiple AI
technologies simultaneously?

Presentation Limits
Time: 15 minutes per presentation
Frequency: One presentation per team per round
Slides: No limit on the number of slides
Q&A: Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A session
Participation: Mandatory for all teams in every round
Format: Only PowerPoint presentations are accepted (convert Canva files to
PPTX beforehand)
Key points:
1. Be concise and impactful within the 15-minute time limit.
2. Make the most of your one presentation chance per round.
3. Focus on clear visuals and messaging, even without a slide limit.
4. Prepare for questions after your presentation.
5. All teams must actively participate in every round.6.
6. Ensure your presentation is in PPTX format.
Questions that your Presentations must answer

Round 1: by OpenAI, a non-profit research company focusing on
friendly artificial intelligence.
First announced in November 2022.
Gained significant attention for its ability to generate human-quality text
and code.


Developed by Google AI, a research division within Google.

First announced in January 2023.
Less publicly known than ChatGPT, but focuses on large language
models with factual language understanding and reasoning capabilities.
Comparison between Chat GPT and Gemini
Comparing ChatGPT and Gemini's performance directly is
challenging due to several factors:
1. Limited Public Benchmarks: Neither OpenAI nor Google have released
extensive public benchmarks for ChatGPT and Gemini, respectively.
Evaluating their performance objectively requires access to standardized tests
and datasets.
2. Different Focuses: While both are large language models, they have distinct
strengths. ChatGPT excels at generating creative text formats, like poems,
code, scripts, musical pieces, emails, letters, etc. Gemini emphasizes factual
language understanding and reasoning, aiming for accuracy and consistency in
3. Subjectivity of "Promises": "Promises" regarding language models can be
subjective and open to interpretation. What one person considers an impressive
feat might be another's basic expectation.
4. Rapid Development: Both models are under continuous development, so their
capabilities are constantly evolving. Any comparison today might not hold true
The most powerful version of Gemini AI, according to Google, outperforms ChatGPT on
over 30 out of 32( around 90%) academic benchmarks, including 10 of 12 popular text and
reasoning benchmarks, 9 of 9 image understanding benchmarks, 6 of 6 video understanding
benchmarks, and 5 of 5 speech recognition and speech translation benchmarks.

In an MMLU(Massive Multitask Language Understanding) test covering 57 subjects,

including math, physics, and law, Gemini AI even achieved a score of 90%, surpassing
ChatGPT’s 86.4%. However, a direct comparison may not be entirely accurate because the
tests used different assessment methodologies: Gemini employed Chain of Thoughts
(CoT@32) while ChatGPT relied on the 5-shots technique, potentially impacting their final
scores. (Let me know in the comments your take on this) The less powerful Pro model of
Gemini AI performed well, outperforming GPT-3.5 (the LLM behind the free version of
ChatGPT) in six out of eight tests.
Why Gemini is important for google?
Google's parent company, Alphabet, lost $100 billion in market value after its new artificial
intelligence technology produced a factual error in its first demo.
It's a bruising reception for Bard, the conversational bot that Google launched as a competitor to
Microsoft's headline-making darling, ChatGPT.
In the fateful ad that ran on Google's Twitter feed, the company described Bard as "a launchpad for
curiosity" and a search tool to "help simplify complex topics."
Impact of OpenAI success on Gemini

Potential positive impacts for Gemini:

Increased awareness and interest in large language models:

ChatGPT's popularity might attract more attention to the field, potentially
benefiting Gemini by raising awareness and interest in its capabilities.

Focus on different strengths: As mentioned earlier, ChatGPT and

Gemini have distinct strengths. If users recognise Gemini's unique value
proposition in factual language understanding and reasoning, it could
carve out a niche market and attract users who prioritize those aspects.

Competitive pressure driving innovation: Competition can incentive

both models to improve, potentially leading to faster development and
better overall performance for both ChatGPT and Gemini.

Increased AI Awareness and Investment: OpenAI's success could

attract more attention and investment to the entire field of AI, which
could benefit Google indirectly by accelerating research and development
across the industry.

Focus on Different Strengths: While ChatGPT is strong in creative text

generation, Google's AI tools might excel in other areas like factual
language understanding or reasoning. This could allow Google to carve
out a distinct niche and attract users who prioritize those specific

Collaboration and Innovation: Competition can also incentivize

collaboration and innovation. Both OpenAI and Google might work
together or learn from each other's advancements, ultimately leading to
faster progress in the field.
Potential negative impacts for Gemini:

Market Share Loss: If OpenAI captures a significant portion of the market,

especially in areas like creative text generation where ChatGPT excels, it
could lead to a loss of market share for Google's AI products and services,
potentially impacting revenue and profitability.

Perception of "Second Best": Depending on how the public perceives their

relative performance, Google AI products might be seen as inferior to
OpenAI's offerings, potentially hindering their adoption and user

Competitive Pressure and Resource Allocation: The need to compete with

OpenAI could require Google to allocate more resources to its AI research
and development, potentially impacting other projects or areas of focus.
Current Landscape:

Strong contenders: Both Google and OpenAI (creators of ChatGPT) are

major players in AI research with significant resources and talent.
Different strengths: ChatGPT excels in creative text formats, while
Google's models might focus more on factual language understanding and
Rapid development: Both models are constantly evolving, making it tough
to predict future capabilities.

Potential Threat Scenarios:

Market Domination: If Google develops a model that surpasses ChatGPT in

all aspects and captures a significant market share, it could be seen as a threat.
Innovation Stifling: Overly aggressive competition might lead to tactics that
hinder innovation in both models, ultimately harming the field.
Public Perception: Negative media portrayals or user experiences with
Google's models could damage their reputation and make them a less attractive

However, it's important to remember:

Competition drives innovation: Healthy competition can push both players

to improve their models faster, benefiting users in the long run.
Different needs and preferences: Users have diverse needs, and both models
might cater to different segments, creating a more diverse and competitive
Collaboration potential: Collaboration between Google and OpenAI could
lead to even more groundbreaking advancements in AI.
If you have any queries, contact us.

Arko Saha
Director Genral
Insta: @_i_am_arko_

Suhyma Mustari Deputy

Head of Academics BIG
BANG 2024 Insta:

Adiba Ambrin
Deputy Head of Academics.
Insta: @_his_calupso

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