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Aluno (a): N.º

Professor (a):Karen Braga
Ensino Fundamental II Série: 7º ano Turno: Manhã Data:
Valor: 7.0 Pontos obtidos: Rubrica do professor
Essa avaliação conta com 02 páginas. Confira sua prova.
Escreva seu nome completo e seu número de chamada. Não deixe para o final.
Esta avaliação deve ser respondida com caneta AZUL ou PRETA.
Respostas finais a lápis, rasuradas ou apagadas com corretivo anulam o direito de revisão.
Será permitido o uso de dicionários e da tabela dos verbos irregulares.

A dedicated teenager
Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She
goes to school in the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she studies
English at a school. She loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice cream every day and,
on the weekend, she eats barbecue. Her brothers don’t like to study but they help their parents too.
They want to open a small restaurant because they like to work with food. Jane likes science and she
wants to be a doctor. Her father tells her that it is necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane tells
her father: “Yes, you are correct. This is my dream and I know it is possible because I am dedicated.”
Jane’s family has problems but they believe there are solutions and they never give up. Jane
doesn’t have everything she wants but she works hard.

- Teenager: adolescente - A lot: muito
- Has(have na terceira pessoa, forma - Dedicated: dedicado(a)
afirmativa): tem - Give up: desistir
- Want: querer - Everything: tudo
- Open: abrir - Works hard: trabalha duro, se esforça
- Tell: dizer, contar bastante.

01. Answer the questions - respondam as perguntas

a) How old is Jane?_________________________________________________________________

b) When does she go to school?_______________________________________________________

c) Does Jane have everything she wants? _______________________________________________

02. Write the sentences in the correct order: (1.0)

a) samba / they / like / do / ?


b) soccer / is / now / Peter / playing


c) family / I / together /my / dinner / have / and


d) go / often / beach / to / we / the

03. Write the sentences in the correct form: (1.0)

a) Affirmative:_____________________________________________________________________

Negative: She doesn’t drive too fast.

Interrogative: _____________________________________________________________________

b) Affirmative: ____________________________________________________________________

Negative: _____________________________________________________________________

Interrogative: Does the girl watch TV all day?

04. Write the sentences using the possessive adjectives. Look at the box.

Name Possession
Jonh Car
Peter Ball
Susan Dog
Mary Cat
a) His name is Jonh and he has a car.

b) _______________________________________________________________________________

c) _______________________________________________________________________________

d) _______________________________________________________________________________

05. Complete as frases com o simple present. (1.0)

a) The bookstore _________________ (close) at 5:00 p.m. every day.

b) The baby _________________ (cry) now.

c) My parents _________________ (travel) at the moment.

d) John _________________ (not / like) horror movies.

06. Write the correct possessive adjective.

a) Where is _______ phone. (I).

b) _______ favorite sport is soccer. (HE).

c) _______ car is expensive. (SHE)

d) Mary loves _______ dog. (SHE)

07. Select the corresponding possessive adjective.

a) Cristina doesn’t like to play with _______ cousins.

I. His II. Her III. Your

b) I don’t remember when I met ________ bestfriend.

I. My II. you. III. his

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