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The Third Republic of the Philippines

Roxas Administrations Achievements

 First President of the third Republic, (May 28,1946- April 15, 1948)
 Born on January 1, 1892 in Capiz
 He tookup Law at the University of the Philippines and graduated in 1913 and
topped the Bar Examination.
 April 15, 1948 while at United States Air Force in Pampanga he died of heart
Political development During Roxas Administration
 Two Party system came into place-Nacionalista Party and Liberal Party
- Roxas formed a Liberal party
Peace and order- given amnesty for those who collaborated the Japanese and
HUKBALAHAP movement continue to exist

Parity Rights- The United States investors had the right to be treated as equal of
Philippine nationals not as investors from any other foreign countries.

Military Bases- US obtained Military bases in the Philippines without any rent for 99

Trade- Two way Trade between Philippines and Japan

Education- The government opened schools in even the far flung area and
rehabilitate school distroyed by World war II

Quirino Administration Achievements

 Second President of the Third Republic ( April 17, 1948 - December 30, 1953)
 Born on November 16, 1890 in Vigan Ilocos Sur.
 He finish Law at the University of the Philippines in 1913, and passed the Bar
examination in the same year.
 He continue the unfinished term of Manuel A. Roxas.

Political Development During Quirino Administration

Battle for Seat in Senate- Quirino’s Liberal party swept the opposition, got all 8
Senate seat in 1949. These were being contested that this is a most fraudulent
But in 1951, 8 senator win fron Nationalista Party (NP)in the middle of Quirino Admi
Mutual Defense Treaty- a treaty between Philippines and US declaring their sense of
unity against the armed attack.
Insurgency- Beacause of Pres. Quirino’s change of heart, taken out of frustration did
little to prevent Luis Taruc’s operations but did manage to remind the people why
they were shipted their support to the Huks.
 The Third President of the Third Philippine Republic ( December 30, 1953-March
17, 1957)
 He was known as the “the guy” and regarded many as a man whose heart
bleeds for the common man.
 He was born on August 31, 1907 in Iba, Zambales.
 He began his Mechanical Engineering Degree at University of the Philippines but
He finished a Business programs from th Jose Rizal College.
 He died in the airplane crash in the morning of March 17, 1957 at Mount
Pinatubo and Garcia continued his unfinished term.

- the fourth president of the third Philippine Republic of the Philippines ( March 18,
1957- December 30, 1961)
-he was born on November 8,1896 in Talibon , Bohol.
-He took up Law at Siliman University but graduated the degree from the Philippine
Law School. He topped the Bar Exams of 1923.

GARCIA Administration Achievements:

Political Parties- Liberal and Progressive merge as one Political Party, this was due
to the issues of corruption in governments. The merging occurred in 1959.
Economic Developments:
 He urged people to lead simple lives and do away with extravagant lifestyles.
 He emphasized the value of frugality,industry, thrift, trustworthiness, integrity
and honesty.
Filipino First Policy- prioritization of agriculture.
- an economic nationalism, give priority or preference to the
Filipino over all other foreigners in the acquisition of land and
capital in the operation of bussiness, trade and industry.
Cultural Revival- Some of the cultural tradition of the Filipinos should be revived and
- He encourage the world tours of Bayanihan Dance Troupe and other
Folk dance group
- Continue the wearing of Barong tagalog during special occassions.

- The fifth president of the Third Philippine Republic of the Philippines ( December
30, 1961 - December 30, 1965)
-Born on September 28, 1910 in Lubao Pampanga.
- He projected himself as the”Poor Boy”
-After completing his Pre-law in the University of the Philippiness he went to the
University of Santo Tomas where he graduted a degree.
- in 1935 he topped the Bar Examination
Macapagal Administration Achievements
A. Political development
- He focused on erradication of Graft and corruption in the government.

Economic development:
1. Stability of piso
2. Agrarian Reform
3. Drive against graft and corruption
4. The initiation of several socio-economic programs

International Monetary Fund pressured the government of President macapagal to

liberalized foreign the protection to imports.

Macapagal formed a an called MAPHILINDO an organization composed of the South

East Asian (ASEAN)countries including Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia.

Allocated budget for education increases.

MAPHILINDO union gave way to the formation of ASEAN.

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