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A Skripsi
Presented to the Faculty of Education in Partial of the Requirements for the
Degree of S.Pd. (S-1)










A Skripsi
Presented to the Faculty of Education in Partial of the Requirements for the
Degree of S.Pd. (S-1)


Approved by:
Advisor I Advisor II

Siti Nurul Azkiyah, Ph.D Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum

NIP: 197605112005012003 NIP: 197610072007101002



Hairunnisa, 11180140000055. “Students' Perception on Using Duolingo
Application in Increasing English Learning Motivation.” A Skripsi of
Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, 2022.

Advisor I : Siti Nurul Azkiyah, Ph.D

Advisor II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum
Keywords : Students’ perception, English Learning Motivation, Duolingo

The present study was conducted to describe students’ perception on using

Duolingo application in increasing English learning motivation. Participants in
this study were sixty students from the seventh grade of MTs Negeri 2 Jakarta.
The study employed a mixed method using questionnaires and semi-structured
interviews as data collection. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyze
the data from the questionnaire, and the flow model by Miles and Huberman was
used to analyze data from semi-structured interviews. The findings indicated that
the students in this study like and enjoy using Duolingo to learn English because
of the features, usability, content, context, control, and connectivity & mobility in
Duolingo. Besides that, they stated that the features of Duolingo increase their
motivation to learn English. Students chose four features that could increase their
motivation. These features are Duolingo’s story, XP (Xperiment Point),
Challenge, and Heart. Further, they stated that the Duolingo application can
increase their English learning motivation. Based on the findings, it can be
concluded that students positively perceive using Duolingo to help them increase
their English learning motivation.

Hairunnisa, 11180140000055. “Students' Perception on Using Duolingo
Application in Increasing English Learning Motivation.” A Skripsi of
Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, 2022.

Advisor I : Siti Nurul Azkiyah, Ph.D

Advisor II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum
Keywords : Students’ perception, English Learning Motivation, Duolingo

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi siswa tentang

penggunaan aplikasi Duolingo dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar bahasa
Inggris. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah enam puluh siswa dari kelas tujuh
MTs Negeri 2 Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran dengan
menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara semi terstruktur sebagai alat
pengumpulan data. Analisis statistik deskriptif digunakan untuk menganalisis data
dari kuesioner, dan model Flow dari Miles dan Huberman digunakan untuk
menganalisis data dari wawancara semi-terstruktur. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa
siswa dalam penelitian ini menyukai dan menikmati menggunakan Duolingo
untuk belajar bahasa Inggris karena fitur, kegunaan, konten, konteks, kontrol, dan
konektivitas & mobilitas di Duolingo. Selain itu, mereka menyatakan bahwa fitur
Duolingo meningkatkan motivasi mereka untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Siswa
memilih empat fitur yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi mereka. Fitur-fitur
tersebut adalah cerita Duolingo, XP (Xperiment Point), Challenge, dan Heart.
Lebih lanjut, mereka menyatakan bahwa aplikasi Duolingo dapat meningkatkan
motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris mereka. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, dapat
disimpulkan bahwa siswa memiliki persepsi positif tentang penggunaan Duolingo
untuk membantu mereka dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris


All praise and gratitude belongs to Allah, the Creator of the worlds, who
has given the writer his everlasting mercies and blessings throughout her life and
provided the writer knowledge, guidance, and help that enabled her to finish this
research. Allah's peace and blessings be upon the prophet Muhammad, who
introduced Islam to us as the light that transforms us into better people.
Alhamdulillah, with the strength and blessings from Allah, the writer can
complete her research that presented to English Education Department, Faculty of
Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta as a
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Strata I (S1). The writer
also admits that the research would have been possible without the support and
assistance of some individuals. Therefore, the writer wholly acknowledges all the
outstanding people who contributed to the accomplishment of this research.
First and formost, the writer would like to express her sincere gratefulness
to her loving family; especially her parents, Bapak Zulkarnain and Ibu Faridawati,
for their unwavering and unrivaled support, prayers, and love. Then she wants to
express her thanks to her beloved brother Ihsan Albarr, who always being a good
brother for the writer. In addition, she also would like to show her appreciation as
well as honour to Mrs. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, Ph.D and Mr. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum
as her advisors, for the countless support, guidance, patience, and meaningful
feedback upon the writer in completing this research.
Additionally, the writer also wants to show her greatest appreciation and
thanks to:
1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., The Dean of Faculty of Educational Science
2. Prof. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, M.A TESOL., Ph.D., The Head of Department
of English Education
3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., The Secretary of Department of English Education.
4. Dr. Nida Husna, M.Pd., The Academic Advisor in Class B 2018.

5. All lecturers in the Department of English Education for their insightful
knowledge, motivation, experiences, and inspiration throughout the classes.
Those values and knowledge will be manifested by the writer throughout her
6. Dra. Rahmi Indriani, The Headmaster of MTs Negeri 2 Jakarta for trusting
the writer to conduct the research at her school.
7. Badiah, S.Pd., The English teacher at MTs Negeri 2 Jakarta for his guidance,
inspiration, insight, and encouragement.
8. All cheerful students of class 71 and 74 at MTs Negeri 2 Jakarta for their
kindness and effort to participate in the research.
9. All of the writers beloved friends in the Department of English Education
2018, for all member of B class especially Ani, Husnaini, and Nabila
Khoirunnisa for all helps, laughs, cries which making the writer’s university
life becomes memorable.
10. All of the writer’s family in Ciledug and Ciganjur.
11. Everyone whose name cannot be mentioned one by one for all the
contributions they have given for this study.

Last but not least, the writer acknowledges the limitations and constraints
of her research. For this reason, the writer gratefully accepts constructive criticism
and recommendations to help her write better. The writer hopes that her findings
will be helpful to readers and future studies.

Jakarta, 28 Desember 2022



ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. iii

ABSTRAK ..................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ v
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. vi
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... ix
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ x
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xii
A. Background of the Research .............................................................. 1
B. Identification of the Problem ............................................................. 4
C. Limitation of the Problem .................................................................. 4
D. Research Question .............................................................................. 4
E. Objective of the Research .................................................................. 5
F. Significance of the Research .............................................................. 5
A. Learning Motivation
1. The Concept of Motivation .......................................................... 6
2. Types of Motivation ..................................................................... 9
3. Definition of Learning Motivation ............................................... 10
4. The Characteristic of Students who Have Learning Motivation.... 12
5. The Advantage of Learning Motivation ....................................... 13
B. Duolingo Application
1. Definition of Duolingo ................................................................. 14
2. The Features of Duolingo Application ......................................... 25
3. Using Duolingo to Learn and Teach English ............................... 21
C. Duolingo Application to Increase English Learning Motivation ........ 23
D. Student Perception .............................................................................. 25
E. Previous Study ..................................................................................... 26

A. Research Design ................................................................................. 29
B. Population and Sample......................................................................... 29
C. Research Instrument ........................................................................... 30
D. Research Procedure .............................................................................. 31
E. Data Analysis ..................................................................................... 32
A. Research Findings ............................................................................... 38
1. Quantitative Findings Using Questionnaire .................................. 38
2. Qualitative Findings Using Interview ........................................... 54
B. Discussion ........................................................................................... 58
A. Conclusion............................................................................................ 61
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 61
REFERENCES ............................................................................................. 62
APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 67


Figure 2.1 Maslow’s Triangle ......................................................................... 7

Figure 2.2 Duolingo’ story ............................................................................... 16
Figure 2.3 XP ................................................................................................. 17
Figure 2.4 Crown, Sequence, Heart, and Lingot ............................................ 17
Figure 2.5 Achievement ................................................................................. 18
Figure 2.6 Challenge ....................................................................................... 19
Figure 2.7 Listening Exercise ......................................................................... 19
Figure 2.8 Speaking/Pronunciation Exercise ................................................. 20
Figure 2.9 Writing Exercise ........................................................................... 20
Figure 2.10 Vocabulary Exercise ................................................................... 20
Figure 2.11 First Steps to Start Using Duolingo ............................................ 22
Figure 2.12 Next Steps to Start Using Dolingo .............................................. 22
Figure 2.13 Next Steps to Start Using Dolingo................................................ 22
Figure 2.14 Last Steps to Start Using Duolingo .......................................... 23
Figure 2.15 The Process of Perception ........................................................... 26


Table 3.1 The result of validity test ................................................................ 33

Table 3.2 The result of realibility test ............................................................. 34
Table 3.3 The formula of frequency ............................................................... 36
Table 4.1 Students’ response of usability of Duolingo 1 ................................. 39
Table 4.2 Students’ response of usability of Duolingo 2 ................................. 39
Table 4.3 Students’ response of content in Duolingo 1 ................................... 40
Table 4.4 Students’ response of content in Duolingo 2 ................................... 40
Table 4.5 Students’ response of context in Duolingo 1 ................................... 41
Table 4.6 Student’s response of context in Duolingo 2 .................................. 41
Table 4.7 Students’ response of control in Duolingo 1.................................... 42
Table 4.8 Students’ response of control in Duolingo 2.................................... 42
Table 4.9 Students’ response of connectivity & mobility
in Duolingo 1 .................................................................................. 43
Table 4.10 Students’ response of connectivity & mobility
in Duolingo 2 .................................................................................. 43
Table 4.11 Students’ response of Duolingo’s story 1 ..................................... 44
Table 4.12 Students’ response of Duolingo’s story 2 ..................................... 44
Table 4.13 Students’ response of Duolingo’s story 3 ..................................... 45
Table 4.14 Students’ response of XP 1 ........................................................... 45
Table 4.15 Students’ response of XP 2 ........................................................... 46
Table 4.16 Students’ response of XP 3 ........................................................... 46
Table 4.17 Students’ response of
Crown, Lingot, Heart and Sequence 1 ........................................... 47
Table 4.18 Students’ response of
Crown, Lingot, Heart and Sequence 2 ........................................... 47
Table 4.19 Students’ response of
Crown, Lingot, Heart and Sequence 3 ........................................... 48
Table 4.20 Students’ response of Achievement 1 ........................................... 48
Table 4.21 Students’ response of Achievement 2 ........................................... 49

Table 4.22 Students’ response of Achievement 3 ........................................... 49
Table 4.23 Students’ response of Challenge 1 ................................................ 50
Table 4.24 Students’ response of Challenge 2 ................................................ 50
Table 4.25 Students’ response of Challenge 3 ................................................ 51
Table 4.26 Students’ response of Blending exercise (listening, speaking,
pronunciation, writing, vocabulary) 1 ........................................... 51
Table 4.27 Students’ response of Blending exercise (listening, speaking,
pronunciation, writing, vocabulary) 2 .......................................... 52
Table 4.28 Students’ response of Blending exercise (listening, speaking,
pronunciation, writing, vocabulary) 3 .......................................... 52
Table 4.29 Students’ response about Duolingo in increasing motivation ........ 53
Table 4.30 Students’ response about sustainability in using Duolingo ........... 53


Appendix 1 Questionnaire................................................................................ 67
Appendix 2 The Result of Questionnaire ........................................................ 79
Appendix 3 Students' Semi-Structured Interview Questions ........................... 83
Appendix 4 Students' Interview Transcript ..................................................... 84
Appendix 5 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi .............................................................. 90
Appendix 6 Surat Izin Penelitian ..................................................................... 92
Appendix 7 Surat Keterangan Penelitian ........................................................ 93
Appendix 8 References Examination Paper .................................................... 94


A. Background of the Research

Nowadays, technology has a significant impact on all aspects of human
life. Technology development makes it easier and more independent for
everyone to use technology in everyday life. Technology also has an essential
role in education, especially in learning English. Technology development
gives rise to various kinds of English learning media that appear today. Ahmad
(2012), in his study, indicated that 70% of students think that media technology
has the potential to train and entertain students. This is in line with Yin et al.
(2015), who stated in their research that media technology or mobile learning is
more accessible and helps students to be more interested in learning.
In learning English in particular, there are many interesting media that
teachers and students can use to support their learning activities. Students and
teachers will find fun English learning apps in just one keyword. They can also
choose the various features provided and customize them to what they want in
their mobile phones. Barakati (2013) in his research stated that mobile phones
are not only used as tools for communication but also for learning and
improving students’ skills in English learning when used correctly. Out of the
various mobile applications available, one of the most researched and used
applications for learning English is Duolingo.
Duolingo is a smartphone application aimed at iPhone and Android
users created and designed by Luis von Ahn and Severin Hackers. Duolingo
launched in 2012 for iPhone users and released their android app in 2013.
Currently, Duolingo has been used by more than 100 million users around the
world and has a score of 4.7 out of a 5 scale that more than eleven million users
have given. Habibie (2020) defines Duolingo as a language-learning program
for mobile devices that combines visual, audio, and questions about a
language's grammar. Silmi (2019), in his research stated that there are


surprising facts regarding students' perceptions. All students agree that

Duolingo has interesting features and is easy to understand. It also causes all of
the students to like the application. In addition, most students answered that
they use Duolingo to learn vocabulary, improve listening & speaking skills,
and do writing assignments.
Not only an interesting learning medium, but another supporting factor
in learning is motivation. It will only smoothly run a learning process with the
motivation that arises consciously from students. Macklem (2015) argued that
being a self-regulated learner requires motivation. Within theories of self-
regulated learning, students' views about their ability to succeed in school, or
self-efficacy, are considered a motivating component. Motivation is conscious
or unconscious movement in a person to achieve a specific goal for himself. In
this case, learning motivation means a person's activity that arises both within
himself or from outside that increases his enthusiasm to learn and achieve what
he wants.
In this research, the researcher chooses the topic based on the problem
around her. The researcher made brief observations of students in the
surrounding environment and asked about the process of teaching and learning
English in their schools. The writer found the fact that these students had
difficulty in learning English. They said that their teacher taught monotonously
and boringly. It makes students bored quickly and shows less interest in
English. Another fact says that these students consider English important, but
they also need good and interesting intermediaries and media to help them
learn English. To overcome these problems, the researchers investigate the
application of Duolingo in increasing students' motivation when learning
English. However, in the previous studies, there are still many gaps in conduct
about Duolingo Application.
Many studies focus on developing vocabulary knowledge by using
Duolingo and use a quasi-experimental method. In addition, other studies
focus on increasing vocabulary mastery of English with Duolingo Application.
For example, Ajisoko (2020), was conducted the research to see if Duolingo

applications can help students at Borneo University of Tarakan improve their

vocabulary. This study uses a pre-experimental research design with a pre-test
and post-test. The students' score has improved based on quantitative data,
indicating that Duolingo helps enhance students' vocabulary. Another example
comes from Matra (2020), that focused on increasing vocabulary. Her study
about showed that Duolingo application is useful in the classroom when it
comes to teaching vocabulary.
This current study chooses Duolingo because it is an attractive and
easy-to-use application. Duolingo can be accessed anytime and anywhere, not
only in the classroom. Inayah et al. (2020), in their study found that most
students think Duolingo is a good tool for learning English. According to the
survey findings, students regard Duolingo as a useful and helpful program and
a motivating instrument for learning English. Then, Astarilla (2019) in her
study stated that Duolingo is considered an application with several advantages
for assisting students in their learning. This application has the potential to
improve students' English abilities and inspire them to learn the language.
Duolingo also provides students with a pleasant environment to learn English.
Realizing the phenomenon above, to continue previous studies and to explore
Duolingo and motivation more deeply, this study will focus on students who
use the Duolingo application to learn English. Whether this application is
known to be fun has an influence on their learning motivation or not. In
addition, the researcher would like to describe the features of Duolingo that can
increase students' learning motivation. All variables above are based on
students’ perception after using the Duolingo application in learning English.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on students' answers during brief observations in the surrounding
environment, the problems of the study are students feel dissatisfied because
they need more motivation from their teachers when learning English. In
addition, students feel bored quickly when learning English because the teacher
does not apply interesting learning media that can attract their attention and
motivation to learn English. To overcome these problems, teachers need media
that can relate to their goals in learning and fulfill their desires and expectations
in transferring lessons by increasing the English learning motivation of students
in the classroom or outside the classroom. As educators, teachers must be
creative and innovative when delivering lessons so that a pleasant atmosphere
is realized in the classroom. They can use learning media, in this case,
Duolingo, according to the subject matter that has been set.

C. Limitation of the Problem

In order to narrow the search area, the current study focuses on
students’ perception toward the use of Duolingo Application in increasing
English learning motivation. The researcher will describe the students'
reactions after using the Duolingo app and whether it aids them in learning
English. Besides that, this study also focuses on describing students’
perception toward the features of Duolingo in increasing their English learning

D. Research Question
There are two research questions based on the background of the study
a. What is students’ perception toward the use of the Duolingo Application?
b. How do students perceive Duolingo's feature to increase English learning

E. Objective of the Research

The main objectives of the research are the following:
a. To describe students’ perception toward the use of the Duolingo
b. To describe students’ perception toward the features in Duolingo to
increase students’ motivation in learning English.

F. Significance of the Research

a. For the theories, this current study is expected to reinforce and
complement the existing learning motivation theories and learning media
theories. Besides that, this study is expected to strengthen the results of
relevant studies that have been carried out previously.
b. For practice, this study is expected to:
1) For English teachers, it can inspire English teachers, particularly in
terms of increasing students' motivation to learn English and
improving their English skills by using the Duolingo application as a
learning medium.
2) For the students, it can assist students in learning new skills. The
game-like design of the Duolingo application is intended to improve
students' perceptions of English learning as straightforward, easy, and
3) For the researcher itself, it can explore more information about
Duolingo Application and learning motivation. Besides that, it gives
answers to the research questions.
c. For society, since English is needed not only in school, it can be an
additional insight into learning media that can be used by everyone, not
only teachers and students but anyone who wants to increase their English
knowledge and skills.

A. Learning Motivation
1. The Concept of Motivation
The term "motivation" is derived from the word "motive," which,
according to the Cambridge Dictionary, refers to a reason for doing
something. This is related to Arifin (2015), who defines a motive as
everything that drives, stimulates, or urges a person to act in a certain way.
People use these reasons to give their daily actions a purpose and
significance. For instance, if someone wants to get a decent wage, they
must put in a lot of effort, or if someone wants to build their own home,
they must be diligent in working. Everyone must have specific reasons that
encourage him to do something. From some of the meanings of motives
above, it can be seen that motivation is a movement or urge that develops
within to accomplish the desired outcome. This agrees with Uno's (2018)
definition of motivation, which states that a person has the internal and
external urge to change their behavior.
Talking about motivation, there are many theories about motivation.
Examining Abraham Maslow's motivation hierarchy is a place to start
when understanding students' motivation and goals (Juniar, 2016). In
1943, an American psychologist coined this theory. Abraham Maslow
thought humans are fundamentally good and demonstrated that people
have a strong desire that grows with time. In Maslow's theory, five
primary elements become basic needs and are described as a hierarchy or
ladder representing the level of needs. The most basic necessity is at the
bottom of the triangle. Maslow argued that if basic human needs are
addressed, higher-level wants will also be met, creating a spirit that will
motivate humans to meet higher-level requirements. The following is a
more detailed description of Maslow's triangle of The Needs Hierarchy:


Figure 2.1 Maslow’s triangle

a. Physiological Needs
Physiological need is a basic human requirement for survival. Food,
water, oxygen, sleep, and other physiological demands are examples.
If these needs are not addressed properly, the next level's needs will be
b. Safety/Security Needs
Furthermore, physical and psychological security will be required
after these basic needs are addressed. These demands include a sense
of security from crime, sickness, conflict, natural disasters, stress, and
c. Social Needs
If the previous two needs have been addressed, this need will arise.
The emergence of a sense of wanting to be friends with other people,
want to be close to family, want to find a relationship, want to love
and be loved, and so on are examples of this need.
d. Esteem needs
Following the satisfaction of social requirements, the demand for self-
esteem emerges. Some of these wants include the desire for respect
from others, as well as the desire for prestige, celebrity, recognition,
attention, and praise.

e. Self-actualization Needs
The need for self-actualization takes up the most space at the top the
desire to demonstrate and show oneself to others. At this level, a
person utilizes all of his potential to the fullest extent feasible.

From the detailed explanation of the theory above, it can be

concluded that motivation is based on several human needs. Human needs
continue to grow and increase if basic needs are well met, and so on. This
can be seen clearly in Maslow's hierarchy of needs triangle picture above.
Another theory about motivation comes from Robert Gardner and
Wallace Lambert. In 1972, they released their first research on attitudes
and motivation in second language learning, which they performed in
1959. For decades, Gardner's motivation theory (1972) greatly impacted
the L2 motivation sector (Lai, 2013). Gardner refers to what was formerly
referred to as the "desired objective" as "orientation." He differentiated
between two types of orientation: integrative and instrumental. Integrative
orientation describes those who want to learn a language to communicate
with a group of people or become a part of them. Instrumental orientation,
on the other hand, refers to someone with a practical goal, such as gaining
better work.
When researching students' motivation, these three components of
the motivation concept should be considered. According to Gardner's
theory, motivation consists of three elements:
1. Effort (the effort to learn the language),
2. Desire (the desire to achieve a goal), and
3. Positive affect (enjoy the task of learning the language).
The three elements proposed by Gardner are markers of a person's
level of motivation. In terms of learning, students are said to have learning
motivation if they have maximum effort to learn, such as reading
diligently, repeating subject matter, and practicing. Students also have high
expectations in achieving learning goals, such as increasing their

knowledge to prepare for the next world. In addition to these two things, it
is equally important that students feel happy and enjoy their learning
activities inside or outside the classroom. In essence, motivation arises due
to an impulse that affects human movement. Motivation has several types,
according to experts, and will be discussed in detail at the points below.

2. Types of Motivation
There are many classifications of types of motivation according to
experts in various points of view. However, what will be discussed here is
the type of motivation seen from the point of view of the source that gave
rise to it, namely intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. According to Nurjan
(2016), the explanation of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is as follows.
a. Intrinsic motivation
Intrinsic motivation refers to the internal motives that become active
or whose functioning does not require external stimulation. Everyone
has the desire to take action. As an example, someone who likes to
write does not need external elements that stimulate him to write
diligently because he already has his motivation within himself.
b. Extrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation refers to active motivations that operate as a
result of outside factors. For instance, a student would put more effort
into his studies if he knew that his parents would give him a present if
he achieved high grades.

This is in line with Suralaga (2021), that classified motivation into

two types.
a. Intrinsic motivation
A person who is internally motivated to act for their own sake is said
to be intrinsically motivated. For instance, a student could study hard
in class because he likes the subject and wants to master it.
Intrinsically driven students participate in an activity because it makes

them joyful, fosters the development of talents they view as vital, or

just feels morally and ethically appropriate. Intrinsically driven
students will concentrate, engross themselves in an activity regardless
of time, and disregard other assignments.
b. Extrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation is the force that pushes people to act in a certain
way to achieve something else. External motivators, such as rewards
and penalties, frequently have an impact on this motivation.
Extrinsically driven students engage in activities that are not directly
related to their learning but rather serve as a method of achieving
other goals.

The above two types of motivation are widely discussed by experts

when discussing motivation in both education and other fields. However,
this study only focuses on motivation in the field of education called
learning motivation. Here is a deeper explanation of the definition of
learning motivation.

3. Definition of Learning Motivation

According to Uno (2018), learning is the process of improving
one's behavior after receiving deliberate information on specific
knowledge, skill, and attitude facets. Another definition comes from De
Houwer et al. (2013), who defined learning as changes in a people's
behavior that result from regularities in the people's environment.. Another
definition comes from De Houwer et al. (2013), who defined learning as
changes in a people's behavior that are the outcome of regularities in the
people's environment. According to Djamaluddin and Wardana (2019), the
term "learning" can be defined as "any psychological action carried out by
each individual such that conduct differs before and after study.". It can
be concluded that learning can be defined as a process in human existence
that can transform multiple areas of one's life, such as knowledge, abilities,

attitudes, and so on, in a more advanced and better direction, based on the
several definitions of learning presented above.
While motivation, as defined by Arianti (2018), is a psychological
state in which someone is encouraged to achieve something. Needs,
desires, and goals are the three basic components of motivation. In line
with Masni (2015), motivation is the basic urge that drives a person to act
in a certain way to achieve a specific goal. Another definition comes from
Uno (2018), who defined motivation as a motivational factor that
stimulates action to fulfill goals and is fueled by distinct human
requirements. From several definitions of motivation above, it can be
concluded that motivation is an impulse or movement that grows within a
person to achieve the desired goal.
Motivation and learning are two things that cannot be separated.
Motivation is what must exist and arise during the learning process.
Without motivation or lack of motivation, the learning process will not run
optimally. In addition, the lack of motivation makes it difficult for teachers
and students to achieve the learning objectives that have been set.
Therefore, learning motivation is the whole or the driving force in students
that cause activities in the learning/lecture process that ensures continuity
and provides direction to learning activities, so that the desired subject of
study can be achieved (Masni, 2015). Learning motivation is defined as
the facilitation of changes in energy, taste, and goal stimulation in the
learning process (Cleopatra, 2015). This is in line with Suroso (2019), who
defined learning motivation as a spirit that arises from within an individual
in opposition to all physical and mental activity, leading to the
encouragement of students in learning activities, the filtering of the types
of activities that students wish to pursue, and the direction of the student's
behavior. It can be concluded from the definitions above that learning
motivation is a movement or encouragement that arises from within
students to follow the learning process to achieve a desire to increase their
understanding and ability of a thing.

Students may have different levels of motivation for learning.

Some people exhibit low, medium, or even high motivation. There are
several identifying characteristics or features that may be used as a
benchmark to ascertain if a student has the motivation to study or not to
determine their degree of motivation.

4. The Characteristics of Students Who Have Learning Motivation

Students who have the motivation to learn certainly differ from
those who lack the motivation to learn. According to Sardiman (2011),
students with good motivation for learning have the following
a. Perseverance in the face of a task
b. Tenacity in dealing with difficulties
c. Does not require outside motivation for achievement
d. High enthusiasm for learning (happy, academic, and full of
e. Likes new knowledge
f. Strong opinion and long-term purpose
g. Happy to find and solve problems
h. Have the desire to join the class group

The characteristics above become a benchmark if a student has a

good level of motivation. Achievement of maximum learning goals will be
easier to achieve if students have a good level of motivation, whether it is
already within them or encouragement from outside themselves.
Students with a high and good level of motivation become important
points in the learning and learning process at and outside school. With
motivation, the purpose of learning itself will be easily achieved with
minimal obstacles. Teachers and students will feel the difference and the
advantages that will obtain if students have good learning motivation.

5. The Advantage of Learning Motivation

There are many advantages if students' learning motivation is at a
good level, one of them is the creation of active and effective learning. In
more detail, according to Filgona et al. (2020), some of the advantages of
learning motivation are as follows:
a. Learners who are motivated are more likely to think, concentrate, and
learn successfully.
b. A learner's motivation improves the rate at which he or she works to
attain a goal. As a result, motivation gives a student the effort and
energy required to complete the activity. It puts the student in the right
mindset for learning. It focuses a person's attention and energy on the
task or knowledge that has to be taught.
c. Motivation influences whether a student will approach a task (difficult
one) with zeal or apathy. Motivated learning activities allow the
learner to focus on what he or she is doing and experience happiness.
d. Motivation is required to assist students in focusing on the subject at
hand. If a person is motivated, they will emit a sense of fulfillment.
This aids the learner's personal growth. Learners' conduct is directed
toward specific goals through motivation. It establishes the particular
objectives for which pupils strive and so influences the decisions they
e. Learning activities are more likely to be initiated and completed when
people are motivated. It increases the number of time students spend
on tasks and has a significant impact on their learning and
f. Cognitive processing is aided by motivation. It impacts on what and
how information is processed since motivated students are more likely
to pay attention and strive to comprehend the content rather than just
going through the motions of learning.

Motivation is indeed a crucial thing in the learning process, but

another thing that is no less important is the learning media. Learning
appropriate, interesting, and fun media has a role in facilitating students to
achieve learning goals and increase learning motivation. In this study,
Duolingo was chosen to be discussed in more detail as an interesting and
fun medium for learning English.

B. Duolingo Application
1. Definition of Duolingo
Duolingo is a language learning game with the slogan "free
language education for the world." It focuses on improving vocabulary.
Luis von Ahn and Severin Hackers conceived and constructed Duolingo as
a smartphone application at the end of 2011. Duolingo began in 2012 for
iPhone users and was followed up in 2013 with an Android app. This
application is currently utilized by more than 100 million people
worldwide and has a rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars from more than eleven
million people.
De Castro et al. (2016) define Duolingo as one of the most well-
known and well-received language learning programs. It has won multiple
accolades, and it is accessible for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and the
web. It is effortlessto use, and it is highly good for individuals learning
English and other languages including Spanish, Italian, German, and
Turkish. It can be utilized for at least five minutes daily, and users can
choose how they want to practice it.
Duolingo is a skill set of lessons that drills the users on new words,
phrases, and sentences using listening exercises, flashcards, and multiple-
choice questions. This game-based learning application is widely used and
liked by people of all ages, such as children, teenagers, adults, and
especially students who want to learn languages. Currently, Duolingo
provides more than 30 languages and can be used worldwide by
downloading the application. Users will be asked to choose what language

they will learn before using the application. Then, this application will be
directed to the language previously selected by the user.
The initial appearance of the Duolingo application is very attractive
and easy to understand. It allows users to enjoy their language learning
time well. The exercises presented in this application start from basic
vocabulary or everyday vocabulary. This is one of the reasons why
Duolingo is suitable for beginners who want to learn a language, users
who want to improve their language knowledge, or those who want to
know the extent of their language knowledge. In addition, Duolingo has a
variety of unique, interesting, and fun features to learn English. These
features are also very easy for students to understand and will be discussed
in more detail below.

2. The Features of Duolingo Application

In this application, users are presented with several interesting
features that can facilitate them in learning comfortably and fun. The users
are first shown visuals of multiple words or phrases relating to each
module's theme, followed by a series of activities of various types. The
exercises include translating Indonesian to English, word matching,
listening to words, pronouncing words, and selecting missing words from
a list of possibilities. When users make a mistake, they get one chance to
repeat the exercise and correct it. In addition, when finding a difficult
word, the user can also directly press the word and will know the meaning
of the word.
The four English skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking)
are present in Duolingo's learning process through the elaboration of
questions, affirmative and negative sentences, small texts and excerpts to
be heard and transcribed. Students can also record their pronunciation to
assess their oral performance (De Castro et al., 2016). Furthermore, the
features of the Duolingo application are as follows:

a. Duolingo’ Story
This feature provides exercises and fun stories emphasizing reading
and listening comprehension. Duolingo Stories are a fun and
interesting way to earn XP.

Figure 2.2 Duolingo’ Story

b. XP
When you learn anything new on Duolingo, you gain experience
points, or XP for short. XP may be earned in a variety of ways:
1. Individual lessons are worth 10 XP (+bonus XP if applicable).
2. 10 XP for skill practice (after completing all five levels in a skill).
3. 10 XP for practicing (through the barbell symbol on the desktop
browser or the Hearts tab in the iOS/Android app).
4. 20 XP for Skill Test-out (when you press the key symbol to level
up a skill).
5. 50 XP for completing the checkpoint quiz
6. 100 XP for the placement test

Figure 2.3 XP

c. Crown, Sequence, Heart, and Lingot

Figure 2.4 Crown, sequence, and lingot

Crown is a feature that helps us teach more effectively. A

"Crown Level" is assigned to each talent or theme you master. You
gain a Crown as you level up a skill, and the sorts of workouts you
see will get more difficult. You can go deeper into existing skills and
level them up, or move on to new skills and learn new stuff. Per talent
or theme, you can win up to 6 crowns.
Heart is the life of the game. Every day, Duolingo users are
provided with 5 hearts. The hearts will decrease if the user answers
the question incorrectly. One heart will be fully charged for 4-5 hours.
If the user wants to continue the game without waiting for the hearts
to be complete, the user can buy them in the Duolingo shop with
Lingot is Duolingo's virtual money. By completing classes on
Duolingo, students will receive Gems or Lingots. When pupils meet
their daily XP goal, they usually receive Gems or Lingots. This virtual

money may be used to purchases in-app stores or on the internet.

Gems may be used to buy app features, including sequence freeze,
heart refill, series bet, and costumes for Duo.
A small fire icon denotes sequence. The sequence is grayed
out if you have not reached the appropriate number of days. The
sequence will fire once you get the appropriate number of days by
completing the daily lessons. A streak is the number of consecutive
days you spend completing a lesson. After you complete a lesson on
the app or the web, your streak will add up to 1 day. You will receive
daily rewards after reaching your XP target.

d. Achievement
Achievement is a collection of student achievements after
practicing with Duolingo.

Figure 2.5 Achievement

e. Challenge
The challenge feature contains daily missions you must
accomplish to earn exclusive badges from Duo. Users can see what
they can do to complete Duolingo challenges.

Figure 2.6 Challenge

In addition, Duolingo also assesses students' ability to learn

English through exercises inside a lesson or unit, such as:
a. Listening, where students are asked to listen to the sound well and
then write down the word they heard correctly.

Figure 2.7 Listening exercise

b. Speaking/Pronunciation, where students are asked to say or repeat

words they have heard before.

Figure 2.8 Speaking/pronunciation exercise

c. Writing, where students are asked to write a few words after they have
read a word or sentence or after they have listened to a sound that
comes out.

Figure 2.9 Writing exercise

d. Vocabulary, where students are presented with a related picture and

choose the meaning of the correct answer from the question.

Figure 2.10 Vocabulary exercise

The explanation of the features in Duolingo above is not enough

without the original practice of using or how to run the application. There
are several guidelines that must be followed carefully and as desired so
that the process of using Duolingo runs optimally.

3. Using Duolingo Application to Learn and Teach English

In utilizing the Duolingo application in the classroom, the teacher
can adjust the material in the application with the material being studied
and the indicators to be achieved. In addition, this application can also
be material for learning interludes and students' media in building
motivation to learn English. Because it is easily accessible, this
application can be used through directions from the teacher in the
classroom or individual learning outside the classroom. Students that
use Duolingo to study English become more autonomous in performing
the exercise and more engaged in doing vocabulary practice. However,
they still require instructors’ or teachers’ supervision to challenge the
accuracy or clarity of the vocabulary they acquire from Duolingo
(Yusda et al., 2020). Duolingo, as a self-directed learning application,
may assist students in learning English while studying remotely. It
enables students who are still at the beginning level to catch up to their
peers in terms of English mastery. Students were particularly pleased
with Duolingo since it could be used as a game. As a result, students
can learn while playing a game (Nadhifah, 2021).
Here are the procedures to use the Duolingo app inside or outside
the classroom for further information:
a. First, download the Duolingo application from Google Play Store or
App Store, then install it on the handphone. Duolingo can also be
accessed on the web using a computer or laptop without
downloading the application. After that, create a Duolingo account
to access the app.

Figure 2.11 First step to start using Duolingo

b. Choose the language you want to learn. If you are an Indonesian

speaker, the available courses are English courses. After that, select
the daily target time that you want to run. There are several time
options ranging from 5 minutes to 10 minutes per day.

Figure 2.12 & 2.13 Next step to start using Duolingo

c. Students can already access Duolingo and do the exercises they

want. The exercises are categorized into several units starting with

the basic units. Exercises in the basic unit consist of several themes
such as clothes, foods, animals, colors, etc. To be able to proceed to
the next unit, students must complete several exercises on the theme
in that previous unit. To increase the level of student learning, the
next unit level is designed to be more difficult than before to
increase the level of student learning. Some exercises in unit two are
conjunction, preposition, adjective, verb, etc.

Figure 2.14 Last step to start using Duolingo

d. Finally, students can do and complete daily progress through the

units and lessos. The exercises consist of 10-20 questions which
will take about 5-10 minutes. This progress will be seen and
increase if students learn exercises daily.

C. Duolingo Application to Increase English Learning Motivation

Currently, all humans can access the internet easily and quickly
anytime and anywhere as long as their cell phone or computer gets a signal,
including students and teachers. This is also backed by the fact that students are
well-versed in gadgets and have a high level of literacy (Larekeng et al., 2019).
Besides that, it will make it easier for teachers to transfer lessons more
comfortably and interestingly according to the needs of their students. They
can easily take advantage of comfortable and fun learning media to create a
good atmosphere both inside and outside the classroom, in this case, is
Duolingo Application.

As a mediator and facilitator of the teaching-learning process, the

teachers should give meaningfully internalized activities and educational plans.
Above all, in language instruction, the emphasis should be on language
learning, not just through textbooks and in the classroom but also through
incorporating of alternatives and technologies that inspire students and provide
autonomy in language development (De Castro et al., 2016).
There are components or aspects that might facilitate learning. These
elements play a significant part in how well a person learns. These variables
are categorized as follows by Uno (2018); (1) A motivation and want to learn;
(2) A drive and need for learning; (3) Dreams and goals for the future; (4) An
appreciation for learning; (5) interesting activities in learning; and (6) An
atmosphere that is favorable to learning. Point 5 of the factors listed presence
of interesting activities in the teaching and learning process—includes the
usage of Duolingo as a learning tool. Students and teachers can easily use this
free application to complement to their English learning media. Teachers can
adapt the exercises in the application to the material being studied in class.
Duolingo facilitates students and teachers to learn English in a more
interesting and fun way. Duolingo is easy to use every time and everywhere.
Learners of many ages and cultural backgrounds may utilize Duolingo because
of its user-friendly interface and stylish design (Nushi & Eqbali, 2017). This
application offers features that are supported by a variety of colorful cartoon
images as well as unique and funny sounds. Not only focusing on one skill in
English, Duolingo presents four skills at once in each of their exercises
(Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking). In addition, Duolingo also has a
variety of exercises that can improve or expand the English vocabulary of its
Duolingo's features characterize an interesting learning media and make
learning English activities in class more varied and exciting. This is in
accordance with point 5 described by Uno (2018), (interesting activities in
learning). For this reason, this research, which focuses on students' perceptions

regarding Duolingo in increasing their motivation to learn English, will go into

further detail on this.

D. Student Perception
In essence, the word "perception" is derived from the Latin verb
"percipere," which means to accept or receive. According to KBBI version 5,
perception is defined as a person's direct reaction (acceptance) to something
while learning certain things through his five senses. This result agrees with
Slameto's (2003) claim that information and instructions should access the
human brain for perception to occur. Humans constantly interact with their
surroundings through perception, which is accomplished through their five
senses—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.
Another definition comes from Wijaya (2020), who stated that
perception is the process of perceiving that involves a person becoming one
with the stimuli they are exposed to. The ideas, feelings, and experiences of the
individual actively influence the perception process. Perception sets the
thought stage. Humans see their surroundings through perception. From several
definitions above, it can be summed up that by employing their five senses,
humans choose, organize, and interpret information about the world around
them through perception.
Perception does not occur spontaneously but through various processes.
According to Buchanan and Huczynski (2019), the perception process in
humans is divided into two, namely bottom-up processing and top-down

Figure 2.15 The process of perception

The bottom-up phase concerns with how people interpret the

unprocessed information that their five senses present. Selectivity is required,
which is one of the bottom-up processing's key characteristics. In this phase,
students are introduced to the Duolingo application in more detail and guided
to optimally use the application in learning English. Besides that, students can
also see directly what is available and can be used in the Duolingo application.
The top-down phase, in contrast, deals with the mental organization that
enables people to organize, analyze, and comprehend their environment. One
of the main aspects of top-down processing is our desire to interpret our
surroundings and look for meaning. In this phase, students can observe and
analyze as a whole about Duolingo application. Following the researcher's goal
in this study, students are directed to be able to observe and analyze the use of
Duolingo in increasing their motivation to learn English.

E. Previous Studies
To differentiate this current study from previous study, the researchers
look for other studies that have similarities and gap from this study. The first
study is taken from Fauzan and Kasim (2020. Their study aims to look into the

usage of Duolingo media in learning English as a student project. The research

design was based on a case study. A Methodist school English instructor and
30 eleventh-grade pupils were among the participants. In order to obtain the
data needed for this research, the instructor was interviewed and students were
given questionnaires. According to the findings of the study, both the
instructor and the students believe that utilizing Duolingo media to learn
English was helpful since it increased students' willingness to complete the
assignment at home using Duolingo media and their language abilities in
learning English.
The following study was conducted by Pamuji (2019). Her quantitative
study aims to describe how to utilize Duolingo to boost students' motivation to
learn English, as well as student responses to Duolingo use. The researcher
gathers data utilizing exams, surveys, and observation to answer research
questions. Thirty eighth-grade students from SMP Kyai Hasyim took part. The
findings demonstrate that utilizing the Duolingo program can help 8th-grade
students at Kyai Hasyim Middle School become more motivated to study
English. The majority of students feel that Duolingo motivates them because it
provides them with a fresh approach to learning English that is enjoyable,
appealing, and involves less monotony and tension.
The third study is taken from Hidayati and Diana (2019). The students
were exposed to two free English learning apps and their usage of the
applications to support their English learning was studied. More precisely, it
looked at how motivated they were to learn English, how they utilized the
applications, and if their varying levels of motivation impacted the amount of
time they spent using the apps. The research was carried out using a mixed-
method approach. Researchers found that, although students spent a
significant amount of time using the app and their motivation to learn English,
it didn't seem to have a significant impact on how they used it. The fact that
they can take advantage of some of the app's practicality and flexibility
ensures that students can use the app for independent study outside of the
classroom and improve their English.

The last study comes from Alvons Habibie. His study intends to
investigate students' motivation to learn English using Duolingo as a language
learning tool. The phenomena were investigated and described using a mixed-
technique approach. The participants in this study were 40 English department
students. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. According
to the data, the results show that students are typically excited about using the
programs and like their flexibility and usefulness. Besides that, Duolingo has a
wealth of vocabulary and grammar that can assist students in effectively
constructing an English sentence. Therefore, it can be stated that the Duolingo
App positively impacts students' motivation in learning English.
To conclude, the first study above focuses on the usage of Duolingo as
a media for assignment in learning English and use a case study as the method
while this study focuses on the features that Duolingo has to offer for learning
English. The following study uses experimental as a method and focuses on
the use of Duolingo in general, while this study uses a mixed-method as the
design methodology. The fourth study used a mixed-method. Besides that, the
study not only focuses on Duolingo, but also on Hello English. The last study
used a mixed-method in conducting the study, and the participants were
English department students, while the participants in this current study are
Junior High School. The author proposes to improve the research question
based on the findings of various prior investigations. Although the preceding
four studies share some similarities with this one, they have yet to explore the
features of Duolingo that help students become more motivated to learn

A. Research Design
The methodology used in this current study is mixed-method. This
method was chosen since it is suitable to analyze, describe in greater depth,
and give clear information about students' perception of the use of Duolingo
and it features in increasing English learning motivation. According to
Creswell and Plano (2018), the mixed method is a method for rigorously
collecting and analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data in response to
research questions and hypotheses, integrating (or mixing or combining) the
two forms of data and their results, organizing these procedures into specific
research designs that provide the logic and procedures for conducting the
study, and framing these procedures within theory and philosophy.
Since this current study used quantitative and qualitative methods,
there are aims and reasons why the methods were used in this study. In the
quantitative side, this data collection aims to determine students' perceptions
after several times using Duolingo in the English learning process and to find
out the features of Duolingo that influence motivation to learn English by
using questionnaires. While on the qualitative side, this data collection aims to
strengthen the quantitative data taken previously by doing interviews.

B. Population and Sample

This study was conducted at MTs Negeri 2 Jakarta, which is located at
JL. RM. Kahfi 1 Ciganjur, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. The population of this
study is 60 seventh-grade students of MTs Negeri 2 Jakarta in the academic
year 2022/2023. Populations define the scope of research and offer the reader
environmental and context information (Casteel & Bridier, 2021). In selecting
samples, the sampling technique used was total population sampling. This
technique was adopted because the population is less than 100 students.


Sugiyono (2015) defines a sample as representing of the population's size and

characteristics. In conducting the questionnaire, the total sample is 60
students. 20 are male and 40 are female. From 60 participants, 41 have
experience using Duolingo while the rest have never used Duolingo before.
This sample was selected based on the personal researcher's assessment and
assistance from the English teacher at the location where the research took
place. After that, 6 students, as representatives, will be selected to go to the
interview stage.

C. Research Instrument
1. Quantitative Instrument
In collecting quantitative data, the instrument used in this study is
questionnaires. A questionnaire is a method of gathering information from
respondents that generally consists of numerous written questions on the
subject (Utami, 2020). The type of questionnaire used in this study is a
closed-ended question. Closed-ended questions also allow for the coding
of replies, the assignment of a numerical value, and the statistical analysis
of the data (Creswell, 2012).
To measure students’ perception of the use of Duolingo in
increasing English learning motivation, Likert scale was used in this study.
According to Joshi et al. (2015) Likert scale is a group of statements
(items) presented in response to a real or hypothetical scenario. On a
metric scale, participants must indicate their degree of agreement (from
strongly disagree to strongly agree) with the supplied statement (items). In
this study, the participants were given the option of using a Likert scale
with five options: strongly agree (5), agree (4), neutral (3), disagree (2),
and strongly disagree (1). The questionnaire consists of 30 questions that
are classified in two parts. Part one (question number 1-10) relates to
students' perceptions of using Duolingo. This part contains several
elements in Duolingo Application (Usability, content, context, control, and
connectivity/mobility). The statements are adapted from the previous

research conducted by Pramesti and Susanti (2020). The second part

(question number 11-28) deals with the features of Duolingo in increasing
English learning motivation. This part uses the Gardner’s motivation
theory (1972), which suggests three characteristics of student learning
motivation (Effort, desire, and positive affect). The last two questions
(questions 29-30) are about closing statements. All the questions are
written in Bahasa Indonesia to make it easier for students to understand
and answer the question.

2. Qualitative Instrument
To get more in-depth and maximum results, after surveying with a
closed-ended question to the participants, the researcher continued the
research by using in-depth interviews with several participants who had
been selected based on their answers. This interview aims to uncover
problems more freely by asking informants for their thoughts and opinions
(Sugiyono, 2015). A semi-structured interview was chosen because it was
suitable to strengthen the quantitative data that had been analyzed. In the
interview section, there are 6 questions divided into 4 points. Points one
deals with using mobile application to learn English while the next is about
using Duolingo to learn English. The third point relates to students’
perceive about using Duolingo to increase learning motivation, while the
last point is related to the top three features in Duolingo that can help them
increase English learning motivation. The questions are adapted from the
previous research conducted by Habibie (2020).

D. Research Procedure
The first stage of collecting research data is to ask permission from the
school, teachers, and students to collect data. Since the face-to-face meeting at
the school has started, the data collection is done offline by coming directly to
the school without ignoring the applicable health protocols. After that, the
writer prepared a questionnaire for data collection and made the questionnaire

using Google Forms. After the questions are ready, the writer conducts the
first meeting with students, introduces the Duolingo application, teaches how
to use the application, and asks students to download the application. After
that, the researchers make a Duolingo Classroom to monitor students' activity
in using Duolingo. The researchers send the class code and asked all
participants to join the classroom. Then, the author asked students to use the
application for 10 days. There is a schedule and absence for guiding the
students. After 10 days of using the application, students were asked to tell
their experiences using Duolingo by answering the questionnaire that had been
made. After that, the writer made preparations for conducting interviews. Six
interviewees were selected. After the questions and completeness of the
interview are ready, the writer conducts an interview. A recorder is used in
this session to record the process of the interview. Then, the writer analyzed
the data from the questionnaire and interview results. Finally, both
quantitative and qualitative data are interpreted.

E. Data Analysis
1. Instrument Test
The data collection instrument in this study is by distributing
questionnaires in the form of several structured questions that respondents
must answer. The instrument test carried out before using it directly in this
study is the validity and reliability test.
a. Validity Test
In testing the validity of an instrument, the first way is to do
content validity. Several experts have checked this research
instrument. In addition, researchers also use SPSS 24 to find out how
carefully an instrument measures what it wants to measure. Pearson
Product Moment is used in this validity test. Decision-making in this
validity test uses the r table limit with a significance of 0.05. If the
correlation value is above 0.330, so the sample in the study is

considered sufficient and valid. The results of the validity test of each
research instrument can be presented in the following table:

Table 3.1
The Result of Validity Test
Value of
No. Item value Description
r Table
1. Q1 0,330 0,624 Valid
2. Q2 0,330 0,466 Valid
3. Q3 0,330 0,482 Valid
4. Q4 0,330 0,518 Valid
5. Q5 0,330 0,510 Valid
6. Q6 0,330 0,646 Valid
7. Q7 0,330 0,524 Valid
8. Q8 0,330 0,513 Valid
9. Q9 0,330 0,410 Valid
10. Q10 0,330 0,533 Valid
11. Q11 0,330 0,617 Valid
12. Q12 0,330 0,683 Valid
13. Q13 0,330 0,512 Valid
14. Q14 0,330 0,543 Valid
15. Q15 0,330 0,442 Valid
16. Q16 0,330 0,564 Valid
17. Q17 0,330 0,539 Valid
18. Q18 0,330 0.550 Valid
19. Q19 0,330 0,644 Valid
20. Q20 0,330 0,544 Valid
21. Q21 0,330 0,611 Valid
22. Q22 0,330 0,602 Valid

23. Q23 0,330 0,560 Valid

24. Q24 0,330 0,712 Valid
25. Q25 0,330 0,638 Valid
26. Q26 0,330 0,632 Valid
27. Q27 0,330 0,638 Valid
28. Q28 0,330 0,754 Valid
29. Q29 0,330 0,520 Valid
30. Q30 0,330 0,483 Valid

From the table above, it is known that all question items have a
value of r count bigger than r table. It can be concluded that the 30
items on the questionnaire are valid.

b. Reliability Test
The reliability test is used to see whether the questionnaire has
reliability and consistency if measurements using the questionnaire are
carried out repeatedly. The Cronbach Alpha reliability test was used in
this study. The reliability test criteria are if the alpha value is > 0.60, it
means that the statement is reliable. If the alpha value is  0.60, it
means that the statement is unreliable. The reliability test results will
be displayed in more detail in the table below.

Table 3.2
The Result of Realibility test
No. Item Cronbach’s Description
1. Q1 0,60 0,921 Reliable
2. Q2 0,60 0,923 Reliable
3. Q3 0,60 0,924 Reliable

4. Q4 0,60 0,922 Reliable

5. Q5 0,60 0,923 Reliable
6. Q6 0,60 0,921 Reliable
7. Q7 0,60 0,923 Reliable
8. Q8 0,60 0,922 Reliable
9. Q9 0,60 0,924 Reliable
10. Q10 0,60 0,922 Reliable
11. Q11 0,60 0,921 Reliable
12. Q12 0,60 0,920 Reliable
13. Q13 0,60 0,922 Reliable
14. Q14 0,60 0,922 Reliable
15. Q15 0,60 0,923 Reliable
16. Q16 0,60 0,922 Reliable
17. Q17 0,60 0,922 Reliable
18. Q18 0,60 0,922 Reliable
19. Q19 0,60 0,921 Reliable
20. Q20 0,60 0,922 Reliable
21. Q21 0,60 0,921 Reliable
22. Q22 0,60 0,921 Reliable
23. Q23 0,60 0,922 Reliable
24. Q24 0,60 0,920 Reliable
25. Q25 0,60 0,921 Reliable
26. Q26 0,60 0,921 Reliable
27. Q27 0,60 0,921 Reliable
28. Q28 0,60 0,919 Reliable
29. Q29 0,60 0,922 Reliable
30. Q30 0,60 0,923 Reliable

The reliability test results in the table show that the alpha value
is more than 0.60. It can be concluded that all question items in the
questionnaire are reliable.

2. Quantitative Analysis
To analyze quantitative data, this study uses descriptive statistics
analysis. This data shows the percentage of students who agree or
disagree with using of the Duolingo application in increasing their
motivation to learn English. Participants were instructed to pick one of
the Likert scale answers in each section based on the questionnaire. After
collecting responses, the questionnaire was analyzed to determine the
outcome. The percentage of students that picked each point agreement
scale in each statement was computed. According to Suherman &
Sukjaya in Malik (2018), the percentages of each question's frequency
were calculated using the formula below.

Table 3.3
Formula of frequency

P= × 100%

P : percentage
F : the frequency of each answer to the questionnaire
N : number of respondents
100 : fixed value

3. Qualitative Analysis
The qualitative data analysis used in this research is the flow model
by Miles and Huberman (1992). This data shows a deeper of students’

perception of the Duolingo application and its features in the process of

increasing students' English learning motivation. There are 3 activities to
analyze data in this model, namely data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing (Sugiyono, 2015)
1. Data reduction
Summarizing, picking the most importantitems, focusing on the
most important things, looking for themes and patterns, and deleting
the ones that are not needed are all examples of data reduction. As a
result, the reduced data will present a clearer picture, making it easier
for researchers to acquire additional data and look for it if necessary.
2. Data display
It will be simpler for the author to grasp what occurred and plan
future actions based on what is known from the data if the data is
displayed. The author can convey data in various ways, including
narrative prose, graphs, and charts.
3. Conclusion drawing
Drawing conclusions is the final stage. The first results are
provisional and will be revised if there is insufficient evidence to
support data collection at a later stage. However, if substantial
evidence is uncovered early on in conclusion, the conclusion is

This study was conducted to determine Junior High School students’

perception of using Duolingo Application in increasing their English learning
motivation. Among the seventh-grade students of MTs Negeri 2 Jakarta, the
participants were chosen. Since this study used a questionnaire and interview, 60
students were asked to fill out a questionnaire, and 6 students as representatives
were asked for a more detailed explanation through interviews. This chapter
shows and discusses the data from the questionnaire and interview.

A. Research Findings
1. Quantitative Findings Using Questionnaire
In this session, students were asked to answer 30 questions which
consist of three parts. The first part related to 5 aspects of Duolingo,
namely usability, content, context, control, and connectivity & mobility.
The second part related to features in Duolingo in increasing English
learning motivation. Some of the features that will be described are
Duolingo Story, XP, Crown, Lingot, Heart, Sequence, Achievement,
Challenge, and Blended Exercise. These features are linked to Gardner's
theory which states that motivation consists of three elements, (The effort
to learn the language, the desire to achieve a goal, and enjoying the task of
learning the language). The rest questions are closing statements. The
results of the study will be more clearly illustrated in the following tables.


a. Students’ perception towards the use of Duolingo Application

• Usability of Duolingo
“I like Duolingo because it is easy to use”
Table 4.1 Students’ response of usability of Duolingo 1
Frequency Percent
Neutral 2 3,3
Agree 32 53,3
Strongly Agree 26 43,3
Total 60 100,0

Based on the data, 53.3% of students chose to agree, and

43.3% chose to strongly agree. There were only a few students
who choose neutral (3.3%). It can be concluded that Duolingo is
easy to use for learning English.

“I like Duolingo because it is easy to understand”

Table 4.2 Students’ response of usability of Duolingo 2
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Neutral 5 8,3
Agree 32 53,3
Strongly Agree 23 38,3
Total 60 100,0

The table shows that almost students feel that learning

English by Duolingo is easy to understand. It is because 53.3%
choose to agree and 38.3% choose strongly agree. There were a
few students who choose neutral (8.3%).

• Content in Duolingo
“I like Duolingo because it displays colorful cartoon picture and
funny sounds”
Table 4.3 Students’ response of content in Duolingo 1
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Neutral 14 23,3
Agree 20 33,3
Strongly Agree 24 40,0
Total 60 100,0

Based on the table above, 24 students (40%) strongly

agree that they like Duolingo because it displays colorful cartoon
pictures and funny sounds. 20 (33.3%) students agreed with the
statement. 14 students answered neutral, while only two students
disagreed. It can be concluded that most students like Duolingo
because it displays colorful cartoon pictures and funny sounds.

“I like Duolingo because the content in it is like a game”

Table 4.4 Students’ response of content in Duolingo 2
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 31 51,7
Strongly Agree 26 43,3
Total 60 100,0

Based on the above, 26 students (43.3%) strongly agree,

and 31 (51.7%) agree with the statement. Only 3 students (5%)
choose neutral, and no one chooses disagree or strongly disagree.
It can be concluded that most of students like Duolingo because
the content in it is like a game.

• Context in Duolingo
“I like Duolingo because it relates to my learning experience”
Table 4.5 Students’ response of context in Duolingo 1

Alternatives answer Frequency Percent

Disagree 2 3,3
Neutral 12 20,0
Agree 31 51,7
Strongly Agree 14 23,3
Total 60 100,0

The table above shows that 23.3% of students strongly

agreed that Duolingo relates to their learning experience, and
51.7% agreed. 3.3% of students choose to disagree, 1.7% of
students choose strongly agree, and 20% of students choose
neutral. It can be concluded that Duolingo relates to their English
learning experience.

“I like Duolingo because the content in it relates to my daily

Table 4.6 Students’ response of context in Duolingo 2
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Disagree 2 3,3
Neutral 17 28,3
Agree 31 51,7
Strongly Agree 9 15,0
Total 60 100,0

Based on the data, most students agree that they like

Duolingo because its content relates to their daily activities. It can
be proven by 31 students who answered agree and 9 students who

answered strongly agreed with the statement. The rest, 17 students

answered neutral, 2 answered disagree, and 1 answered strongly

• Control in Duolingo
“I like Duolingo because it has learning reminders”
Table 4.7 Students’ response of control in Duolingo 1

Alternatives answer Frequency Percent

Disagree 1 1,7
Neutral 14 23,3
Agree 28 46,7
Strongly Agree 16 26,7
Total 60 100,0

From the data, 16 students (26.7%) strongly agreed that

they like Duolingo because it has a learning reminder. 28 students
(46.7%) choose agreed with this statement. 14 students (23.3%)
choose neutral, 1 student (1.7%) choose to disagree, and 1 student
(1.7%) choose strongly disagree. It can be concluded that most of
the students agree that they like Duolingo because it has a
learning reminder.

“I like Duolingo because it has reward system when I finished

the exercise”
Table 4.8 Students’ response of control in Duolingo 2
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 36 60,0
Strongly Agree 19 31,7
Total 60 100,0

The table shows that 31.7% of students choose strongly

agree and 60% of students choose agree. Only 8% of students
choose neutral for this statement. It can be summarized that most
of students like Duolingo because it has reward system when I
finished the exercise.

• Connectivity and Mobility of Duolingo

“I like Duolingo because it is flexible, it can be used anytime and
Table 4.9 Students’ response of connectivity & mobility of
Duolingo 1
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 34 56,7
Strongly Agree 22 36,7
Total 60 100,0

Based on the table, 22 students chose strongly agree, and

34 students chose to agree. Only 4 students choose neutral from
this statement. It can be summed up that most students like
Duolingo because it is flexible. It can be used anytime and

“I like Duolingo because it has free access and only requires

Table 4.10 Students’ response of connectivity & mobility of
Duolingo 2
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 29 48,3
Strongly Agree 17 28,3
Total 60 100,0

The data shows that most students like Duolingo because

it has free access and only requires a quota. It can be proven that
28.3% of students strongly agree, and 48.3% agree. There are
23.3% of students chose neutral, while no one of the students
chose to disagree or strongly disagreed.

b. Students’ perception of Duolingo’s feature to increase English

Learning Motivation
• Duolingo’s Story
“Duolingo’s Story increase my effort in learning English”
Table 4.11 Students’ response of Duolingo’s story 1
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 40 66,7
Strongly Agree 19 31,7
Total 60 100,0

From the data above, 40 students agreed that Duolingo’s

Story increases their effort in learning English, and 19 strongly
agreed. There was only 1 student who chose neutral. It means that
almost all of them agreed that Duolingo’s Story helped them in
increasing their effort in learn English

“Duolingo’s Story increase my desire to achieve the goal in

learning English”
Table 4.12 Students’ response of Duolingo’s story 2
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Neutral 4 6,7
Agree 38 63,3
Strongly Agree 16 26,7
Total 60 100,0

The table shows that there were various answers from the
students. 26.7% of students strongly agreed, and 63.3% agreed
that Duolingo’s Story increases their desire to achieve the goal in
learning English. 6.7% of students chose neutral, while 3.3%
answered disagree.

“Duolingo’s Story makes me enjoy the exercise in learning

Table 4.13 Students’ response of Duolingo’s story 3

Alternatives answer Frequency Percent

Agree 35 58,3
Strongly Agree 23 38,3
Total 60 100,0

Many students agreed that Duolingo’s Story makes me

enjoy the exercise in learning English. It can be proven that 23
students strongly agree and 35 agree. The rest are neutral.

• XP (Xperiment Point)
“XP increase my effort in learning English”
Table 4.14 Students’ response of XP 1
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 33 55,0
Strongly Agree 17 28,3
Total 60 100,0

Based on the data, 55% of students chose to agree, and

28.3% chose to strongly agree. There were only a few students
who choose neutral (16.7%). It can be summarized that XP
increases students’ effort in learning English.

“XP increase my desire to achieve a goal in learning English”

Table 4.15 Students’ response of XP 2
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 37 61,7
Strongly Agree 15 25,0
Total 60 100,0

Based on the table, 61.7% of students agreed, and 25%

of students strongly agreed that XP increases their desire to
achieve a goal in learning English. The rest of them choose
neutral (13.3%).

“XP makes me enjoy the exercise in learning English”

Table 4.16 Students’ response of XP 3
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 31 51,7
Strongly Agree 18 30,0
Total 60 100,0

The table shows that most of the students agreed that XP

makes students enjoy the exercise in learning English. It can be
proven that 51.7% of students agree and 30% strongly agree.
18.3% of students chose neutral, while no one chose to disagree
or strongly disagreed.

• Crown, Lingot, Heart, and Sequence

“Crown, Lingot, Heart, and Sequence increase my effort in
learning English”
Table 4.17 Students’ response of
Crown, Lingot, Heart, and Sequence 1
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Neutral 3 5,0
Agree 34 56,7
Strongly Agree 21 35,0
Total 60 100,0

Based on the table above, there were 21 students (35%)

chose strongly agree, 34 students (56.7%) chose to agree, 3
students (5%) chose neutral, and 2 students (3.3%) chose to
disagree. Since more than half of the students agree, Crown,
Lingot, Heart, and Sequence increase students’ effort in learning

“Crown, Lingot, Heart, and Sequence increase my desire to

achieve a goal in learning English”
Table 4.18 Students’ response of
Crown, Lingot, Heart, and Sequence 2
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 37 61,7
Strongly Agree 15 25,0
Total 60 100,0

Many of students agree that Crown, Lingot, Heart, and

Sequence increases students’ desire to achieve a goal in learning
English (61.7%) and strongly agree (25%). The rest are neutral

“Crown, Lingot, Heart, and Sequence makes me enjoy the

exercise in learning English”
Table 4.19 Students’ response of
Crown, Lingot, Heart, and Sequence 3
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 32 53,3
Strongly Agree 18 30,0
Total 60 100,0

The table shows that 32 students choose to agree and 18

students choose strongly agree. 10 students chose neutral, while
no one chose disagree or strongly disagreed. It can be summarized
that Crown, Lingot, Heart, and Sequence make students enjoy the
exercise in learning English

• Achievement
“Achievement increase my effort in learning English”
Table 4.20 Students’ response of Achievement 1
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 33 55,0
Strongly Agree 21 35,0
Total 60 100,0

Based on the data, 33 students (55%) chose to agree, and

21 (35%) strongly agreed. 6 students (10%) chose neutral, while
no one chose disagree or strongly disagreed. It can be concluded
that achievement increase students’ effort in learning English.

“Achievement increase my desire to achieve a goal in learning

Table 4.21 Students’ response of Achievement 2
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 41 68,3
Strongly Agree 15 25,0
Total 60 100,0

Based on the table, 68.3% of students agree, and 25%

strongly agree with this statement. The rest of them (6.7%)
choose neutral. It can be summed up that Achievement increase
students’ desire to achieve a goal in learning English.

“Achievement makes me enjoy the exercise in learning English”

Table 4.22 Students’ response of Achievement 3
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 38 63,3
Strongly Agree 19 31,7
Total 60 100,0

The data shows that most students agreed that

Achievement makes them enjoy the exercise in learning English.
It can be proven that 38 students chose to agree and 19 strongly
agreed. 3 students chose neutral, while no one of the students
choose disagree or strongly disagree

• Challenge
“Challenge increase my desire to achieve a goal in learning
Table 4.23 Students’ response of Challenge 1
Alternatives Frequency Percent
Agree 36 60,0
Strongly Agree 20 33,3
Total 60 100,0

Based on the above, 60% of students chose agree, 33.3%

of students chose strongly agree, and 6.7% chose neutral. It can
be concluded that Challenge increase students’ desire to achieve a
goal in learning English

“Challenge increase my desire to achieve a goal in learning

Table 4.24 Students’ response of Challenge 2
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Neutral 5 8,3
Agree 34 56,7
Strongly Agree 20 33,3
Total 60 100,0

For this statement, there are various answers from the

students. From 60 students, 20 choose strongly agree, 34 choose to
agree, 5 choose neutral, and the rest choose to disagree. It can be
summarized that Challenge increases students’ desire to achieve a
goal in learning English

“Challenge makes me enjoy the exercise in learning English”

Table 4.25 Students’ response of Challenge 3
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 37 61,7
Strongly Agree 17 28,3
Total 60 100,0

From the data above, 37 students agreed that Challenge

makes them enjoy the exercise in learning English, and 19 students
strongly agreed. There were only 6 students choose neutral. It
means that almost all of them agreed that Challenge makes them
enjoy the exercise in learning English.

• Blending Exercise
“Blending exercise (listening, speaking, pronunciation, writing,
vocabulary) increase my effort in learning English”
Table 4.26 Students’ response of Blending Exercise 1
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 38 63,3
Strongly Agree 17 28,3
Total 60 100,0

Based on the table above, there were 17 students (28.3%)

chose strongly agree, 38 students (63.3%) chose to agree, and 5
students (8.3%) chose neutral. Since more than half of the
students agree, it means that Blending exercise (listening,
speaking, pronunciation, writing, vocabulary) increases students’
effort in learning English.

“Blending exercise (listening, speaking, pronunciation, writing,

vocabulary) increase my desire to achieve a goal in learning
Table 4.27 Students’ response of Blending Exercise 2
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 30 50,0
Strongly Agree 24 40,0
Total 60 100,0

Based on the table above, most students agreed that

Blending exercise (listening, speaking, pronunciation, writing,
vocabulary) increase their desire to achieve a goal in learning
English. 50% of students choose to agree, and 40% of students
choose strongly agree. There are only a few students who choose
neutral (10%).
“Blending exercise (listening, speaking, pronunciation, writing,
vocabulary) makes me enjoy the exercise in learning English”
Table 4.28 Students’ response of Blending Exercise 3
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 36 60,0
Strongly Agree 18 30,0
Total 60 100,0

For this statement, 36 students choose to agree, 18

students choose strongly agree, and 6 students choose neutral. It
can be summarized that blending exercise (listening, speaking,
pronunciation, writing, vocabulary) makes students enjoy the
exercise in learning English.

• Closing statement
“Using Duolingo increase my English learning motivation”
Table 4.29 Students’ response about Duolingo
in increasing motivation
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Neutral 3 5,0
Agree 28 46,7
Strongly Agree 28 46,7
Total 60 100,0

Based on the data, 46.7% of students chose agree, 46.7%

chose strongly agree, and 5% chose neutral. There are only 1.7%
of students disagreed with this statement. It means that Duolingo
increases their motivation to learn English.

“I will continue to use Duolingo to learn English”

Table 4.30 Students’ response about sustainability
in using Duolingo
Alternatives answer Frequency Percent
Agree 30 50,0
Strongly Agree 17 28,3
Total 60 100,0

The table shows that 30 students chose to agree and 17

students chose strongly agree. 13 students chose neutral, while no
one chose to disagree or strongly disagree. It can be summarized
that most of the students agreed that they would continue using
Duolingo to learn English.

Based on the findings of the answers in the questionnaire session

above, it can be concluded that students have positive response to the use
of Duolingo for learning English because of Duolingo’s usability, content,
context, control, and connectivity & mobility. Besides that, most of
students had a positive opinion about the duolingo feature in increasing
their motivation to learn English. Duolingo's features can increase their
effort in learning, their desire to achieve goals, and make them enjoy the
exercises in learning English. In addition, almost all students agree that
Duolingo can increase their learning motivation and will continue to use
Duolingo to learn English.

2. Qualitative Findings Using Interview

In the interview session, students were asked to answer six
questions related to their perception towards the use mobile application to
learn, first and next impression to Duolingo, and features in Duolingo that
help them increase their English learning motivation. second research
question and describe students' opinions about Duolingo features, 20
questions in the questionnaire session and 2 questions in the interview
session were conducted in this study. Further results of the study will be
presented in the following description.
a. Students’ perception towards the use of Duolingo application
• What is your opinion about learning English by using mobile
For the first question, most of the students enjoy using mobile
application to learn English because some of reasons. Student 1
said that using an application to learn English is easier and more
practical because it can be accessed anytime and anywhere.
Another reason comes from students 2 and 4, who said that using
applications to learn English is fun, fast, and different from other
learning media. While student 5 said, applications on mobile

phones help them improve their English skills and make lessons
less boring.

• Have you ever heard about Duolingo before?

The next question is about using Duolingo before the researcher
introduces the application to the students. Student answers vary
widely. 2 of them said they had used duolingo before.
“Sebelumnya saya sudah pernah dengar tentang Duolingo. Saya
mencari tahu sendiri aplikasi tersbeut dan menggunakannya sejak
lama untuk belajar bahasa Inggris.” (student 2). 2 student said
they had only heard of it “Aku pernah tau sebelumnya, lagi buka
play store, lihat ada aplikasi Duolingo, tapi aku belum pernah
pakai.” (student 5). The rest knew Duolingo from the researcher.
“Belum tau sama sekali. Asing di telinga aku. Aku baru tahu ada
aplikasi ini dari Kakak.” (student 4).

• What is your first impression when using Duolingo application?

In the third question, most of the students like and enjoy using
Duolingo for the first time for some reasons. Student 2 said when
he first saw this application, he thought it would be fun to use to
learn English and look easy to understand. Besides that, a student
taught that Duolingo is a game. “Aku fikir aplikasi ini ya game
seperti biasa, tidak terfikirkan hal lain.”(student 6). There is only
one student said that initially, he thought that Duolingo was
complicated and boring.

• What is your next impression after using Duolingo application?

After the first impression, the next question is about the second
impression after using Duolingo to learn English. Most of the
students said that they did not expect Duolingo is really fun and
makes learning easy. Student 1 said his next impression was that

Duolingo made learning English easier because it was easy to use

and more fun than he imagined at first. Another student said he
had just learned that he could learn languages other than English.
Another interesting thing that he mentioned is that the images on
Duolingo are very colorful and catch the eye. The sound that
comes out is no less funny and fun. Student 4 said that Duolingo
features are very varied and interesting. It is enough to support
learning English in the application.

b. Students’ perception of Duolingo’s feature to increase English

Learning Motivation
• Do you think Duolingo helps you to increase your motivation to
learn English? Why?
For this first question, almost all students feel that Duolingo
increases their English learning motivation. Student 5 said
Duolingo increased his motivation to learn English. This
application has many fun features that are different from other
learning media, so users do not get bored easily while learning and
feel motivated to keep learning English. Another response came
from student 2 who said that while learning Duolingo, he became
more knowledgeable about English. Because he realized that there
was a lot he still did not know, he felt motivated to continue
learning English with Duolingo.

• What are top three features in Duolingo that makes you feel
motivated to learn English? Why?
The last question is about features in Duolingo that motivate
students to learn English. Most of them said that Duolingo’s story,
XP, and Challenge are the top three features of Duolingo they like.
There are some reasons why students like the features and believe
that feature increase their motivation. Student 6 said she liked

Duolingo’s story because this feature is the most exciting feature

among the others. The story is short but not boring at all. This
feature focuses on listening and reading skills only. Another feature
is XP. Student says he likes XP because it's like game points. Every
time you finish training, you will get XP. The more you practice,
the more XP we have. he often compares XP with his friends, and
he thinks that motivates him to learn English. The next feature is
the challenge. Students find the challenge feature helps them
maintain their motivation to study. “Fitur tantangan juga oke.
Melihat fitur ini membuat aku merasa lebih semangat dan
tertantang untuk menyelesaikan misi dari Duolingo. Semakin aku
dipacu, semakin aku merasa harus menyesaikannya. Menyelasikan
misi ya tentu dengan mengerakan beberapa latihan.” (student
2). In addition, a few students said the Heart also increases their
motivation. “Kalau kita salah, hatinya akan berkurang. Untuk
mengantisipasi itu, sebelum menjawab, aku benar-benar
memikirkan jawaban yang tepat agar hatiku tetap utuh. Kalau hati
habis pun kita nggak bisa lanjut main.”(student 5).

Based on the findings of the answers in the interview session

above, it can be summarized that most of students like and enjoy using
mobile application to learn English. Beside that, when they first used
Duolingo, they had a positive impression and it continues because they
enjoy Duolingo. They said that the duolingo app made their learning
process easier and more enjoyable. In addition, they believe that
Duolingo can increase their learning motivation because this application
has a variety of features and is packaged in an interesting way so that
they don't get bored quickly and continue to feel motivated to learn
English. Students also mention four features in Duolingo that they
thought could increase their motivation. These features are Duolingo’s
story, XP, Challenge, and Heart.

B. Discussion
This study was conducted to describe the use of Duolingo in
increasing English learning motivation based on students’ perception. There
are two research questions in this study. The first is to describe students’
perception toward the use of the Duolingo application. The next is to describe
students’ perception toward the features in Duolingo to increase students’
motivation in learning English. Data were gathered from 60 respondents who
had participated for two weeks in November 2022.
For the first research question, the questionnaire results indicated that
most students like and enjoy this application to learn English. This is in line
with Pamuji (2018), who stated that all students agree that they want to
increase their English skills so they like to learn English with Duolingo.
Furthermore, 5 aspects cover all sides of Duolingo including usability,
content, context, control, and connectivity & mobility. Students were asked
10 questions related to these 5 aspects, and almost all agreed that they liked
the Duolingo app because of its various things in it according to these 5
aspects. Students’ responses to the questionnaire in this session indicate that
they like and enjoy Duolingo for some reasons. The reasons are Duolingo is
easy to use, easy to understand, displays colorful cartoon images and makes
funny sounds, the content is packaged like a game, the exercises in the
application were related to their learning experience and daily activities, the
learning reminder system in Duolingo, and the reward system when
completing exercises in Duolingo made them like the app. Besides that, they
like Duolingo because it is flexible, and can be used anytime and anywhere,
and Duolingo access is free and only requires quota. It is supported by
Pramesti and Susanti (2020), who discovered that students' perceptions of
using Duolingo in terms of usability, content, context, control, connection,
and mobility are positive.
In the interview session with student representatives, the researcher
also got some student statements regarding this application. One student said
that he expected Duolingo to have a few features that make learning English

fun. Besides that, the pictures are very interesting, and the sounds are funny.
It makes learning more exciting. In addition, another student said that at first,
he thought this app was complicated and uninteresting, but after using it
further, that thought was refuted. This finding corroborated the other
researchers who stated that the Duolingo’s flexibility, practicality, and
usefulness are much appreciated by the students, who use them with a lot of
enthusiasm to learn English (Habibie, 2020; Hidayati & Diana, 2019; Inayah
et al., 2020; Silmi, 2019).
Duolingo is a digital game-based learning which is packaged in an
attractive way to increase student learning motivation. Hyungsung (2012)
stated that games-based learning has many advantages, including improved
academic achievement, self-efficacy, problem-solving, and decision-making.
The English language learning application Duolingo contains several added
features designed by experts to help users feel at ease and joyful. Numerous
features have been added and even deleted. At least 9 features of Duolingo
were identified and investigated in this study, including Duolingo’ story, XP
(Xperiment point), lingot, crown, sequence, heart, achievement, challenge,
and blended exercise. The answer to the second research question using
questionnaire revealed that most students had positive perceptions of the
features of Duolingo that can increase their motivation to learn English. The
researcher adapts Gardner's theory of motivation for use with the Duolingo
feature, which is presented as a set of 18 questions in the second session.
To dig deeper into the role of the Duolingo’s feature on student
motivation, in the interview session, participants were asked to answer 2
related questions. The results show that studefitunts like all the features, but
several features make them feel that their motivation to learn English
increases. This agrees with Yusda et al. (2020) that Duolingo’s features were
interesting, useful, varied, and help students learn English. The first is
Duolingo’s story. All students answer that this feature presents a unique,
exciting, and fun story. They are enthusiastic when accessing this feature that
focuses on reading and listening skills to learn English. The second is XP

(Xperiment point). XP is believed to increase students' motivation because

this feature acts like points in a game where users will get more points if they
often complete exercises on Duolingo. Additionally, if they can collect XP
according to the requirements, they will receive rewards or bonuses. The third
feature is challenge. This feature displays the user's daily mission and several
challenges to get rewards. Students said that their motivation to learn grew
when they noticed the challenge feature. They are more eager to continue
using Duolingo to practice the more pushed they are.
Students also like one more feature, the heart, in addition to these
three. This feature is the soul of the game. Students claim that because
Duolingo has a life system, they always provide detailed answers to avoid
being discouraged. Because repetition of earlier content is required to gain
one heart after losing one, this feature might improve students' motivation to
learn English. Besides that, as supporting data, at the end of the questionnaire
and interview sessions, the authors asked about their motivation when
learning Duolingo. Most of the students' opinions in the questionnaires and
interviews indicated that they agreed that the Duolingo application increased
their motivation to learn English. It supports the previous research that
indicated that Duolingo is an effective tool for improving students’ English
learning skills and motivation in learning English (Ajisoko, 2019; Astarilla,
2018). In addition, most of the students also agreed that they would continue
to use Duolingo to learn English.
From the findings above, it can be summarized that students like and
enjoy using Duolingo to learn English because of the features, usability,
content, context, control, and connectivity & mobility in Duolingo. In
addition, students also had a positive opinion of using Duolingo’s features to
increase their English learning motivation. This is in line with Inayah et al.
(2019), who discovered that students think highly of Duolingo as a tool for
motivation. The students are motivated, enthusiastic, and happy to utilize
Duolingo to learn English. As a result, Duolingo application can increase
students’ English learning motivation.

A. Conclusion
According to the results, the majority of students believe that the
Duolingo application can motivate them to study English further. Students
cited Duolingo's features, usability, content, context, control, connection, and
mobility as reasons why they enjoy using it. In addition, they claimed that
Duolingo's interesting and innovative features had helped them become more
motivated to study English. Students enjoy Duolingo's story, XP, Challenge,
and Heart the best out of all its features. Students think that these features will
make them more motivated to learn. Most students also agreed that Duolingo
may increase their motivation to learn English and said they would keep
using it.

B. Suggestion
After doing research and finding out about students' perceptions on how
Duolingo might increase their motivation to study English, the author would
like to suggest to English teachers to explore and utilize the Duolingo
application as a medium in the classroom to learn English. However, before
implementing Duolingo in the classroom, teachers must learn more about this
program and adapt the material covered in class to the topics and tasks in
Duolingo. Teachers may easily use this application to help students become
more motivated to study English. The second suggestion is addressed to
students to keep utilizing the Duolingo application to practice their English to
advance their language skills. This application, which is designed like a
game, tries to show users that learning English is enjoyable rather than
challenging and tedious. Finally, the writer would like to suggest further
researchers to investigate how teachers feel about using Duolingo for Schools
to teach English.


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Appendix 1 Questionnaire (Adapted from Pramesti & Susanti, 2020)

Students’ Questionnaire on Using Duolingo

to Increase English Learning Motivation

Part 1: Sudents’ Characteristic

1. Gender
a. Male
b. Female
2. Experience in using Duolingo
a. I have used Duolingo before
b. I have never used Duolingo before

Part 2: Students’ Perception of Duolingo and it features to increase their English

learning motivation

No Instrument Theory Details Question

1. Questionnaire Adapted from Students
I like Duolingo
Pramesti & Perception
because it is easy to
Susanti (2020) toward the Use
of Duolingo:
• Usability (Saya suka Duolingo
karena mudah

I like Duolingo
because it is easy to

(Saya suka Duolingo

karena mudah



3. • Content
I like Duolingo
because it displays
colorful cartoon
picture and funny

(Saya suka Duolingo

karena menampilkan
gambar kartun yang
berwarna-warni dan
suara yang lucu)

I like Duolingo
because the content
in it is like a game

(Saya suka Duolingo

karena konten di
dalamnya seperti

5. • Context
I like Duolingo
because it relates to
my learning

(Saya suka Duolingo

karena berkaitan
dengan pengalaman

belajar saya)

I like Duolingo
because the content
in it relates to my
daily activities

(Saya suka Duolingo

karena konten di
berhubungan dengan
aktivitas saya

7. • Control
I like Duolingo
because it has
learning reminder

(Saya suka Duolingo

karena terdapat fitur
pengingat belajar)

I like Duolingo
because it has
reward system when
I finished the

(Saya suka Duolingo

karena memiliki

ketika saya

9. • Connectivity
I like Duolingo
& mobility
because it is flexible,
it can be used
anytime and

(Saya suka Duolingo

karena fleksibel, bisa
digunakan kapan
saja dan di mana

I like Duolingo
because it has free
access and only
requires quota

(Saya suka Duolingo

karena aksesnya
gratis dan hanya
membutuhkan kuota)

Features of Duolingo’ Story
Duolingo in increase my effort in
Increasing learning English

consists of English Learning (Fitur Cerita

three elements: Motivation: Duolingo
1. Effort (the meningkatkan usaha
• Duolingo’
effort to saya dalam belajar
learn the bahasa Inggris)
2. Desire (the Duolingo’ Story
desire to increase my desire to
achieve a achieve the goal in
goal), and learning English
3. Positive
affect (Fitur Cerita

(enjoy the Duolingo

task of meningkatkan

learning the keinginan saya untuk

language). mencapai tujuan

dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

Duolingo’ Story
makes me enjoy the
exercise in learning

(Fitur Cerita
Duolingo membuat
saya menikmati
dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

14. • XP
XP increase my
effort in learning

(Fitur XP
meningkatkan usaha
saya dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

XP increase my
desire to achieve a
goal in learning

(Fitur XP
keinginan saya untuk
mencapai tujuan
dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

XP makes me enjoy
the exercise in
learning English

(Fitur XP membuat
saya menikmati
dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

17. • Crown,
Crown, Lingot,
Lingot, Heart
Heart, and Sequence
and Sequence
increase my effort in
learning English

Lingot, Hati, dan
meningkatkan usaha
saya dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

Crown, Lingot,
Heart, and Sequence
increase my desire to
achieve a goal in
learning English

(Fitur Mahkota,
Lingot, Hati, dan
keinginan saya untuk
mencapai tujuan
dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

Crown, Lingot,
Heart, and Sequence
makes me enjoy the

exercise in learning

(Fitur Mahkota,
Lingot, Hati, dan
Tuntutan membuat
saya menikmati
dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

20. • Achievement
increase my effort in
learning English

(Fitur Pencapaian
meningkatkan usaha
saya dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

increase my desire to
achieve a goal in
learning English

(Fitur Pencapaian
keinginan saya untuk
mencapai tujuan
dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

Achievement makes
me enjoy the
exercise in learning

(Fitur Pencapaian
membuat saya
menikmati latihan-
latihan dalam
belajar bahasa

23. • Challenge
Challenge increase
my effort in learning

(Fitur Tantangan
meningkatkan usaha
saya dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

Challenge increase
my desire to achieve
a goal in learning

(Fitur Tantangan
keinginan saya untuk
mencapai tujuan
dalam belajar

bahasa Inggris)

Challenge makes me
enjoy the exercise in
learning English

(Fitur Tantangan
membuat saya
menikmati latihan-
latihan dalam
belajar bahasa

26. • Blended
Blending exercise
(listening, speaking,
writing, vocabulary)
increase my effort in
learning English

(Fitur Latihan
meningkatkan usaha
saya dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

Blending exercise
(listening, speaking,

writing, vocabulary)
increase my desire to
achieve a goal in
learning English

(Fitur Latihan
keinginan saya untuk
mencapai tujuan
dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

Blending exercise
(listening, speaking,
writing, vocabulary)
increase my desire to
achieve a goal in
learning English

(Fitur Latihan
Campuran membuat
saya menikmati
dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris)

Using Duolingo
increase my English

statement learning motivation

motivasi belajar
bahasa Inggris saya)

I will continue to use
Duolingo to learn

(Saya akan terus

Duolingo untuk
belajar bahasa

Appendix 2 The Result of Questionnaire

Part 1: Students’ characteristics
1. Gender

Frequency Percent

Male 20 33,3

Female 40 66,7

Total 60 100

2. Experience in using Duolingo

Frequency Percent

I have used Duolingo

41 68,3
I have never used
19 31,7
Duolingo before
Total 60 100

Part 2: Students’ Perception of Duolingo and it features to increase their English

learning motivation
Number of Question/Statement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4
2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4
3 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
4 4 5 5 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 4
6 5 5 3 5 4 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 3
7 5 3 5 5 2 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 4
8 4 3 5 5 3 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 3
9 4 5 3 5 3 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 3
10 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4
11 4 5 3 4 4 3 2 3 4 5 4 4 4 3 3
12 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5

13 5 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 4
14 4 4 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4
15 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 5
16 5 5 3 5 5 3 4 4 5 3 5 4 5 3 4
17 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4
18 4 3 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 5 3 4
19 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5
20 4 4 3 3 2 2 3 4 3 3 4 2 4 3 4
21 4 4 2 4 4 2 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 5 5
22 4 5 3 5 4 3 3 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 4
23 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4
24 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3
25 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
26 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3
27 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
28 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4
29 5 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 5 3 4 4 5 4 4
30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
31 4 4 5 5 3 3 4 4 5 3 4 4 5 3 4
32 4 4 4 5 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
33 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4
34 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 5
35 4 4 2 4 4 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5
36 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 4
37 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 5
38 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
39 3 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 4 3 3
40 5 4 5 5 4 5 3 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 4
41 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
42 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
43 4 4 4 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 4 4 4 4 5
44 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 4 4
45 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 5 4 5 4 4
46 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4
47 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 5 5 4 5
48 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4
49 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 3 4 4 4 4 4
50 4 4 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 5
51 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 4
52 4 4 5 4 4 4 3 3 5 5 4 4 4 3 4
53 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 3

54 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 5
55 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 3 4 4 4 4 4
56 3 4 3 5 3 3 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5
57 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 4
58 5 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 4 4
59 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 4
60 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 4
TOTAL 264 258 246 263 235 225 237 254 258 243 258 248 261 247 247

Number of Question/Statement
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 121
2 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 58
3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 71
4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 59
5 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 67
6 3 5 4 3 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 3 4 5 62
7 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 64
8 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 62
9 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 3 3 4 4 5 4 65
10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 59
11 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 55
12 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 72
13 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 59
14 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 4 3 3 4 4 58
15 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 68
16 3 2 3 3 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 63
17 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 60
18 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 60
19 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 69
20 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 48
21 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 55
22 3 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 3 62
23 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 71
24 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 53
25 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 60
26 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 58
27 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 60
28 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 5 4 3 4 56
29 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 3 3 3 5 4 59
30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 60

31 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 5 4 3 5 4 4 4 60
32 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 61
33 4 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 71
34 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 69
35 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 60
36 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 65
37 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 67
38 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 60
39 4 4 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 54
40 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 65
41 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 74
42 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 75
43 5 4 3 4 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 3 64
44 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4 66
45 5 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 58
46 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 49
47 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 63
48 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 66
49 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 5 63
50 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 58
51 4 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 2 5 69
52 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 3 60
53 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 3 64
54 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 71
55 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 64
56 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 62
57 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 68
58 4 5 5 3 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 65
59 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 64
60 4 5 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 57
TOTAL 247 254 247 248 255 251 256 256 253 251 252 258 252 263 244 3806

Appendix 3 Students' Semi-Structured Interview Questions (Adapted from

Habibie, 2020)

1. What is your opinion about learning English by using mobile application?

(Apa pendapat Anda tentang belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan
aplikasi seluler?)
2. Have you ever heard about Duolingo before?
(Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang Duolingo sebelumnya?)
3. What is your first impression when using Duolingo application?
(Apa kesan pertama Anda saat menggunakan aplikasi Duolingo?)
4. What is your next impression after using Duolingo application?
(Apa kesan Anda selanjutnya setelah menggunakan aplikasi Duolingo?)
5. Do you think Duolingo helps you to increase your motivation to learn
(Apakah menurut Anda Duolingo membantu Anda meningkatkan motivasi
belajar bahasa Inggris?)
6. What are top three features in Duolingo that makes you feel motivated to
learn English? Why?
(Apa tiga fitur teratas di Duolingo yang membuat Anda merasa termotivasi
untuk belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?)

Appendix 4 Students' Interview Transcript

1. Student 1
• Question: Apa pendapat Anda tentang belajar bahasa Inggris dengan
menggunakan aplikasi seluler?
Answer: Pakai aplikasi untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris lebih mudah dan
praktis karena bisa dibawa kemanapun.
• Question: Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang Duolingo sebelumnya?
Answer: Sebelumnya saya sudah pernah dengar tentang Duolingo. Saya
mencari tahu sendiri aplikasi tersbeut dan menggunakannya sejak lama
untuk belajar bahasa Inggris.
• Question: Apa kesan pertama Anda saat menggunakan aplikasi Duolingo?
Answer: Kesan pertama saya berpikir aplikasi ini seru dan saya sepertinya
mudah paham terhadap aplikasi ini.
• Question: Apa kesan Anda selanjutnya setelah menggunakan aplikasi
• Answer: Kesan saya selanjutnya adalah ternyata duolingo sangat
memudahkan dan membantu saya dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris karena
cara pakainya mudah dan lebih seru dari yang dibayangkan saat awal.
• Question: Apakah menurut Anda Duolingo membantu Anda
meningkatkan motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris?
Answer: Meningkatkan karena seru sih.
• Question: Apa tiga fitur teratas di Duolingo yang membuat Anda merasa
termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?
Answer: Semua fiturnya aku suka, tapi ada 3 fitur yang sangat menarik
dan memotivasiku. Pertama cerita duolingo. Aku suka ini karena berbeda
dengan yang lain,ceritanya menarik banget dan lucu. Fitur kedua itu
tantangan, karena dalam tantangan itu kita bisa melihat misi-misi yang
harus kita selesaikan. Terakhir itu XP, aku bisa meningkatkan terus XP ku
setiap hari.

2. Student 2
• Question: Apa pendapat Anda tentang belajar bahasa Inggris dengan
menggunakan aplikasi seluler?
Answer: Mudah dipahami, lebih cepat, dan lebih seru saat belajar
menggunakan aplikasi di hanphone.
• Question: Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang Duolingo sebelumnya?
Answer: Pernah dan sudah pernah pakai untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris.
• Question: Apa kesan pertama Anda saat menggunakan aplikasi Duolingo?
Answer: Pertama aku lihat aplikasi ini, aku fikir ini akan seru dan
menyenangkan jika digunakan untuk belajar bahasa inggris. Selain itu
aplikasi ini terlihat mudah dimengerti.
• Question: Apa kesan Anda selanjutnya setelah menggunakan aplikasi
Answer: Ternyata lebih mudah saat sudah digunakan berkali-kali. Seru
karena suaranya menyenangkan dan gambarnya berwarna-warni.
• Question: Apakah menurut Anda Duolingo membantu Anda
meningkatkan motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris?
Answer: Menurut aku sih meningkatkan. Saat belajar Duolingo, aku jadi
lebih tahu banyak pengetahuan tentang Bahasa Inggris. Itu didapat dari
mengerjakan beberapa latihan di Duolingo. Aku fikir kayak wah ternyata
banyak yang masih belum aku tahu, jadi aku termotivasi untuk terus
belajar bahasa Inggris karena pengetahuanku masih minim.
• Question: Apa tiga fitur teratas di Duolingo yang membuat Anda merasa
termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?
Answer: Aku suka Cerita Duolingo dan XP. Kalau cerita itu seru banget
ceritanya. Kalau XP itu mendorong aku untuk tersu menambah XP ku
setiap hari. Fitur tantangan juga oke. Melihat fitur ini membuat aku merasa
lebih semangat dan tertantang untuk menyelesaikan misi dari Duolingo.
Semakin aku dipacu, semakin aku merasa harus menyesaikannya.
Menyelasikan misi ya tentu dengan mengerakan beberapa latihan.

3. Student 3
• Question: Apa pendapat Anda tentang belajar bahasa Inggris dengan
menggunakan aplikasi seluler?
Answer: Suka, mudah dipahami, gampang dicari, praktis dan lebih cepat.
Lebih seru belajar Bahasa Inggris lewat aplikasi di hp.
• Question: Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang Duolingo sebelumnya?
Answer: Belum pernah
• Question: Apa kesan pertama Anda saat menggunakan aplikasi Duolingo?
Answer: Awalnya sih kayanya seru ya dan gampang dipahami kontennya.
• Question: Apa kesan Anda selanjutnya setelah menggunakan aplikasi
Answer: Ternyata ini emang menyenangkan sih, sangat membantu
aku belajar Bahasa Inggris
• Question: Apakah menurut Anda Duolingo membantu Anda
meningkatkan motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris?
Answer: Aku juga suka XP, itu ya kayak poin gitu ya. Setiap selesai
latihan, kita akan dapet XP. Semakin sering berlatih, berarti XP kita
semakin banyak. Aku sering main banyak-banyak XP sama temanku. Aku
fikir itu memotivasiku untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris.
• Question: Apa tiga fitur teratas di Duolingo yang membuat Anda merasa
termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?
Answer: Aku sih suka cerita Duolingo dan tantangan. Cerita di Duolingo
itu cerita pendek yang seru dan tidak membosankan. Kalau tantangan itu
memacu semangatku untuk terus berlatih. Aku juga suka XP, itu ya kayak
poin gitu ya. Setiap selesai latihan, kita akan dapet XP. Semakin sering
berlatih, berarti XP kita semakin banyak. Aku sering main banyak-banyak
XP sama temanku. Aku fikir itu memotivasiku untuk belajar Bahasa

4. Student 4
• Question: Apa pendapat Anda tentang belajar bahasa Inggris dengan
menggunakan aplikasi seluler?
Answer: Lebih menyenangkan saat belajar lewat handphone dibanding
dengan media yang lain dan itu sangat membantu aku juga.
• Question: Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang Duolingo sebelumnya?
Answer: Belum tau sama sekali. Asing di telinga aku. Aku baru tahu ada
aplikasi ini dari Kakak.
• Question: Apa kesan pertama Anda saat menggunakan aplikasi Duolingo?
Answer: Kayaknya mudah, menyenangkan, dan seru.
• Question: Apa kesan Anda selanjutnya setelah menggunakan aplikasi
Answer: Saat beberapa kali menggunakan Duolingo, ternyata terdapat
banyak fitur di sini. Ada fitur cerita duolingo, tantangan dan lain
sebagainya yang menarik perhatian saya.
• Question: Apakah menurut Anda Duolingo membantu Anda
meningkatkan motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris?
Answer: Meningkatkan, saya jadi punya banyak kosakata baru setelah
menggunakan Duolingo.
• Question: Apa tiga fitur teratas di Duolingo yang membuat Anda merasa
termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?
Answer: Aku suka mengumpulkan XP, kalau XP ku banyak, aku akan
dapat penghargaan dari Duolingo dan itu menyenangkan. Aku jadi merasa
wah aku harus terus latihan agar XP ku meningkat. Aku juga suka fitur
tantangan yang menampilkan hal-hal yang harus aku selesaikan. Duolingo
juga menarik dan seru banget.

5. Student 5
• Question: Apa pendapat Anda tentang belajar bahasa Inggris dengan
menggunakan aplikasi seluler?

Answer: Menurut saya, sangat membantu belajar Bahasa Inggris lewat

handphone, dan tidak cepat bosan juga.
• Question: Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang Duolingo sebelumnya?
Answer: Aku pernah tau sebelumnya, lagi buka play store, lihat ada
aplikasi Duolingo, tapi aku belum pernah pakai.
• Question: Apa kesan pertama Anda saat menggunakan aplikasi Duolingo?
Answer: Kesan pertama lihat aplikasi ini sih aku fikir akan membosankan
dan sangat ribet.
• Question: Apa kesan Anda selanjutnya setelah menggunakan aplikasi
Answer: Ternyata tidak seperti yang saya pikirkan. Duolingo sangat seru
dan menyenangkan.
• Question: Apakah menurut Anda Duolingo membantu Anda
meningkatkan motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris?
Answer: Iya, meningkatkan. Duolingo buat aku lebih semangat belajar.
Aplikasi ini banyak memiliki fitur yang seru dan itu berbeda dengan media
belajar yang lain. Duolingo sangat bervariatif jadi pengguna tidak mudah
bosan untuk belajar dan merasa termotivasi untuk terus belajar bahasa
• Question: Apa tiga fitur teratas di Duolingo yang membuat Anda merasa
termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?
Answer: Aku suka tantangan karena merasa lebih tertantang, cerita
Duolingo karena ceritanya seru banget. Fitur yang gak kalah menarik sih
menurutku ya Hati. Itu kan seperti nyawa ya, jadi kalau kita salah, hatinya
akan berkurang. Untuk mengantisipasi itu, sebelum menjawab, aku benar-
benar memikirkan jawaban yang tepat agar hatiku tetap utuh. Kalau hati
habis pun kita nggak bisa lanjut main.

6. Student 6
• Question: Apa pendapat Anda tentang belajar bahasa Inggris dengan
menggunakan aplikasi seluler?

Answer: Suka sekali menggunakan aplikasi belajar di handphone,

menurut saya itu lebih meningkatkan kemampuan saya dalam belajar
bahasa inggris dibanding dengan media belajar lain.
• Question: Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang Duolingo sebelumnya?
Answer: Pernah, tapi aku belum pernah menggunakannya.
• Question: Apa kesan pertama Anda saat menggunakan aplikasi Duolingo?
Answer: Aku fikir aplikasi ini ya game seperti biasa, tidak terfikirkan hal
• Question: Apa kesan Anda selanjutnya setelah menggunakan aplikasi
Answer: Saya fikir aplikasi ini hanya untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris saja,
ternyata ada bahasa lain juga. Gambar-gambar di Duolingo sangat
berwana dan menarik mata. Suara yang keluar pun tak kalah lucu dan
• Question: Apakah menurut Anda Duolingo membantu Anda
meningkatkan motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris?
Answer: Saya sangat ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris dan aplikasi ini menurut
saya cocok karena seru, tidak membosankan dan menyenangkan. Alasan-
alasan tersebut membuat motivasi belajar bahasa inggris saya meningkat.
• Question: Apa tiga fitur teratas di Duolingo yang membuat Anda merasa
termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?
Answer: Aku suka hati karena membuatku hati-hati agar tidak berkurang
hatinya. Tantangan membuat aku merasa terpacu untuk terus belajar. Fitur
cerita duolingo sih yang paling seru diantara yang lain. Ceritanya pendek
tapi nggak membosankan sama sekali. Fitur ini fokus ke listening dan
reading skill aja.

Appendix 5 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi


Appendix 6 Surat Izin Penelitian


Appendix 7 Surat Keterangan Penelitian


Appendix 8 References Examination Paper


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Sciences Reviews, 8(3), 76–85.

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Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at 10th
Grade of SMA YADIKA Bandar
Lampung. Beyond Linguistika (Journal of
Linguistics and Language Education),
3(2), 18–23.

Ajisoko, P. (2020). The use of duolingo apps to
improve English vocabulary learning.
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Technologies in Learning, 15(7), 149–155.

Astarilla, L. (2018). University Students’
Perception Towards the Use of Duolingo
Application in Learning English.
CelSciTech-UMRI, 3, 1–9.

Advisor I Advisor II

Siti Nurul Azkiyah, Ph.D Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum

NIP: 197605112005012003 NIP: 197610072007101002

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