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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

Topic – Design Test cases for ATTENDANCE
Submitted by
Harsh Manohar Yeram - 2001170279
Sahil Vishnu Shetye - 2001170282
Pooja Ganesh Narkar - 2001170286

Submitted At
Department of Computer Engineering
Government Polytechnic, Malvan
A/P-Kumbharmath, Tal-Malvan, Dist-Sindhudurg
(Academic Year :-2022-2023)
Attendance Management System is software developed for daily
student attendance in schools, colleges and institutes. It facilitates to
access the attendance information of a particular student in a particular
class. The information is sorted by the android app, which will be
provided by the teacher for a particular class. This system will also help in
evaluating attendance eligibility criteria of a student. Since ages,
attendance system has remained one of the most important systems for
evaluating the working time of students in any college or school. In short,
this project is used to mark the number of days present/absent in any
academic year of students in a college, school etc...


Attendance Management System (AMS) is software developed for

daily attendance of students. Previously, the college relied heavily on
paperrecords. This project focuses on preventing information in an easy w
ay and intelligible manner which reduces paper and time. The project
makes use of database in order to keep a record of attendance and is used
while generating a report for individual student. The is fully controlled
System about the staff’s profile, student information student attendance.
In the System we can add new student, add new staff, view staff
and student and view the student attendance report. The faculties are
able to directly access all aspects of the student’s progress through a


All the feature of the attendance management system are need to be

 Working with the program(Opening, Closing, etc.)
 Create login(admin, user, etc.)
 Working with the program
 Printing in to excel

 Running application
 Create login for admin
 Create login for student
 Create login for teacher
 Register teacher
 Register admin
 Register student
 Check for add or delete student(admin)
 Check for add and edit class(admin)
 View teacher profile(admin)
 View class(teacher)
 Update profile teacher(teacher)
 View (teacher & admin) add attendance(teacher)
 View & generate report(teacher)


 Working with help
 Security testing
 Interoperability testing


All test cases with high priority are closed with the result - pass.
The test coverage is checked and sufficient, where the criterion of
sufficiency is not less than 99% of the coverage of requirements by tests.
The test report was compiled and approved by the team lead and

8. Environmental Requirements
Testing the application will occur on the following operating systems: Windows 7

9. Staffing and training needs

To perform the tasks, you need to have the following knowledge and skills:

• knowledge and practical application of the IEEE-829 standard;

• knowledge and ability to apply in practice the basic techniques of test design •
knowledge of various types of testing including functional and non-functional.

10. Test tasks

• Writing a test plan
• Writing test cases
• Development of criteria for the success of testing

11. Test Deliverables

• Test plans document
• Test cases document
• Test design specification

12. Risks and Contingencies

Possible risks during testing:

• Insufficient human resources for testing the application in

• Changing the requirements for the product

13. Testing tools

• Computer: having Windows support
• Test tool: develop a test tool which can auto generate the test result
to the predefined form and automated test execution


A student attendance management system helps to track and store

the attendance data in real-time. Besides student and staff attendance, the
system also helps school admins in maintaining and tracking leaves
applications, arrival & departure times, lunch breaks, and vacations of
staff members & students.

Tracking student attendance helps the teachers to keep track of

student absenteeism and punctuality. It helps schools understand the
average percentage of students attending school each day in the given year
and helps them find ways to avoid dropouts. This information, when
shared with the government authorities, also helps them work on policies
to reduce truancy and keeps kids in school.
 Eliminates software bugs, defects, and failures.
 Increases the efficiency of the software.
 Reduces the number of times the software needs to be repaired.
 Improves the quality of the software.
 The testing team can assists the software development team by
detecting the mistakes made by them.
 Helps to optimize the code and get rid of unwanted lines of code.
 Prevents future problems, crashes, and complaints from the end
 Increases customer satisfaction and user experience.
 Saves time for test execution when automation testing is used.
 Manual testing doesn’t require knowledge of a programming
 Test cases and test scenarios that are written for an application may
be reusable for other systems.

Disadvantages and Drawbacks

 Most testing types are time-consuming due to executing tests
continuously. Thus, the failing tests should repeatedly run
until fixing all the issues.
 Lack of experienced software and QA testers who are aware of
testing techniques.
 The software testing team requires many members.
 Increases the cost of the software and the budget.
 Enhances the scope and increases the duration of the software
development life cycle (SDLC).
 Identifying the exact testing techniques and types is required
depending on the actual requirements.
 Many test management systems are expensive or clunky.


A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester
will determine whether a system under test satisfies requirements or
works correctly. The process of developing test can also help find
problems in the requirement or design of an application. The test case
below shows several processes of the (SAMS) that have been tested.

Authentication for Admin, Teacher and Student

Test Case Success and Fail Admin Login

Step Procedure Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1 Go to login page login page load Preview page Pass

2 Enter incorrect invalid Page will show an Page showed an Pass
Id or password and error message error message
3 Enter correct details or “Login successful” Class page Pass
valid and login displayed
Class page display
Test Case Success Teacher Login

Ste Procedure Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1 Go to login page Preview page load Preview page Pass
2 Enter incorrect invalid Page will show an Page showed an Pass
Id or password and error message error message
3 Enter correct details or “Login successful” Class list page Pass
valid and login class list page displayed

Test Case Success Student Login

Ste Procedure Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1 Go to login page Preview page load Preview page Pass
2 Enter incorrect invalid Page will show an Page showed an Pass
Id or password and error message error message
3 Enter correct details or “Login successful” Class enroll Pass
valid and login class enroll page page displayed
Register Teacher

Test Case of Register Teacher

Ste Procedure Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1 Go to register page Preview page load Preview page Pass
2 Not enter any details in Page will show an Page showed an Pass
the form error message to fill error message
all the form.

3 Enter the details and “Register successful” Login page Pass

submit Login page display displayed

Add and Delete Student (Admin)

Test Case of Add and Delete Student

Ste Procedure Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1 Click Student on Table of student and Table of student Pass
menu form will show and form will
2 Enter the form of Id Page will Table and page Pass
and password for successfully add updated
student and click details of the student successfully.
ADD and retrieve in the
table below the form

3 Click DELETE button The details will The details will be Pass
of each details delete from the table deleted from the
Add and Edit Class (Admin)

Test Case of Add and Edit Class

Step Procedure Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1 Click Class on menu Table and form will Table and form Pass
show will showed
2 Enter the form of Page successfully add Details added Pass
Class teacher and details of the class and successfully and
choose class for class retrieve in the table retrieve
list and click below the form successfully
3 Click EDIT to edit The details will The details will Pass
the details or retrieve in form and retrieve in form
successfully edit or and successfully
DELETE for delete
the details delete edited or

View Teacher Profile (Admin)

Test Case View Teacher Profile (Admin)

Step Procedure Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1 Click Teacher on Table of teacher list List of teachers Pass
menu show are showed
2 Click VIEW for Page will successfully Page showed Pass
each one teacher view the details of a details of teacher
profile teacher

View Class (Teacher)

Test Case View Class (Teacher)
Step Procedure Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
1 Click Class on menu. Table of class show Table of class Pass
2 Click OPEN for each Page will successfully view attendance details Pass
class class attendance details that view successfully
student enroll.
Update Profile Teacher (Teacher)

Test Case of Update Profile Teacher (Teacher)

Step Procedure Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1 Click Profile on menu Table of profile show Table of profile Pass

2 Click VIEW of own Page will successfully Page will successfully Pass
profile and click view and profile view and profile
UPDATE to update successful update successful update
the profile

View (Teacher and Admin) and Add Attendance (Teacher)

Test Case of Attendance

Step Procedure Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1 Click Student List on Attendance list show Attendance list show Pass
2 Click checkbox of every Page will successfully Attendance Pass
name that absent and view to another page successful view
click submit button based on the name that
(Teacher) click
3 Can view attendance Page will successfully Page view Pass
only view successfully

View and Generate Report (Teacher)

Test Case of Report

Step Procedure Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1 Click Report on Report show Report showed Pass

2 View report and click Page will successfully view PDF generated Pass
submit and generate to PDF successfully

View and Generate Report (Teacher)

Test Case of Class Enroll (Student)

Step Procedure Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1 Click Class on menu Table of class show Table of class Pass

2 Click ENROLL Page will show popup message popup message Pass
button that the student successfully showed
enroll and student cannot
enroll another class

Summary of TEST CASES

As the conclusion of this chapter, the developer testing the system

which many error is identify and fixed to improve the functionality of the
system. Every unit of the system is running the testing phase so can
correct the error immediately. The system will be integrated and at this
place integrated testing is done.


The attendance management system is designed in such a way that

it meets the requirement of the system. Here there is no possibility of
proxy. The system maintains the record of students with ease and
accuracy which is an important key of this project. Thus, it is helpful for
all students, faculties and admin of the institution.

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