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1. Bandwagon

appeals to a public’s desire to conform. For example, a politician or product may be

promoted as the one already most popular with the public

2. Testimonials

refers to the use of famous people to sell products or secure votes

3. Propaganda

organized and deliberate attempt to shape public opinion

4. Glittering

refers to the use of words that sound positive but have little real meaning

5. Transfer

generalities, is similar to testimonials in that it attempts to associate a product or candidate

with something that the public approves of or respects. For example advertisers might
display their product with national symbols, such as the flag and historic monuments,
suggesting that buying the product is patriotic. →

6. Plain Folks Appeal‫التقرب لعامة الشعب‬

attempts to sway public opinion by appealing to the average American ( poor ).

7. Which statement best exemplifies the plain-folks appeal?

a. A commercial for dishwashers explains that the company believes in happiness.

b. The president is shown chopping wood at his ranch.

c. A snack food’s mascot eats the product.

d. A politician is shown shaking hands with the biggest pop star.

8. Public opinion

refers to the collection of differing attitudes that members of a public have about a
particular issue

9. Which of the following is related to public opinion?

a. opinion polls

b. collective behavior

c. propaganda

d. all of the above

10. Which of the following is NOT an example of object fads?

a. Hula-hoops

b. Tamagotchi

c. Mannequin Challenge

d. Fidget spinner

11. an example of idea fad is .........................

a. Horoscope

b. Tamagotchi

c. Hula hoop

d. Bobet

12. Name-calling

refers to the use of negative labels or images in order to make competitors appear in an
unfavorable light.

13. Conventional crowd

People may not interact with one another very much, but they act according to established
rules of behavior.

14. Casual crowd,

forms spontaneously because some event captures people’s attention.

It is the least organized and most temporary type of crowd.


Acting crowd Expressive crowd ( positive )

violent crowds. Non -violent crowds.

The emotions that typify this crowd are This type of crowd forms around emotionally
much more intense than those found in an charged activities such as rock concerts,
expressive crowd. holiday celebrations, or the funeral of a
The emotions are usually hostile and public figure
destructive and generally focus on one
particular target

Mob Casual
Riots conventional
Protest crowd

15. Mob

The most violent form of an acting crowd is ...........

It is an emotionally charged collectivity whose members are united by a specific destructive

or violent goal

16. Protest crowd

While these crowds sometimes exhibit characteristics of acting crowds, they tend to be
better organized and longer lasting. Further, afterwards the participants often continue to
work together toward a goal.

17. According to sociologist Herbert Blumer, what crowd type is violent?

a. casual

b. acting

c. conventional

d. expressive

18. Which of the following is not an accurate statement?

a. Public opinion is a type of collectivity.

b. Riots are a type of expressive crowd.

c. Fads are a type of collective preoccupation.

d. Mobs are a type of acting crowd.

19. Which of the following statements describes a fashion?

a. For the second season, green is the color of couches in catalogs.

b. A group of people organize a flash mob to dance in front of city hall.

c. A massive crowd goes to a supermarket and buys up all the milk.

d. This month, all the girls at school want neon-colored bracelets.

20. Which of the following identifies what happens when people push each other in
order to get out of a burning building?

a. protest

b. panic

c. riot

d. mob

21. Which of the following is related to public opinion?

a. opinion polls

b. collective behavior

c. propaganda

d. all of the above

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