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Words used in this reading text

Directions : Study the words and definitions

1. advances – (n) – progress, development

2. gaps – (n) – space, aperture
3. conceal – (v) – hide, keep out of sight
4. attribution – (n) - acknowledgement
5. heat waves – (n) – calefaction, calidity
6. unequivocal – (adj) - undeniable
7. droughts – (n) – shortage of water
8. dramatically – (adv) – drastically, considerably
9. disrupted – (v) – throw into disorder
10. measurements – (n) – estimation, calculation
11. comprehensive – (adj) – extensive, full
12. overview – (n) – outline, review
13. denying – (v) – turning down, declining
14. inventory – (n) – catalog, record
15. sparse – (adj) – sporadic, scarce

Kegiatan inti 4
Read this text carefully and answer the question based on the instructions given.


How climate Change is affecting extreme weather events around the world?

Attribution science has led to major advances in linking the impacts of extreme
weather and human-induced climate change, but large gaps in the published research still
conceal the full extent of climate change damage, warns a new study released today in the
first issue of Environmental Research: Climate, a new academic journal published by IOP
Researchers from the University of Oxford, Imperial College London and the Victoria
University of Wellington reviewed the impacts of five different types of extreme weather
events and to what degree these damaging events could be attributed to human induced
climate change.
To do this, they combined information from the latest Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change reports and results from a fast increasing body of attribution studies --
where weather observations and climate models are used to determine the role that climate
change played in specific weather events.
They found that for some extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, the link with
climate change is clear and unequivocal across the world, and that the extent of the impacts
are likely being underestimated by insurers, economists and governments. For others, such
as tropical cyclones, the paper shows that important differences exist between regions and
the role that climate change plays in each event is more variable than for heatwaves.
"The rise of more extreme and intense weather events such as heatwaves, droughts
and heavy rainfall have dramatically increased in recent years, affecting people all over the
globe. Understanding the role that climate change plays in these events can help us better
prepare for them. It also allows us to determine the real cost that carbon emissions have in
our lives," says Ben Clarke from the University of Oxford, lead author of the study.
The authors note that there is an urgent need for more data from lower- and middle-
income countries, where the impacts of climate change are more strongly felt. Research on
these impacts is hampered when national weather data is not publicly available -- examples
include South Africa, where corruption denies funds to weather reporting facilities leading to
huge data gaps in an otherwise good network; drought-prone Somalia, where disorderly
regime changes have disrupted measurements; and many countries, such as Poland, where
weather data is only available for a high fee, and thus generally not for publicly funded
"We really don't have a comprehensive overview or detailed inventory of what
impacts climate change is having today, yet," says Dr Friederike Otto from the Grantham
Institute -- Climate Change and the Environment at Imperial College London, co-author of
the study.
"But we do now have the tools and advanced understanding to create such an
inventory, but these need to be applied more evenly across the world to improve our
understanding in areas where evidence is lacking. Otherwise, we are denying countries the
knowledge to make the best use of sparse funds and improve chances for people to live
safely and adapt to the changing climate," she concludes.

1. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

A.To tell the truth about climate and weather
B.To discuss a natural phenomenon to the readers
C.To inform how climate change effects extreme weather events
D.To convey that climate change and extreme weather are separated
E.To describe climate change happens in one of continents in the world

2. Attribution science has led to major advances in linking the impacts of extreme
weather and human-induced climate change, but large gaps in the published
research still conceal the full extent of climate change damage, warns a new study
released today in the first issue of Environmental Research: Climate, a new academic
journal published by IOP Publishing. The correlation of the first and the next
sentence is….
A. contrastive
B. augmentative
C. persuasive
D. supportive
E. additional

3. The word ‘conceal’ in paragraph 1 in the passage is closest in meaning to…


4. "We really don't have a comprehensive overview or detailed inventory of what

impacts climate change is having today, yet," The sentence means the effects of
climate change today…
A.have been widely published to the public
B.will be seriously reported to all countries
C.must be seriously investigated by environmentalists
D.are still being thoroughly researched by climate scientists
E.should be clearly exposed to the citizens in all countries

5. Understanding the role that climate change plays in these events can help us better
prepare for them. (paragraph 5).
The underlined word refers to….
A.natural disasters
B.terrible catastrophes
C.unpredictable disasters
D.natural phenomena
E.heatwaves, droughts and heavy rainfall

6. State these following sentences TRUE or FALSE based on text.

The sentences TRUE FALSE

1.Researchers from the University of Oxford,

Imperial College London and the Victoria
University of Wellington reviewed the impacts
of five different types of extreme weather

2. Weather observations and climate models

are never used to determine the role that
climate change played in specific weather

3. Volcanic eruption and landslide also

support and drive climate change annually.
4. A study about the effects of climate change
is hampered in Somalia.

5. Dr. Friederike Otto from the Grantham

Institute -- Climate Change and the
Environment at Imperial College London, co-
author of the study is a climate scientist.

7. According to the passage, it can be hypothesized that the more……, the less……
A.human concentrate and minimize global warming – climate change will occur
B.scientists research on weather patterns – global warming will happen
C.governments in the world pay attention to the environment – natural disasters will
be overcome
D.environmentalists and climate experts study on natural disasters – hot issue can
be minimized
E. human bad behavior is decreased – global warming will happen

8. Based on the text, What can be concluded about the climate change affecting
extreme weather? You can write more than one conclusion.

•That there are important differences between regions and the role of climate change
in each event is more varied than heat waves
•The emergence of more extreme and intense weather events such as heat waves,
droughts and heavy rainfall has increased dramatically in recent years
•The role of climate change in these events can help us prepare better


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