T2 Q2 Part One - Palin

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1._Which of the following describes an open stratification system?

a.People are given their status at birth.

b.People remain at the same status level throughout their life.

c.People move between strata.

d.People change position within a caste but cannot move to a higher cas

2. Which of the following describes an open stratification system?

a. People are given their status at birth.

b. People remain at the same status level throughout their life.

c. People move between classes.

d. People change position within a caste but cannot move to a higher caste

3. Conflict theorists see competition over scarce resources as

a. unimportant in society.

b. the cause of social inequality.

c. a necessary feature of the social structure.

d. a survival function for simple societies.

4. About what portion of the wealth in the United States is controlled by the

richest 1 percent of the population?

a. less than one third

b. more than two thirds

c. exactly one fourth

d. almost half

5. Which of the following describes an open stratification system?

a. People move between strata.

b. People are given their status at birth.

c. People remain at the same status level throughout their life.

d. People change position within a caste but cannot move to a higher caste

6. Which of the following doesn't describes a closed stratification system?

a. People move between strata.

b. People are given their status at birth.

c. People remain at the same status level throughout their life.

d. People change position within a caste but cannot move to a higher caste

7. Choose three options describe a closed stratification system?

a. People move between strata.

b. People are given their status at birth.

c. People remain at the same status level throughout their life.

d. People change position within a caste but cannot move to a higher caste

8. A person’s socioeconomic status (SES) is determined by income,

a. caste, social status, and ethnicity.

b. age, gender, and race.

c. education level, occupational prestige, and place of residence.

d. popularity, education level, and social class.

9. a system of social stratification in which resources and rewards are distributed

on the basis of ascribed statuses

a. Class system

b. Social system

c. Caste system

d. Capital system

10. What tends to be the most important factor in determining prestige in the

United States?

a. power

b. family background

c. occupation

d. social status

11. marriage outside of one's own social category

a. Caste system

b. Endogamy

c. Class system

d. Exogamy

12. marriage inside of one's own social category

a. Caste system

b. Endogamy

c. Class system

d. Exogamy

13. Which of the following is not well explained by conflict theory?

a. Not everyone in a society has equal access to resources.

b. Positions that offer higher rewards are not always more important.

c. Not everyone is suited for every position in a society.

d. none of these

14. the unequal sharing of scarce resources and social rewards

a. Social Equality

b. Social Justice

c. Social Inequality

d. Social Equity

15. Which of the following synthesizes conflict theory and functionalist theory?

a. Each approach complements the other and explains specific aspects of


b. The theories of stratification are incorrect and need revising.

c. Children of wealthy parents go to the best colleges.

d. People spend years learning a skill because the reward is high.

According to functionalists, astronauts should make more money than drivers.

( Correct )

According to the functionalist , important jobs should go to important people and

important people should be wealthier than lowers ones

An example of exogamy is a member of the ruling class marrying a member of

the artisan class. Correct

An example of endogamy is a member of the ruling class marrying a member

of the artisan class. In correct

According to endogamy, marriage within only caste is promotes


1. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Poverty is a relative measure.

b. Poverty levels are the same across the world.

c. Poverty is earning less than $50,000 a year.

d. More than half of the U.S. poor are men.

2. What are two reasons why poor Americans have more health problems and

shorter life expectancies than wealthy Americans?

a. inadequate nutrition and less access to medical care

b. fewer female-headed households and poor education

c. war on poverty and high crime rates

d. higher property taxes and less school funding

3. Which president declared a “war on poverty” in order to reduce inequality in


a. Lyndon B. Johnson

b. John F. Kennedy

c. Franklin D. Roosevelt

d. Richard M. Nixon

4. How has the current overall poverty rate in the United States changed since

the early 1970s?

a. decreased

b. remained the same

c. increased

d. been eliminated

5. What caused the poverty rate for people aged 65 and older to decrease?

a. decreased Medicare

b. introduction of Medicaid

c. increased Supplemental Security Income

d. introduction of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

6. Which of the following does not influence the likelihood that an individual

lives in poverty?

a. age

b. gender

c. Personality

d. race

7. Where does money for transfer payments come from?

a. tax revenues

b. donations

c. health-care facilities

d. crime

8. Select the statement that best explains how someone in the United States can

live more comfortably than someone in a different nation yet still have a hard

time affording basic needs.

a. By definition, there are no poor people in the United States.

b. The standard of living in the United States is high.

c. Most Americans do not qualify for public assistance.

d. none of these

9. For what family size is the poverty level most often quoted in news stories?

a. 2 persons

b. 6 persons

c. 4 persons

d. 1 person

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10. Which of the following is lower for poor Americans than it is for wealthy


a. divorce

b. arrest rates

c. life expectancy

d. crime rates

11._Which of the following is higher for poor Americans than it is for wealthy

Americans? Choose three

a. divorce

b. arrest rates

c. life expectancy

d. crime rates

English economist Thomas Malthus predicted that there would not be any problems

resulting from population growth. false

English economist Thomas Malthus predicted that there would be many problems

resulting from population growth

11 | P a g e
Americans tend to give an individual respect and honor based on what the individual

a. wears.

b. does for a living.

c. eats.

d. earns.

Which of the following is an important difference between wealthy people and poor

people in America?

a. They wear different clothes.

b. They have different life chances.

c. They have different musical tastes.

d. One has better genes

Which theory predicts that the population grows through geometric progression?

a. demographic transition

b. Malthusian

c. subcultural

d. urban anomie

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1. The movement of people from one specified area to another is called

a. the demographic transition theory.

b. demography.

c. migration.

d. urban ecology.

2. The actual number of births occurring to women of childbearing age is called

a. fecundity.

b. family planning.

c. fertility.

d. birthrate

3. The biological capability to bear children is called

a. fecundity.

b. fertility.

c. birthrate.

d. family planning

13 | P a g e
4. The area of sociology devoted to the study of human populations is known as

a. ecology.

b. growth rate.

c. demography.

d. population change.

5. The formula for finding birthrate within a population is

a. total population divided by live births multiplied by 1000.

b. live births divided by total population multiplied by 1000.

c. total population divided by live births multiplied by 100.

d. live births divided by total population multiplied by 100

6. The formula for finding death rate within a population is

a. total population divided by live deaths multiplied by 1000.

b. deaths divided by total population multiplied by 1000.

c. total population divided by deaths multiplied by 100.

d. deaths divided by total population multiplied by 100

14 | P a g e
7. The rate at which a country’s population is increasing is called its

a. demographic transition.

b. migration rate.

c. growth rate.

d. doubling time.

8. Because it does not take into account the varying death rates among subgroups

in the population, demographers often refer to the death rate as

a. life span.

b. the crude death rate.

c. the infant mortality rate

9. A country has an enormous potential for growth when it has a large percentage


a. adults of working age.

b. elderly living to life expectancy.

c. women.

d. children.

15 | P a g e
10. The average number of years that a person born in a particular year can expect

to live is called the

a. birth rate.

b. life span.

c. crude birth rate.

d. life expectancy.

11. The number of years necessary for a population to double in size is called

a. demographic transition.

b. doubling time

c. growth rate.

d. migration rate.

12. The number of people living in an area at a particular time is called

a. demography.

b. migration.

c. growth rate.

d. population

16 | P a g e
13._Which of the following countries has an intensive campaign to reduce the

number of births to one child per family?

a. Japan

b. United States

c. China

d. Germany

14._The area of sociology devoted to the study of human populations is known as

a. population.

b. demography.

c. growth rate.

d. migration.

The population growth rate is the same in every country.false because each country

has its own birth and death rate

Migration occurs as a result of push and pull factors. Yes

17 | P a g e

the likelihood that individuals have of sharing a- Infant Mortality rate

the opportunities and benefits of society

it is the minimum annual income needed by a

family to survive b- poverty level

an individual’s rank according to wealth, c- life chance

power, and prestige

average number of years that a person born in d- life expectancy

a particular year can expect to live

annual number of deaths among infants under e- socioeconomic status

one year of age per 1,000 live births in a


a grouping of people with similar levels of f- Social inequality

wealth, power, and prestige

unequal sharing of scarce resources and social G- FERTILITY


workers who sell their labor in exchange for H- SOCIAL CLASS


actual number of births occurring to women of I- PROLETARIAT

childbearing age

18 | P a g e

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