Final Draft 10

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 Develop an on-line commute management system that allows

employees to claim commute bonus, track parking charges and

plan alternative commute trips and find carpool/vanpool partners.
 Offer an option to the traditional “monthly parking contract” –
Consider offering a “Parking Scratch-off Card”
 "Unbundle" monthly parking by offering a punch card option
instead of a traditional access card
 Drivers only pay for days they drive
 Creates an incentive to consider alternatives to driving
 Support Active Transportation Program Development
 Promote zero-impact modes of travel
 Add or expand secured parking facilities for bikes
 Company bike or a free bike for an employee who commits to bike
to work at least 2 days/week
 Implement a program of providing temporary bike racks to handle
seasonal demand peaks for bike parking. The temporary bike rack
pictured to the right takes up only one on-street parking spaces
 Implement or participate in promoting a bike-share program
 Offer parking for bicycles
 Offer bike sharing (or have one nearby)

 Marketing and Communications

 Improve marketing of transportation alternatives
 Improve TDM marketing outreach to include direct participation in
all new student and employee orientations
 Solicit and convey vanpool and bus club customer testimonials
about their positive experiences as members
 Solicit/Expand transportation department's participation in the
larger community “Sustainability Committees” or “Transportation
Master Planning processes”
 Promote an increase in funding for pretax transit and downtown
shuttle programs
 Generate/Expand car-sharing program participation through user-
based promotional efforts

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