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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

Topic – Preparing The Report on ACID RAIN
Submitted by
Harsh Manohar Yeram - 2001170279
Sahil Vishnu Shetye - 2001170282
Pooja Ganesh Narkar - 2001170286

Submitted At
Department of Computer Engineering
Government Polytechnic, Malvan
A/P-Kumbharmath, Tal-Malvan, Dist-Sindhudurg
(Academic Year :-2022-2023)
Acid rain is rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually
acidic, meaning that it has elevated levels of hydrogen ions (low pH). Most
water, including drinking water, has a neutral pH that exists between 6.5
and 8.5, but acid rain has a pH level lower than this and ranges from 4–5
on average. The more acidic the acid rain is, the lower its pH is 2. Acid rain
can have harmful effects on plants, aquatic animals, and infrastructure.
Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide,
which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids.
Air pollution ultimately leads to acid rain as the harmful gases, which
are mixed in the air, also get combined with the moisture in the air and
form acidic clouds, which lead to acid rain. The main causes of acid rain
are factories, vehicles, power stations and industries; which burn fuels and
produce harmful gases, which have sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides.
Acid rain primarily means the deposition of acidic elements in the
forms of precipitation, which can be snow, rain, dew or fog. Normally rain
is acidic though weak as the ph.

Acid Rain, as the name suggests, can be said as the precipitation of

acid in the form of rain in the simplest manner. When atmospheric
pollutants like oxides of nitrogen and sulphur react with rainwater and
come down with the rain, then this results in Acid Rain.
Acid rain is a form of pollution that can cause of lot of damage to
natural ecosystems, to man-made objects, as well can harm to human
Human activity is the main cause of acid rain. Burning of fossil fuels is
the primary source of these gases. With increase in industrialization and
number of vehicles running on the roads, fumes that contain these gases
are being added to the atmosphere at such a rate that the excess of these
gases can’t be neutralized by natural processes.
For example, combustion of fossil fuel in vehicles and industries like
iron and steel, processing of crude oil and utility factories contribute to
more than 70% of the sulfur dioxide that is added to the atmosphere.
Almost 75% of oxides of nitrogen are released by similar processes.
However, natural phenomena like eruption of volcanoes, lightning, forest
fires, rotting vegetables and action of bacteria on the soil also release
these gases. However, their contribution amounts to less than 10% of the
total amount.
Rapid industrialization is the main cause of increase in the incidence
of acid rain and precipitation with low pH value is common in industrialized
nations. However, an amusing acid rain fact is, that it need not occur at
the same place from where the gases that form acid rain, are released.
Acid rain is very harmful to agriculture, plants, and animals. It washes
away all nutrients which are required for the growth and survival of plants.
Acid rain affects agriculture by the way it alters the composition of the soil.
It causes respiratory issues in animals and humans. When acid rain falls
down and flows into the rivers and ponds it affects the aquatic ecosystem.
It alters the chemical composition of the water, to a form which is actually
harmful to the aquatic ecosystem to survive and causes water pollution.
Acid rain also causes the corrosion of water pipes, which further results in
leaching of heavy metals such as iron, lead and copper into drinking water.
It damages the buildings and monuments made up of stones and metals.
 Effects of Acid Rain on Aquatic Life :

Apart from plants, acid rain also affects aquatic organisms adversely.
A high amount of sulfuric acid interferes with the ability of fish to take in
nutrients, salt, and oxygen. As far as freshwater fish is concerned, in order
for them to stay alive they need to have the ability of maintaining a
balance between the minerals and salts in their tissues.

The molecules of acid result in mucus forming in their gills, which

prevents them from absorbing oxygen in adequate amounts. Plus, the
acidity, which reduces the pH level, causes the imbalance of salt in the
tissues of fish.
Moreover, this change in the pH level also impairs the some of the
fish’s ability to maintain their calcium levels. This impairs reproduction the
ability of the fish, because the eggs become too weak or brittle. Lack of
calcium also causes deformed bones and weakened spines.
Acid rain has the ability to leach harmful heavy metals like aluminium
and mercury from the soil. They get drained to the water body where
aquatic life in hampered. Acid rain effects on streams and lakes are
concerned with the health of water species.
Not only a large number of species are killed due to deposition of
harmful chemicals inside their body but it also affects the health of human
beings on consumption of different varieties of fish. These toxic chemicals
also damage hatchings and their reproduction process. Decrease in
number of species as a result of sudden deposition of acid is known as acid
 Effects of Acid Rain on Plants :

The acid rain affects the crops as well as the vegetation. The effect of
acid rain on plants is grave. It not only damages the root, but also stops its
growth and brings an end to the life of a plant. The nutritive value of the
soil is reduced to a great extent as an effect of acid rain. Acid rain effects
can be seen on the useful micro-organisms which convert the decayed
organic matter into essential nutrients for the soil.

The consequence is that the micro-organisms are killed resulting in

reducing the availability of nutrients for the soil and plants. Also, the waxy
layer of the leaves is damaged which make the plant more and more
susceptible to diseases. On the whole, acid rain effects on plants make it
difficult to survive in the extreme climatic conditions like storm, drought
and heavy rainfall.
It even affects the productivity and the process germination in the
plants. The acidity of the rain has also led to soil erosion by dissolving the
forests and other vegetation. It takes away the essential nutrients of the
soil and releases aluminium, which disables trees from sucking water from
the soil.
Soil contains many harmful minerals such as mercury and aluminium.
These elements can’t be absorbed by plants and trees and are thus
harmless. Upon contact with acid rain, these chemicals undergo chemical
reactions with the acids.
 Effects on Buildings and Monuments :

Acid rain causes server damage to building and marble status. Acid rain
reacts with the calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
To form soluble calcium hydrogen carbonate or calcium bicarbonate,
Ca(HCO3)2-CaCO3+Acid rain=Ca(HCO3)(aq)
Calcium bicarbonate is a powdery substance, which is easily washed
away with water or more specifically, rainwater. This is the way acid rain
has partly eroded many world-Famous monuments and buildings like the
Taj Mahal in India, St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, and the statue of
Liberty in New York.
Taj Mahal :
Taj Mahal, one of the 7 wonders of the world, is largely affected by acid rain.
The city of Agra has many industries which emit the oxides of sulphur and
nitrogen in the atmosphere. People continue to use low-quality coal and
firewood as a domestic fuel, adding to this problem. Acid rain has the
following reaction with the marble (calcium carbonate):
CaCO3(s) + H2SO4(l) → CaSO4(s) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)
The formation of calcium sulphate results in the corrosion of this beautiful
Statue of Liberty :
Statue of Liberty which is made of copper has also been damaged by the
cumulative action of acid rain and oxidation for over 30 years and is,
therefore, becoming green.
The only precaution that we can take against acid rain is having a
check at the emission of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur.
Acid rain is harmful to animals, plants and the monuments.
Being responsible citizens, one should be aware of the harmful
effects they cause and of the industries which give out nitrogen and
sulphur compound wastes unethically.
The numbers of possible solutions for acid rain that are available to
us are aplenty. What matters more is to consciously enforce these
solutions to stop acid rain and to do soon a wide scale. People all over the
world must be made aware of the causes and effects of acid rain, and they
should be thoroughly educated about it. Solutions to stop acid rain can
only be successful through mutual cooperation.
Acid rain is very serious environmental threat faced by our planet
today. Millions of people get affected by it on a daily basis. Acid rain occurs
when high levels of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide enter in the
atmosphere and start undergoing chemical transformation. These harmful
gases are absorbed by water droplets in the clouds and they fall on the
earth during rains.
They can damage the natural soil by increasing the acidity levels and
also pollute rivers and lakes. Acid rain is actually a broad term which is
used to describe different types of acid that fall from the atmosphere on
earth. It’s mainly divided into wet and dry.
Parts of the world which experience wet weather have acid rain, acid
snow and fog. Other parts, which experience dry weather for most of the
year experience acid gas and acid dust.
Today people can see the effects of acid rain everywhere they go.
Dead and weakened trees are a very common sign of acid rain, while in
cities worn off or scarred buildings are also a result of acid rain. This
problem is more prevalent in the northern hemisphere where there’s a
huge growth in the number of industries.
Some methods to control acid rain are given below:

i. Reduce the use of fossil fuels. This would decrease the emission of
nitrogen and sulphur in the environment.
ii. One of the main causes of acid rain is a sudden drop in the pH levels of
water and that happens because of absorption of harmful gases by the
atmosphere. The best way to restore the pH balance of water is to limit
the use of items, which run on gasoline.
iii. Drivers should ease up as soon as the yellow light rather than slamming
on the brakes and they shouldn’t rush away as soon as the lights turn
green. These small practices help reduce the wastage of gasoline and also
help people save a lot of money on fuel.
iv. Always keep the vehicle tires inflated. Tires having proper pressure will
provide users with a better fuel economy.
v. Use cycles or should walk to cover small distances.
vi. One of the most fundamental acid rain solutions is to utilize fuels that
burn cleanlier or to burn coal more efficiently. This will greatly reduce the
possibilities of acid rain developing in the atmosphere.
vii. As far as industrial power plants are concerned, the best solution is to
attach devices known as ‘scrubbers’ in the chimneys of these plants. These
scrubbers reduce the amount of sulphur produced in the smoke by 90-
viii. For industrial power plants, there are many more acid rain solutions
that must be enforced, as they are clearly the biggest contributors to the
formation of acidified water droplets in the atmosphere. Industries must
regularly inspect and clean all their emission equipment and chimneys and
ix. Fitting catalytic converters into the exhaust pipes of vehicles also
reduces the amount of sulphur dioxide produced by the vehicles.
x. We can make a lot of changes on a personal level as well, in order to
combat acid rain. We should restrict the use of our cars and vehicles and
utilize other modes of transportation on a more frequent basis. We should
also remember to turn off all our lights and electrical devices in case we
are not using them.
All these acid rain solutions will be pointless unless people are informed
and educated about the adverse-effects and harms of acid rain. A
widespread and nationwide effort must be made to make people aware.
Only after that is done will all the acid rain solutions actually make a
Include, acid rain is very important issue that has bad effects in the
environment. There would be many health problems that could be
avoided, if acid rain became a little less of a problem. We can help to stop
this acid rain by a very simple way which not polluting the air. As they said
Prevention is better than cure. Even children can help prevent this
pollution by several ways like using less electricity and using
transportation that is friendly to the environment.

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