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Personnel Safety lnstruc · s V

This booklet lists the critical safety practices which must

be followed by all lnfratel personnel, while being at their
respective work place I tower sites

Kindly consider these as Standing Instructions to be

followed at all times, to ensure zero injury

Target Audience:
(All authorised personnel working at I visiting the tower site)

• Technicians /
• All Vendors & their representatives /
• lnfratel Officers )d f1 t:J-{rf,
• Auditors )" /
• Security Guards I Site Caretaker
• Customers, their representatives & their
Electrical installation:
J.AI Nays use ir1sulated tools
while working on live parts

Electrical installation:
A way chec that
connectnon/ in u llea u
befowe doing a ele t rDa
t wm nato ro D

Tower: Always use safety belt

and helmet when working on
tl1e tower

DG-set: A ·. ays change the

DG to MANUAL mode (if it is
in AUTO mode) and ensure
that the DG-set is in OFF
condition while it is being
worked upon
DG-set:Do no fill fuel in the
tank while the DG is runnino

DG-set: Do not smoke near

the DG & fuel-tank, especially
when filling fuel in the tank J

.,:,_t fy)f Battery: (DG attery or ba te

\ :·'
bank of site): Do not let any
sparks or fire occur near the
batteries (especially when..
the batteries are charging) as
the gases from the electrolyte
(battery fluid) are highly

Fire protection: Please always

make sure that the "Fire
Detection System" is in working

- '
ystem wise Safety Instructions
V Eiectrical installation: l
DO's while working on electrical installation -

• Do always use correct tools and items for any task

(E.g.: Do not use pliers instead of crimping tool)

• Do regularly check your tools (for insulation or any

other damage) before using them

• Do check that the connection /line is 'dead' before

doing an electrical termination

• Do always wear dry shoes while working at the site.

(During rainy season, it is advisable to carry a dry set I
of shoes in a plastic bag to be worn only while \
working) l
• Do always work with dry hands

• Do take-off finger-rings, watches (especially if it has

a metallic_ strap), chains you might be wearing while
working inside panels or equipment

• Do always use the 'best practices' (attached at the

end of this booklet) while doing cabling

• Do maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter from any

live HT component

l --------------------·

maintain a minimum distance of 2 meters from

any live HT component, when it is raining

Do make sure that only a person trained

and authorized for HT work should work on

• Do always ensure the following before working on a

HT side:

I. HT power has been cut-off from the

incoming end
II. After the power cut-off, all- conducting
parts have been gro·unded at least once

• Do use insulating gloves graded for 11kV

while working on the HT side

• Do only use cabfes made for HT only on HT


• Do use correct settings on multi-meter for

measuring voltage

• Do refer site drawings before doing work

with electrical cables I equipment

• Do always refer to the training materials and

O&M manuals while carrying out works which
require a specific procedure

• Do a physical examination of work-area and ensu


e cleanliness after the work

/DON'Ts while working on electrocal installation -
Do not touch I hold any person who us urn
contact woth a nvepart {that ns, wlho us
getting a shock). you need to push him
or the live part, then use a woodapiece or
any any other insu ated item for pushing
• Do Not work with any live conductor or equipment
while sneezing or coughing.

• Do Not use any 'trial-&-error' work policy, as an error

can result in an accident
• Do Nouse chappals, sandals and wet shoes while
working, as these do not provide proper protection

• Do Not wear very loose or very tight clothes while


• Do not make any unauthorised electrical connection

as they would generally be unprotected

• Do not use normal wires I cables on the HT side as

they are graded for 660V or 11OOV only, and will
cause electrocution, short-circuit or ground-fault

• Do not try to tap HT power on your own- this might

lead to a serious accident

• Do not work on- live components when you are alone

• Do Not work when in doubt about what needs to be

done & how it is to be done
• o not use oil based
components contact cleaners on live

• Do not use pieces of wire in piace of a fuse

• Do not leave any connect"

connections) lon loose (no loose

•· Do not short the terminals0f

unknowingly a cell/ battery, even

DO's while working on Tower-

a as always tie a Itools to yoLr \Vrist or

w i ...db•t so that they· Qo not fall down 1hile

VJO _ k'"f a
• Do always wear shoes while working on the tower

• Do use helmet when working below the tower

(between the tower-legs).
• Do a physical examinati n of work-area and ensure
cleanliness after the work

DON'Ts while working on Tower-

o no stand beUow or near the to er

hen somebody is working on i .

• Do not overeat or rema\n hungry- eat \n moderation

• Do not wear ery tight or very \oose c\othes

• Do not work in haste - work with concentration

DG Set Safety:
DOs while working or, DG Set -

Always obs e correct Polarity •hen

refitting the DG battery

• Do ensure that the DG is in OFF mode

before starting any work re\ated to it

• Do ensure that the batte fluid does not come in

contact with the skin or eyes

• Do ensure that the portable DG set does not run at

a closed location, where it can Gause any depos\ts I
concentration of toxic emissions

• Do a physical examination of work-area and

ensure cleanliness after the work
DON'Ts while working on DG Set_

Do .not flash (shortin ma

out'iJUt leads of Alter:ator 7enhtarily)_
out ut · c eck 1ts
\ .·
.Do notouch the engine parts
lmmed{ate/y after stopping the DG as
_th_ey_are\ hot and may cause serious
Do not go_ ·{,"_ear any moving parts of the
DG whe.n lf \!S

• Do not run the DG-$et without the Battery·in the

system \
'\ 1
• Do not disconnect the Battery cable or charging
system ·wiring while the Engine is running

• Do not··use high voltage in trument like Megger, on

connected wiring for insulation check

• Do not 'put· in your pocket an material which

OIL or FUEL on it \

• Do not permit a person wearing 1f ose clo hing (or

dangling chain /watch /bracelet) or. long half near
any moving parts
• Do not allow burnt combustible material of any
components of engine (seals etc.) to come incontac
With you skin or eyes, as it can be extremely

• Do not let oil and other-liquid drops seep into the soil
during servicing ofthe DG -take them to a suitable
disposal point

• Do not operate the DG which has Oil/ Diesel/ Water



Fire afety:

DO's for Fire Safety-

Do check Fire...extinguishers
having a pressur&oga ge dial
showing green & red bands) in
each visit. The pointer of the
iaishould be in green ban l t ll \;

goes i to red ba d,·he exti ishe
e eDne
h. 1Q fiae
s ..
Do make sure that Sand in the
S nd;; ckets, herever installed
,o e osened every 15 day

DON'Ts for Fire Safety-

• oo· not store welding cylinders at -tte-

DO's while Cabling-
Do make sure that for their O&M the cables
are checked througohut their routing, each
month1 for-
• Any hot spots
• Any damage to insulation
" loosening of cable-tie/support
" Pressure-points {sharp edges, comers,
acute bends.. u}, .
" Hot spots at terminations
• Status of ins ation tape on ugs (whether
the tape tac or has changed color or
is peeling off)
" Measu e curren low·ng thru each cab1e
0 cable s .ould be over Joaded
• if any of the a ove points _is foud during
routine inspection, remedaal action
be done immediatety without .
• aiting · or he oblem to beco e
cfsi w

Do ens re that the Current ra ing of the

cable is more (han the rating of t e
rotec ion used at he inpu of e cable

• Do always check the health (insulation resistance) of

the cable using a megger before laying the cable.
The resistance should be beyond 1OM-ohms

• Do make sure that the Cables are not rested on any

sharp edge as it can cause insulation damages and
ground faults (The Cables should not be under
any undue physical I mechanical pressure as it wi\\
cause burning of cable at the pressure points)

• Do make sure that the Cables are laid vertica\ly and

are adequately tied (preferably at every 1m). lf there
is more weight at any one point, then it will
pressurise the cable at that end

• Do make sure that the vertical cable is tied properly

otherwise the weight of the cable will pressurize
the cable at the vertical point tip (where cable
becomes vertical). This can be a highly potent \ 1


• Do always choose the rating of the cable,

considering the maximum ambient temperature
of the entire cable routing
• Do use lugs of proper size. Always use prope t
lugging. Only 1-strand cables can be usedrw out
• Do always insulate (using an insulation tape) that
specific part of the lug, which covers the cable

• Do use proper glands (metal glands for armored & ·

PVC glands for unarmored cables) for cable-entry in
panels I DBs . .

• Do always make sure that while burying cables in

the ground, the depth of the cables should be O.Sm.
In case the cables are crossing a .road, th.ey should
be laid atleast 1m deep. All cables crossing the road
and all buried flexible cables should be drawnin
a hume I G.l. pipes· or conduits ·

• Do make sure that the bending RADIUS of

the cables should be -

- For Flexible cables: 6 times the outer DIAMETER

of the cable
- For Armored cables: 8 times the outer DIAMETER
of the cable ·

• Do make sure that the cables are properly tied

on both sides of the bend, within a distance of
0.5m from the bend

• Do make sure that all terminations are tight

• !Jo ensure that cross-check of ALL the terminations
IS done (Cross-check means, if one person has done
the termination, second person should check it

• Do always use torque-wrench for critical

terminations. Required torque is generally specified
by the manufacturer of the equipment concerned
(e.g.:11Nfor battery terminals)

• Do make sure that the weight of cable or any stress

due to cable should not come on the terminals

• Do ensure that there are NO 'in-between' joints in

c;tny wire

• Do make sure that cables are laid through a metal

conduits or a metal duct, whenever it is necessary to
lay cables inside the room and below the ground. In
such a case the ends of the metal duct should be

• Do make sure that only 60% cross-section of duct I

trench should be filled with cables, in case the cables
are fully enclosed (in a duct or trench). Preferably,
there should be a gap between any,two cables equal
to the outer diameter of the cables (or the diameter of
bigger cable if they are of different sizes)
DON'Ts while Cabling

• Do not twist cables as it increases stress (pressure)

on the cable

• Do not overlap electrical cables in the case

of laying them for a longer distance (in a manner
when they touching other cables). LAN, Telephone
and other communication I signal cables should
be sufficiently apart and I or
shielded from power cables to avoid I
minimize any EMI. The same should be done for a
low voltage DC (48V or less) cable

• Do not intertwine I entangled cables with other

cables as it will cause a problem when removing I re
routing any of the cables

• Do not leave any flexible cables unprotected

ra II

· elmet:
· always wear helmet while driving a two-wheeler.
D always wear seat-belt while travelling in 4-wheeler.

Do ,not drive at speed greater than 60kmph..

Night driving:
Do keep the visor of your helmet (or wind-screen of
your car) clean.
Do not travel alone in unsafe areas.

Driving during rains:

Do wash/clean tires as often as possible (preferably
daily). .
Do while driving two-wheeler, wear helmet & raincoat. ·
DO NOT drive at speed greater than 40kmph.

Important DONTs )
Do not se mobile phone while driving.
Do not drink and drive.

First-aid tips

1 Clean I wash the wound.

2 Cover I press it with a finger I palm, till the bleeding stops.
3 Once the bleeding has stopped, put a band-aid on the wound.
4 If a band-aid is not available, then use any antiseptic.on the
wound and cover it with a piece of clean cloth, and then tiit
with a cloth- strip.
5 If the wound is deep or on a sensitive body-part, immediately
seek doctor's advice.
6 Do show the would to the Doctor within 24 hours, even if the
wound is not deep.
7 During your meeting with the doctor, insist on taking the
injection to avoid tetanus.


1 Identification of a fracture:
The internal wound in the case of a fracture pains more and
develops a swelling which is bigger, in comparison to a normal
2 If the fractured bone develops a bent, try straightening it by
pulling it outward. (This can be very painful).
3 Take a straight piece of wood, keep it along the broken bone
such that the area of the wound is near the center-point of the
wood-piece, and then tie it. This will ensure that the broken
bone does not move. ·:
4 Do not put any pressure on the broken bone or that body-part.
5 Take a pain-killer (disprin, asprin, combiflam, etc) if available.
6 Do visit a Doctor as soon as possible.
7 If the hurt is a combination of wound and fracture, follow steps
applicable for both.
· st-ai
Electrical shock

1 Preferably, do not work on a live system alone.

2 In the case of getting an electric shock, try getting away
from that area immediately. Sit and rest, and don't do
anythig till you are fully alert and have regained comptete
conscrousness. -
3 Drink water.
4 If you have accidently burnt any body part I the point
of contact, then follow steps applicable for bums.
5 In case you were unconscious after the shock, check for
any bums, wounds, fractures and internal wounds at an
parts of your body (by touching it with your hands).
- For burns, woun<;ls and fractures the steps app\icabte
for these should be done.
- 'For internal wounds, please see a doctor immediately.


1 In case of burn due to heat (fire, hot DG,etc) -

- Put clean water for 1 min or more on the effected part
- If it's a wound, follow the steps applicable for wounds
- In case of a skin burn, DO NOT put a band-aid or
cloth on the burn. If possible, try applying potato-
peal over the skin burn.
- After the basic first-aid has been done, vis\·t a doctor..
Also take the inJection to avoid tetanus
2 In case of burn due to. acid -
- Put clean water for 1 min or more on the efefcted part
- Visit a Doctor and also take injection to avoid tetanus
3 ·In case--acid goes into the EYE.. -
- Pour water for 5 min or more in the eye
·- Immediately see a doctor
4 ·Caution: Do NOT use iced water, ic·e, lee-cream,
instead of water ' '·
First-aid tips
Giddiness I Dizziness I Nausea

1 Immediately sit-down or lie-down and relax.

2 If you are deficient in any of the following, consume it_
-Water {water intake required is 31trs I day; out of
least 1 ltr should be before
-Breakfast of the day {always eat a good and filling breakfast)
- Should continuously eat something every 4-5hrs {every 3hrs
if you were sick in past 1Odays) ·
- Should eat something salty daily
- Should eat atleast 1 fruit every second day
- If you are habitual to tea I coffee, have you taken it today?
3 Go see a doctor.


1 Identification of fever -
-Your temperature should be more than 98.6°F or 37°C
(if you measure temperature in your arm-pit, add 1 °
to get your actual temperature).
- Your pulse rate (when you have rested for at least 1Omin)
should be more than 100 pulse/min.
2 Eat food I snacks and then have medicine
(crocin, paracetamol, etc) for fever.
3 Take ample rest.
4 If you are feeling cold from within,. then have foods that
are hot - like hot milk and hot watere etc.
5 If you are feeling hot from within then DON'T have foods that are
6 You can safely have upto 3 tablets (of crocin or
paracetamol) per day without doctor's advice. If the fever
does not subside within 24hrs, see a doctor.
7 If you get fever after you have gotten hurt (internal I external
wound, burn, fracture, strike on the head) then see a doctor
First-aid tiPS.
I unconsciousness
Heat stroke (giddiness I dizziness I nausea
due to excessive heat or heat-wave)

1 Sit-dqwn or lie-dowand relax. . consume it-

2 If you are deficient 1n any?f tdhf :! y·out of which at
-Water (water intake require IS ,
least 11tr should be before Pml od and filling breakfast)
- Brea·kfast of the day (always etah.a g very 4-Shrs (every 3hrs
- Should continuously eat some lng
if you were sick in past 1Odays)
_ Should eat something salty dally
-Should eat atleast 1 fruit every second day
_ Should eat something every 4-5 hrs
(every 3 hrs if you were sick.ip s i -J f%:butter-milk llassi I curd I cold-
3 Have more water and lemon-JUICe
Wear a cap & preferably wear cotton clothes.
5 Visit a doctor.

1 Do NOT attempt to thaw the frostbitten tissues if there is a possibility
that they could freeze again . . .
2 NEVER rub or massage a frostbitten trssue as rt can result rna
more severe damage.
3 Do NOT use any heating devices, stoves, or fires to treat frostbite.
Victims cannot feel the frostbitten tissue and can get burned easily
4 Body heat can be used to thaw a mild frostbite or frost nip
(tissues that are not quite frozen yet). For example, place
the mildly frostbitten fingers under the arm to keep them warm
5 To thaw a frostbite -
- Fill a shallow container with enough water to cover the frostbitten body part
-The water should be about 98 to 105 degrees (normal body temperature
or a little warmer)
- Continue to refresh the water in the container as it cools
- Keep the water at the same temperature as consistently as possible
It should take about halan hour to thaw thfrostbitten tissue this way
60 N<?T allow thawed ttssue to freeze aga1n. The damage is deeper
1f the t1ssue freezes .and thaws more than once. If the victim will soon
be exposed to fr ezrng temperatures again, wait to treat the frostbite
7 As soon as feastble, see a doctor.

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